Breaking the Day

Chapter 968: Shattered window paper

After Li Chengfeng noticed and mastered the method of using the sacred pen, he was determined that he did not use the sacred pen here in order to avoid revealing his hole cards, but suppressed his ecstasy and emotion.

I am ecstatic that I have mastered the use of the writing pen at this time, which is tantamount to adding a heavy bargaining chip to the fierce world No. 1 fighting method in the future.

The feeling is that the east side is not bright and the west side is bright. He has nowhere to look after breaking through the iron shoes. One of his unintentional choices made him understand how to use the sacred pen.

Speaking of it, he unexpectedly owed Qian Shanxue a favor.

Li Chengfeng thought of this, and soon had an idea in his mind. He saw Qian Shanxue staring at the court, his eyebrows were furrowed, his expression was impatient, and he was extremely dissatisfied. When the scene was over, everyone was very dissatisfied. Stopped, all eyes fell on the man sitting in a wheelchair with a thick blanket on his body.

At this time, Qian Shanxue lowered his head slightly, his eyes drooping, and his fingers lightly tapped the palm of the other hand.

Although he is already a handicapped person who can't take care of himself in life, he is the absolute authority here. No musician, dancer, or singer dared to take a breath of extra breath, for fear of disturbing his thinking.

Because the higher the artistic attainments, the more he knows the artistic attainments of the disabled man in front of him and how brilliant his talents are.

Yu Meiren cherishes her talents and loves her talents, and because she saw the grandeur and greatness of the "General Banquet" after she met Mingzhu, she was extremely shocked and ecstatic knowing: a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity is here!

As a prostitute, as the head of the line, what is the greatest ideal in life? Is it to marry an honest and wealthy man to enjoy his old age? Are you marrying a prince and aristocrat and flying to a high branch?

Maybe some people would think so, but Poppy would not. Her life's greatest desire is to be able to stay in history and prove herself that she is a great musician, a great artist, not a prostitute for people to enjoy the drama!

Poppies knows that as long as she can participate in the great work of General Banquet, she will definitely be in the Chunlan Club, and her name will go down in history!

Therefore, the poppies who desperately want to win this Chunlan meeting gave Qianshanxue the supreme status and power in the Beauty Tower. Here, the poppies who hold the power of life and death even have to stay low in front of Qianshanxue, making a humble smile. The purpose is only to enable Qianshanxue to create better, to better complete this "General Banquet", and to make it more perfect.

And this "General Banquet" is basically a finished product, otherwise the poppies would not invite Li Chengfeng to watch and appreciate it, but Qian Shanxue is an extremely demanding person. He is a perfectionist and cannot tolerate his own. There are imperfections in the work. For him, the two plays rehearsed here today, one is that there are always gaps in the performance of the two sides, which makes him very angry, while the other is in the form of expression. He always felt very dissatisfied.

Everyone waited for a long time. Qian Shanxue tapped the fingers of his palm faster and faster, and his expression became more and more impatient. Just as the singers, dancers, and musicians became more and more frightened, thinking that he was going to be because of Qianshanxue again. When Yu Xingshou was punished for the attack, a voice suddenly rang.

"Why not try a chorus?"

Hearing this voice, Qian Shanxue turned his head vigorously, but saw Li Chengfeng standing up and looking at himself. He was taken aback for a moment, and then fell into deep thought.

Since ancient times, there has been a saying that "silk is not as good as bamboo, and bamboo is not as good as meat", which means that string music is not as good as wind music, and wind is not as good as vocal music.

This refers to the difference in the expressive power of musical instruments, rather than the difference in technical skills of the same instrument.

If you want to discuss whether the technique of the guzheng is difficult, the technique is superior, or the technique of the pipa is more cool, then this is a question that has been debated for ten thousand years and cannot be debated.

But if you talk about expressive power, rendering power, silk is not as good as bamboo, and bamboo is not as good as meat, this is a fact recognized by the art and music circles, because the expressive power of the human voice is almost infinite, and it can always bring people Come surprise and shock.

In vocal music, chorus is the strongest form of expression and rendering.

Whether it’s the Yellow River Cantata that Li Chengfeng has heard in his previous life or Beethoven’s Ninth Ode to Joy, it is the supreme artwork in the music hall. Anyone who has heard the chorus will admit that there is nothing here except chorus. The form of musical expression can surpass it.

Chorus has unparalleled expressiveness in emotions and scenes such as grand, majestic, atmospheric, and intense. Therefore, there is also a saying that "chorus is the highest form of music".

But in this world, or in ancient times, chorus has always been a part that has not been valued by people, because in ancient times, or in this world, music was mainly circulated among teachers, brothels, and theater troupes.

Jiaofang Si mostly performed in solemn and high-end venues, so he paid more attention to instrumental music and dance, because adults often coveted at banquets and talked about heaven and earth. The musicians and dancers of Jiao Fang Si are just for fun, so most of the singing There is no time, even if there is, it is a solo.

The brothel is mostly singing, dancing, instrumental solo performances, solo performances, because brothel is developed around oiran courtesans, all performances must be carried out around her alone, all performances must set off her, set off her, so very It is difficult to have large-scale instrumental and dance music performances. The larger number of dancers are those with outstanding skills. For example, the Oiran dancer Miao Keren in the capital is famous for his unparalleled dance skills. She dares to use it. Large-scale dance troupes come to perform, because everyone's dance is to set off her.

But the singers are different, they are easily suppressed by the chorus, they dare not take this risk at all.

As for the opera troupes, most of them study the opera singing and work hard in the melodious singing. It is even more impossible to develop the form of chorus.

Therefore, Li Chengfeng's fluttering sentence accidentally pierced a layer of window paper.

Just like Mingzhu tried to add a string to the pipa, but it promoted the revolutionary development of the pipa, and in turn promoted the development of the entire music, performance, opera and performance.

Sometimes in certain areas, the window paper is there, it is invisible or even intangible, but once someone breaks through the past intentionally or unintentionally, it is a whole new realm and a whole new world.

Qian Shanxue pondered for a while, he raised his head abruptly, took a deep look at Li Chengfeng, and then turned to Yu Meiren and said, "Are there singers in the mansion?"

Poppies are also a person with extremely high artistic attainments. She has already realized that Li Chengfeng’s solution is the best solution without even trying. She immediately nodded and said, "Yes! Yes!"

Except for the thugs in the Beauty Building, there are basically more or less artistic accomplishments. After all, it is a piece of wood that is nurtured every day in such a place, and the smoke is also smoked out.

Poppies quickly selected a group of female singers who sang well and some male singers. After a simple rehearsal and training, Qian Shanxue asked them to sing the part before the chorus performance.

Although most of them are female singers, the momentum of this chorus is completely different from the previous solo singers!

Everyone just felt that the chorus was as powerful as the mountains, the majestic atmosphere, the magnificent sense of presence and the vocal rendering power instantly made all of them stand upright and full of blood!

After they finished singing briefly, although the flaws were everywhere, there were even pitch problems, but whether it was Poppies or Chuchu, or Mingzhu and the musicians of the soundtrack, all of them were flushed with excitement and tears. Orbital.

They all stared straight on Li Chengfeng's face, because they knew that this person opened a door and let them see a whole new world!

In this Chunlan meeting, they will shake the world and stay in history!

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