Zhou Mu nodded, understanding the reason why those people ran towards the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest.

Seeing Zhou Mu's calm face, the Red Spirit Eagle King asked, "Farm owner, can we grab this benefit?" Zhou Mu

smiled when he heard this, and said, "What to rob? There are no immortal beast remains, just do your job well, and don't let your subordinates run around, guard against humans." The

Red Spirit Eagle King was puzzled, why was the owner so sure that there was no immortal beast remains?

Zhou Mu did not continue to explain, but just asked him to quickly call his subordinates.

Seeing that Zhou Mu no longer explained, the Red Spirit Eagle King no longer asked, obeyed Zhou Mu's request, and called the demon beasts in his territory.

Zhou Mu didn't say, it was also willing not to use the few brain cells.

As a subordinate, it is enough to obey orders.

Several flocks of birds flew in the sky one after another, landing on the branches around Zhou Mu.

There were also hundreds of demon beasts of different races surrounding the ground.

Since the Red Spirit Eagle King was the largest, he had to lean down in front of Zhou Mu and try to lower himself to communicate with Zhou Mu.

So low as that it is almost as high as the beasts, and it is difficult to find it in the beasts for the first time.

These demon beasts roared from time to time and looked at Zhou Mu.

To outsiders, Zhou Mu seemed to be surrounded, and there were few fierce people.

Seeing that the demon beasts had already come so much, Zhou Mu no longer waited, and he wanted to condense the beast seal to mark the demon beasts.

At this time, there was movement not far away.

A group of sect disciples wearing white robes were rushing towards Zhou Mu.

After getting closer, Zhou Mu saw a woman at the head, and then two women and four men behind him.

A man looked at the group of beasts, and retreated in his heart, "Senior Sister Chu, let's not save this, there are hundreds of demon beasts, the seven of us can't parry at all

!" "Yes, Senior Sister Chu, if there are a few Lingchuan Realms in that group of demon beasts, we may die!"

Everyone persuaded one after another.

Chu Wei glanced back at them and said with a firm expression: "I want to help him, even if it's just to give him a pill." Everyone

was already surprised by this, and along the way, Chu Wei didn't know how many people she had saved.

Although she didn't have much gratitude after those people were rescued, she helped them again and again.

Even when encountering an injured demon beast, it will step forward to bandage its wounds.

They knew that the sword on Chu Wei's waist had never been drawn.

The most she brought was healing pills, but she never used them on herself.

They also don't know how to evaluate her, whether she is silly or kind.

As if feeling that his thoughts should not be accompanied by his companions on the adventure, Chu Wei added again: "If you don't leave first, I will do what I can, and I will go to you when I throw the pill to him."

Although Chu Wei had already said this, everyone followed behind her as always.

They actually didn't want to risk strangers in their hearts, but they still followed Chu Wei, perhaps just hoping that someone would stand up and help when they encountered a crisis.

"Then throw a pill and go." A man said.

The rest chimed in.

Seeing this, Chu Wei smiled, and her already beautiful face was as delicate as the bright sun at this time.

Looking at Zhou Mu in the beasts, her face became serious again.

If she had the opportunity, she would try her best to rescue Zhou Mu.

The Red Spirit Eagle King next to Zhou Mu wanted to get up after hearing the movement, but was held down by Zhou Mu.

This scene was in Chu Wei's eyes, but Zhou Mu was bitten on the arm by a bird.

Their conversation Zhou Mu had already heard.

Save me? Throw pills

? Will humans in this world save people regardless of danger?

What kind of scam is this.

Zhou Mu wanted to see what a group of Spirit Rain Realms wanted to do.

I saw seven people coming to the periphery of the beasts, and Chu Wei stood in the middle and took two steps forward.

When a demon beast was about to pounce, a man kicked it into the air.


Mu was a little surprised, according to the thinking of normal Holy Spirit Continent cultivators, he should have scolded a "livestock" with a look of contempt and then drew his sword and cut it.

The cultivator's eyesight was much better than that of ordinary people, and although he was separated by a group of beasts tens of meters long, Zhou Mu could also see the appearance of the people who came.

All are handsome men and beautiful women.

Especially the woman at the head, her bright hair fluttered slightly, a pair of apricot eyes were as clear as a spring, her delicate nose, her dripping cherry-like vermilion lips, her skin was snow-white, and her temperament was excellent, even if she wore a robe, she couldn't hide her proud figure.

To be honest, this is the most beautiful woman Zhou Mu has seen besides Zhou Li.

But even so, he didn't intend to trust these people.

The most charming and dangerous, the more beautiful the less believable.

Zhou Mu did not let the Red Spirit Eagle King restrain these demon beasts.

And the demon beasts also began to pounce on this group of people.

However, they are all some Spiritual Qi Realm, Spirit Rain Realm demon beasts.

It is easy to die if the beast pounces on it, and Lingchuan Realm is watching the play there.

However, for the sake of not killing the demon beasts, Zhou Mu asked the demon beasts to also collect some strength.

Despite this, the six quickly overwhelmed.

"Senior sister, hurry up and throw the medicine to him, we can't hold on.

Hearing this, Chu Wei knew that she couldn't delay any longer, and her companion would be injured if she dragged it on any longer.

I saw Chu Weiyu's hand pressed on the ground, the earth trembled slightly, and a vine several meters high grew out from the ground, holding Chu Wei.

The small vines around them are wrapped around some demon beasts to buy time for their companions.

The whole time was just to control them, not to let them get hurt.

There were too many demon beasts, not only hundreds of monsters on the scene, but also demon beasts that came one after another for some reason.

Originally, Chu Wei could throw medicine as soon as she arrived here.

But she wanted to see if their group could bring Zhou Mu back.

But it turns out they can't.

It was also impossible for her to send her own team for Zhou Mu.

So he took out a porcelain bottle from his waist, raised his hand and threw it towards Zhou Mu, and shouted: "Then, we can only help you so much!"

Zhou Mu received the small porcelain bottle.

There were three pills of different colors inside, and he had no way of knowing what the specific effect was.

However, Zhou Mu was also quite surprised, they really came to deliver medicine.

Not to mention whether this medicine is poisonous or not, just from what they can say and do, they are good people!

Seeing that they did not cause losses to Zhou Mu, they secretly commanded the demon beasts and let them evacuate smoothly.

Shaking the small porcelain bottle, Zhou Mu put it in the storage ring.

Seeing this, the green cow next to him glanced at Zhou Mu meaningfully.

Zhou Mu didn't notice Qingniu's eyes, released the hand that pressed the Red Spirit Eagle King, and said with a smile: "It's true, I seem to have been surrounded and killed, and I even came to deliver medicine, is it that there are fewer monster beasts, they can still kill me and take me out!" Zhou Mu's

expression gradually became serious and said: "I hope you have a purpose, otherwise you are really a bunch of fools."

"Good people don't necessarily have good rewards. "

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