Breaking the Day

Chapter 957: Even if you have Zhang Liangji

Prince's Mansion, greenhouse.

The prince’s house, which was originally gloomy, was beaming with joy at this time. Almost everyone was smiling because of the prince’s return, and people could even hear the celebratory firecrackers.

But in stark contrast to the laughter and laughter outside, it was the dull atmosphere in the conservatory. At this time, the prince sat head up, his cheeks were thin, and his eyebrows were tightly furrowed. Although some of the others were sitting in distress, the eyebrows were full. The joy that can't be concealed is because of the joy of the prince's return; some people pretend to be relaxed, but their eyes are full of worry, because the four princes are worried about holding the military power.

After a while, the prince slowly spoke, and said in a hoarse voice: "Gu... determined to ask the father to resign the prince..."

This sentence was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. The few loyal followers of the prince in the greenhouse were frightened. Even Zhang Datong, who had always been calm and calm, stood up in shock and said silently: "Wan Wanwan No!"

Ning Tongyi was impatient, and immediately knelt in the hall, and said excitedly: "Your Highness, don't do it!!"

Others also knelt down one after another, Gu Cangping said with a look of shame: "The humble duty is dull, and even if your Highness has been so wronged, the Lord humiliates his officials to death, and the low duty deserves to die!"

Xiao Yueping also choked up and said: "Where did your Highness say this? If your Highness gives up at this time, how will the people live that day? How about the great Qi Jiangshan? Is your Highness going to watch the four princes destroy this great country?"

The prince is also persevering and has an iron temper. When he said these discouraging words, it can be seen that his heart is also desperate to the extreme. He shook his head and whispered: "I am lonely and helpless. You made arrangements to stay away from the capital. Although the place is a bit bitterly cold,... it is still far away from the capital, and he will not embarrass you too much when he wants to come."

Ning Tongyi stood up quickly, and said angrily: "Your Highness, who do you think I am waiting for?"

Gu Cangping also got up and said with tears: "His Royal Highness treats me like a scholar of the country, and I will serve as a soldier of the country! Is there anyone in the world who abandons the lord and runs away?"

The prince said with red eyes: "One general is incompetent, and the three armies are exhausted. I am lonely and incompetent. No matter how hard I try, I can't win the father's favor. Now it's done..."

Gu Cangping immediately said, "Why did your Highness say this? Right now, it is clear that His Highness has already taken the lead. Why do you say such frustrating words?"

The prince smiled sadly: "Father has handed over the Zhengxi camp to the fourth younger brother. That is nearly half of the elite forces in the entire Gyeonggi area... Except for Long Tenghai and the Zhanjia, he is in control!" Looking at Zhang Datong, he said bitterly: "The Taifu once taught me: the emperor, the strong and the strong! How can I sit on the throne without heavy soldiers?"

Gu Cangping laughed loudly: "It turns out that your Highness is unreasonably worried because of this!"

The prince looked at Gu Cangping incomprehensibly, and said, "Why do you say this? Isn't the fourth brother holding 200,000 soldiers in his hand, shouldn't he worry about it?"

Gu Cangping smiled and said: "If these two hundred thousand soldiers have always been in the capital, or control the five gates, it will indeed be like a sword hanging in the head, like a barb in the throat, but the two hundred thousand troops will go to the northwest with the four princes. , Then he is like a tiger from the mountain, a dehydrated seabird, and he can't get up again!"

Ning Tongyi slapped his slap and laughed: "Hey! It's the prince's think tank! This is great!" After all, he shook his hand toward the prince in excitement, and said very quickly: "Your Majesty, don't worry! The so-called warriors and horses do not move the food and grass first, and the 200,000 soldiers who eat and chew are all piled up by the golden mountains and the silver sea! As long as we continue to firmly control the households, the life and death of the 200,000 troops will be controlled by us. In hand!"

The prince was also a soldier. The reason why he was worried and desperate was because a series of mistakes and blows left him in chaos!

Especially after the emperor imprisoned him in the Changqiu Palace, he thought carefully, one by one clues, one after another mystery, and the results that made him shudder!

From the beginning of the assassination of the prince, to the murder of Taiyang City, to the assassination of the official Daxing, and later the night assault on Xiefangyuan, and the shocking case of the concubine of the Ming concubine, there is only the last one in this series of cases. The case of Concubine Killing the King was solved, and all the others fell into the sea!

Can't all the cases caught by the three divisions be investigated?


Isn't it because the power of the messenger behind it is too strong?

Who has such a powerful force? If it is the fourth younger brother, then Sansi must ask the emperor for instructions, and the emperor will shelter him again and again...what does that mean?

Especially when he was released from house arrest, he heard the news that his fourth brother had worshipped General Xi, and he could not help being pessimistic and desperate!

Hearing Gu Cangping and Ning Tongyi’s analysis, the crown prince immediately understood something, and there was a rosy look on his face. Xiao Yueping also immediately followed up and said: "His Royal Highness, Gu Langzhong and Ning Shilang are extremely right. Now it seems that the four princes have the upper hand, but he is in danger. As long as he leaves Beijing, it will be the day when his death period begins!"

Zhang Datong laughed: "At this moment, as long as I stay calm and watch the changes, I can help the four princes leave Beijing quickly to sit on the wall!"

Ning Tongyi said: "Should we immediately open the door to the four princes to leave Beijing for food and grass, so that he can leave Beijing as soon as possible?"

Gu Cangping immediately said: "No! The fourth prince is not a fool. If we try to urge him to leave Beijing, he should have doubts! The current plan is to contact the Yushi prosecutor immediately, and violently impeach him as a prince but with a heavy weapon in hand, Once you leave Beijing, you will have the intention of plotting wrongdoing."

Xiao Yueping slapped his face and said, "Good! I will make arrangements!"

Ning Tongyi thought for a while, and said, "Then I will contact the Ministry of War, so that they will be ready for the conscription team as soon as possible."

The prince pondered for a while and said: "You must prepare the best. The fourth brother's expedition is to help the war family guard the nine prisons to prevent the Nine Nether King from being born again. This matter is no small matter. Don't mislead the world with private grievances common people!"

Ning Tongyi admired: "His Royal Highness is noble and clean, and the old ministers admire the world!"

Several people were making plans in the room in a low voice. Suddenly they heard a rush of footsteps outside, and then a person outside said loudly: "Report! Urgent report!!"

Everyone in the room immediately condensed. The changes in Beijing were so fast that people were dizzying and frightened. No one knew what earth-shattering changes would happen in the next second, so that they heard such urgent news. Such experienced courtiers who pride themselves on being a man of nourishment could not help being frightened!

The prince said solemnly: "In!"

A guard came in quickly at the door and rushed in with a bitter wind. He held up a red lacquered wooden box and presented it.

Everyone's heart jumped immediately, because they knew that only the most important and urgent messages would be sent in a red wooden box.

Xiao Yueping stepped forward and took the wooden box. After taking a deep breath, he opened the wooden box and opened the wooden box. His eyes widened after just one glance. His face became pale, and he said coldly: "When the four princes took the prince and concubine to the East Lake I fell into the lake. At this time, the cold broke out and I was unconscious..."

When Gu Cangping heard this, he blurted out: "No! The four princes have seen through the emperor's meaning of adjusting the tiger away from the mountain, he...this is self-harm, delaying time!!"

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