After a while, Zhou Li stopped and looked back at the restaurant.

Like waiting for something.

At this time, they were hundreds of meters away from the restaurant.

"Why don't you leave?" asked Zhou Mu as he looked back when he saw this.

"Brother, can you stop kneeling in the future..." Zhou Li didn't look at him, and his voice was slightly crying.

Zhou Mu smiled bitterly.

Who was not a man who was not afraid of heaven and earth.

If you are alone, you will die without worries.

But there is a sister like you.

"When you join the sect, brother will not kneel. Zhou Mu carefully wiped the tears from her face and said.

There was a loud noise from the restaurant in the distance, and then a figure flew out from the second floor of the restaurant.

This figure was the boy who Zhou Mu knelt down just now.

The boy happened to smash into the little beggar's side, and the diamond-shaped crystal on the wall just pierced his eyebrows.

In an instant, the young man's head visibly shrunk in a circle, and his eyes were scattered, like a pool of mud, lying on the ground.

The little beggar seemed to be frightened.

After three breaths, his fingertips moved slightly, and the diamond-shaped crystal returned to his hand in the blink of an eye.

At this time, there seemed to be a small palace-like house in the crystal.

The small house is exquisitely clear and beautiful.

The little beggar finally showed a panicked expression on his face and began to run in the direction of the brother and sister.

It's like being really scared and panicking.

No one cares about this beggar.


!" "The old man's granddaughter is only eight years old! How can you

do it!" "When did the old man do something sorry to the family?

An old man flew out from the second floor of the restaurant, his eyes glowing red, exactly the same as the red light in Zhou Li's eyes at that time.

The old man landed beside the half-dead young man, and the spirit palace emerged, and three spirit river projections surrounded him.

I saw the old man stretching out his right hand, and the spiritual energy was like a river, flowing out from the spirit palace and condensing in his right hand.

In one breath, the old man's right hand was wrapped in spiritual qi and condensed into a tiger's head.

The tiger head roared faintly.

A small part of the Spirit River projection around him disappeared.

The horrific coercion made several people who were supposed to step forward to stop it stop.

"Spiritual skills, Tiger Fist. The

old man clenched his fist in his right hand and smashed a fist into the young man on the ground.

The ground cracked like a cobweb, followed by the boy's head.

After punching, the red light in the old man's eyes did not decrease, and he looked around.

"Who violated the city lord's ban?" a loud and proud voice echoed near the restaurant.

I saw a tall and powerful man in black armor rushing from a distance.

Seeing this, everyone bowed their heads one after another.

Just because the black-armored man has a projection of the spirit sea on his head.

Spirit Sea Realm! is

mostly at the level of the captain of the Yunshan City army.

The man glanced around with contempt, and finally his gaze fell on the old man surrounded by three spirit rivers.

The man's contempt was directly shown on his face, and then he was about to release coercion and suppress the old man.

I thought that the old man would kneel and beg for mercy.

But who would have expected that the old man did not hesitate at all, and the red light in his eyes burst out, and he rushed directly towards the black-armored man.

The black-armored man raised his eyebrows and snorted coldly.

In the blink of an eye, one hand was covered by the aura gushing out of the Spirit Palace.

"Not self-sufficient. Then

a punch was thrown, and the sound was mighty.

The dust stirred, and the street blasted out a ravine, and the green bricks shattered, revealing the dirt.

Several of the onlookers were missing, most of them affected.

The dust dispersed, and the old man fell to the ground with a pop, his body was shattered, and the projection of the spirit river around his body disappeared.

But the red light in the eyes does not decrease.

The black-armored man came to the old man and was about to speak.

The old man's eyebrows suddenly burst into a blazing white light, and then the whole person burst apart.

The Spirit Palace self-detonated, the momentum was huge, and the energy that erupted affected several people who were watching the excitement.

And the black-armored man closest to the old man completely withstood this blow.

However, he only cracked a few marks in his armor.

"Ant" The black-armored man snorted coldly, patted the dust on the armor, and turned to leave.

I believe that with this time, the people of this piece should not fight with Reiki anymore.


Zhou Mu in the distance had already run away with Zhou Li when the young man flew out.

Don't put yourself in it.

"Ah!" exclaimed Zhou Li.

"Oh!" Another childish and soft voice sounded

, and a small beggar suddenly hit Zhou Li, and the two fell to the ground together.

The little beggar shoved the crystal into Zhou Li's hand.

Zhou Li also seemed to have known it earlier, and quickly put it away.

As soon as Zhou Mu heard the voice, he looked at the little beggar again.

It turned out that the beggar who changed the copper plate with herself was still a little girl, who looked to be about ten years old.

"I'm sorry brother and sister, I didn't mean to. The little girl looked terrified, tears rolling in her eyes.

After hearing the momentum of the black-armored man's punch, the little girl was so frightened that she hugged her head and disappeared after a while.

After the little girl disappeared, the two also hurried to the center of the city.


This time the road was very smooth and there were no more troubles.

The two came to the central square, where many people had already gathered.

Most of them are about the same size as Zhou Li.

On the high platform of the square, where are nearly a hundred chairs placed.

The chairs are also placed differently, there are only five at the top, and the chairs do not look ordinary.

The second layer has more than a dozen, and the rest are all on the third floor.

At this time, the second and third floors were full, except for the top five seats.

According to Zhou Mu's experience of participating once.

Of those five chairs, one belonged to the city lord and the other four belonged to the four holy places.

They were Wuji Sword Pavilion, Thousand Mountain Holy Gate, Ice Cloud Holy Palace, and Hehuan Holy Sect.

The second layer is the location of some sects, and the third layer is the small sect.

What is the strongest combat power of the Holy Land, Zhou Mu does not know, but the strongest combat power of the small sect is only around Xuan Ling.

At this time, these people were sitting on it so that they could pick up some disciples from the major holy places and sects for a while.

Zhou Mu led Zhou Li forward and squeezed forward.

On the way, Zhou Li saw a man about twenty years old.

The man's face is like a crown of jade, his eyes are like Lang Xing, he looks very good-looking, but he has a delicate atmosphere.

The man also saw Zhou Li, bowed his head slightly, and looked at Zhou Li respectfully.

"Tang Yin, you still dare to come out, you return my daughter's innocence!" I saw a tall and burly strong man come to the man with great momentum, pull up his collar, and said angrily.

Tang Yin saw Zhou Li leave, only then turned his head, looking innocent, but joked: "Uncle, it was your daughter who took the initiative, but it's none of my business, I'm the victim." The

strong man's forehead was bruised, and his right hand clenched into a fist, and he was about to smash into Tang Yin's face.

But Tang Yin's face did not change, and he still looked at him with a playful face.

A birdsong came from the sky.

The sound spread for hundreds of miles, shaking everyone's ears.

The strong man also let go and covered his ears, and Tang Yin took the opportunity to enter the crowd and disappeared.

Then a large red bird with a length of 100 meters flew over the square.

Everyone looked up, and saw a woman dressed in a pink dress, leaking a large snow-white, with the skirt split to her thighs, stepping on a cloud of pink mist, slowly walking from the sky to the high platform.

"The people of the Four Holy Lands are finally here!"

"This is from the Hehuan Holy Sect, right?" "

It must be, you can dress like this, except..."

"Shut up!


Seven mouths around. Zhou Mu didn't care what they said, just turned his head to look at Zhou Li and said seriously.

"You're not allowed to dress like this in the future!"

"What's wrong with this, I think it looks good." Zhou Li didn't know why.

"Good looks are good looks, but you just don't want to wear them." Zhou Mu didn't bother to explain, and directly asked for death.

Without waiting for Zhou Li to continue to refute, he directly pulled her to continue squeezing forward.

I still want to join the Hehuan Holy Sect." Zhou Lixin said.

Three men came down with the woman.

A face like white jade, feminine and evil.

A sword-eyed star, handsome and dashing.

A strong and courageous man, burly and wonderful.

The woman walked to the front of the five chairs, frowned slightly, and finally looked at the three, and said pitifully: "The chairs are too hard." The

three of them were not surprised, but they saw the burly man find the location of the Hehuan Holy Sect, and the big horse golden knife sat up.

Seeing this, the woman's eyes were like silk, and she walked in front of the man and naturally sat on the man's lap.

Even back to the man's chest, while the other two men stood on either side of the chair, and the woman coquettishly lied to him from time to time, and even put her arms around them, and kissed one of them.

And the three of them were as happy as being kissed by a Taoist couple.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu quickly covered Zhou Li's eyes. The heart said: "Bad customs."

"Zhou Yao, you make a face. This is the initiation ceremony, not your big bed. "

A giant flying boat moored in the sky, and the sound came from above the flying boat.

Then a man wearing a yellow robe with mountains painted on it jumped down from the flying boat, and then slowly landed on the position of the Thousand Mountain Holy Gate.

After greeting Zhou Yao, the people from the other sects went to greet this man.

Could it be that you Chen Tai wanted to lie on the big bed of the slave family?" Zhou Yao changed his sitting posture, more enchanting, his eyes stared directly at Chen Tai, and said with a smile.

Chen Tai's scalp was numb.

Your bed dares to lie casually, I'm afraid you won't be able to stand up if you lie down.

Chen Tai honestly responded to the other sect representatives and stopped looking at Zhou Yao.

Not long after, an old man stepped on a sword from afar and sat in the Wuji Sword Pavilion without saying a word.

After another moment, a blue-clothed woman flew out of a flying palace and sat down in the Ice Cloud Holy Palace.

The woman looks absolutely beautiful and has a cold temperament.

Zhou Yao muttered jealously.

As the people of the Holy Land sat down one after another, the noisy sound in the square gradually disappeared.

Then the initiation ceremony begins now!" The

man who spoke suddenly appeared on the high platform, holding the order of the city lord, his face was resolute, not angry, and his voice was irresistible.

The city lord of Yunshan City, a strong person in the Xuanling Realm.

Then everyone on the high platform got up one after another.

The strong always suppress the weak.

This is the law of this world.

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