Breaking Through the Clouds

Chapter 92: Chapter 92

At the entrance of the top floor of the apartment, Ma Xiang stood in front of the luxurious gate at a glance. He curiously looked up, down, left, right, and left for a while. He just reached out to ring the bell and suddenly remembered something. Number.

Ten seconds later, the door was opened, and Yan Min leaned his head with his upper body bare.

"Oh brother Yan, I want to die for you--"


Ma Xiang stopped abruptly, as if he had been faced with a raw egg in his throat. I saw Yan Yan's forefinger standing in front of his lips, and then pointed to the bedroom, sternly: "Tap! Your consultant Lu is sleeping!"

Ma Xiang: "………………"

Stupid Ma Xiang watched Yan Yan turn around and enter the room, his head full of "yooooooooo ~" wavy across the waves.

"Did you bring something?"

On the second floor of the duplex apartment, Yan Xun sat on a rattan chair on the terrace, put a can of Cola just taken out of the refrigerator in front of Ma Xiang, and found a cigarette to ignite himself, taking a deep breath.

Ma Xiang disengaged his gun from the waist, and held the muzzle and handed it to him: "There are five bullets in total, and my name is registered. You can take it easy, even if there is only one bullet here, you can't tell clearly. I should take off my police uniform and leave. "

"It's okay," Yan Yan opened the gun, counted five bullets in front of Ma Xiang, and Yan Yan smiled. "You're about to lose your job. Brother Yan will keep you and your paper man in your harem for a lifetime."

Ma Xiang was touched by a sore nose: "Brother Yan ..."

"Go go, don't give it that way. The license plate number of the grandson who followed me last night was found out?"

Ma Xiangxin said that you have officially come out of the cabinet and still abandon others. What is the reason? Grunting dissatisfiedly, he opened the file bag and said, "It's all here. The silver Hyundai Elantra family car, with the license plate number built c66rt3, was unexpectedly a fake license plate. I took out the traffic monitoring video on Workers' Avenue and made it Sharpen, but the driver following you made a certain degree of camouflage, did not take valuable facial images, and just that video could not find more detailed clues. "

Unsurprisingly, he looked at the surveillance image printed in the document bag and asked, "What about his escape route?"

"The monitoring time showed that only two minutes after the traffic police and patrol police were dispatched, this Yilante suddenly changed lanes and opened into the high-tech park east of Workers Avenue. The roads inside the park are complicated and the monitoring is incomplete. I suspect he is very familiar with the terrain. Soon we will no longer be able to trace the escape route of this grandson. "

Yan Yan stopped and stared at an image.

It was a monitor that was enlarged several times after sharpening, and the angle was very clever. It took a small half of the driver's face. Because of the windshield, the face wearing the sunglasses mask was not clear, but staring at the blurred contour of the face for more than half a minute, Yan Yan suddenly felt an indescribable subtlety. .

Have I met this person? He could not help but come up with such an idea.

One of the important professional qualities of the Interpol is to observe human faces. Frontline criminal policemen like Yan Mao who often deal with all kinds of suspects, face blindness is something that doesn't exist at all. There are thousands of faces in the mind. There are many thousands of faces that focus on fleeing wanted criminals. Can be recognized at a glance.

But he stared at the driver in the image, but he was not sure if he was suspicious or really inexplicable.

"This guy has some anti-reconnaissance skills," Yan Ming frowned.

"Indeed," said Ma Xiang, drinking Coca-Cola, "but the tracking technology is not bad, and you will be discovered in a moment."

Yan Yan shook his head, and his heart said it was not necessary.

He could find this person last night, purely because he temporarily changed his mind to buy a piece of cake. If it was not for a coincidence, it would be difficult for him to notice the tracker. After all, this color family car is too common and not very common. Eyes on.

In other words, he wasn't even sure how long he had been followed.

"I said, brother Yan, although our police must have made a lot of enemies, the revenge of the criminal's relatives has rarely been heard. This grandson dared to drive the criminal investigation deputy branch in broad daylight. The courage is obviously not small. . Or you can report it to the Deputy Bureau of Wei, they are prepared, at least you have a heart in mind, ah? "

Yan Yan was silent for a moment, put away his hand | gun and file bag, and shook his head: "No need to say."


Ma Xiang was a little instinctively uneasy in his doubts, Yan Yan looked at him twice, nodded a bit with his cigarette butt, and frowned, "Because your brother Yan naturally knows! When should I tell Lao Wei that I have the final say, I understand He cancelled Lao Tzu ’s suspension review before he said! "

"Oh-" Ma Xiang seemed to understand something and muttered quietly: "But you haven't been a prostitute for daytime at home ..."

Yan Zheng stood up and knocked a chestnut on his brother's head.

"It is forbidden to tell the consultant Lu, lest he worry. The consultant Lu is very tired at night. We try to let him rest during the day, do not disturb him if everything is OK, remember?"

A row of barrage popped up at the top of Ma Xiang's head, all brushed: yooooooooo ~!

Yan Yan laughed and scolded: "Remember to quickly get back to work!"

Ma Xiang couldn't look straight into the spring atmosphere of this room, especially when he saw Yan Mao turned his back and pretended to unintentionally expose two insignificant scratches on his back muscles, his first reaction was to look up at the sky. Lasagne tears, I feel my 24k titanium single dog eyes are going to be blinded.

Brother Yan, are you still the same brother who vowed that Lao Tzu would not be interested in men? Your straight man is just trying to cheat up, right?

"Hey, in fact, I don't really care about Lu Bureau. They asked me to suspend my review. Isn't your consultant Lu sticky?" Yan Yan sighed as he sent Ma Xiang out the door: " You do n’t know. Every time I want to go out to work, your consultant Lu ca n’t bear it. Tears are teary, and I have to kiss another one. We are the police because we owe a small family. Fortunately, I am suspended from home to stay with him You two consultants were too enthusiastic for the two nights, so you were tired. In fact, you really can't blame me ... "

"………………" Ma Xiang finally made up his mind and looked around at no one, then he whispered solemnly: "Brother Yan."


"Are you cool?"

Ma Xiang, a omnivorous party who loves both Royal Sister and Loli, an innocent boy who indulge in two yuan, a house with a monthly salary of more than half a tribute to major game developers, finally couldn't help asking what he cared most about Curious question.

Yan Yan stared at him with indescribable eyes for a long time, and finally asked, "Are you still a virgin?"

Ma Xiang's eyes flickered, and he nodded invisible for a long time.

"... Cool." Yan Yan patted his shoulder like a life instructor, and said gravely, "Young people can try it occasionally."

Ma Xiang blushed and hummed like a mosquito for a long time, "try?"

Yan Yan nodded.

"But ... but I haven't had much contact with consultant Lu. Wouldn't it be strange if there was no emotional basis?"

Yan Yan changed his face at the speed of light, roaring: "Go!"

Ma Xiang laughed wildly, rushing to the ground and running away.

"Ma Xiang came just now?"

Yan Zhuan turned back to the bedroom. Jiang Zhan did not know when he was awake. He was standing in the bathroom connected to the master bedroom, brushing his teeth, and propped his hands on the side of the washbasin. The sound of toothpaste foam was still very hoarse.

Yan Ye was a little instinctually excited when he heard the voice, forcibly leaned over and pressed it a few times until he was knocked on the ribs by Jiang Zhan's elbow, covering his stomach with a squeak of pain, speechless, half a sigh. Grit your teeth and squeeze out a sentence: "Jiang team you are too dark widow ..."

Jiang Dingling hugged him and said, "Why don't I know that you are so weak, Deputy Yan?"

Yan Zheng was once again recognized for his acting skills, and was finally satisfied. He stood up and humbled, "Good to say, good to say."

"What is Ma Xianglai doing?"

"Oh, it's nothing. I have a few old files. I want to study at home during this time and ask him to send them to me."

Jiang Zhan bowed his head, finished his mouthwash, wiped his towel after wiping his mouth, and said, "Does it have anything to do with your delay on the road last night?"

As a criminal investigation expert, Jiang Zhan is indeed very powerful. Yan Ye noticed almost immediately that his words were "delayed on the road last night" instead of "delayed in the city bureau office last night." The subtle difference is not It goes without saying.

"Isn't it that I didn't find the materials last night, so I asked him to deliver it this morning?" Yan Yan smiled casually. "Why, haven't you formally received the certificate yet, you have to check the husband's post?"

Jiang Zhan glanced at him inexplicably, turned out of the bathroom, and went to drink his bottle of high-calcium milk, which was prescribed by the doctor every morning.

Yan Yan also wore loose pajamas, hands in his pants pockets, and leaning his shoulders against the refrigerator door: "You said that you, people, have slept twice, and don't hurry to think about how to marry into the door quickly, There is no sense of urgency. "

Jiang Zang drank his head and drank the milk. There was some milk foam on the bright red lips, and his eyes looked up and down, which seemed a little funny.

"Fortunately, you met a man with a sense of responsibility. Although you are embarrassed to mention it, I still won't do the kind of thing that runs and goes. When do we go to get the card? Civil Affairs Bureau doesn't care Let's make a card at home and mount it. "

Jiang Zhan finally drank the bottle of milk with Yan Yan's eyes blinking, wiped his mouth and smiled, "You hate getting married like that?"

"Hey, what did you say? Didn't I just think about it for you? You said that you don't even have a name now. In case I change my mind and run away, I won't even score my family property. How pathetic."

Jiang stopped laughing and ignored him, and walked to the bedroom, Yan Yan also followed him steadily: "After you get the certificate, you will be protected, the derailed child will be counted as a fact of bigamy, and the income after marriage will be counted as the common property of the couple. In case one day your husband is unfortunately glorious, you can still get a pension and save it ... "

When he didn't finish speaking, Jiang stopped and turned back, Yan Yan almost didn't hit him, only to see his eyes sink down: "What are you talking about?"


The two stared at each other for a long while, Yan Yan blinked his eyes, and finally raised his hands like a forgiveness: "Xing Xing Xing, I was wrong, I was wrong ..."

Jiang Zhe entered the bedroom with a calm face, before Yan Yan had time to follow up, and the door panel was snapped again in front of him, nearly hitting his upright nose.

Yan Ye suspected that Jiang Zhan was just playing on the topic, so he didn't give up. After eating that closed door, he had to mention "Let's get a certificate" once or twice a day. . From "buying big pigeon eggs for your big wedding" to "write your name in the front room", from "three surrogates in the future can have one with your last name" to "the first child with your last name "Let ’s do it", and even the bereavement and insult of the country "as long as I cook every day after marriage" was proposed-as a straight male cancer who has never been in the kitchen after being born, Yan Yan deeply felt that he had given up the last Dignity.

But despite this, his status as a good gunner has not changed.

"What's so bad about getting married--" Yan Yan moaned lazily behind the shopping cart and complained.

Jiang Zhan wore a haze-proof mask, stood in front of the supermarket refrigerator, looked at it for a while, picked up a jar of yogurt, put it in the shopping cart, and smiled: "I am a singleton."

The deputy leader of the Yan branch has reviewed the suspension of work as a marriage leave. Three weeks have passed. Except for the routine study of the old case file every night, the rest of the time is spent on vacations, sleep, sleep, and sleep. I wasn't interested in entertainment such as racing and playing games.

Captain Jiang deeply felt that the vulgar taste of sleeping could not develop into a long-term hobby. First of all, young people should dedicate excess energy to the building of socialist spiritual civilization, and secondly, his weak physical condition could not be accepted. Captain Jiang is a person who is very meticulous in doing things. After making up his mind, he asked to eat at home all day, asked the two to cook together in the kitchen, and finally boiled the frog in warm water. He gradually developed the deputy captain Yan's interest in cooking step by step.

"Don't take this box of eggs. Take it from the inside. It's fresh inside." Yan Yan pushed the shopping cart commander: "Yes, the box inside."

Jiang Zang asked, "Do you still eat scrambled eggs with tomatoes tonight?"

Yan Min nodded with satisfaction, and then forcefully pressed again after five seconds: "What's so good about bachelorism-"

Jiang stopped through the supermarket shelves, came to the fresh fruits and vegetables area to buy tomatoes, and asked with a smile: "I am single and mine, what is it to do with you?"

"Of course it does matter. You are dragging me, an older man, to be single with you. How can a person be so unconcerned about others?"

"Are you old?"

"Huh," Yan Min nodded abruptly.

Jiang Dianxi shouted, "You didn't say that last night."

Yan Yan immediately turned his lips back: "You weren't as cold as you were in bed last night!"

Jiang Zhan was blocked back firmly, his ears were slightly warm, but his face was calm as usual.

"Let ’s wait for a while, go out and buy three golds from Lao Fengxiang next door, and buy two pairs of dragon and phoenix bracelets for two or two. Is it enough as a deposit? Then what necklaces, earrings, rings, pendants, what do you say? It's sincere enough ... "

"Steamed fish tonight?" Jiang Zang asked.

Yan Yan immediately said: "Steam."

Jiang Zhan picked the tail bass, Yan Yan was almost splashed with water by the fish tail, hurriedly avoided, pushed the car to follow behind, and taught him painstakingly: "Don't be so stubborn as a man, in fact, I'm all for you Think about it. You say we've both slept so many times ... "

"Isn't it just pure artillery that you said?" Jiang stopped and didn't call back, not paying attention to lowering the volume.

Behind the silence, after the meeting Jiang stopped feeling wrong, turned back.

The aunt selling shrimp on the stall next to them stared at them dumbfounded, his eyes slowly stopped on Jiang Zhan's flat chest, and his face was written that the world is unpopular. The young people of this year would really play and so on, etc. .

Yan Yan: "..."

Jiang Zhan: "..."

Jiang Zeng responded, pulled Yan Yan, and hurried away.


Jiang Zhan pressed his forehead with one hand: "What's so funny?"


In the parking lot outside the supermarket, Yan was carrying big bags and small shopping bags. He almost laughed and couldn't even open the back cover of the car: "It's over. My name festival has been ruined by you. I can only marry you. It ’s OK if I do n’t marry you. One night, my husband and wife are 100 days old, and I ’m right across the street from the gold shop, and I ’m 100 meters to the right.

Jiang stopped and forbeared, and finally decided to speak and train, but he just laughed and opened his mouth.

His facial muscles always relaxed naturally, and his face was usually cold and distant. When he smiled, his eyes bent, and he quickly turned his head away. Yan Yan looked at the left and right, no one noticed this, suddenly grabbing his shoulders and quickly brought it together, forcibly took off the half mask, printed a kiss on the corner of his lips under the cover of the car body, then quickly retracted back, opened the car with a smile Back box.

Jiang Zhan hurriedly covered his face and put on a mask, afraid of being attacked in public again, and took three steps and turned to the other side of the car. At this time, Yan Zheng had put a few shopping bags in the back box, and stood up with a smile, watching him. The sunset in the late summer passed through the parking lot building, reflecting the glimmer of light in the depths of their pupils.

"I said you ..." Jiang Zang was about to laugh and curse, and suddenly Yan rang the phone.

"Oh, your husband wins the jackpot." As soon as he saw the caller's number, he immediately recognized it. He walked a little two steps, pressed the answer button, and cleared his throat with a cough.

Huang Xing, technical investigation director of Jianning Municipal Bureau of Evidence Office, sat in front of the instrument and frowned slightly. Lu Bureau stood behind him, holding a transparent material evidence bag in his hand, and his voice could not hear the slightest emotion other than being somber: "Where are you now, Yan?"

"Near home. What's wrong with Lu Bureau?"

"I'll be here at seven tomorrow morning."

The opposite side of the phone was awkward, and the first reaction in my mind was, was the incident that was tracked three nights ago discovered?

But then Lu Lu's deep voice sounded:

"We have found some important new clues in the case of the June 19 serial abduction. After identification, it may be related to you."

Yan Yan's pupils suddenly tightened!

"After coming tomorrow morning, come directly to my office." Lu Bureau ordered this sentence without saying a word, and hung up the phone.

The office was quiet again, and Director Huang seemed to have some doubts. After pondering over and over again, he couldn't help it: "Lu Bureau, look at this ..."

But before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a snoring gesture from Lu Bureau, and said lightly, "Don't tell this clue to anyone for the time being."


Lv Bureau turned around and turned his back without saying a word. Huang Xing breathed out, and watched as he carried the physical evidence bag with a bullet case farther and farther, and disappeared into the elevator.

The author has something to say:

Tomorrow on the list of overlord tickets, bow ~ 2k novel reading network

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