Breaking the Day

Chapter 959: Jun Wu's jokes shocked the whole hall

Shenjing, Wenhua Palace.

Now that the emperor has awakened and started to serve as a board member, Zhao Feiyue will naturally move out of the Wenhua Palace. She immediately returned the Zhenguo Jade Seal and the Tongji Jade Pei. These two sacred objects representing the supreme power can easily mobilize hundreds of thousands of capitals. The army's tokens were handed back so lightly.

When Zhao Bairen saw the two sacred objects presented, he couldn't help but be stunned. He grew up in the palace for so many years, and even the magic of power is like a monster, which can corrode people's hearts and devour humanity. He has seen countless A determined man was infected by the erosion of power and became the most terrifying devil. He also personally ruined countless lunatics who were controlled by the demon of power and eventually became frantic, even himself, under the erosion of time and the erosion of power. A little bit became what it is now.

How many emperors in the world didn't want to make a difference when they first came to power?

Zhao Bairen quietly observed Zhao Feiyue, who was kneeling not far below, as if he wanted to find the slightest bit of reluctance and emotional fluctuations on her face, but he quickly gave up in disappointment.

He trusts this daughter, but this trust is definitely not 100%. In fact, apart from himself, no emperor in the world dares to trust a person 100%, even if this person is his own child. If there is, it must be this child. There is no power and no ability to threaten oneself.

But Zhao Feiyue has. With her identity and strength, if she holds the Zhen Guo Yu Xi and the Jade Pendant, even if she does not suddenly think of herself as the emperor, as long as she falls to the prince, she will immediately change the sky!

Any prince who holds the jade seal of the town and the jade pendant is legally qualified to inherit the throne!

But Zhao Feiyue didn't. She didn't seem to realize the power of these two holy relics at all, and she returned them like the dishes.

Even Zhao Bairen, who had anticipated this result, was still a little moved. His eye circles were red for a while, and he sighed softly, "It is said that it is the most ruthless emperor's family. Today should really be called those courtiers. The people will come and see what is called? There is love in the heavens! And, there are my two good sons..."

Having said this, Zhao Bairen smiled sadly and said, "I really have two good sons!"

Zhao Feiyue was silent, lowered her head, and said nothing.

She didn't even dare to talk to each other, and the people around her looked even more attentively, for fear of being named by the emperor.

Whatever terrible comes, Zhao Bairen suddenly turned his head to look at the chief manager next to him, and sneered: "Xiao Dezi, what do you think? Are my two sons very good?"

This powerful chief executive is the chief executive in front of others, but in front of the emperor, it can only be Xiao Dezi. He lowered his eyebrows and smiled and said: "Your Majesty's family affairs, where is the turn of the servants to put their beaks."

Zhao Bairen sneered, then looked at Zhao Feiyue, and said, "Tell me, are your two brothers getting better and better?"

Zhao Feiyue lowered her head slightly and did not speak. The hall became terribly silent, and the air seemed to freeze. Zhao Bairen's eyes seemed to be scorching, staring at people like a sharp knife!

Zhao Bairen was silent for a while, then suddenly slapped the dragon chair, and roared, "Say!!!"

Zhao Feiyue hurriedly crawled down and said: "Father's anger is calmed down! What the third and fourth brothers did is due to reasons, and they didn't intentionally contradict the father..."

Zhao Bairen giggled, and the voice came from between his teeth: "Yes, they have the most reason in the world! Their reasons are greater than the emperor's fate! Do they think that being a father is reluctant to give a harsh lesson? Son’s! Even if it’s a lesson, it’s just a spanking, and then it’s over?"

Zhao Feiyue quickly raised her eyes and glanced at Zhao Bairen, then lowered her head, panicking: "That's not what my daughter meant..."

Zhao Bairen didn't seem to hear: "Did they forget? They are not only our sons, but also our courtiers!"

Zhao Bairen showed a hideous look, and said: "The two of them have brought good heads and set good examples! If the courtiers of the world are like them, they will put the emperor's destiny three times and hinder the emperor. Land?"

Zhao Feiyue raised her head nervously, and said: "Father...grace!"

Zhao Bairen’s eyes showed strong anger and hatred. He was angry that these two sons regarded himself as dead puppets, and regarded the emperor’s fate as nothing. What he hated was that they put themselves in a situation where the people of the world laughed: even their sons. If you don't listen to your orders, who else can you call?

Zhao Bairen looked at Chief Manager Xiao Dezi with a sullen face, and gritted his teeth and said: "Xiao Dezi, you say! You must say! What should I do with these two great filial sons?"

The general manager was forced to be helpless, so he had to kneel down and kowtow, choking and sobbing: "The servant is dull and can't help your majesty to solve problems, but the servant is distressed for your majesty's dragon body, your majesty calms down your anger, your majesty's poison has just gone, and the dragon body is unsafe and should not be angry. what!"

Zhao Bai stared at the general manager fiercely, and the green veins on the back of the hand holding the dragon chair violently. After a long time, he slowly leaned against the dragon chair. The whole figure seemed to collapse. I wailed: "Fine, nothing! What do you mean...I know all that, is it just trying to persuade me not to be eager and patience? Just these two successful sons, don't forgive them... in the future this country will deliver it again Who owns it?"

Zhao Bairen said with a sad expression: "At the beginning, I let the old fourth take charge of part of the affairs. I also wanted them to be brothers and sisters. In the future, the third will succeed and the fourth will be able to help the third. Brothers, father and son soldiers went into battle. But I didn’t expect that the two brothers would now turn against each other and become like this! I...repent of regret!"

The general manager cried: "Your Majesty, the dragon body is important!"

Zhao Bairen waved his hand and said, "I'm just an old man who is going to be dead. This country will have to be handed over sooner or later. Late payment is worse than early payment, and it saves so much trouble!"

This sentence shocked everyone in the whole hall to raise their heads, like a violent thunder, all of them couldn't believe their ears!


What did your majesty just say?

The Chief General's eyes widened, and he trembled: "Your Majesty... why did you say this..."

Zhao Bairen slowly sat up straight from the dragon chair. He paused and said categorically: "My will is determined! After fifteen days, I will be in Zen position!"

what? !

Zhao Feiyue was stunned!

The father is going to give in?

This... is this kidding?

But... Jun has no joking. How can there be any reason for the emperor to take back such words? !

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