Breaking the Day

Chapter 976: The much-anticipated fighting ceremony

Shenjing, the central square.

The much-anticipated World's Number One Fighting Contest finally kicked off.

Regarding this battle, whether it is the gods or the royal family, they are very impatient. The gods have spent a huge amount of money to hold this battle meeting that brings together the world's elite monks. The purpose is naturally not for charity, but to win people's hearts. , To show everyone in the world the unshakable absolute dominance of the gods in Daqi!

Even the invincible national teacher Chang Yuan, he can feel the continuous decline of the majesty and prestige of the gods under the impact of continuous wars and natural disasters, especially the continuous rise of the crown prince in such a crisis, his prestige has been It caused a great impact on the prestige of the national division.

Precisely because of this, those sects of spiritual practice that have been trying to challenge the status of the religion have also begun to move around one by one.

After all, which powerful sect in the world does not want to get involved in Shenjing?

The religious cult needs the core presiding position of this congress to prove to the practitioners of the world that they are powerful, and they also need this grand gathering to promote the glory of the religious to the world.

Similarly, the royal family needs this battle more than the gods.

The successive natural and man-made disasters have almost completely torn Daqi's flourishing and gorgeous clothes on the surface, and all the discerning people can see what is hidden under the remaining fig leaves.

The prince seizing the protagonist has completely torn his face, the capital is caught in a serious internal fight, the politician has no intention of political affairs and is busy in intrigue, the military officer has no intention of training and is busy running and colluding, the prince is assassinated, the star official is assassinated, the emperor is assassinated, this series of assassinations Has brought an extremely heavy and majestic blow to Daqi's royal family.

In such a large and powerful empire, its prince, official and emperor were assassinated one after another, and the assassin who assassinated the prince and the murderer who murdered the official were still at large!

Assassinating the prince and the big star official is all right, this is simply hitting the empire in the face! Who would look at the majesty of this empire?

The royal family ran out of money, and the national treasury ran out of money, but fortunately, Li Chengfeng gave them three tips and tricks, and quickly helped Daqi officials amass a large fortune.

Although much of this wealth has flowed into the hands of the powerful, the most prominent of which is the four princes. With the help of gambling, he has collected hundreds of thousands of taels of silver in less than a month.

With the money, the largest part of the income was withheld, and it was not the first time to invest in the grand meeting of the fighting law conference to fight the gods.

The household officials complained, but they only dared to talk about it underneath. The conscientious Yushi only complained in the brothel restaurant. They did not dare to say this in front of the emperor, nor did they dare to speak. Zhezi opposed this matter.

Because there is no fool who can be an official, and fools can see that every battle meeting must be a battle between the royal family and the gods, and the two sides compete for "influence"!

Influence determines their dominance and determines the legitimacy of their rule!

Whether it was the officials in their positions, the scholars who gathered in the capital waiting for the imperial examination, or the monks who were gathering in the wind and clouds, they all watched the seemingly brilliant and turbulent fighting technique in secret.

But the common people didn't notice the terrible undercurrent hidden under the calm water. They rushed to the streets early in the morning, taking the best viewing position early in the morning.

The black-clothed guards and white-clothed guards of the cult blocked all the sky above Shenjing early. Everywhere you can see black and white guardians hovering in mid-air. , The sky above Shenjing was completely sealed off from near and far, if someone broke into the sky at this time, they would surely usher in a fatal blow.

In the eyes of the guards hovering in the air, now the entire central part of the Shenjing has become black, with black human heads everywhere, and people are crawling on the roofs, tree trunks, streets, and even various minarets. They looked around one by one, raising their hands and foreheads. At this moment, they really raised their arms into a forest, sweating like rain.

On the east side of Shenjing Central Plaza is Shenguang Street, and the west side is Shenhui Street. Then the emperor will enter from Shenguang Street on the east side, and the leader of Shenjiao will be the national teacher Changyuanhui from Shenhui Street on the west side. Entering the arena, the two sides enter the arena one after the other, fighting for the wonders and beauty, is a must in Shenjing, and it is also the most magnificent scene of every world's number one fighting game.

"Hey hey, here comes here comes!!"

The people gathered here at the hour of the hour. At this time, they had waited for more than an hour and they were nowhere to be seen. They were already a little impatient. However, some people in the front streets saw the team coming and waved and shouted. It spread, and soon the streets boiled, like an angry wave coming from a distance. At first it was only a vague shout, and then the shout got closer and louder, and when it came to the front It is already a mountain whistling a tsunami, shaking the earth!

The sound was deafening for a while. Some of them were covering their ears, some covering their own women's ears, and some covering other women's ears. They all opened their mouths and shouted, but they couldn't hear each other's voice.

Immediately after the ground rumblingly vibrated, the hard and solid granite ground vibrated rhythmically, and there was a sound of footsteps from far and near.

From a distance, everyone saw a dense forest of spears and guns gathered. Walking in the front row was the most elite blood guard in the entire Shenjing. They were covered with blood-red heavy armor, and there was no gap between them. There is only one pair of eyes hidden behind the cross-viewing hole of the helmet, like an eagle like a falcon. The magic spear they hold in their hands is three meters long, and riding on a two-meter tall horse is really like a heavenly soldier!

The headed Blood Guard has a hundred riders, a row of four people, arranged in twenty-five rows, each of them behaves like one person, even the forward and backward posture distance of the hip mount is exactly the same!

Let people have a glimpse of praise: the reputation of the Blood Guard is well-deserved!

Followed by the mighty imperial forest army, they sent two hundred men, dressed in neat armor, divided into several squares, and each square was like tofu cut with a knife, neat and tidy. Qi, the sonorous footsteps under the feet are like beating drums, and every blow hits the hearts of the people watching around, making people can't help but feel surging and bloody.

After these guards passed, everyone did not feel the interest fading at all, but one by one craned their necks and waited for the arrival of the highlight.

Because everyone knows that the emperor of Daqi will appear next, and he will appear on the most magnificent sedan chair!

Every time this sedan chair will trigger a discussion boom in Beijing, because it is really gorgeous enough and extravagant enough!

Apart from other things, just the maid holding a golden hook and spreading the blanket in front, and the maid swaying petals in a hand-held flower basket, these are enough to decorate the colorful and luxurious scene of the flourishing age.

But everyone craned their necks and waited to see, only to find that what came next was not the big sedan chair as tall as a hill and as extravagant as a golden mountain, but a golden yellow horse covered in orange. It seems to be sprinkled with gold, it is very tall, a full two meters three, and the person riding on this horse wears eight dragon crowns and eight dragon robes, and looks solemn and majestic. It is Prince Zhao Hanqing!

Everyone was surprised at this moment!

Where is the emperor?

Why doesn't the emperor appear?

This time the emperor does not come and the prince appears, what does it mean! ?

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