The deeper the trees, the more strange the posture of the trees. In mid-air, the numerous trees that were hanged by aerial roots were like giant giants. They stood and blocked the sun. Under the ground, criss-crossing ground roots circled with knots, covered with slippery moss and lichens. Every step you take, you need to take care to keep your feet steady.


As soon as the exhaust sound fell behind, Yan immediately stood still: "What's going on?"

Jiang stopped pressing and pressed his palm, and saw a large ant crawling on the trunk he had just lifted up.

"Let you mess around, get bitten." Yan l clutched Jiang Zeng's arm forcefully, forcing him to tilt his center of gravity to himself, while whispering: "Tell you not to follow you and you won't listen, wait for a while What to do if you slip and fall, you have to get you to the hospital as soon as possible-very pissed. "

Jiang Zhan frowned: "It's not that much, and it's not a little girl."

"Ah, little girl is not as expensive as your body!"

"Why are you talking so much?"

"What I said are all the facts from countless blood and tear lessons ..."

The two just quarreled and went forward with a deep, shallow kick. Not far away, Interpol led police dogs through the dense forest, and intermittent cicadas came from overhead.

"Deputy Yan detachment!" The policeman trot forward from the front, and said loudly, "We have reached the limit where the police dog can track, and we cannot determine it any further!"

Yan set his footsteps, and placed Jiang on the flat, soft deciduous layer on the flat and soft deciduous layer, and placed Jiang Jia on a flat and soft deciduous layer.

It is true that you can't reach the village before you can't reach the store. The surrounding area is surrounded by towering trees and vegetation. The ordinary mobile phone signal is gone. Since the police dogs could no longer track down, presumably, Shen Xiaoqi and Bu Wei did not stay here, and did not leave a particularly strong smell among the trees or stones.

The police dog snorted and ran, and Yan L took a few hands, pulled out a beef kernel from his pocket and peeled it to feed, but the police dog that was obediently twisted his head and refused to eat.

"Yo, it's a good training." Yan l exaggerated casually and threw the beef kernels to the trainer.

The trainer smiled and fed, and the police dog ate it.

"How come the two little farts turned to this ghost place," Yan l narrowed his eyes behind his sunglasses and thoughtfully, "this is not the way down the mountain."

"More than that, it's almost eighteen thousand miles off the road that must go down the mountain!" Ma Xiang turned from behind the tree and held the map of the forest area: "--see, they've been walking deeper into the forest Counting the normal pace of a 15- or 16-year-old child, it's so dark to get here, aren't they afraid? "

"Is there a village river or something in front of it?"

"There is a ghost, and I have a wolf or fox."

The trainer couldn't hold the police dog with his tail half crouched, squatted on the ground and hugged the policemen, and saw that he was trying to help: "Will it be completely lost or has it been hijacked?"

Yan said nothing and walked around for a while before stopping.

"--It's all possible. What do you say, policeman?"

Jiang Zhan was holding his arm, sideways to avoid the ants everywhere, and heard the words "um" said: "It is really difficult to speculate at present, there are two possibilities."

Ma Xiang couldn't help asking: "What do you say, police ... Advisor Lu?"

Yan l glared at him immediately, and the policeman had nothing more than me to scream at you. He glared at the innocent Ma Xiang.

"If it was abducted, when did the kidnappers start staring at them, why not go deep into the woods instead of the more mobile road? If it is lost, the way is very straight, There are not many signs of going in circles, and it does not conform to the normal trajectory of the lost in the wild. "Jiang stopped shooting the ants who climbed to his body, and the words turned:" But these two possibilities cannot be ruled out. The kidnapper may intentionally take two It ’s hard to say that a child is going to a place that is inaccessible. "

Ma Xiang was puzzled: "But why did the kidnappers do that?"

Jiang Zhan refused to answer: "Is Bu Wei's uncle rich?"

"Uh ... I look at the materials all year round as a gallery agency business ..."

"Are you rich enough to get 200 million yuan?"

"There must be no wow," Ma Xiang frowned and squeezed his elbow. "The only one who can pull out two hundred million is here."

Yan immediately responded sensitively: "Go! What are you doing manually?"

Jiang Zhan turned a blind eye to their small actions and said, "That's right. If the kidnappers ask for 10 million or even 20 million, it can be said that it is for money, and the sky-high ransom does not leave any room for counter-offering, only to explain that From the very beginning, the purpose is the two children themselves, which represents the worst of all predictions. "

Although he had a hunch in his heart, when he said these two words, Ma Xiang couldn't help but be excited: "——Tear the ticket?"

Jiang Zang said, "I will execute you."

Behind them, more policemen who followed them began to spread to the surrounding area, searching, trying to find clues such as footprints. Yan watched the back of the dark blue uniform submerged into the bushes, and suddenly muttered the two words again: "Execution."

He looked back and looked at Jiang Zhan from behind the sunglasses: "The execution is punishment for the convicted crime, that is, punishment must be committed first-what is the charge of the Shen family?"

"Ah!" Ma Xiang raised his hand first: "White-tailed sea eagle?"

It can't be blame that this group of criminals always mentions white-tailed sea eagles. Indeed, the blood of animal protection at the national level has stimulated them too much, and people are thinking about things and thinking about them.

"I said how old you mention it ..." Yan l frowned heavily and had not had time to finish before being interrupted by Jiang Ding with almost no hesitation: "No, it has nothing to do with Shen Xiaoqi's parents."


"If I am a kidnapper and I want to punish a certain behavior of the Shen family, what will I do?" Jiang paused in Ma Xiang's confused eyes, "I will first kidnap the child and ask for a The number of Shen families who lost their homes but did not give up directly, for example, 8 million. After Shen family smashed the iron to sell the iron to make up 8 million, I cut off Shen Xiaoqi's fingers and sent them to 12 million-Shen Xiaoqi And grandpa and grandma, grandfather and grandmother, seven aunts and eight aunts ... After all the others have made a fortune of twelve million, I cut off one of his ears and added one to fifteen. "

"The so-called boiled frog in warm water is only to be scary if the frog looks at me and pours firewood into the fire. Do you still want your child to live? If you want to live, keep adding more. Eight hundred, twelve, fifteen thousand Two thousand ... Shen family was gradually forced to the point of insane madness, despair, and grief, but they never knew if they would pick up the child next time they ransom or whether they would continue to receive some part of the child. "

Yan L said: "Psychological Ling Chi."

"Yes," Jiang Zong agrees. "If the kidnappers use psychological delay, then we can be sure that the target of the execution is an adult, but it is obviously another situation now."

"..." Ma Xiang froze for a long time, and finally squeezed out a sentence: "Consultant Lu, you are terrible ..."

Jiang Zhan smirked: "There is no such case. But at least you can be sure that the kidnapper is not me."

"Then suppose the target of the kidnapper punishment is Shen Xiaoqi himself, including Bu Wei." Yan l's thinking changed his perspective: "Two students who just finished the exam, Shen Xiaoqi just got his ID card, and Bu Wei didn't even reach the age of 16. , Social participation is very limited, and what crimes are likely to be committed? "

That's a good question.

A few people didn't speak. The police dog trainer blinked and tentatively said, "Did you just say that the little girl's parents died and were adopted by her uncle ... Could it be that the little girl's social relationship is more complicated? Is it related to love killing?"

Yan L and Jiang Zhuang look at each other, and each other sees hesitation from the bottom of each other's eyes.

There are too few clues and time is tight, even if Holmes is reborn, it is difficult to fail.

"Although Buwei is a well-behaved girl in the description of her classmates, this possibility cannot be ruled out. After all, her appearance belongs to a relatively rare category in the crowd." Jiang Zang stomped the ants and looked up and asked: " Has Bu Wei's guardian yet been contacted? "

Yan l spread his hands and shouted, "Lao Gao-!"

Gao Panqing was on the command car from a distance: "Ah-!"

"It's not easy for you criminal detectives," the police dog trainer admired them back and forth admiringly: "Look at this brain cost, every day is like participating in the strongest brain."

Jiang Zhan didn't take it for granted, "I'm not a criminal investigator, I'm only responsible for bourgeois wool."

Trainer: "Ah?"

"Brother Yan——!" Gao Panqing poked his head out of the command car: "The city bureau found Bu Wei's guardian and was using police cars to send her uncle to the farmhouse! Director Huang also sent Shen Xiaoqi's computer search records. It's up! "

At least the work on the technical investigation has progressed a little, and everyone's spirits have refreshed.

"Well, our specialty is not search and rescue. It's also messy here. Let's go back to the car." Yan said, "Look, consultant Lu is about to be overwhelmed by ants."

Jiang Zhuang was displeased: "It's the bean paste bun you bought in the morning ..."

"You have two fewer sentences," Yan l sneered as he hugged his shoulder forcibly: "Eating sweets all day is to attract bees and butterflies, and it has nothing to do with me."

At 2:30 in the afternoon, the command car stumbled in the forest, like a strong man who drank too much, and made everyone miserable.

"All the records of mobile communication, WeChat payment, social software chat, web browser search, etc. are all here. Originally, this file had hundreds of trillions. Fortunately, Director Huang, who saved the lives and disasters, gave us the key points."

Gao Panqing opened the compressed file package and handed the notebook to Yan.

Sure enough, the screen is full of dense data. All the secrets in Shen Xiaoqi's computer are spread out in the sun, as if a corpse has been carefully dissected. Whether it is the heart, liver, lungs, kidneys, and other hidden parts, or hidden parts that are difficult to open, all are in the dissection. Anyone on stage.

Ma Xiang leaned his head from the back seat, followed Yan L and looked at a few pages, booing: "This is the biggest worry in my heart after I became a policeman."

The driver of the municipal bureau drove in front of him, and Yan looked at the search engine records intently. Jiang Zhe was weak and prone to motion sickness. On the entire car, only Gao Panqing ignored Ma Xiang and said, "Ye, do you have any concerns?"

"Lao Gao, you look down on people. Do I look so slender?"

Gao Panqing said, "Okay, what are you worried about in that young man? Buddy helps you troubleshoot."

"You don't have to troubleshoot. You promise to do me a favor." Ma Xiang coughed, expressing his emotions and feelings: "If we do our business, we will have good fortune and death. In case one day I fight crime and Protecting the people and sacrificing bravery, please all my technical and investigative colleagues to raise your hand, don't touch my alien computer which is saved and used frugally, especially let my defgh disk and several tb of various resources ... ... "

"..." Gao Panqing squinted at him from the corner of his eye for a long while: "That burned you?"

Ma Xiang covered his chest with his hands and tears in his eyes. After a long time of thinking, he solemnly said, "You can copy a copy to Qin next door before burning. After all, everyone is an old teammate who has been in the dark for many years. I do n’t feel good about leaving a spiritual heritage for this society. . "

Gao Panqing's expression of "Oh," could not help but nodded, turning his head for a long while, and muttering, "... you are still playing black in a love game."

"Lao Gao, won't a part of this search record be missed because ** mode is turned on or cleared immediately?" Yan Yan suddenly asked.

"Director Huang said no, what's wrong?"

"That would be a little weird."

Ma Xiang and Gao Panqing gathered together curiously, and saw Yan l pointing to a line in a dense screen: "May 9th, Shen Xiaoqi searched for the first time using the Tianzong Mountain Strategy as a keyword. Before that, There is no search record about tourism, and there are no keywords such as 'Summer Resort', 'Scenic Spots around Jianning', 'Cheap and Free Travel'. He did not follow any Weibo like Jianning scenery, Jianning The account of headlines, beautiful Jianning, and Weibo on the webpage could not be recovered, but the browsing history did not find any related to Tianzongshan; it felt like the child suddenly came up with the idea of ​​'I am going to Tianzongshan'. None of the other options existed, without any hesitation. "

"Hmm ..." Ma Xiang, a young Internet addiction expert, said with experience: "Basics now use mobile phones."

Gao Panqing also agreed: "What if we read the recommendation from WeChat circle of friends?"

Yan shook his head and had no time to say anything. Qian Paijiang stopped and did not reply: "Jianning is a famous tourist city and the surrounding attractions are rich. Even after reading the recommendations, you will not completely ignore it when planning your trip. Any other option, unless he has some kind of obsession with Tianzong Mountain. "

Yan l lifted Erlang's legs and rushed to Ma Xiang with high hopes and whispered, "Learn from others."

Ma Xiang replied with the same small volume: "Know that you are a loving couple, don't show up."

Gao Panqing is more upright: "Dedication? What might be the situation, consultant Lu?"

Jiang Zhan kept his eyes slightly bowed, and leaned down, his head resting on the back of his chair.

"Advisor Lu?"


Everyone's eyes were burning, and their eyes were at the end. The weak voice of Advisor Lu came slowly: "There are many situations. Perhaps there is a saying from Tianzongshan among classmates, maybe important relatives and friends have been there, or ..."

He suddenly exclaimed and opened the window.

Everyone: "?????"

Yan Li suddenly became suspicious, and was about to look forward, but suddenly saw Jiang Zhan's head stuck out of the window like a lightning, and then: "Heavy—"

Everyone: "..."

Consultant Lu, who has always been elegant and calm, was finally knocked down by car motion sickness.

Farmhouse courtyard, temporary action office converted from breakfast hall.

"I really don't know anything. Are you sure my niece has been kidnapped?"

A fat man in a suit and leather shoes sat in front of the two policemen, his face was covered with sweat, and he was constantly wiping a handkerchief like a cultural person, but he wiped more and more:

"No, I haven't received a blackmail message at all-yes, I haven't seen her since the day before yesterday, but I'm usually in the field and I make a maximum of one phone call per week to this child. I'm not her father! What? You said that the kidnappers wanted two hundred million? !!! I dare to do this, I do n’t have two million! No!-Tear the ticket? No, you do n’t understand the police officer, I ’m not her legal guardian, I usually pay the tuition fees. Very conscience ... "


Suddenly the door was opened, and the two policemen stood up and saw Ma Xiang enter the house with a sound: "Water? Water? Quickly bring ice water! Quickly!"

Ma Xiang opened the road in front, Gao Qingqing followed the fan, Yan l supported the pale-faced consultant Lu personally, and the posture was like several people picking up a wild giant panda on the way back halfway, and the stars held the river to the chair. Sit up.

"Why isn't it enough?" Ma Xiang took the water from the police, and turned to Yan l. I saw the stabbed head of the public security system who was not afraid of the sky, the famous Yan Fu deputy detachment of the second generation of the rich, quickly rolled his sleeves to the left and personally waited for Jiang to stop drinking.

Police inquired carefully: "What's wrong?"

"Motion sickness." Ma Xiang whispered while covering his mouth, "Yan's personal consultant, the IQ of this case is responsible, and the case is half dumb, and I haven't been able to finish the last half of the sentence."

"Oh ..." The policeman's expression was unclear.

Jiang Zhan waved his hands weakly, signaled that he would not drink, and rubbed his eyebrows tiredly.

Yan L then screwed the mineral water bottle cap off, and signaled that Ma Xiang lifted the vertical electric fan to the river and stopped blowing. When the consultant Lu was blown, he could be resurrected with blood and grab the kidnappers from the vast mountains and forests in an instant. Until it comes out. Then he finally got up and asked the police: "How's it going?"

"Vice Yan!" The policeman saluted, pointing at the fat man in the suit: "This is the uncle of the kidnapped girl Bu Wei, Wang Xingye, who was sent by the city car just now."

In other words, in addition to the crying Shen family parents, the case finally reached a key family member.

Yan l politely said, just reaching out to hold, suddenly saw the fat man named Wang Xingye's expression is not right.

——His hand was stiff in the air, his eyes crossed Yan Yan, and he stared at Jiang Dang not far away; for a moment, his eyes seemed to see the ghost alive.

Suddenly caught off guard, Yan l's heart sank slightly, then he increased his strength and held Wang Xingye's hand:

"Mr. Wang?"

"Ah ... ah? Officer?"

Yan stared at him calmly, and half a moment gently asked, "What are you looking at?"

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