Cat Linger's voice is like a human girl, crisp and beautiful.

Probably because she is a princess, her tone is arrogant.

It raised its head proudly, and its face was not as big as Zhou Mu's slap.

Zhou Mu looked at the white cat in shock.

Cat Linger seemed to enjoy his expression very much, and raised her chin proudly.

"Hmph, why don't you kneel down to see Princess Ben after seeing it. Cat Linger glanced at Zhou Mu and said.

It thought that Zhou Mu would save it, then it must be its guard, and it should kneel down to see it.

After all, there are many humans in the Cat Forest who please them like this.

"Neuropathy. Zhou Mu's eyelids jumped wildly, but he didn't expect that there was also a princess disease in the demon beast.

Even the situation is not clear, no wonder it is forced here.

Make me kneel on my turf

, that's why I'm good-tempered, or I'll turn you into a bunch of points.

Zhou Mu didn't even look at Cat Ling'er, bypassed it, collected a few better quality spirit stones, and walked outside the cave.

Anyway, the spirit stone mine is in its own territory, and he is not afraid to run.

Moreover, the development of it at once will affect the aura of this place.

So through the system, the beast seal was used to remotely transmit information, and let the King Kong Ape King send several demon beasts to guard.

As for Cat Linger, originally for its background and ability to speak, Zhou Mu was still interested in it.

But the princess's illness made him too lazy to take care of the cat Linger, which was too troublesome.

Cat Linger was still waiting for Zhou Mu to salute.

But what he waited for was that he ignored him and left.

"Hey, human, why are you so unreasonable!" Cat Ling'er was covered in fried hair, hunched over, and shouted towards Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu frowned and continued to walk out.

Seeing Zhou Mu walking farther and farther, Mao Linger had to step and follow, and said "unreasonable guy" with hatred in his mouth.

"I'm telling you, human, if Princess Ben wasn't hungry, she wouldn't have gone with you, so you can steal the fun." After chasing Zhou Mu, Cat Linger walked in front of Zhou Mu, holding his head high, extremely elegant.

Watching the white cat under him walk in front of him to block the way, he didn't get used to it at all, and kicked it away.

"Don't get in the way, you love to go wherever you go, if it weren't for some reason, I wouldn't have saved you." Zhou Mu said as he walked.

It is not convenient to say about the system, it can only be said so vaguely.

But this made Cat Linger think that the Cat Forest sent people to secretly protect it.

"For your sake of saving me twice, I am not to blame for this rudeness, and if there is a next time, I will have your good fruit to eat." Cat Linger stumbled two steps, steadied her figure, and said viciously.

Zhou Mu really couldn't bear it, this disease was too cruel!

I saw Zhou Mu suddenly bend down and reach out to grab the back of Cat Linger's neck.

Cat Linger's whole cat was suddenly stunned, its limbs hanging in the air, and it did not move.

Zhou Mu carried the cat Ling'er in front of him and said indifferently, "You really don't understand the situation? This is the southernmost point of the Southern Spirit Domain, not your Northern Spirit Domain."

The princess is sick and I will collect it, and no one will get used to you now. Cat

Linger listened to Zhou Mu's words and looked dazed.

"How could this be the Southern Spirit Domain, how could it be spread so far.

Then he asked, "Didn't grandma order you to protect me?"

"Then I teleported into the water, why did you save me?"

Zhou Mu replied.

"Then can you continue to protect me, when I return to the Northern Spirit Domain, you will definitely enjoy all the glory and wealth. Cat Linger saw Zhou Mu's rags and linen clothes and thought he was a poor ghost.

But the subsequent scene made it dumbfounded.

I saw Zhou Mu walking out of the cave, and there were already six monkeys of the Lingchuan Realm standing outside.

After seeing Zhou Mu, they bowed their heads and bowed down in unison.

Zhou Mu took out six rations and handed them them.

"There are guards of Law. Zhou Mu arched his hand towards these people and said with a smile.

Six monkeys were flattered.

You must know that this beast king in front of you has to bow his head.

Cat Linger watched the six Lingchuan Realm monkeys respectfully take the things in Zhou Mu's hands and walk into the cave, looking stunned.

You must know that your own guard is the highest in the Spirit Sea Realm, otherwise you will not be surrounded and killed.

Then a green cow came over and glanced at the white cat.

Cat Linger instantly felt that she was being targeted by a giant beast, and her white hair exploded.


Spirit Realm! There were Xuan Spirit Realm demon beasts around this young man.

Although this green cow was inferior to its grandmother, it still shocked Cat Linger.

Zhou Mu planned to go back, so he threw Cat Linger aside and said unceremoniously.

"Just you, a little princess of the Impure Aura Realm, still let me enjoy all the glory and wealth? After

the cat Linger landed, he quickly stood firm, and then sharply raised his head to stare at Zhou Mu.

I don't have a pure!" roared as if she had been stepped on her tail.

After saying that, he actually rushed towards Zhou Mu and opened his mouth to bite him.

"I don't have a bloodline that is impure!" "

I bite you to death, don't say that my bloodline is not pure, I was born to Ah Niang and Ah Dad!" Cat Linger's crimson pupils flashed, and tears rolled in her eyes.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu was stunned.

After suffering for ten years, he knew exactly when this would happen.

Seeing that the cat Linger was about to bite up, Zhou Mu actually stood still.


Cat Linger hit a stone wall.

But he didn't stop, jumping up and down, scratching the stone wall with his paws.

"Owner, you don't need to feel guilty, and there is nothing to make you apologize. Qingniu saw Zhou Mu's thoughts, and Lingnian preached.

In the eyes of Qingniu, the owner of the farm is the supreme existence, no one has a higher status than him, and even if there is, it is only temporary.

"Meow~" Cat Linger cried angrily, and her mouth kept chanting blood or something.

Zhou Mu also learned some information from its words.

The cat's background is not very good.

Otherwise, the race would not be an immortal beast, it would be a spirit beast.

Zhou Mu can give it the Dream Spirit Cat bloodline, but his senses for it are too poor.

So much so that in the end it was decided to keep the bloodline.

Cat Linger's experience is indeed miserable, but Zhou Mu has seen even worse, and he died all over the house.

Cat Linger is still alive.

So Zhou Mu shook his head after returning to his senses, not knowing whether he was sighing at Cat Ling'er or dissatisfied with his hesitation.

"I will definitely prove myself!" "

I'm not impure blood!" the

cat linger's roar continued.

Zhou Mu finally couldn't bear it, and turned away after leaving a general ration.

It's not that he didn't take it away, it's because it's already in his own territory, and where can he take it to the

top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain? Listening to its "Princess Ben" shouting every day?

Zhou Mu can't stand it.

There are thousands of demon beasts in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, but there is no shortage of this spirit beast.

When he marked all the monsters in the forest, the points were not as good as he wanted to bet on eggs.

Back at the top of the mountain, the chickens happily ran to a haystack and went to sleep.

The green cow did not speak again, after all, before leaving, he said that he would not sleep until it returned.

Zhou Mu returned to the room without cultivation, he had to take a good rest.

The cat Linger outside the cave roared so much that she didn't have the strength to speak, and lay on the ground.

Tears fell down.

"Grandma, Ah Niang, I want to go back.

"Daddy, where are you?"

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