Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 156: Chapter156

The matter of marriage was actually proposed by Jiang Zhan.

That night Yan Yan beat soymilk in the kitchen, ready to be beaten and left until tomorrow for breakfast with quiche, and suddenly heard Jiang stopped in the bedroom and yelled, "Yan Yan!"


"The Gongzhou Police Station and the s Provincial Police Station each commissioned Lu Bureau to explore the tone and ask me if I would like to take a lecture!"

Jiangzhan has officially left the Gongzhou Municipal Bureau, and he has been idle at home for two or three months. He was a little better and could n’t rest. With the acquiescence of Lu Bureau, he followed Yan Yan secretly out of the scene several times, and the wind spread. The police colleges in both provinces and cities knew that Jiang Branch ’s prestigious criminal investigation was famous. A little thoughtful digging.

Yan Yan's ears erected sensitively: "Gongzhou?"

"Yes!" Jiang paused and seemed to find it very interesting: "Gongzhou Police Station gives two thousand yuan more each month than S province!"

Yan Yan opened the lid of the machine and poured soy milk into the bowl, while scolding the shameless Gongzhou Police Station and the door of the provincial police station in his heart, "What do you say?"

In the bedroom, I heard everything, listening to it as if Jiang Zhe opened the drawer and took out his glasses, and was ready to start reading his bedtime readings-"The Essentials of the Steps of Turning Electronic Traces into Evidence" (author Huang Xing, autographed version).

Yan Yan put it in his throat with a heart, for fear that Jiang would stop talking about what God said, for example, "men should take on the burden of supporting their families, so I decided to make that two thousand dollars more", or "Gongzhou It ’s my hometown, and I have an obligation to contribute more to the construction of public security. ”However, after waiting for a long time, I finally heard Jiang Zhanyouyoudao:

"Forget it, save some flowers at home!"

Yan Yan: "... Ah?"

"Isn't it that long-distance marriage isn't long, what should I do? I don't want those two thousand for you!"

When the ping-pong puppet made a few loud noises, the soymilk machine rolled from the fluid platform to the ground, and the hot soymilk was poured on the ground. Yan Yan nearly hit him, holding his feet and jumping three feet high, and Jiang sat up and got up from the bed: "What happened to you ?!"

"No, nothing, I knocked off the shelf!" Yan Yan frantically took a rag and covered his head with soy milk, and at the same time tried to make his voice sound calm and normal: "Why didn't you say those two thousand?"

"Different families are difficult to maintain!"


"Why," Jiang stopped alerting, "where is it wrong?"

With her whole body strength, Yan Zheng restrained Kankan from rushing out. "When did you promise me to get married?" His lifelong strategy and calmness were used at this moment. After taking a deep breath, he finally interpreted the most perfect, coldest and most careless voice:

"No, what's wrong? Would you like soy milk?"

Jiang Zhan: "Add a bit!"

Yan Ming wiped her hands, raised her chest, and took a long breath, carefully looking into the mirror. Although she was slightly vicissitudes due to long-term busyness, she still had a handsome and tough face, and a strong male arm. Dialed the amount of hair, and then took a half step back with satisfaction and nodded.

He poured a cup of warm water by hand, turned around, walked out of the kitchen, and slammed the door in front of the bedroom.

Jiang Zhan was leaning on the bedside and turning over the autograph book that Huang Xing gave him. He was wrapped in a cloud-like woolen blanket and looked like a light and soft feather under the orange light. He is now the wild giant panda cared for by Lu Bureau. The city's bureaus are holding the moon. In strict words, it is that he is being cared for at home at all times, similar to the concubine queen.

The queen queen took the warm water cup and said unhappyly, "Why don't I even drink soy milk?"

Yan Zheng was thinking about coaxing his wife, and persuaded her husband to feed you a good meal, and then asked indifferently: "When will the provincial police station allow you to report?"

"September, what's wrong?"

"Let's do this," Yan Yan rubbed his hands and said, "it's a bit tight for the wedding."

As soon as Jiang Zhuang's eyelids were lifted, Yan Yan's breathing was blocked for a moment, only he was afraid that he would come out and say "the two men have a hairy marriage". However, this worry was frustrated, only listening to Jiang Zanran and said: "Are we going to do a wedding?"

With a loud bang, the heart fell back to his chest.

But his control of the micro-expression was so wonderful that there was no joy on the surface, and he immediately raised his eyebrow in surprise: "You don't want to do it?"

Jiang Zang said, "No. But the two of us ..."

Yan Zheng lowered his head and covered his eyes with his hands. His shoulders fell down, and even a pinch of black hair on the top of his head, which was always arrogant and unbearable without waxing, was listless, and dangled in an arc.

Jiang Zang was stunned, and the air fell silent.

"Since I was very young, I have imagined that my future wedding must be held abroad, flowers, lawns, fountains, white pigeons ... Under the witness of relatives and friends, I promised my next life." With his eyes closed, he shook his head for a long while and solemnly said, "You don't have to."

He paused and stood up: "After all, you care more about worldly eyes."

As he walked outside, he was surrounded by a helpless and tolerant vicissitudes, as if the man was dying of blood on the bank of Jiangyang County, dragging his heavy steps slowly to the distance.


Sure enough, his hand was caught the next second.

"Do it, do it ..." Jiang Zhan was defeated, and his face was ruined: "Which wedding do you want to go to, let's do it!"

"So what?" Han Xiaomei stared in disbelief. "We have a two-month surprise proposal, just like that?"

In the hallway where people from Jianning Municipal Bureau came and went, Yan Yan lay a police uniform on one shoulder, holding a large cup of thick non-fat latte in one hand, and shrugged his shoulders. After watching it, I really wanted to take the shoe soles to pump him, I don't know how Jiang Zhi kissed each day:

"You Jiang Brother Love ~ I ~ Understand? In your Jiang Brother's heart, I am his only companion, destined husband, fate! Who else can he marry besides marrying me? Proposal? "

Han Xiaomei's face was blank, and Yan Yan watched his tail go forward, as if the pair of horses yelled a while ago-"No! The flowers at the proposal site must be red! All red! Red is the most festive and richest, symbolizing my right Your brother Jiang's pepper house is a pet! "-He's not the same as his neurosis.

"Oh, right," Yan Ye suddenly remembered something, and suddenly stood back, smiled with a folder on her head, and took a photo of Han Xiaomei.

"For your success in planning your proposal, Brother Yan rewards you with an all-inclusive wedding invitation for a first-class ticket to a five-star hotel. Remember to dress beautifully."

Han Xiaomei: "!!!"

Yan Zheng's image in Han Xiaomei's heart was so high that she rushed to the sky, and then left her tail wagging in the grateful gratitude sent by her.

"You kids are so ignorant, how can you say that a wedding is a wedding? Where is the time? Is the place scheduled? How many people are you going to invite? Jewelry ring dress venue, wedding car flowers emcee band ..."

Jiang Zeng put his legs on his knees, holding Director Huang's latest book in his hand, and a Bluetooth headset in his ear. He nodded in the gap between Ms. Zeng Cuicui and Xu.

"So why don't you say hello in advance!" Mother Yan was about to suffer a heart attack. "It's April! It's only five months since the September report! Even making clothes is not enough, what about a wedding!"

Jiang Zhan finally returned to God: "What?"

Mother Yan: "..."

"Oh, Yan Yan said that this was his wish from a young age. At the age of eighteen, he dreamed of going to a wedding abroad, so ..."

The mother's indignation was turned into crying and laughing: "You listen to him, when he was eighteen years old, he was full of brains, and the only wish in life was to be the boss of the underworld triad. The wedding is What? Can my wife eat it? "

Jiang Zhan: "..."

Yan's mother tongue has a strong heart, and his full love will almost overflow through the microphone: "Silly boy, he don't like you."

Jiang Zhan raised his hand to cover his eyes. This gesture was exactly the same as Yan Yan who pretended to be a good man that night. He lifted his head and breathed a long breath, looking at the extraordinary and vulgarity like a dusty face, saying, "Don't go abroad, the city bureau. Just find a food stall at the door for a meal. "

"How is that! Our wedding is not so perfunctory! I don't want the next generation to repeat the regrets that I had with you Uncle Yan!" Mother Zheng Zhengzheng said: "I was a young lady from a big family, and your uncle Yan was just a high school Chinese teacher, our combination was opposed by everyone, and we could only scrawl a hasty wedding ... "

Jiang Zhan instantly made up a series of love tales that abandoned family property and ran away to get married, starting from scratch and crying.

"Even the team is just Xiali, Xiali! What about a good Ferrari Porsche Rolls-Royce Lamborghini ?!"

"Since then I swear to myself, when my child gets married, I will find 88 Ferraris to go around Jianning City! After giving birth to my son, I will give my daughter-in-law a diamond crown, and when I have a daughter, I will accompany a dowry diamond crown. I do n’t care for five carats! Lao Yan, do you hear Lao Yan? Lao Yan? ”

Father Yan holding a small book: "It's arranged!"

Jiang Zhan: "..."

“Do n’t go around Jianning City, I ’m afraid we wo n’t be criticized by the Ministry of Public Security.” Yan Yan smiled: “Listen to us and go abroad, barbecue at the lawn fountain, and only invite the nearest relatives and friends. The total number is controlled. Within thirty or forty. In addition, do n’t charter a plane, they must book their own tickets.

Yan Yan was half-wrapped on the sofa, holding Jiang Jiang in one hand, and the two snuggled to each other watching the crying soap opera on TV. Just listening to the phone on the phone, Mother Yan gritted her teeth and wished she could reach out and pat her son's head severely: A small sand sculpture, do you think this will be too late? Minger, I will let the tailor come to discuss with you the dress, as well as wine, flowers, venues, jewelry ... "

Jiang Zing watched the heroine in the TV drama with one eye, and the other with Director Huang Xing's latest works. Her glasses were all cramped and she laughed: "Why jewellery is not a girl."

Mother Yanzi said, "I think too much, it's your old mother and my jewellery. My hard-earned son is getting married, isn't it the best reason for me to buy new jewelry ?!"

Jiang Zhan: "..."

There is a reading glasses on the phone, a glance at the martial arts drama and a glance at Yan Fu of the Financial Journal: "..."

"Once you've got it, just do what you say. I'll talk to the wedding company back." Yan Yan's eyes narrowed and Jiang's attention shifted more and more from professional books to TV series. Hang up the phone in a few words: "Xing Xing Xing, whatever you say, go back and honor your son with a five-carat pigeon egg, love you, bye!"

"Where did you get the five carats? Is the salary of the director enough to buy you a pair of shoes? You're a wicked boy ..."

Ms. Zeng Cuicui was hung up with a click and laughed, Yan Yan split his head and covered his face and pressed Jiang on the sofa. The whole person was firmly under him: "What are you looking at?"

The two were close to each other, from the chest and abdomen to the lumbosacral to the four legs, even breathing less than half a palm away.

Jiang Zhan's cheeks were slightly warm, but still calm and calm ~ ~, huh? Whose eyes are always on the TV? "

"No sight ..."

"I didn't look at you. Is the hero leading me handsome?"

Jiang Zang just spoke, Yan Yan reached out and covered his hand, and lowered his head with great deterrence. His lips almost touched the tip of his nose when he opened and closed.

"Just think again, is your hero the handsome man?"

Jiang stopped quietly and shook his head vigorously.

"Is my husband the best in China?"

Jiang Zong nodded.

"Then what are you looking at?"

"... hmm ..."

Yan Zheng let go of his hand a little, Jiang Zhan took a breath and immediately put up with a smile and said, "Look at you."

One thousand eight hundred words

The author has something to say:

I still have n’t had time to sort out the overlord tickets, but I have already calculated it from the background! I will definitely sort it out! Check out the next chapter from time to time next week

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