The red sun rises, and the dawn light pierces the heavy night and spreads over the Holy Spirit continent. The warm dawn is like a spirited elf, awakening the world that has been silent for the night.

Southern Spirit Domain, in front of the gate of Yunshan City.

As the soldiers in official uniforms opened the city gate and set up the registration facilities, the long and long procession into the city began to slowly advance

, and I saw a slightly fat officer and soldier sitting on a chair, yawning, and looking at the leader of the team.

An unkempt, patched beggar.

Not only that, but there was a small beggar behind him.

The officer and soldier pouted, looked confused, and then looked down at the register.

"Name?" asked the officer without raising his head.

"Zhou Mu. The beggar lifted his loose trousers and bowed his head in reply.

"Zhou... Wood..." The officers and soldiers whispered these two words in the booklet while writing them crookedly in the booklet.

"Age?" the officer asked immediately after writing.

"My lord, the name is wrong, it is grazing pasture, not the wood of trees. Zhou Mu scratched his dirty hair and forced out a smile and said.

Then Zhou Muxin was not good.

Cultivators in this world are respected, and mortal lives are like grass mustard, and the slightest carelessness may lead to losing their lives. And those who can become officers and soldiers in the city are all cultivators.

Even if this cultivator is weak, he can kill a mortal with impunity for the reason of "losing face".

Sure enough, the officers and soldiers had slightly bulging green tendons on their heads, their eyes widened, and they said angrily.

"Lao Tzu said that your name is Zhou Mu, you are called Zhou Mu! Lao Tzu will answer whatever he asks you! I

saw the officers and soldiers' eyebrows flickering, and wisps of spiritual energy flew out from the spirit palace in the center of their eyebrows, surrounding their bodies.


Mu's heart was beating wildly, and he hurriedly bowed his head to apologize.

"I'm sorry for my lord, the grass people are ignorant, it is the honor of the grass people to help the grass people change their names!"

Seeing this, the officers and soldiers put away the Spirit Palace, and their faces eased slightly.

The Spiritual Qi Realm is actually only the first realm of cultivation, and above it there are Ling Rain, Ling Chuan, Ling Hai, Ling Yuan, and Xuan Ling.

These realms are distinguished by the form of the aura in the spirit palace.

People in the Holy Spirit Continent use aura, and the spirit palace will emerge from their eyebrows. Drawing spiritual energy into the spirit palace is the spiritual qi realm, condensing qi into rain is the spiritual rain realm, falling rain is the river is the spiritual river realm, the river converges into the spirit sea, and the spirit sea is deposited into the spirit abyss.

Reiki can nourish the physical body, so the more Aura is a practitioner, the more reckless it is.

This was all the information about cultivation that Zhou Mu had learned in the past ten years in this world, and he had no way of knowing the information of the Xuan Spirit Realm.

That's right, Zhou Mu is a traverser.

Originally, after graduating from college, he returned to his hometown to raise pigs to help his family get out of poverty, but some people said that the pigs he raised were all sick pigs, in order to prove it, Zhou Mu slaughtered one on the spot, stir-fried it in a pot, and ate a large plate.

They were poisoned because the pigs were drugged.

It is even worse when you come to this world.

At that time, Zhou Mu crossed over to a ten-year-old boy in the Zhou family, and just opened his eyes to find himself lying in a pool of blood, surrounded by fire and charred corpses.

When I found the entrance, I saw a mountain of dried corpses in the lobby, and those dried corpses seemed to have been sucked all their vitality before they were alive, and what was more frightening was that a little girl was kneeling on the top of the corpse mountain, holding a dead hand and crying.

This situation knew that something was wrong at a glance, so Zhou Mu ran away.

But by coincidence, the little girl didn't know what was going on, and suddenly rolled down the corpse mountain and fell in front of Zhou Mu.

He also looked up at Zhou Mu with teary eyes and shouted "brother".

Only then did Zhou Mu find her from the original owner's memory.

Zhou Li, Zhou Jiayan. And himself, the Zhou family is out.

Zhou Mu, who was influenced by the online novel, was very sensitive to the family lineage, and did not look for the memory of the original owner well, and immediately bypassed Zhou Li and ran out.

Just after taking two steps, Zhou Mu couldn't walk. Zhou Li's small hand pulled his blood-stained clothes, making it difficult for him to move.

After two fruitless attempts, the fire grew stronger and stronger, so he had to flee with her.

It was also on this day that the Zhou family was wiped out overnight.

One is ten years old, one is six years old. Two young children begin to survive in this cruel world.

Other traversers have systems, but Zhou Mu does not.

Thinking that if you have the ideas of your past life and have been educated, you can't even earn money, right?

The most useful high school knowledge has been forgotten in college.

What coarse salt purification, what poetry lyrics. As long as he could think of it, he forgot the details.

This has led to him now being a complete waste.

You can only rely on manual work for food. But the ten-year-old's physical strength is limited, and he can only feed one.

Zhou Mu didn't think about not wanting Zhou Li or sending her out, but whether she dumped her or gave her to someone else's house, she would always find herself the next day. There is no way to keep carrying her.

In order to feed one more, Zhou Mu not only helped people work, but also turned over garbage cans, snatched buns with dogs, and stole a few steamed buns when cornered.

In order to survive, everything was done.

In this way, he barely lived for six years, and survived to the age of sixteen, reaching the age of the enlightenment of children in the Holy Spirit Continent.

It is strange to say that in the previous life, the children in their own country were all in the first grade at the age of seven, and they only began to contact Reiki at the age of sixteen, does Reiki affect the development of children, or is this the rule of the world?

Since I don't give the system, then I must be a genius, right?

It backfired, tens of thousands of people in a city enlightened the spirit, and half of them did not open the spirit palace, and Zhou Mu was one of those half.

At first, Zhou Mu wanted to die and not suffer in this world, but I don't know how, his luck was much better, he didn't pick up money on the road, and even the bullies who insulted him before never saw it again.

I also thought that Zhou Li was a concubine, and no matter how wasteful he was, he could always open the Spirit Palace. So there is hope in life again.

I have been looking forward to this day, the initiation ceremony has opened again, and Zhou Li has also turned sixteen years old.

"Age!" the officer continued.

"Twenty years old. Zhou Mu replied honestly.

"Hey, what's your name?" the officer and soldier stretched out his head behind Zhou Mu, his eyes narrowed slightly, staring at the little beggar behind Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu panicked again, people in this world can play him, he knows, just listening to the sound can play.

If he heard Zhou Li's voice, it would be difficult to guarantee that something would be unexpected, after all, he knew what his sister was. In the past, he was humiliated because Zhou Li was beaten.

As soon as Zhou Mu wanted to open his mouth to answer for Zhou Li, he heard a rough voice behind him.

"Zhou Li.

Zhou Mu was surprised, when did she learn to change her voice, but the stone in his heart was considered to have landed, and he did not believe that this officer and soldier liked men!

Sure enough, the officer and soldier seemed to be a little disappointed, looked away, and wrote the word "Zhou Li" crookedly on the booklet.

This time, Zhou Mu saw it, but did not dare to speak again.

"Age?" the officer asked.

"Sixteen. Zhou Li still replied in a thick male voice.

"Participate in the initiation ceremony?"

Zhou Li nodded.

"Where do you live?" the officer and soldier then asked.

"No home, vagrant. This time it was Zhou Mu who answered.

The officers and soldiers didn't seem to hear it, and then asked.


?" "Weight

?" "How many years have you worn clothes?"

Asked a dozen unrelated questions in a row.

In desperation, Zhou Mu touched his whole body, touched two copper plates, and put them on the table.

The officers and soldiers still did not raise their heads and continued to ask where they were.

Zhou Muyi gritted his teeth, took off his rag shoes, cut out four copper plates, and put them on.

Seeing that the officers and soldiers still did not look up, Zhou Mu went to pull Zhou Li's messy hair again, pulled out two copper plates, and put them on the table.

The result is still not looking up.

Zhou Mu wanted to cry without tears.

"Adult, it's really gone, I gave you the money to buy steamed buns today, let us go." Zhou Mu said with a slight cry.

At this time, the officers and soldiers raised their heads, looked at the two beggars, and did not care whether the eight copper plates were dirty or not, and put them away.

"It's really two beggars, hehe, go over there and enter the breath, and then enter the city." The officer pointed to a crystal at the gate of the city.

"Thank you, my lord. Zhou Mu thanked him and led Zhou Li to the front of the crystal.

Because he had come once before when he was enlightened, he put his hand on it without much teaching, and began to enter the breath.

After the two of them got it done, they walked towards the city.

"Sir, my name is Liu Erzhu. At this time, a man dressed similar to Zhou Mu came to the front of the officer and soldier, lowered his eyebrows, touched a silver ingots with one hand, and quietly pushed it into the hands of the officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers raised their eyebrows, put them away quietly, and then waved their hands with a smile and said, "Go over there and enter the breath."


The two were walking on the street, and not long after, Zhou Mu reached out and knocked on Zhou Li's little head.

"Yes, hide so deeply, it will change your voice." Zhou Mu yin and yang strange qi said.

"It's not that you said you have to learn to hide. Zhou Li rubbed his head, his voice was like a warbler's cry, crisp and beautiful, completely different from the rough voice just now.

Indeed, people in their own country liked to hide in their previous lives, which also made Zhou Mu tell Zhou Li from the beginning to hide and never expose all of himself.

"Smelly girl, even your brother is hiding it, right?" said Zhou Mu without a good breath.

"What's wrong with you, you still threw me to someone else in the first place." Zhou Lijiao snorted and gambled on the air.

【Ding! Ten thousand beast breeding system binding.

A mechatronic sound sounded in Zhou Mu's mind.

It's like heaven.

[Ding, binding successful.] 【

Due to irresistible factors, the system is ten years late, and compensation is now paid.】 【

Ding! Congratulations to the host for obtaining an egg compensated by the system, spiritual skill - beast seal, fixed point teleportation once, points 200

] [The reward has been stored in the system backpack] [

Ding! Start scanning the world. 【

Scan successfully, start looking for a suitable farm. Due

to the strength of the host, the farm was selected as the Ten Thousand Beast Forest in the Southern Spirit Domain of the Holy Spirit Continent, and the host was requested to arrive at the designated place as soon as possible to receive the farm. 】

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