Breaking the Day

Chapter 992: Ruthless people

The sudden change in the field immediately made the outside of the field excited. Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing were indeed filled with righteous indignation, but many people around them applauded and applauded. How do they care about these so-called morals?

What's more, what Yue Laosi said on the stage, how could those people who were separated by one or two kilometers hear clearly, and where did they know his private agreement with Li Chengfeng?

As for this so-called private agreement, Old Fourth Yue also had different ideas.

Old Yue Si succeeded in a sneak attack, and he was immediately unreasonable, and this *** immediately went into Li Chengfeng's body!

Li Chengfeng's chest hurts!

He slammed the gun body of the *** with one hand, but in an instant it was already bloody!

Upon closer inspection, I saw that the body of the gun was full of barbs!

Li Chengfeng gritted his teeth, not only did not let go, but retracted the gun body, wrapped the part in front of him with the gun body, and then twisted and pulled hard, bit by bit, he wanted to get into his body. The *** was pulled out!

With a "poof", Li Chengfeng's chest spurted blood, splashing everywhere, even Yue Lao Si's face was sprayed with bright red!

The people outside the court became more excited and cheered, but there were also a large number of gamblers who bought Li Chengfeng to stom their feet.

Zhao Xiaobao and Han Tianxing even yelled at them, and even Ouyang Xiu couldn't help but whispered to the master sister: "This guy won't be going to lose, right?"

The master sister snorted coldly, and said disdainfully: "If he can lose in the hands of this kind of beam jumping clown, then he is not worthy to live!"

In the field, Yue Laoshi, who was sprayed with blood on his face triumphantly wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with his fingers, stretched out his tongue to lick the blood, his face twisted with excitement.

Li Chengfeng stared at Old Fourth Yue, gritted his teeth and said, "Is this the martial arts contest you said?"

Old Fourth Yue laughed: "Jie Jie Jie Jie... I'm talking about martial arts, but I can't fight without saying that!"

Li Chengfeng laughed so angry: "Do you think you can get me with this trick?"

Old Fourth Yue smiled wickedly: "Oh? Is this just a trick?"

Li Chengfeng was taken aback, and then he noticed that there were bursts of fiery pain in the wound. He looked down and saw that the wound was rustling, a piece of black sewage was desperately corroding the wound, and the black air was constantly moving. Spread all around.

"Do you still use poison?" Li Chengfeng's expression changed.

"Oh? Did the Fighting Contest say that poison is not allowed?" Yue Old Four said triumphantly, and deliberately put his hand to the ear in the direction of the referee and made a listening gesture, "Hey, arbitration, is this fighting method not allowed? Use poison?"

The black arbitrators in the field were masked, making it impossible to distinguish their identities. He solemnly said: "Fighting matches do not restrict any means within the rules! Poison is allowed!"

Old Fourth Yue laughed loudly: "It seems that poison can be used!"

Li Chengfeng's face was ugly. The immortal power in his body began to repair the wound desperately, but the nameless poison was desperately corroding the wound. Two forces immediately saw the wound on the right chest back and forth, and muscles continued to grow. Muscles are constantly being contaminated by corrosion.

Li Chengfeng’s forehead was full of cold sweat from the pain, and his whole body was trembling. Old Fourth Yue was even more proud. He was not anxious to attack, but like a beast staring at his prey, he circled Li Chengfeng: "No Use it, give it up, this poison is the Holy Water of the Three Emperors! It only rots the body, and there is no cure! If you lose this game, isn't there another one?"

Li Chengfeng stared at Old Yue Si without saying a word, just gripped the sunset spear tightly in his hand and pointed the tip of the gun at Old Si Yue.

Old Yue Si tutted: "Why is this again? You should be too painful to move now, right? This poison can paralyze a Type B monster, even if it is in the hands of a golden height!"

Li Chengfeng said, "How far can you go with this method?"

Old Fourth Yue was not ashamed, but rather proudly said: "How far can you go! What's more, I defeated the princess's consort in the first battle, hehe, he will become famous in the first battle!"

Li Chengfeng stared at Old Fourth Yue and suddenly smiled: "That's it! I want to step on my head and climb up!"

Old Yue Si smiled and said: "Not bad, not bad! You just get down!"

Li Chengfeng smiled and said, "You talked so much nonsense with me, are you delaying time?"

Old Yue said four: "So what? How can you stand me?"

Li Chengfeng said: "Since I know I can't move, why not continue to attack?"

Old Yue Si curled his lips and said disdainfully: "Mr. Li, you should use less aggressive methods, you are just the flesh of the chopping board now!"

Li Chengfeng sneered: "Oh? Do you really think you have a chance to win? You don't ask me, why I know you are procrastinating, but I don't want to attack? Did you really read my report carefully?"

Old Fourth Yue laughed loudly and said: "Mr. Li, your report will be read next morning! Can't you just manipulate the flowers, plants and trees? Excuse Mr. Li to look around, where is there..."

As Yue Laoshi said, his face suddenly changed. He stared at Li Chengfeng with wide eyes, and said with a trembling voice: "This is impossible! You, how do, me..."

Old Fourth Yue suddenly felt that his body was beginning to quickly refuse to do so, and he felt bouts of **** and pain all over his body. At this time, even a fool knew that he was hit!

However, when was he recruited?

Li Chengfeng stared at Old Fourth Yue and sneered: "Do you think I'll just compete with you like a fool?"

Old Fourth Yue stared at Li Chengfeng in fright and anger. At this time, green flowers and leaves began to grow all over his body. The most terrifying thing was that blood began to bleed from his nostrils, ears and pores, and a section of it grew inside. At the tip of the green grass leaf, he screamed: "You are shameless!! You are just a contest, you actually used such despicable and shameless means!!!"

Li Chengfeng sneered and said, "If you don't sneak attack first, how can I use these methods to deal with you?"

With that said, Li Chengfeng took out a knife from his arms and walked slowly to Yue Lao Si.

At this time, Old Yue's four meridians were completely chaotic, and countless flowers and trees grew all over his body, and they grew fast and knotted together, firmly binding him.

Li Chengfeng held a small knife in his hand, came to Old Fourth Yue, and said slowly: "Remember it in the future, you have to read the battle report carefully!"

Old Yue Si was trembling with pain. He gritted his teeth and said, "Yes, I read the battle report. The battle report said that you let grass seeds and tree seeds pass through human ears and nose... Ears and nose, you, you can't..."

Li Chengfeng sneered and said, "Then why do you want to lick my blood with your mouth?"

Old Yue Si was stunned, he looked at Li Chengfeng in shock: "Could it be..."

Li Chengfeng sneered: "Yes, my blood is as poisonous! It's just that this kind of poison is harmless to people who don't want to harm people, but it's a drama to you who are shameless and stupid and handsome. poison!!"

Old Fourth Yue couldn't believe it, that terrible and deadly grass seed was not wandering in the air, but...hidden in Li Chengfeng's blood!

Old Four Yue was plotting against Li Chengfeng, but Li Chengfeng was also plotting against Old Four Yue.

If Old Fourth Yue is abiding by the rules, then Li Chengfeng will naturally not go out of the game, and will give him an upright battle, but if Old Four Yue is unruly, then Li Chengfeng will let him know what the real sinister is. meaning!

Li Chengfeng stared at Old Fourth Yue, raised the knife in his hand, and then dropped it with force!

Old Fourth Yue and the spectators outside the court opened their eyes wide, and exclaimed!

Because this knife was not inserted into Yue Lao Si's body, but inserted into Li Chengfeng's own body, he inserted the sword near his wound, and then as if there was no one beside him, he calmly cut off the rotten flesh and blood from the wound.

That piece of black and stinky flesh and blood was cut off and thrown on Old Fourth Yue's body, making Old Fourth Yue tremble all over!

This man actually cut his flesh and healed his wounds calmly!

What kind of steel-like perseverance and self-control!

Everyone outside the court was quiet. They watched Li Chengfeng cut off his rotten muscles with a single blow. They couldn't help their scalp tingling for a while!

This is really cruel! !

Old Fourth Yue was frightened and collapsed. He couldn't help but shouted loudly: "I vote..."

Soon, countless green grass grew into his throat, causing him to cough desperately, swallowing all the remaining words.

Li Chengfeng glanced at Old Fourth Yue coldly, and then learned the arrogant movements of Old Fourth Yue before saying to the referee: "Referee, what did he just say? I can't hear you!"

The referee couldn't see his face clearly, because he had not received the complete surrender information of Yue Laosi, and he was hesitant to stop the game.

At this moment, Li Chengfeng had turned around and snapped his fingers: "Let you feel the warm hospitality from Xiyue Li's family!"

"Kuangwu. Big windmill!"

The green vine entwining Old Four Yue vigorously waved, flying around like a windmill, and like shaking a whip, smashing the four heavy Yue who tied the whip to the hard ground toward the extremely hard ground!

Old Fourth Yue's eyes widened, desperately watching the ground get closer and closer to his vision!

Suddenly, his eyes went dark, as if the mountains were shaking! !

There was a burst of fierce and dense banging sounds from the huge empty ring, like drumming!

Everyone felt tight and scalp numb!

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