After hearing Zhou Mu's words, the demon beasts roared in unison, and the sound spread for miles.

And those cultivators didn't know what was happening, and they were inexplicably surrounded by a group of demon beasts.

However, they have also experienced battles, and they did not panic in the face of this situation

: "That, these demon beasts seem to be in the Lingchuan Realm." A Lingchuan Realm cultivator said in a trembling voice after returning to his senses.

"What's wrong with the Lingchuan Realm, we also have more than twenty Lingchuan Realms, unite and kill them!" A strong man roared.

"That's right, join forces and kill it!"

The crowd echoed.

Then this group of cultivators actually moved before the demon beasts, and more than two dozen Lingchuan Realm cultivators attacked in one direction.

Zhou Mu sneered and said lightly: "Let's do it." The

Ten Thousand Souls Star Bow suddenly appeared in his hand, and an alien beast star separated its light and condensed into a light arrow.

The longbow was drawn full, aiming at the group of monks.

The cultivators also saw the longbow that suddenly appeared in Zhou Mu's hand, and their greed was undisguised.

Not only are there storage rings, but the longbow looks like a good thing too.

Tao Qing and Xu Shen also glanced at Zhou Mu, and their greed flashed.

They couldn't be like that group of foolish cultivators, and they could still look at an evenly matched enemy for a while.

Zhou Mu noticed the expressions of these people and immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

In this way, you can kill them with peace of mind.

If they are a group of innocent people, they will still feel guilty in their hearts.

But now well, the greed of this group of people does not even hide it.

This is that he has demon beasts to support, if he is alone, I am afraid that he will not be surrounded and killed by them now.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu was full of transparency and did not hesitate to loosen the bowstring.


The sound of breaking through the air sounded, and the light arrow shot at the person who rushed to the front.

As soon as the man raised his sword, he was about to slash at the King Kong ape in front of him, and then he was pierced by a light arrow through his lower abdomen, and the blood flowed nonstop.

The three-meter-tall King Kong Ape took the opportunity to smash it with a punch, smashing the man into a puddle of meat mud.

The shadow of the beast in the arrow of time emerges.

The beast shadow sensed that there was a homologous aura in the body of the Vajra Ape, and directly ignored it, and instead slapped a claw towards a few Lingchuan Realm cultivators behind.

However, Zhou Mu's cultivation was not enough, and the blow of the beast shadow only played a delaying role, and those cultivators blocked it in three or two strokes.

At this time, the two beast kings also began to fight.

With his strong physical body, the King Kong Ape King carried the attacks of the two, while the Red Spirit Eagle King constantly launched attacks in the sky.

Fire feathers filled the sky, and the scorching aura made the atmosphere of the battlefield scorch.

The spiritual light flashed one after another, and it was extremely gorgeous.

The King Kong Ape King and the Red Spirit Eagle King are worthy of being old fellows for many years, and the two who fought together were defeated one after another.

Although Xu Shen and Tao Qing cooperated, Tao Qing's spiritual skills still restrained Xu Shen, resulting in Xu Shen's ten percent strength being only able to exert six percent.

Xu Shen knew that he would be restrained, but he felt that the two could still compete against the two demon beasts together, but he didn't expect these two demon beasts to be so strong together.

On the other side, sixty Lingchuan Realm demon beasts had already killed all the cultivators under the Lingchuan Realm.

Blood stained the earth, and severed limbs were scattered on the battlefield.

Now it is besieging the remaining Lingchuan Realm.

Zhou Mu stood in the distance and drew his bow to support, although he didn't kill a few, he could still interfere with them.

With a long howl from the demon beasts, all of these cultivators died.

Zhou Mu frowned and looked at the cruel scene in front of him.

Only a few of the sixty demon beasts were injured, and the group of cultivators didn't even have a single corpse.

The body was shattered, and the corpses in one place did not even know how to fight back.

This also suppressed Zhou Mu's idea of wanting to touch the corpse to find treasure.

Zhou Mu sighed and said in his heart: "My psychological quality needs to be strengthened, and I don't feel very comfortable with this kind of small scene." "

The hair of the monster beasts is stained with blood, and under the light of the dusk, they are like demons coming out of purgatory.

They glanced at each other, hissing and exchanging with joy in their eyes.

Zhou Mu heard the content of their conversation.

"It's great, I haven't had a fight like this in a long time."

"Yes, we demon beasts obviously have a large number, but they are always killed by the Terrans alone, when did we fight such a cool fight!"


Zhou Mu smiled and ordered them to leave a few demon beasts to dispose of the corpses, and the rest stood in the distance to support the two beast kings.

In the battle of the Spirit Sea Realm, low cultivation was not suitable for participation, so Zhou Mu asked them to use long-range means to support.

Even if the effect is minimal, it is better than standing silly.

"Zhou Mu! I was wrong! Let me go, I'll give you all my belongings! Xu Shen was smashed by the King Kong Ape King, covered in blood, and sat down in the tunnel.

Seeing this, Tao Qing also retreated, and immediately spoke: "Zhou Mu, let me go, I will cover you in Zhaonan Town in the future!"

Zhou Mu laughed when he heard this, and did not answer them.

Your belongings are of little use to me, and my Ten Thousand Beasts Forest lacks anything.

And this more ridiculous, still cover me? It is difficult to protect itself, and dare to make a big statement.

Seeing that the situation had been decided, Zhou Mu turned around and left with a group of demon beasts.

When he turned around, he also told them: "After solving the problem, clean up the body, and then go back with it."

"Don't go, my lord! Let me go! Looking at the King Kong Ape King who was getting closer and closer, Xu Shen yelled and begged.

Seeing Zhou Mu leaving, Tao Qing gritted his teeth and said, "Old man Xu, you look really humble!" "

Learn from me!"

As soon as the words fell, Tao Qing's Spirit Palace instantly burst into a thousand rays of light, exuding monstrous power, as if it wanted to destroy everything.

The Red Spirit Eagle King in the sky suddenly felt bad, and immediately smashed all the fire feathers on Tao Qing.

The King Kong Ape King also left Xu Shen and fled.

"It's late!" Tao Qing grinned, his eyes grim.

Xu Shen was terrified and exclaimed, "You are a madman! I still want to live! Get away from me! Stay away! Saying

that, Xu Shen dragged his body forward with difficulty, wanting to get away from this place.

Tao Qing looked at Xu Shen with disdain, and then was overwhelmed by a cloud of light.

Zhou Mu in the distance also felt this power, and he nodded to the green bull.

Then a rock barrier appeared around to protect Zhou Mu and sixty demon beasts.

The King Kong Ape King and the Red Spirit Eagle King were also wrapped in rocks and fell to the ground.

The mighty force swept across the battlefield, and a thousand-meter-large explosion wave engulfed everyone present.

The energy spread for hundreds of miles, and everyone in Zhaonan Town really felt this power.

The energy that destroyed the decay could not even be resisted by the cultivators of the Spiritual Qi Realm, and it turned into powder and dissipated, and Zhaonan Town was also razed to the ground by this force, and no one survived.

Chu Wei's group, who had left early, looked back at Zhaonan Town, which had disappeared from sight, and whispered, "What's going on with this force?" It's scary. "

Someone blew himself up in the Spirit Palace, leave it alone, hurry up." Chu Wei urged.

The aftermath of the explosion dissipated, and Qingniu lifted the rock barrier.

There were no casualties among the beasts.

"Oh, Linghai." Qingniu said with a smile.

The place where the eye entered was flat, except the ground or the ground, there was nothing else, even the previous corpses were lost by this wave of washing.

The King Kong Ape King and the Red Spirit Eagle King ran back with a look of horror and bowed to Qingniu and Zhou Mu.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu waved his hand and said, "Let's go, go home." "

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