Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 139: Chapter 139

Looking down from the hillside, across the gray-green woods and ice-like streams in winter, the village and cooking smoke are faintly visible in the distance-that is, the home village in Lao Zhangkou, and the police can sneak in in the surrounding area. The last high-risk village.

In the past half month, the investigation and action team led by the Provincial Public Security Department, implemented by the Jianning Public Security Bureau, and co-organized by the public security agencies in counties near Yaoshan have dispatched several people to the mountains, scattered in various villages to find traces, Visited one by one, trying to get suspicious clues from local people.

Pai Pai visit is one of the most boring and important means of criminal investigation. A large number of police forces are scattered in hundreds of villages scattered in the mountains. They make mechanical trekking and interrogation every day. In order to avoid attracting the attention of drug dealers, All motor vehicles are not allowed to enter the key areas.

But what makes everyone anxious is that the search for underground drug factories has not made any progress.

A few days ago, Lao Cai, a hidden informant of the Public Security Department of the province for many years, and also a representative of the buyer drug dealer Wang Pengfei, returned a precious clue from the poisonous nest on the mountain: the transaction will take place in an underground factory. The factory address is at It is within 60 to 80 kilometers of Yunzhong Village. This time, the range of needle-like searching in the haystack was placed into the limited area, but the time was getting tighter and night search was too late.

Fortunately, in the anxiety that leaders at all levels were looking forward to yesterday, Lao Cai once again transmitted the last heavyweight information-a small bag of soil samples extracted by Jiang Zhan from the gap between the tires of the driver of the **** k.

The bag sample was urgently sent to the Forestry Research Institute for analysis. The results of the trace inspection showed different levels of soil and leaf quality, indicating that the vehicle had driven into a redwood forest on the edge of the swamp zone many times in the past half month. .

It is bordered by marsh terrain, redwood forest, and 60 to 80 kilometers around Yunzhong Village. The comprehensive topographical factors allowed the task force to successfully delineate the final incident area. It is this village called Laojia Village that is most likely to provide a foothold and a transit point for drug dealers.

Yan Yan personally took on the investigation mission against this high-risk village.

Yan Yan finally checked everyone's communication equipment before letting them go. Lao Zhang took Ma Xiang Han Xiaomei into the jungle along the steep slope, Yan Yan stood by the car and watched them, until the three dangling figures completely turned into **** spots of soybeans, and then recovered his eyes.

The on-board communication made two sounds, and the voice of Deputy Bureau Wei came out: "Reporting situation outside Laojia Village, reporting situation outside Laojia Village. Has your office reached the transit point? Please reply and reply!"

Yan Zheng took off the intercom: "Yes, I heard. The two cubs and Lao Zhang have already set off, and they can contact at any time."

Deputy Wei Bureau yelled: "Let's move, hurry up! Pay attention to concealment!"

Yan Yan agreed and threw the walkie-talkie back into the car.

The village is surrounded by mountains on all sides, and when you look at it, the heavy rocks overlap, like the legendary Shuyuan Taoyuan in ancient times.

However, everyone knows at this moment how many terrifying sins and life and death crises are hidden in this "Taoyuan".

Yan Ye was almost obstructed by everyone before leaving Jianning. Even Lv Bureau talked to him several times and tried to persuade him to withdraw from this mega drug control operation-others didn't know, but Lv Bureau knew very well that he was desperately thinking What's the motivation to go to the front line, I simply made it clear: Jiang Zhan rushed to set off on this road with almost no return journey, not only for revenge, but also for the loved one to sit back and relax. . If something happened on the front line, how did the organization talk to Jiang Zhe?

Sorry, you are ambushing in the enemy's way, and we sent your subject to the front and killed it in the rear?

What's more, Yan Yan is the only son of his family. Don't look at Yan Jiaping's attitude that I donated the waste wood son to the country, but if something really happens, his father must not rush into the door of the Provincial Committee with a rope. Going to hang?

Not only did Lu Bureau persuade him, but even Liu Ting called to persuade him. Several people took turns to bombard them, but Yan Yan was like a stone, and he could not pull back to death. In the end, it was impossible to start a business, but Ms. Zeng Cuicui came forward and said, "There is only one thousand days to be a thief, but not one thousand days to guard against thieves. Since you said that a drug dealer wants to kill him, let Yan Yan first kill the drug dealer for the sake of force. This is not the case. Is it finished?"

"Let him go," Ms. Zeng Cuicui told Liu Ting. "My son will never be any better, and he won't be scared to hide in the house by a criminal trafficker. He is not so wasteful!"

Having said that, Yan Yan was finally allowed to keep up with the first police car from Jianning to Yaoshan.

Yan Yan looked around the mountains, and was so silent that he didn't even hear the voice of birds. He lit a cigarette, peered into the distant snow-capped peaks, and narrowed his eyes—

Regardless of whether the front is smashing or not, taking a step will crush the body; all sin and hatred will end in your hands.

I'll pick you up, Jiangzhan.

"Fifty dollars, fifty dollars to take away ... If you miss, do not miss, come back to the county to collect fifty-five! For fifty years, you are the New Year, you will go up the mountain to collect wood ..."

"If you don't sell, don't sell! Fifty misses!" Lao Zhang put his hands in his sleeves and greeted Ma Xiang, "Do not buy with them, let's go!"

Ma Xiang stepped on the leather shoes that creaked as soon as he walked, Han Xiaomei was carrying her small leather bag co-produced by lv Chanel, followed Lao Zhang out of the gate in the villagers' angry snoring, and was almost beaten by the big white goose Follow up.

"Come back! Come back!" The villagers really changed their minds: "Forty-eight is forty-eight! Whoops! How expensive is this mushroom!

The old man glanced at it and saw that Ma Xiangwei nodded invisibly, so he turned around from goodness and went back to pay for the complaint in the villager's humming dialect.

"You lied to me, where did people come from in the county to collect fifty-five? Can anyone else come here?"

"How can there be no one? How can there be no one?"

Lao Zhang spitted and counted the banknotes: "When does it happen?"

"Just two months ago!"

Under the cover of Ma Xiang, Han Xiaomei pretended to slip out the door unintentionally, hiding around the yard and walking around the yard twice, lying on the back window and looking inside. Lao Zhang blocked the uncle in the front room, and looked inadvertently while pulling on the side: "You guys can come here? I think it's so cold, nobody wants anything!"

"You waffle!" The uncle was anxious, and a bunch of dialects popped out, Ma Xiang could hear his head full of fog, and had to stand beside him to install the high-cold boss, and saw Lao Zhang nodded and sneered and excited him again Two sentences.

Shaohan Han Xiaomei slipped back, holding her hands full of gray, shook his head at Ma Xiang.

"Let's go!" Zhang no longer entangled, pointing at the pile of black mushrooms in the corner that said nothing to say, "Come here in the afternoon to get me, wrap me up!"

The villagers made a business, and they were too happy, and they agreed.

"I don't know this one." After leaving the hospital, Lao Zhang finally explained to Ma Xiang what the series of dialectic dialogues meant: "Like the first two, people often come to them to collect wood from the mountains, but in winter There will be no outsiders in the future. He has not seen stranger faces in the village in the past two months. He has never seen suspiciously and has no clues. "

"What about the villagers who took medicine in the mountains? Have you seen any traces of vehicles driving nearby?"

Lao Zhang shook his head and pointed to the towering mountains behind the village: "It's cold, and they won't enter the mountains anymore! Otherwise, they will be in danger!"

Ma Xiang was a bit helpless and asked Han Xiaomei: "How are you?"

"There is no aisle, equipment, or closed room near the back room. The only means of transportation is a tricycle, no other motor vehicles, and no suspicious facilities such as ventilation equipment or concrete pools." Compared to Lao Zhang, Han Xiaomei's report is much more professional and neat: "In short, there seems to be little doubt about this family right now."

Ma Xiang nodded.

"Ah," Lao Zhang couldn't help asking: "How can your police in the city see if there is anything suspicious about this home?"

"The family does not make drugs, and an experienced scan can tell at a glance. Needless to say, it is a kind of hemp roll opium, and if it is a chemical compound, even the simplest" kitchen drug "ice | poison needs to be homemade. Reactors, filter tubes, dehydrators and other equipment, and in order to deodorize waste and prevent explosions and fires, strong ventilation facilities and cement cisterns are indispensable, otherwise ammonia chloride | odor can flow far. Like our bureau Here, the anti-drug detachment handled the case and tracked the product flow of some specific equipment suppliers on a regular basis.

Ma Xiang's explanation was paused, and he didn't speak for two seconds, and then smiled: "In short, if you don't want people to know unless they are not doing it, they can't escape if they are poisoned."

Old Zhang seemed to understand and nodded enviously: "You really understand."

"Well, is there someone in the east of this village?" Han Xiaomei deliberately diverted the topic and laughed: "Come on, let's go over there and ask!" He winked at Lao Zhang and accelerated his pace. Go forward.

Ma Xiang raised his hand and frowned, and pressed down the sorrow of his heart with the tingling, also persevered and followed.

To the east of Laojia Village, two kilometers from the mountain.

A steep mountain wall separates the village from the mountain road, and the boulder at the top resembles a chessboard and stands under the sky. The ash and yellowish dense forest layer upon layer, covering most of the sky as far as the line of sight was seen, but the birds swarmed by and disappeared in the forest.

"Tomorrow Wang Pengfei will bring people up the mountain, let them follow the route we just opened, and follow the signs all the way to the peak of the chess game, and change two people to pick up on the road." Jiang suspended the red pen and made a thin line on the map. Thin line, and then clicked: "According to Wang Pengfei's speed of vehicles and horses, it should be up to this position by nine o'clock at the latest, so the first group of people started waiting at this position at eight thirty."

Two bodyguards around him, each staring at the map in Jiang Zhan's hand, saw his pen point move up the line:

"Wang Pengfei is not an honest man. In order to prevent him from doing anything on the road, all the first people who picked him up chose brothers who did not know where the transaction was located and had not entered the factory building. These people were brought by me. After that, the second group replaced the first group and continued to lead the way. According to Wen Yi, the second group of brothers came from Qinchuan. "

Jiang Zhan's red pen emphasized a circle on a certain location on the map.

"After Qin Chuan leads the second batch of brothers to pick up Wang Pengfei, Wen Yan will send him the latitude and longitude of the trading place, which should be near the factory building. When that time, check the deposit with Wang Pengfei first. If there is no problem, follow the normal route to send him Just take it. Any questions? "

Both signaled no.

Jiang stopped raising his eyebrows, and saw a towering ancient tree by the cliff. The head of the bodyguard nicknamed "Ghost Seeing Sorrow" and the real name of the wanted man named Gong Achi shook his head without saying a word.

"Okay, that's it for now. Tell your boss." Jiang Zhe put away the map and said briefly: "Go back."

He turned and walked up the mountain, Gon Achi winked, and his two men immediately followed.

No matter where Jiang stopped, these days, Gong Achi followed him, and even stayed outside the toilet to stay in the pit-this should be the instruction of the **** k, and Ajie estimated that he had told him several times secretly.

However, Jiang Zhan is the kind of person who is not likely to show his face no matter how big the environmental pressure is. He should eat and sleep. Occasionally Spade K tells him what he is doing, and he takes Gong Achi without any care. Ye Ling went to the toilet to put water in front of the other side, which had a strange sense of harmony.

"I just reported to the boss just now, and the boss agrees with your plan." Gong Achi took the first two steps, and hand-held Jiangzho through a dense bush, respectfully and coldly: "Also, the boss asked us to go first The 'transit station' is closed and we may have to pick up a shipment later. "

Receive the goods?

Jiang Zhan unexpectedly said, "Let me?"

——The **** k's attitude towards Jiang Zhan is quite complicated. On the one hand, this kind of task of preparing personnel is entrusted to him. On the other hand, he is never allowed to directly contact any "white goods" or "blue goods", or even Even the chemical raw materials were completely out of sight of Jiang Ding. Handing things over to him like this was never before.

Gonach didn't understand it, only accentuated his voice: "Yes, the boss said so."

Jiang Zang nodded, and was so helped to cross the bush of thorns, and then raised his chin forward: "Let's go."

Gong Achi beckoned backwards and whispered to Ma Zi, "Go to his home village."

The jeep turned all the way across the chessboard peak, through the bumpy dirt road, and the sparsely distant villages under the hillside were close by. Gong Achi is more sophisticated, and asked his men to park the car a few hundred meters away from the village, and then helped Jiangzhan to walk to their usual "transit station"-a three-story residential building on the east side of the village. .

Jiang Zhe came here for the first time, and Gong Achi signaled that he stood outside the backyard and waited, knocking on the door himself. Shao Qin saw a woman with a large waist and a round waist hurried out of the stove room, opened the door through the backyard, and couldn't help looking at the side of the river with a puzzled look.

"# ¥% #! ......" Gong Achi whispered a few words in dialect, scared the women and nodded, and immediately respectfully stopped the river to make a gesture to invite him in.

Jiang Zhan was used to being treated this way, without any expression on his face, and led straight into the backyard.

The woman led the way and entered the back room of the concrete building from the small door of the stove. It was a small hall. The standard small town built its own house with eight immortal tables and sofas. It was considered as a window. Several wooden boxes were placed against the wall. Each box was scribbled with a marker. Holding a triangle sign-Jiang Zhan recognized it at a glance.

Ice | Poison.

"Is it safe here?" Jiang Zhan casually sat down on the sofa, took the hot water from Ma Zi, and asked casually.

"Safe, the brothers used to ship, and often walked from here." Gong Achi opened the curtains and looked outside, asking the woman: "What about you guys?"

The woman rubbed her hands conscientiously: "Come at home, speak in front!"

"What, come ?!" Gong Achi's whole face changed, and he was immediately vigilant: "What kind of man is this knuckle?"

"No, I don't know, the county is here to collect the drops of medicinal materials!" The woman was startled: "Well, go and call the old man?"

Jiang Zang, sitting beside him, frowned: "Receive medicinal herbs?"

Instead, Gong Achi heard her say, relieved, and explained: "Old village backed by mountains, people often come to collect mountain cargo, it doesn't matter." He said to the woman, "Wait for your old man to come in, the boss has You have to pick up the goods. You go to fry a few dishes, boil hot porridge and boil hot water, this ghost is **** cold. "

The women agreed in a hurry, and stomped out.

The two puppies each sat down to rest and began to swallow the clouds and fog. Jiang Zhan no longer asked anything, leaned on the sofa and drank hot water, his cheeks were frozen white, and the water vapor condensed his eyelashes and looked particularly dark.

Gong Achi looked at the boxes of goods on the wall, lowered his head and lighted a cigarette, and stopped at the Xunjiang River.

He has killed several people in his life. The wanted reward from his hometown can be half a meter tall. He has been given the nickname of "Ghostly and Worrying" on the rivers and lakes. No matter who he sees, he must be a ghost brother. He used to think that he could be regarded as a fierce horn, until he met spades k, only to be intimidated with perseverance, and from then on, he knew what was the difference between the grass and lakes and the poisonous party.

But he didn't understand why the quiet young man in front of him would make Spade K so jealous.

— Yes, scruples.

Spade K doesn't kill him, but he doesn't trust him, and he has to guard him everywhere. It's like holding a piece of hot potato, which can neither be lifted nor put down, but also has a soft voice and kindness beside him.


But he is a weak scholar who just dies.

"I have something on my face?" Jiang stopped looking up suddenly and said quietly.

Gong Achi was stunned: "-nothing."

He took a swig of cigarettes, stood up, stamped his feet, and muffled: "I'll go outside and turn around." He pushed the door and lifted the curtain, but he stopped to stand up and thought, "I'll go too."


"I haven't been here, and I don't know if it's safe to pick up the goods." Jiang Zhan always talked calmly and could not let anyone beak, saying, "Let's go."

Gon Achi had to lift the curtain for him.

At the same time, the front hall.

"The bosses in these two counties said that they can regularly collect mushrooms in the future. If you go into the mountain now, you can collect as much as you can, and give this price-forty-eight! ..."

Lao Yang squatted face-to-face with a local man in his 50s. Ma Xiang sat on a chair in the temple house and drank water. He covered his face with an enamel cup and whispered, "The village head's family is quite rich."

Han Xiaomei glanced around and nodded his lips.

The head of the village lived at the easternmost point of the village, followed by endless mountains, and a mountain peak not far away stood up like a chessboard, blocking the village's road to the outside world.

This is the only three-story concrete building in the village. Aluminum alloy steel windows and drainage pipes can be seen from the outside. The walls of the hall are covered with latex paint, and floor tiles are laid at the feet. Refrigerators and appliances are readily available. It's not too bad to build a small villa. The villagers said that it was because the village chief ’s son graduated from college last year and made money from work in the city. However, after Ma Xiang entered the house, he made a rough observation. It is estimated that his son entered the top 500 in the world after graduation. The salary was flat enough to build such a concrete building in his hometown.

Ma Xiang winked, Han Xiaomei nodded willingly, and suddenly stood up in panic: "Oh, my key is gone!"

The village chief was interested in bargaining with Lao Zhang and heard that both of them came over.

"Why are you mother-in-law so careless!" Ma Xiang was also anxious, and jumped up to take a photo of Han Xiaomei: "Hurry up to find it, where have you lost it? Where have you lost it?"

Han Xiaomei said in a crying voice: "How do I know, what are you hitting me! Why are you hitting me!"

Ma Xiang refused to spare, the village chief got up to persuade, Han Xiaomei couldn't find his whole body up and down, and patted his thigh: "It must have fallen out on walking!"

"Hurry to find it!"

Han Xiaomei didn't have to roar with Ma Xiang a second time, and turned away from the hall with a sullen face.

The village chief seemed very afraid that they were walking around at home, reached out and stopped but did not stop, and quickly followed the steps out of the door. I saw that Han Xiaomei had thrown herself out of the front yard, searched anxiously along the roadside, and went straight to the dirt road. Go in the distance.

The village chief watched as she walked further and further. It seemed that she had no intention of turning back into the yard and turning around, so she felt relieved, beckoned her neck and waved to the backyard, and yelled, "Hey, hey!"

His mother-in-law, the woman with a big horse just now hurriedly came up holding a spatula, and whispered nervously, peeping into the front room, whispering, "Hurry up, Brother Ghost is here. Wait for you in the backyard! "

The village chief was surprised: "What?"

"I also brought a good guy, who was appointed by the big boss, to pick up the goods!"

The village chief immediately turned back to the house: "Okay, then I'll hurry-you go and cook two dishes first, and I'll go after I've passed these melons."

Han Xiaomei pretended to walk along the rough sand and stone road, and at the same time secretly turned back and looked back. When the village chief turned his head into the front yard, he immediately turned around and trot around the side courtyard of the cement building. Go up the wall, "Hey!" Turned over the wall.

Most of the self-built houses in the countryside are built with a chimney outside the house. At this time, it was not ready for lunch, but there was a jingle of boiling water and cooking in the cooking room. Han Xiaomei's cat sneaked into the window from the window lattice and saw the village chief and his daughter-in-law rushing into the sky. The stove is busy.

"..." Han Xiaomei frowned, slipped into the backyard against the roots of the wall, and saw a large bundle of firewood piled outside the firewood.

She didn't notice at first and was going to go to the back room. But after two steps, he suddenly stopped and looked back at the woodpile, which was almost piled up on a hill.

——The area of ​​the firewood house is not small. Why is there so much wood piled up outside?

Han Xiaomei narrowed her eyes thoughtfully, and when she remembered Yan Yan in the car:

"Villages make drugs, or serve as a transit point for drug dealers. It is much better to search than concealing drugs in urban residential areas. Because the country's single house is not well concealed, the equipment and equipment are not concealed. All kinds of places are the focus of investigation; when we used to surround the entire village to make drugs, almost every family's production lines were built in the backyard, which is one of the important characteristics of drug production workshops in rural areas. "

Firewood room?

Most of Han Xiaomei's people were crouched under the eaves and looked to the left and right. The cold wind in the courtyard was empty, and only the noise from the stove was heard. In addition, not even a dog was seen.

She settled down, walked across the courtyard to the firewood room, and flexibly stepped on the wood pile to climb the window, gently pushing the concealed wooden window through a gap.

With this action, the dim workshop lightened slightly, reflecting the cluttered dewatering equipment, distillation equipment, the metal round pot and the bottles on the corner table--

And a crate of chemical raw materials.

Han Xiaomei's heart throbbed and covered her mouth!


After a whole number of breaths, she finally forced herself to release her cold fingers a little, her hands and feet softly crawled down the wood pile, and gritted her teeth so that she didn't make any sound.

The cooking in the cooking room continued, and in the empty backyard, no one could hear her footsteps lighter than those of cats.

Han Xiaomei was clinging to the wall, bowed under the windowsill, and ran to the house.

—— What Han Xiaomei didn't see was that the moment her back disappeared, a man with a scarred neck and a green head flickered from the corner of the cement building, his face was so cold that it was scary—Gong Achi.

"Yeah!" Until then, Ma Zi's boss finally couldn't help but yelled: "This family is **** dead. I don't know if I came to the door! Hey!"

"What now?" Jiang Zang asked.

Jiang Zhan was wearing black jacket jeans and his hands were inserted into his pants pockets. The whole man was completely hidden in the dead corner of the sight full of debris. Both of them didn't say anything. I saw Gong Achi gritted his teeth and kept his eyes moving. After a few seconds, his heart was horizontal: "You can't let the note spread the news, you have to kill the little girl. I'll go find someone to get started You come to help me— "

"I can't meet the police." Jiang Zang interrupted him. "That girl is my former colleague. I'm afraid I won't be able to meet when I meet."

The words were quite frank, and Gon Achi fell for a moment.

"She appeared here, indicating that this transit point has been spotted. Tomorrow Wang Pengfei cannot go away from the chessboard peak. In this way, you should first inform his male master and secretly lock the yard so that the police will not run away. I'll take it Your two men are about to evacuate. We will report to Wen Yi together when you come over and ask him to send additional staff to deal with all the police officers. Otherwise, if you rush into it yourself, you will probably leak the wind. "

Gon Achi hesitated for a few seconds. "But ..."

"Do you have questions about my decision?"

No doubt, Jiang Zhe's arrangement was completely thoughtful and meticulous. However, Gong Achi firmly remembered Ajie's instructions. At any time, he must guard, protect and pay attention to the "red queen" in front of him. Therefore, he subconsciously said: "Time is urgent. Not as I say ... "

Jiang Zang said, "If you question my arrangements, we might as well contact Wen Yi to make it clear. If something goes wrong, you should listen to you or me. If something goes wrong, I'll take responsibility or you take responsibility."

Who is responsible?

...... Do you still need to ask? !!

As soon as Gong Achi was excited, his brain was splashed with cold water. "... Okay, I understand, just do what you say!"

Jiang Zhe calmly nodded and saw that Gong Achi no longer hesitated and ran to the stove.

"Think about it again. Fifty is really much. My two bosses must come to collect goods often ..."


The front door was pushed open, and Lao Zhang was reaching out to stop the village chief from smoking, and several people turned around at the same time. I saw Han Xiaomei standing at the door, clutching a bunch of keys in his hand, and then rushed out a stiff smile at Ma Xiang:

"Find ... found it."

Ma Xiang's eyes transient: "Really?"

Han Xiaomei's chest was slightly undulating, lifting the key and shaking it.

"Just find it, just find it," Lao Zhang quickly concealed the fight. "You have a lot of odds and ends in the city. Be careful, otherwise you won't find it!"

Han Xiaomei returned to the sofa and nodded slightly in response to Ma Xiang's consultation. The latter's occlusal muscles suddenly tightened, but there was no clue on the surface. He just pulled out the mobile phone from under the clothes, and quickly sent a positioning message through the cover of Han Xiaomei's body:

[Discover 'Keys', come here, urgent. 】

The receiver Yan Yanwei deputy bureau, the message was sent successfully.

Ma Xiang gently moved his wrist and hid the phone under his shirt.


Jiang Zhan opened the curtain and the two bodyguards raised their heads in unison, only to see him look grim: "Police are here."

"what? What?!"

"What about ghost brother ?!"

"In front, we must withdraw immediately." Jiang Zhan instructed the shorter man on the left: "Your locals are familiar with the road. Now go out and see if the outside is surrounded by the police. Be careful not to be found. See Come back at a glance. "

The man was so frightened that he rushed out the door without thinking.

"You," Jiang Zhan turned to the more sturdy bodyguard on the right: "Come and move these boxes of goods into the Chaifang and hide them, fast! There is no time!"

How could the bodyguards let Jiang Zhan handle the goods himself, not to mention he couldn't move such a heavy wooden box, so he had to step forward to take over. At that moment, he only heard the sound of "Dangdang!" Sure enough, Jiang stopped missing and dropped the box on the ground. The wooden board cover was opened by force, and the drugs wrapped in thick newspapers fell out.

"I'm here, I come," the bodyguard hurriedly squatted down to pick it up, sweating out in a hurry, thinking that the master really did the same thing as the ghost brother said privately. Still messing with here?

Jiang Zang knew what he was mumbling about, stood up silently, reached into his lower back, and held a cold dagger handle.

"How much is this box?"

Bodyguards are busy: "Two kilos!"

"So few?" Jiang Zhan casually asked.

"Look at more and wrap less!"

"Why not dress up?"

The bodyguard said, how do I know that the boss told me so, why don't you ask the boss yourself?

But Jiang stopped asking questions and no one could ignore them. He had to quickly put the drugs back into the wooden box, and reluctantly answered, "Jiege originally ordered us to do this, and then stuffed some soybean rice in the box so that it could be loaded and passed the security check. For specific reasons, we ca n’t tell you, or you ask yourself— ”

The voice stopped abruptly, and the bodyguard's eyes burst.

Jiang stopped behind him, holding his mouth firmly with one hand, and the sharp dagger wiped his throat silently.

A large stream of blood spurted out, splashing half of the wall, dripping the gray drug packaging into scarlet. The bodyguard was convulsed, and a gurgling sound of bursting blood bubbles continued in his throat, but all were pressed back by Jiang Zhan's powerful hands, making no movement.

Ten seconds later, the bodyguard's legs kicked a few times, and the dying struggle suddenly stopped.

Jiang paused and let go, and the dead body mumbled to the ground, his eyes widened, and he didn't understand why he was shot suddenly.

Jiang Zhan's palm was soaked with blood, he took a rag from the table, wiped it, and threw a dirty towel on the body.

His expression was cold and his eyelashes were falling, as if he just lost an insignificant trash. At this moment, there were messy footsteps outside the door, and soon from far to near, Jiang stopped holding the knife and tilted his head—

The bodyguard who went out to check the situation just came back.

The author has something to say:

I really thought I could meet at the end of this chapter. Who knows that more than eight thousand words haven't been seen? I'm also desperate ... I will definitely meet in the next chapter.

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