Breaking the Day

Chapter 976: Despair

Chong Mijing's difficulties far exceeded Li Chengfeng's imagination. In his view, when he sacrificed a modern weapon army, and even the atomic bomb, all of this should have ended.

But what he didn't expect was that Chong Mijing did not necessarily need to fully understand his moves or his abilities, but she only needed to understand where Li Chengfeng's moves or strength came from, and she had similar coping methods. It will be able to "return the body by the way of the person."

For example, Li Chengfeng transformed into a Gundam puppet, and Chong Mijing could also transform into the puppet kingdom’s "Holy Fire God". He transformed into an air-to-sky battleship. Although Chong Mijing does not understand the principles of air-to-sky battleships, she cannot ** Out of such a super weapon, but she has seen flying warships from the Puppet Nation, so she can use the flying warships to fight against the air and space warships. Although the two are not super war weapons of the same era and not the same world, their strength and The technological content is actually not on the same level, but when the power is strong to a certain extent, what is the difference between 10,000 catties of force killing a person and 1,000 catties of force killing a person?

In the illusion, the flying warship and the sky warship can instantly kill each other with their own terrifying intensive firepower instantly. Therefore, although the real strength of these two super weapons is not at the same level, they can still ensure Destroy each other.

Li Chengfeng has not changed the so-called Superman and Doctor Strange superheroes in his world, because these superheroes are essentially the same type of "people" as the monks, that is, people with super powers. .

It's just that their respective sources of power are different, and their methods are different, but in essence, they can't escape the understanding and application of the world and the rules of power.

Thanos can destroy half of the universe with a snap of his fingers, and God can recreate the world with a single thought. These are all the maximization of power, and they are not beyond the scope of Chong Mijing's understanding.

There are some ancient legends of demon gods in this world of practice. Although they are legends, Li Chengfeng faintly feels that they are true, especially since he had been to the two moons in Tiancang and Taiqiong in his dream. The ruins there made him really unable to believe the authenticity of the legends of the demons.

It is said that the two desolate planets originally had extremely prosperous and powerful civilizations, but they were all destroyed by the war between gods and demons.

It can be seen that in this world, superheroes are not beyond the scope of Chong Mijing's understanding.

Li Chengfeng's thoughts were like lightning at this moment, and he has understood a few things now:

First, Chong Mijing has an absolute advantage in the fantasy realm. Her cultivation techniques make her spiritual power far beyond ordinary people. She has been wiped out countless times in the fantasy realm without any waver, even if she has steel like Li Chengfeng No man of will can match it.

Second, Chong Mijing's combat experience is terrifying, and her coping ability is extremely strong. Although she doesn't understand the real high and sophisticated technology, she can use other methods and methods to break Li Chengfeng's coping moves.

Third, because Chongmijing's bottom line of strength is completely impossible for Li Chengfeng to estimate. Under the circumstance of ensuring that the two sides can destroy each other, Li Chengfeng dare not fight Chongmijing endlessly. He You have to make a strange move, to subdue Chong Mijing with one move!

Fourth, and the last and most important point, that is, if Chong Mijing can't understand this trick at all, it's far beyond her imagination, killing her, she also can't understand it!

And what is this move?

Li Chengfeng thought quickly in his mind, but after thinking about it for a while, he was destroyed twice by Chong Mijing with devastating tactics.

At this time, Li Chengfeng had already clearly felt that his reaction became more and more sluggish, and if he died a few times like this, Li Chengfeng’s reaction would drop to a threshold, that is, when he appeared, he had no time to attack. He would be killed by Chong Mijing, which was tantamount to being beaten passively until death.

How can a monk who can be resurrected infinitely, fight infinitely, have an endless stream of fighting methods, and have reached an extremely high level and level of understanding of power?

Li Cheng is in the limelight, and can only wait for a dimensionality reduction blow to the opponent!

Wait... dimensionality reduction blow?

A flash of lightning suddenly struck Li Chengfeng's mind, instantly bright and bright!

Yeah! Dimensionality reduction blow! !

Latitude is something that Chong Mijing can't understand anyway!

Li Chengfeng suddenly smirked, his figure flashed, and an atom bomb was transformed into an atomic bomb in an instant, causing it to explode, and after forcing Chong Mijing to hide extremely far, his figure also instantly disappeared in place.

Immediately after Chong Mijing dodged this terrible atomic bomb, a thin piece of paper suddenly appeared in the sky of a devastated wasteland.

Although this piece of paper looks extremely small from a distance, Chong Mijing curiously flew in and found that it was more than a thousand meters long, more than 100 meters long. When viewed from the side, this piece of paper has almost no thickness. , You can’t even see its existence at a glance, you can only see its existence when you look at it from the inclined plane and above or below.

Chong Mijing stretched out her hand curiously and took a closer look. Then her face suddenly changed, and her figure quickly flashed back, but Chong Mijing found that no matter how she moved, she was always in place, motionless, she was shocked Turning his head to look, he was shocked to find that this piece of paper was rapidly expanding and everything around it was collapsing into this piece of paper, and then formed into a huge and incomparable picture that continuously expanded like a painting.

Chong Mijing watched her body fall into this kind of painting little by little, and then she was printed in this ever-expanding and “growth” painting. Her frightened appearance was “painted” here. In the piece of paper, her eyes can turn, and she desperately casts spells in this painting, but these spells have just been displayed, but they collapsed and turned into colorful "flowers" displayed in this painting. ".

Soon, everything around this world collapsed in, everything seemed to disappear. This world was reduced to a void, with only endless darkness and that huge colorful painting!

After a while, light reappeared around the painting. The earth, mountains, rivers, and forests reappeared around. A whole new world appeared, but the painting was frozen there forever.

Li Chengfeng's figure also appeared around this "painting". He was not close, but not far away. He looked at Chongmijing in the painting and smiled and said, "Chongmijing, although you are amazing, But do you know what a dimensionality reduction strike is?"

Chong Mijing stared at Li Chengfeng closely in this painting. She quickly closed her eyes and said nothing, quickly pinching her fingers in her hand, as if thinking of a way to deal with it.

Li Chengfeng smiled: "Don't think about it, you can't escape. This is Liu's two-way foil dimensionality reduction attack! How do you escape from two-dimensional space to three-dimensional space?"

As soon as Li Chengfeng laughed, he suddenly saw the painting slowly stand up, and then there were cracks in the middle of the painting, and then it began to slowly rotate by itself, following As it rotates, the main line of the painting becomes a cylinder, and then there are more and more cracks. There seems to be something to break through in the middle of the painting. The tension of the painting is constantly expanding, like a water bubble desperately Was stretched.

Li Chengfeng watched this scene in horror, the horror in his heart was infinite!

Damn it? What is his situation? !

Why can't even Erxiang foil help you?

Are you going to go to heaven?


How could she even break through the two-way foil? !

Why is that?

As the bubble expanded to its limit, it suddenly burst, as if countless spaces appeared all around instantly, and the superposition of terrifying spaces instantly tore Li Chengfeng apart, and at the same time turned it into a paper man’s Chongmi Jing tears.

But when Chong Mijing appeared in the same place again, her complexion looked a little red, and it was obvious that she had only been exhausted and shocked.

But compared to the blow to Chong Mijing, the blow to Li Chengfeng is almost infinite!

He did not expect that Chong Mijing would not fall into it because of this incomprehensible latitude force, but he was shocked and puzzled by Chong Mijing's performance in breaking away from the two-dimensional space!

How did she do it?

The horror guy who can't do anything to reduce dimensionality, can he really beat her? !

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