Cheng Yue replied with a smile, his tone full of longing for forming a Daoist with Chu Wei.

Although he doesn't like others to dig into the bottom line, his situation is not good now.

He had to find Chu Wei within today, and he would run away after today.

So the people I met along the way, especially this combination of men and women.

Then all contribute to his own strengthening!

A trace of cruelty flashed under Cheng Yue's eyes, and the burly man on the side grinned after noticing his eyes.

Can enjoy again.

The two male disciples said in their hearts, and then greeted with a smile on their faces: "Senior brother is really a good eye, a woman like Senior Sister Chu, you can take it, senior brother."

"Congratulations in advance, Senior Brother."

When Cheng Yue heard this, he cast an appreciative look at them, but he sneered in his heart.

Then a few people started chatting again.

Not long after, the woman came out of the cave and told them that the medicine had been applied.

Several people hurriedly walked into the cave.

The woman's gaze towards Cheng Yue was a little adoring.

At this time, the medicine had just been applied, and it had not yet fully taken effect, and Liu Meng's body had not recovered much.

However, the tightly locked brow was loosened.

Seeing this, several people showed smiles on their faces.

Then, Cheng Yue seemed to have thought of something and motioned to the burly man behind him.

I saw the burly man walking next to Liu Meng, and his burly body formed a strong contrast with the petite Liu Meng.

"Senior Brother, Senior Sister Liu's injury is not good, do you want to wait?" The male disciple looked at the burly body, couldn't help swallowing, and said to Cheng Yue.

When the words fell, Cheng Yue glanced at him strangely.

"Use Reiki to help her recover from some injuries."

If you don't recover from your injuries quickly, how can you provide yourself with strength for a while!

Cheng Yue smiled viciously in his heart, and the lewd light flashed under his eyes, and he no longer cared whether others respected him.

The male disciple was extremely ashamed when he heard this, and felt that he had become a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

I saw that the man summoned the Spirit Palace, and surging spiritual energy gushed out from the Spirit Palace and poured into Liu Meng's body.

In an instant, Liu Meng's bloodless face gradually turned red.

But Cheng Yue felt that it was still too slow.

If it weren't for the fact that his Spirit Palace was black, it would attract enemies after it appeared, and he would definitely have gone up on his own.

Seeing this, the female disciple wanted to speak, saying that it was not necessary.

But thinking that Liu Meng was about to recover, he didn't speak again.

After a moment, Liu Meng's breath became stable and he slowly sat up.

"Thank you Senior Brother Cheng for your help." Liu Meng's appearance is delicate, her body is petite, and this weak look at this moment is even more unique.

The burly man next to him looked at the fiery under his eyes

, seeing that Liu Meng could move, Cheng Yue raised a weird smile at the corner of his mouth, and looked at Liu Mengdao playfully.

"How does that junior sister want to thank you?"

Hearing this, Liu Meng was stunned for a moment, and the three disciples around him were also stunned.

They could hear the difference in Cheng Yue's tone, and they also saw Cheng Yue's expression.

Don't wait for them to think about a response.

Cheng Yue suddenly threw out a black jade.

In the blink of an eye, the light mask covered the entire cave.

Then Cheng Yue's eyes were replaced by a black glow, and a pitch-black spirit palace emerged from the center of his eyebrows.

The four were overwhelmed by this change.

"Cheng... Senior Brother Cheng, what are you doing? The female disciple on the side said tremblingly.


Cheng Yue seemed to have changed into a person, and the previous gentleness dissipated at this moment.

With his sinister laughter, black mist spread out from him in vain.

In the blink of an eye, the entire cave was swept through.

No one, including the burly man, was spared.

I saw that their eyes were red after inhaling the black gas, their faces were flushed, and they were extremely excited.

The female disciple was the first to be unable to hold it, and actually slowly knelt in front of Cheng Yue and looked up at Cheng Yue.

Cheng Yue didn't even look at her, and kicked her to the two male disciples.

In an instant, three men and two women were entangled.

After a while, five black qi rushed out from their bodies and rushed towards Cheng Yue in a steady stream.

Cheng Yue greedily sucked the black qi, feeling the increase in strength in his body.

On the ground, Cheng Yue's face suddenly changed, and he turned his head to look at the entrance of the cave.

"Someone coming?"

Outside the cave.

Chu Wei stood at the entrance of the cave with herbs.

Looking at the black light film looming in the mouth of the cave, Chu Wei's face was full of doubts.

At this time, with her perception of the Lingchuan Realm, she could not detect the movement in the cave.

For some reason, her heart was suddenly very irritable, as if she hated this thing very much, and she was also a little afraid.

This kept her outside, not stepping into the cave.

They must be gone.

Even if I don't go back, it's understandable, they all treated me like that.

Chu Wei paced back and forth outside the cave, hesitating whether to go in.

"I... I didn't feel sorry for them. Chu

Wei muttered.


Chu Wei's brain buzzed, and then her body seemed to be uncontrollable, and she stepped into the cave.

At this time, Cheng Yue in the cave slowly absorbed the last wisp of lustful and evil qi.

Looking at the people who finished so quickly, their faces were full of disdain.

"A bunch of waste, cultivation can't work, this can't work."

"In vain, I arranged such a big battle."

Then the burly man slowly stood up and pinched his waist.

"Senior Brother Cheng, don't blame me for this! Your medicine is too powerful, this woman can't stand it!

Saying that, he looked down at Liu Meng, who was collapsed on the ground like a puddle of spring mud.

Cheng Yue snorted coldly when he heard this, and then a smile appeared on his face.

Chu Wei is here!

The burly man also felt that someone was coming over, and seeing Cheng Yue's expression, he already thought of who it was.

Cheng Yue licked his lower lips, turned around and waited for Chu Wei's arrival, and the lustful meaning in his eyes was about to overflow.

When she comes to me, I'm afraid she can't hold it anymore!


Chu Wei walked into the cave with herbs on her face full of apprehension.

Unexpectedly, the cave was filled with black fog.

Accidentally inhaled some, Chu Wei was numb all over her body and became a little strange.

Sensing that something was wrong, Chu Wei quickly covered her mouth and nose, and her jade hand glowed green, purifying the black qi near her mouth and nose.

Chu Wei frowned, suddenly regretting entering the cave.

As it went deeper and deeper, the black qi became more and more intense.

"They're not going to have an accident, are they?" Chu Wei was inexplicably worried in her heart.

At this time, an obscene voice entered Chu Wei's ears.

"Senior Sister Chu, why are you walking so slowly!"

When the words fell, the black mist in front of Chu Wei's eyes dispersed, and what came into view were Cheng Yue, who was standing with his hands in his hands, with a lewd face, and several companions who could not be seen in sight.

Chu Wei was stunned there, as if struck by lightning.

"Chu Wei, it's so hard for you to let me find you!" Cheng Yue slowly walked in front of Chu Wei and looked down at her.

Chu Wei was frightened and took a step back.

The sight in front of her was something she had never imagined.

"Senior sister, do you know how much I want to get you?" Cheng Yue stretched out his hand to hold Chu Wei's wrist with a frantic face.

"Cheng Yue, what are you going to do!"

Cheng Yue slowly pulled away Chu Wei's hand covering her mouth and nose, and her handsome face slowly approached Chu Wei.

The dark qi once again entered her body from her mouth and nose.

Once again, the body became strange.

Thinking of the appearance of those companions, Chu Wei had already thought of what Cheng Yue was going to do, and her voice trembled with a crying tone.

"Cheng Yue, I saved you!"

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