Zhou Mu pretended to be calm and nodded towards the beasts.

With a surging heart, Zhou Mu suddenly wanted to give a universal ration to every demon beast present.

Then I thought about it, more than 20,000 points were simply not enough to buy more than 20,000 copies.

He can't just give high cultivation and ignore low cultivation.

If so, it is better not to give it in the first place.

If the monsters are disturbed because of unfair treatment, it will be troublesome.

It's not that I'm afraid they will rebel, after all, after being marked, you can recycle them all with a single thought.

The main thing is that it may affect the order of the farm.

However, several beast kings still need special treatment.

After all, they are the current top combat power of the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, and the special treatment of the Beast King will not cause dissatisfaction among his subordinates.

Top combat power is the foundation of a force.

As for the other monsters.

The system will definitely have a growth rate gain in the future, and then it may be comparable to a universal ration.

Moreover, the current 30% growth rate is enough for some demon beasts.

The priority is to improve his cultivation, and now that he has enough points, it is time to try the effect of fusing the beast soul with ten thousand beast techniques.

Not long after, Zhou Mu left the area under the worship of all the beasts.

Zhou Mu noticed the monster beasts' every move and smiled slightly.

They also found that their growth rate increased.

At this rate, the main quest will be completed in no time.

Looking at the 22% progress of the task, Zhou Mu thought to himself.

But it will take at least four days.

Today, more than 20,000 beast seals have been condensed, and his body is already very weak and tired.

It seems that nothing can be achieved overnight!

thinking in his heart, Zhou Mu has already arrived at the last mission location.

The task went very smoothly and was completed in a short time.

Then Zhou Mu couldn't help but wonder if this task could be done by the demon beast.

[The host must be nearby to complete the task] The

answer given by the system frustrated Zhou Mu's idea of exploiting the loophole.

With a long sigh, Zhou Mu returned to the top of the mountain.

Without saying a word, he first spent 20,000 points to build a teleportation anchor at home, and then the method of use appeared in his mind.

It costs 100 points to use it once.

And the farther away, the more points are spent.

However, there was no distance limit, which made Zhou Mu very satisfied.

At the bottom of the teleportation anchor is a formation, the entire anchor point is made of unknown blue stone, and the faint blue light is always wrapped outside the anchor point.

This anchor is still strangely good-looking, Zhou Muxin said.

I can see the balance of 4199 points, and I feel that the teleportation anchor is not too good-looking, too expensive points, and once returned to the pre-liberation period.

Zhou Mu exchanged the points for nineteen points of universal rations.

【Random Primary Beast Soul】Beast soul with random acquisition potential of alien beast and below, price: 200 points.

Zhou Mu exchanged ten, leaving two thousand to gamble eggs.

That's right, the dead nature does not change, out of two with talent, he feels that he can do it again.


to the host for obtaining the mortal beast South China tiger beast soul] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mortal beast white-tip dolphin beast soul] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining the mortal

beast Great Guinea beast soul]


[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the alien beast Jinlin beast beast soul] [Congratulations to the host for obtaining the alien beast four seasons deer beast soul]


A series of prompts sounded, and in the end, there were only three alien beast souls, and the rest were all mortal beast souls.

And three of these mortal beast souls are extinct creatures.

According to the meaning of the system, these creatures cannot be seen in the heavens and realms in the future, but the system has biological seeds.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu couldn't help but feel a little touched in his heart.

The most tragic thing about the disappearance of a species is that it once existed but was forgotten by the world.

Zhou Mu has improved the system.

It turns out that the system is not only a cold release task, but also has a warm side.

"Don't worry, I will live with your will. Zhou Mu looked at the beast souls and said firmly.

The beast soul in his hand seemed to have a sense, and suddenly became active, and the light emitted brightened a lot.

Zhou Mu operated the exercises according to the method described in the Ten Thousand Beasts Recipe.

A crystalline spirit palace emerged, and spiritual energy poured into Zhou Mu's body from the spirit palace, moving in the meridians of his whole body in a specific way.

A dark golden shadow slowly emerged from behind him, and Zhou Mu's eyes also turned dark gold.

Although the phantom shadow did not take shape, Zhou Mu still exuded a simple aura.

At this time, Zhou Mu had the majesty that made ten thousand beasts submit, and the mystery that made people unable to see through.

After taking a look, the chicks who were running madly immediately nestled there honestly, not daring to make any more noise.

I saw that the phantom formed a whirlpool, and after the phantom, a pitch black appeared, like a small night sky.

Before the whirlpool could collect the beast souls in Zhou Mu's hands, those few active beast souls rushed into the vortex by themselves.

Zhou Mu was a little dumbfounded, but then smiled.

All things have animism.

You know, the vortex is not moving, and the beast soul cannot be fused.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu hurriedly ran the exercises, urging the vortex to collect the beast soul into the shadow.

On the ground, a white point of light flew out of the shadow and was embedded in the dark night sky behind the shadow.

The brightness of the light spot is not large, and it can even be described as faint, but in this dark little night sky, this point of light seems to emit infinite light.

This point of light is like the stars at night, dotting the monotonous night sky.

As one beast soul after another entered the shadows, one point after another of the light was embedded in the dark night sky.

Zhou Mu felt that this pitch black was more and more like the night sky, maybe it could become a

starry sky in the future! So Zhou Mu called the black behind the phantom "beast soul starry sky".

The light points turned into these beast souls are of different colors, including white, red, green, etc., and the brightness is also different, and the three exotic beast souls are obviously brighter than the beast souls.

The ten points of light emitted a little light like stars, and Zhou Mu seemed to be surrounded by starlight at this time, and his body was full of faint fluorescence.

"It turns out that fusing the beast soul still has this effect. Zhou Mu felt that the spiritual energy in his body was working faster, and he was pleasantly surprised.

If this is the case, the faster the one's own exercises will work, and the speed of cultivation will be faster.

It is a pity that he did not obtain special abilities from this beast soul.

But after all, they are all mortal beasts, and those who are talented are a few, and it is normal that they have not been able to obtain special abilities.

The phantom disappeared, and the quaint aura on Zhou Mu's body also disappeared, and the dark gold in Zhou Mu's eyes faded and became black and transparent again.

"Hurry up and cultivate for me, the rations are not for you to eat in vain, if you are always so weak, be careful to roast you later." Zhou Mu looked at the nest of a pile of chick cubs and a circled egg, hating that iron could not form a steel road.

It is obviously just a group of mortal beasts, just fatten it and slaughter it to eat.

But for some reason, I just have a little bit of a heart for them.

Maybe it's because of this special coat color.

Maybe in the future, a different color will come out and turn into a colorful divine bird?

The six little chicken cubs were trembling by Zhou Mu's intimidation, and when Zhou Mu walked to the house, they chattered each other twice, as if they had made up their minds.

Then find their boss, the white phoenix, and chirp around the white phoenix.

"Boss, teach us to cultivate, we don't want to be eaten." I don't know which chicken cub shouted to Bai Feng first.

When Bai Feng heard this, he was a little confused.

I had never practiced, but I had already turned into a mist, and I was about to condense rain, so I couldn't help but say helplessly.

"Cultivation? I won't either!"

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