Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 109: Chapter 109

"So I still haven't figured out how to lose Yue Guangping's gun this time?" Yang Mei, holding her hair and eating Hainanese chicken rice on the back seat, asked snoring.

"Mei Mei, are you a big girl, can you pay attention to eating?" Yan Yan rubbed his forehead and turned away from the co-pilot, with a look of disgusting love and helplessness: "Look at you, Huanghua, who is not married yet, If you are sitting or not eating, you have green onions in your teeth and your hair is falling into the rice. Is it oily? "

"I pay attention to eating pictures to marry someone?" Yang Mei rolled her eyes.

Yan Zheng said, "Why not, Dad will marry you a thatched house, a tricycle, and 888 cash ..."

Yang Mei immediately leaned forward to the driver's seat: "Jiangge! Let's both live together, the Yan family is bankrupt!"

Yan Yan quickly pushed her back, "Go and go, Dad changed his mind and decided to let you stay alive for a lifetime!"

Jiang Zhan calmly looked ahead, and turned a deaf ear to everything that happened around him, and the car ran forward along the highway.

Han Hanxiang, 62, is a resident of the second village of Yuejia Village under Gaorong County.

Gaorong County is not too far from Gongzhou. It takes three hours by car. After arriving at the county seat, go to Yuejia Village. You will reach the village near dinner.

Qi Sihao was unable to ask for a leave today, but he seemed to be restrained in appearance and left in the city courageously. Only three of them rushed to Yuejia Village-this is a sparsely populated village, because it is close to the big city of Gongzhou, especially for young people. Women ran out to work, and the newly built small buildings in the village were ten empty and almost empty. Basically, the empty nests were with the left-behind children.

Those of them who are used to criminal investigation know that if one or two strangers appear in a small place, it is very abrupt. If three appear at the same time, the news is like wings, and it can be transmitted from the village head to the end of the village in an instant. . So after the discussion, they decided to leave Yang Mei, a woman who is stepping on high heels, wiping her big red lips, and looking very different in style when she looks in the car. Only Jiang Zhan wears sunglasses, and strictly carries the gift cigarettes bought on the road. Wine and other walks to the destination.

Previously, Qi Sihao found the specific address through the local police station. Xi Hanxiang's house is a small three-story white-walled building with a distinctive rural style of self-built villas. The foundation is covered with large stones and covered with cement slurry. The entire building does not pay attention to the exterior decoration, but Looks pretty new. A child in a red sweater was playing at the door. When he saw Yan Yan coming, he was curious and sucked his nose.

"Come here!" Yan Zheng waved at him: "Come and call your uncle, give you sugar!"

The child wiped his hands on his trousers and ran down the steps. Yan Minshun took a packet of imported chocolates from the gift bag and threw it to him, pointing to the small building with a white wall and asking, "Is your adult here?"

Children usually throw their legs and run back: "Family-father-in-law-!"

Yan Yan did not understand: "What?"

Jiang Ding said, "Grandpa and grandma. Wu Hanxiang should be his grandma."

The child entered the door like a loach. After a short while, the wooden door opened again. A dark square-faced woman protruded half of her body, and her doubtful gaze swept over the two in turn: "... you are ..."

With half of his body blocked by Jiang Zhan, Yan Min stepped forward and drew out a police card from his pocket.

"Sorry, Auntie," Although his actions were tough, his words were very gentle and polite: "We are the subordinates of the old Commissioner Yue Guangping before. We have something about Mr. Yue, please ask you."

Five minutes later, the living room on the first floor.

"My daughter-in-law went to work in the city. Only I and the old man were at home and busy doing work to watch the children." Lu Hanxiang sits coldly on the sofa, and she pushes the gift bag back to Yan Yan: "The things will not be accepted , If you have something to hurry, I'm still busy. "

Obvious mismatch.

"..." Yan Zheng and Jiang Zhan stared at each other, who was still wearing sunglasses and shook his head invisibly at him.

"Ah, it's like this." Yan Yan is very experienced in interrogating suspects, but in the face of a hostile aunt in her sixties who is very combative at first glance, she is a little bit ignorant, so she clears her throat: "We I heard people say that you did it for eight or nine years at your hometown of Yue. Is this the case? "

Aunt spit out a word: "Yes."

"Then you should know Yue Lao quite?"

"do not know much."

"... the reason why Lao Yue died, do you know what happened?"

Unsurprisingly, Yan Hanxiang had a subtle expression change when faced with this problem.

"Heart attack." She swung her throat up and down, like a defensive counterattack, and asked rhetorically, "Is it not normal for my age to have heart blood pressure problems? Why, people are all settled in the ground, you can still Pull it out for an autopsy? "

It was indeed the aunt who worked as a nanny at the director of the public security bureau, and used a lot of words to talk.

But Yan Zheng didn't answer, only nodded and repeated: "Heart disease."

Han Hanxiang rolled her eyes and held her strong arm.

"——Do you have any understanding of the interpersonal relationship of Lao Yue before his death? The younger males who have a very close relationship, such as the son of a comrade-in-arms, the nephew who came home, or ..." Yan Yan stared at her face tightly, not Letting go of any micro-expression changes, slowly accentuating the word: "illegitimate child?"

The last three words came out, Wu Hanxiang was like an electric shock, buttocks almost jumped from the sofa: "What are you talking nonsense? Even if Yue Lao passed away, you can't insult his name so much, you-you are- — "

"This is just a normal guess from the police. We found this at Yue's hometown." Yan Ye called up a photo of the windbreaker from the mobile phone album and threw it in front of Han Hanxiang, asking coldly, "You know this suit is going to be How much is it? "

Wu Hanxiang's eyes glanced at the screen of the mobile phone, shaking violently a few times, and immediately looking away.

"Sure enough, you also know that this is a gift that Mr. Yue bought back and prepared to give to that person." Yan Ming's index finger tapped on the side of his mobile phone, and his words were clear and cruel: "An old director spends far more than he usually spends Customary money to buy such a luxury product as a gift to another young man-if you are not sure of your nephew, the police will make more guesses than you can imagine, many of which will be more cowardly than illegitimate children, Dirty and much more unacceptable. "

Wu Hanxiang stared at her mouth, before being able to say anything, she was interrupted by Yan Mao's calm and sharp words:

"I understand that your concealment may be for Yue Lao's name, but you really think that Yue Lao died of a" heart attack "? You are his nanny, what is his normal heart, should you take medicine, is it serious enough? To the point of lethality, don't you know these? No doubt? "

Wu Hanxiang's mouth was still open, but the roaring sound was suddenly drawn away, staring straight at Yan Yan.

After a while, she forced out a few words: "This has something to do with that ..."

"Yue Lao had received a tenant before his death. It should be a very close male." Yan Yan leaned back, raised his chin slightly, and looked down at Han Hanxiang: "After this visitor left, Lao Yue was killed. Do you think it matters? "

Suddenly like a fighting chicken, Han Hanxiang suddenly had her spine removed, and fell softly on the sofa back.

Suddenly, Jiang, who had been very quiet, opened his mouth. The voice was low and gentle: "If I did not make a mistake, this building should have been built a year or two ago, no more than three years ago, right?"

Wu Hanxiang was so upset that he asked subconsciously, "So what?"

Yan Yan didn't notice this, and looked at Jiang Zhe.

"Many people in the countryside like to renovate their old houses. Even if they usually work in cities and towns, their homes are not occupied, they will build small buildings that do not lag behind others, otherwise they will be easily joked by neighbors." Jiang Zuan looked around and said: "I was just thinking about how this small building of your house was built because, as far as I know, your wife had almost lost the ability to work because of severe rheumatism, right?"

"I do not have--"

"I know you will not do anything that violates the law. After all, Yue Lao is the director of public security. But when Lao Yue fired you three years ago, you should make some arrangements for your later life."

"..." Wu Hanxiang didn't speak, it seemed to be the default.

"Yue Lao considered so much for you, why don't you consider it for him?" Jiang Zhan leaned forward slightly, staring straight at her turbid red eyes: "In the end, is Yue always having a heart attack or is it harming someone? , Maybe only you can provide the last clue. "

Wu Hanxiang remained silent for a long time, and her arms clasped to her chest fell to her side when she did not know when she was pulling loosely. When she looked closely, her hands were shaking slightly, her nails were pinching her belly.

"... It's him," she suddenly uttered three words, and repeated fiercely: "It must be him!"

Yan Yan's spirit was refreshed.

"That so-called 'adult son'!" Wu Hanxiang creaked his teeth, "I said where the wild species so big suddenly jumped out, I don't know what ** soup was filled, so Yue Lao Xing came back to recognize him. Being an adopted child? What is not a lie? Who knows if it is Yue Lao's seed ?! "

Yan Zheng and Jiang Zhan looked at each other and immediately asked, "Who is it?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen this person." Wu Hanxiang shook his head: "It was just half a year before the death of Yue Lao, and he suddenly started to mention that he wanted to adopt an adoptive son. Although he might want to save face ... I didn't say it directly, but I listened The meaning and excitement of that statement seemed to be that he was a biological seed when he was young. I have never heard him mention it for so many years, and I do n’t know why it was suddenly connected again. I was worried whether it was a liar. Are there more liar in the old age? But Yue Lao did not know what ** soup he drank. He kept saying that it was impossible to admit his mistake. He was very clear in his heart! "

——It's very clear in my heart.

Yan Yan looked at Jiang Zhan, and both of them passed a thought at the same time: Is it a paternity test?

It is impossible to run a paternity test at a position like Yue Guangping. No matter how complete it is, it cannot be completely concealed. The wind will definitely flow out, causing a fatal blow to the official voice. But if there is no such evidence for paternity test, what makes a public security director believe in parent-child relationship?

"Did Yue Lao describe what this person looks like?" Yan Yan asked.

Wu Hanxiang condensed for a moment, shaking his head with regret.

"Is there any unusual reaction or behavior before Yue Lao passed away?"

This question was probably the center of the matter. As soon as the voice fell, I saw that Han Hanxiang started rubbing his hands immediately, as if he had stopped talking, and after a long while, he was determined to jump out and say, "I will say nothing now Things that affected Yue Lao, right? Like funerals, farewell rituals ... "

Yan Zheng said, "You don't have to worry about this, it has been three years since Yue's funeral."

"That's good, that's good." Wu Hanxiang lowered his head and said, "One day ... at midnight, I heard Yue Lao crying and calling someone ..."

A director of public security and deputy mayor, crying and calling in the middle of the night?

Yan Yan's muscles tightened, and even Jiang Zhan couldn't help but sit slightly upright.

"At that time, Yue Lao was very busy. He often came out early every night and returned home lately. He often kept himself in the study mysteriously and secretly. At first I didn't pay much attention. After all, Yue Lao was busy most of the time before his death-until one night Just five or six days before the death of Yue Lao, I was suddenly awakened by the wailing cries from the study, and stood lightly at the door of the study ... "

Han Hanxiang paused hard, Yan Yan stared at her: "Did you hear?"

"Yes, but in fact, there are only a few words that come and go. Old Yue said ..." I'm sorry for the Jiang team, don't give me a flag, I don't deserve it! "

The two stunned at the same time.

Jiang Zhan's expression was blank.

"How can it not cover the national flag? What a glory it is, how can he say that to himself?" Wu Hanxiang twisted his rough fingers and stared at them both anxiously: "You said, the guy named Jiang would not Will it be his adopted son? Yue Lao feels that he has not raised him, I'm sorry for him, so he is unwilling to build the national flag? And will the last visitor whom Yue Lao received before his death is him, he killed Yue Lao, so he stole The property of the Yue family? "

The room was quiet.

Wu Hanxiang was very panicked by the cloudy and uncertain faces of the two police officers across the road, and quickly stammered to make up a sentence: "I don't know more, I can tell you the truth."

"... Don't be afraid, this is a very valuable clue." Yan Yan finally recovered his voice from the shock, subconsciously took up a enamel tea cup and took a big sip—the cold Han Xiang was still floating on the water because of watching them Unhappy and deliberately did not wash off the slightly Xu Youhua, but no one reminded him: "Yes, do you know who Lao Yue called late that night?"

Wu Hanxiang said suddenly: "I don't know, I'm not a nanny, where do I know so many things. But I can't hear Yue Laoguan's name ... called ..."

She thought for a while before hesitating and said, "... Lao Lu?"

As soon as he made a sound, the enameled tea cup in Yan's hand fell firmly to the table.

After twenty minutes.

"The details you told us today, including our visits, are highly confidential. For your personal safety, please don't mention them to anyone, understand?"

Wu Hanxiang held the door frame with one hand, and nodded as if the revolutionary martyr was heroic.

Yan Zheng solemnly thanked him and helped Jiang stop and turn away.

"Wait ... wait," Suddenly Han Hanxiang finally couldn't help but poked out his neck: "This police officer with glasses ..."

Jiang paused.

Wu Hanxiang looked at his thin and upright back: "Have I ever seen you there?"

After a few seconds, Jiang Zhan turned his face a little invisible smile to her:

"You should be mistaken."

Wu Hanxiang nodded in doubt.

"How likely do you think the person who Yue Guangping called is Lu Bureau?" Yan Yan asked.

At the end of October, the sun was going down early, and when it came out of Wu Hanxiang's house, it was completely dark. As soon as the countryside gets dark, except for the moonlight, only the lights from the windows of the houses light up the dirt road, and every step leading to the village is potholes, so Yan Zheng has been holding the river to his arms. Go forward.

"It's quite big, I remember seeing the two people chatting at the celebration party before, and they were quite happy." Jiang stopped and gathered the placket, and his other hand was politely inserted into the jacket jacket of Yan Yan, saying: "Going back to check the graduation school and work experience of Lu Bureau and Yue Guangping may have more concrete evidence."

Yan Zheng said nothing, put his hand in his jacket pocket, covered Jiang Zhan's slender fingers, and frowned, "Why is your hand so cold?"

Jiang Zhan was about to pull out, and Yan Yan quickly pulled it hard.

I don't know who is frying bacon with lard, and the scent of oil is leaking out of the window gap. Jiang Zhan took a deep breath and murmured, "It's pretty fragrant."

But Yan Yan turned a deaf ear as if he hadn't heard the sentence: "If it is Lu Bureau, he has a deeper connection with Yue Guangping than we think. It is likely that he knows the inside story of the 1009 plastic factory explosion, knowing that Yue Guangping is so What is the cause of guilt, it may even be ... "

"It may even be known that I am alive," Jiang Zhanjing said quietly.

Neither of them spoke any further, walking across the village deep and shallow, and far from seeing Yang Mei flashing the headlights in the car.

"Yan Yan," Jiang Zang suddenly said quietly as he walked, asking, "We have always assumed that the young man Yue Guangping was preparing to give a gift, namely the" illegitimate son "of Han Hanxiang, was the murderer at the last minute. It's impossible that this idea was wrong from the beginning, the last visitor was actually ... "

Yan Yan seemed to anticipate what he was about to say, and stood still.

Jiang stopped looking at him in the moonlight, or spit out the name: "——is Lu Bureau?"

"..." Yan Jiu didn't squeak for a long time, and the chill rose from the bottom of his heart to his throat, only a moment before he said, "This possibility cannot be ruled out."

——If Lu Bureau is a relationship that Yue Guangping can call and cry in the middle of the night, it is reasonable to wear autumn trousers at home, or even a hurdle vest or even shirtless.

But now there are no clues to restore the scene at that time. The two stood silently for a while in the night, and finally Yang Mei could not help but got out of the car, opened her throat and said, "Hey!" Upper waist: "Yan Yan, what are you doing, are you deliberately doing flowers before me?"

Yan Zheng looked back: "We are watching the snow and the moon! Talking about the ideal of life from the poetry and song Fu! What's your opinion ?!"

Yang Mei: "..."

Yan Yan laughed and patted Jiang to stop his bottom again: "You get in the car first, I have something to do."


Yan Yan had already stepped into the night in three steps and two steps, and waved his hand without looking back: "The lighter was left at the aunt's house! Come back in five minutes!"

"Why is he going?" Yang Mei stepped forward in disbelief: "Is the lighter home?"

"No, he didn't take out the lighter at Xi Hanxiang's house."

"Wow! It really turned out that Xiaofang, who was in the mouth of the village, went to see me privately! Go back to me with the surname Yan--"

Yang Mei was furious to chase her, but she was held down before her voice fell. She turned back and saw Jiang Zeng's eyes reflected the fine smile rubbed by the moonlight:

"It's okay, I know what he's going to do."

The author has something to say:

A few dry sounds were released in the "Broken Clouds" radio drama. This time, after listening to a batch of auditions, I chose A Chunda, a firm and sound voice, as the solemn sound, and the quiet and gentle sky as Jiangzhe, and a preview should be released after a while. Hope you like it.

This chapter was written just today, and I'm very sorry that this update has kept you waiting for several days. The kitten that my family picked up very, very ill on Friday was ill, got better on Saturday, and died on Sunday evening. I can't get out of the state of great collapse, regret, self-doubt, but hope to slowly heal over time. Thank you very much for your comfort and support during these difficult times, especially for those who have lost their pets and shared their experiences. I feel that there are still many people in this world who share the same sadness. I'm very grateful to you for your chance meeting. I happened to write this article. You happened to read this article and shared a period of life together in just a few months together. Thank you. 2k novel reading network

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