Seeing that the beast

soul was honest, Zhou Mu immediately sat cross-legged on the ground, and the ten thousand beast tips urged to the extreme.

A dark golden humanoid phantom appeared, and the phantom put his hands and five fingers together on his chest, facing each other.

The gap between the two hands formed a vortex, connecting the beast soul starry sky.

The huge attraction sucked the beast soul into the vortex from in front of Zhou Mu.

After a while, a dazzling purple light mass flew out from the shadows and was embedded in a corner alone.

At this moment, Zhou Mu's Spiritual Qi operation speed increased significantly, and even the Spiritual Qi absorption speed increased.

It is worthy of being a divine beast.

However, unexpectedly, the beast soul was too honest and did not resist at all.

At this moment, a dark purple point of light flew out from the purple light mass and did not enter Zhou Mu's eyebrows.

Then some information came to the brain.

[Congratulations to the host for successfully fusing the Void Tribulation Thunder Beast Soul and Obtaining the Talent: Robbery Thunder]

According to the information in his mind, Zhou Mu stretched out a hand.

Then I saw the dark purple arc in my hand jumping, and with a little control, the arc was compressed into a ball.

On the first attempt, Zhou Mu was not proficient and his skills had not yet been mastered.

So the electric ball in his hand came out because of a small mistake.

The electric ball whistled all the way, and the restless arc attacked all around indiscriminately.

The chicken cubs in the distance saw the electric ball running towards them, and they ran with their legs, but Xiaozi did not react for a while.

There was a crackle.

Xiao Zi was hit head-on, his chicken feathers exploded, his eyes rolled white, and black smoke came out of his mouth.

With a pop, the ground convulsed.

Zhou Mu hurriedly went up to check Xiao Zi's situation, smelling the burning smell on Xiao Zi's body, Zhou Mu swallowed his saliva.

Then he quickly shook his head.

After asking the system, the answer given by the system is "no problem".

In this way, Zhou Mu let go of his heart.

After all, it was caused by his own mistakes.

However, it turned out to be fine, which surprised Zhou Mu.

After re-checking Xiaozi's information, there is still nothing special, how can you generate a ball one by one.

After a while, Xiao Zi stopped twitching, his eyes recovered, and he ran to the chicken pile with a fried hair.

Seeing that it was safe and sound, Zhou Mu ignored it.

I found an open place to practice thunder.

The thunder changed back and forth under Zhou Mu's control.

One will become a ball, the other will become a whip, and it can also make thunder and lightning flutter like a snake at your fingertips.

Familiar with the thunder, Zhou Mu remembered Zhenhai Fist again.

Other people's spiritual skills can not be learned, but the system cannot not learn them.

Although I don't like to be close, I don't press my body.

Moreover, these spiritual skills can be improved with points, and they are not afraid to practice until the last one is proficient.

The points required to improve Jinhai Fist are similar to those of Phantoms.

Zhou Mu spent 1100 points to raise Zhenhai Quan to a small achievement and no longer improve.

Because there are only 9900 points left, it is not enough to upgrade to Dacheng.

Running the aura, Zhou Mu tried to punch.

The ordinary punch seemed to have the momentum of mountains and seas, the fist wind roared, and there was a faint phantom of the long river rushing out from Zhou Mu's fist.

Zhou Mu was a little puzzled: "Isn't it Zhenhai, why am I seeing a river? is it that the level is not enough?"

but he didn't get too entangled, he preferred thunder robbery to Zhenhai Fist.

Because thunder can attack from near and far.

Suddenly, an idea came to mind.

What would it be like to combine Thunder Robbery and Zhenhai Fist?

Just do it, Zhou Mu began to try to combine the two.

After experiencing several failures, Zhou Mu found that the problem always appeared in the attachment of the robbery mine.

"It turns out that it is because the thunder control is not skilled enough." Zhou Mu couldn't help but think.

Zhou Mu suddenly got up and called Shangqingniu to walk down the mountain.

These things excited him so much that things weren't done today.

The daily quest and the remaining 60,000 demon beasts waiting to be marked, he did not complete it.

Seeing that Zhou Mu was leaving, the egg "woof" twice and chased after him.

Zhou Mu did not refuse, and let the egg follow behind.

Bai Feng was a little lazy, and he didn't move there all day long; the chicken cubs were busy cultivating these days, and they really worked too hard.

However, the egg was idle, and when he saw Zhou Mu, he ran to his side.

Zhou Mu was very fond of the few small animals on the top of the mountain, simply because they were absolutely loyal.

Of course, they are also flagged just because they want to grow faster.

As for the other demon beasts, I don't know why, although they have been marked, they are still not very reassuring.

At the bottom of the mountain, a man in a blue-gray robe walked around the pond, muttering in his mouth: "This is the golden turtle, you will gain a lot of benefits if you catch it and hand it over to the sect."

"But I still have to pass back the news that there are treasures in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest." "

It's so tangled.

Zhou Mu just came to the bottom of the mountain and heard his words.

I saw the man pacing back and forth by the pond, just not going down to catch his golden turtle, and Zhou Mu felt that this man was a little stupid.

You have this back and forth effort, you go down early and take his golden turtle away!

The man noticed that someone was coming, and turned his head to look at Zhou Mu.

Looking at the person who came dressed in rags and linen, he was thin and weak, and there was nothing special in temperament, and he could not feel the fluctuations of aura.

So the contempt on his face was undisguised, and his tone was defiant.

"Ants, get out of here.

"The cow stayed and ran all the way, and I was hungry. "

The man was so malicious, he didn't even want to look at it again.

Zhou Mu glanced at the man with interest, and then at Qingniu.

Qingniu's face was as usual, but he just "snorted" with his nose, standing motionless beside Zhou Mu.

The egg next to him felt the man's malice and shouted twice at him.

I thought that Zhou Mu would kneel and send the cow over, and then praise him a few words, but the dog barked when he waited.

The man turned his face sideways, and the sunlight passed through the gaps in the dense leaves, and the shadows of the leaves fell sparsely on his face, extremely gloomy.

The corners of his mouth grinned, showing Sensen's white teeth, and said coldly: "Don't you understand, or

do you want to die?" Zhou Mu hugged his arms to his chest and said with a slight smile: "How do you plan to let me die?"

In the past, I put up with your group of cultivators who were not strong and had a lot of problems.

Now that I am also in the Spirit Rain Realm, can I continue to endure you?"

The man did not expect Zhou Mu to answer him like this, and he was angry and corrupted.


man drew the sword at his waist, summoned the Spirit Palace, and injected the spiritual energy into the sword, threatening Zhou Mu.

But when he saw Zhou Mu's calm face and no panic, he was a little panicked.

Zhou Mu didn't panic, his cow and dog didn't even panic, and the dog was even barking at him.

You must know that after he released the Spirit Palace before, these mortal beasts trembled with fear.

The man's Adam's apple moved, and he thought, "Won't kick the iron plate, will it?" He

was the weakest in their team, otherwise he would not have been allowed to report the message.

If he really messed with someone he shouldn't, no one would know if he killed him.

The man gripped the sword tightly and threatened.

"I tell you, my senior brother is Qin Fei, late stage of the Spirit Rain Realm. "

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