Feeling the change in her own bloodline, Cat Linger looked excited, and her eyes that emitted golden light flickered and blinked.

Zhou Mu stared at Cat Linger curiously, not knowing what he was thinking in his mind.

Sensing Zhou Mu's gaze, the golden light in Cat Linger's eyes dissipated, turning into red pupils again, and looked at him inexplicably.

Before coming here, it didn't have much confidence in Zhou Mu, it only felt that it was a human being with the Xuanling Realm Demon Beast Guardian Dao, and there were some special means to increase the growth rate, and it groveled to ask Zhou Mu for help, in fact, it just wanted to have a shelter.

But now it has thrown itself into the five bodies that Zhou Mu admires.

He was also willing to prepare to do things for Zhou Mu.

Although it doesn't know how it can help.

Cat Linger sat there honestly, waiting for Zhou Mu to speak.

I saw Zhou Mu smiled maliciously and said, "Can you transform into a reality?" Hearing

this, Cat Linger's body froze, her eyes widened, and after thinking carefully, she calmed down again.

If it was this man, it would not be surprising to know this.

Cat Linger nodded.

"Then you can transform one and show me." Zhou Mu's tone was a little excited.

Cat Linger was a little puzzled, but did not dare to disobey Zhou Mu, so he asked, "What is the illusion?" "

As far as it knows, humans must have special requirements for asking this question."

"Transformed into a person, a woman." Zhou Mu said seriously.


As soon as the words fell, Cat Linger's eyes turned golden, and her whole body glowed with light.

I saw Cat Linger's hazy figure distorted, and turned into a human figure in the blink of an eye.

Zhou Mu was still looking at it expectantly, but gradually he became disappointed.

Only because he saw that the figure in that light was only as high as his calf.

It's the same height as Cat Linger sitting there!

The white light dissipated, and a handsome pocket version of the girl appeared in front of Zhou Mu's eyes.

What Zhou Mu didn't expect was that Cat Linger didn't transform clothes!

The pocket girl looks snow-white, with three thousand long hair like a waterfall, scattered on her shoulders at will, with almond lips and apricot eyes, and her eyes shining with golden light.

If you enlarge it according to the scale of a person, it is also a beauty with ice muscle jade skin and slender jade legs.

His eyes involuntarily followed the jade legs and looked up.

After seeing it, Zhou Mu's face instantly collapsed, and he coughed: "Don't you know the structure of the human body?" Hearing

this, Cat Linger raised her small face to look at Zhou Mu, and then at her transformed body, and her little hand still patted on her stomach.

"I really don't know much." Cat Linger replied.

Don't you know much!

You've transformed your head, hands, belly, legs, right, and everything else is scribbled over the past, right?

Zhou Mu couldn't help but complain in his heart.

"You can only transform this big?" Zhou Mu asked again.

"Well, it can only be transformed into its own size." Cat Linger nodded.

Hearing this, Zhou Mu sighed in disappointment.

It's a chicken rib.

Looking at the small face of the pocket girl, Zhou Mu couldn't help but squat down, reaching out to pinch twice.

Cat Linger instinctively took two steps back, but Zhou Mu didn't care about it, and directly pinched its little face twice.

After pinching, it was suddenly tasteless.

That's it.

Zhou Mu touched his chin and thought for a moment: "Let's change back, don't become a person in the future, it looks quite awkward." Hearing

this, Cat Linger immediately turned back into a white cat, and the golden light in her eyes also dissipated.

Seeing Zhou Mu's disappointed expression, Cat Linger was a little nervous.

It should be very good! Its sisters are transformed like this!

Sensing the state of Cat Linger, Zhou Mu smiled and said, "What's nervous?" You are only in the Spirit Rain Realm now, you can't help me much, you should quickly improve your cultivation." With

that, he took out an intermediate ration and handed it to him, and rubbed it twice on its head with his other hand.

Cat Linger was confused by this sudden touching of his head, and his ears were pulled down, stunned in place.

"Let's cultivate." Zhou Mu sent off.

Hearing this, Cat Linger took the ration and found a favorite place on the top of the mountain, and sat there and said, "Can I be here?"

Zhou Mu looked at his hand and said with a smile: "Yes, here you can run casually, no need to be so restrained, as long as you don't commit princess disease."

Cat Linger snorted and sat there eating rations.

And Zhou Mu was reminiscing about the feeling of petting a cat.

Don't say, it's pretty cool.

[Ding, an abnormal demon beast has been detected entering the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, please find out the situation as soon as possible. ]

【Mission Reward: 2000 points】

Zhou Mu's expression suddenly became serious, turned on the system monitoring, and found an abnormal purple spot.

Around the purple dots, green dots are constantly disappearing.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu frowned and shifted his vision to a nearby demon beast.

I saw a demon beast shaped like a hyena tearing and biting a cheetah.

This demon beast is more than two meters tall and has a huge size.

The hyena tore the cheetah's belly with one paw, and the bloody intestines fell out.

Then he slapped the cheetah's head with one paw and howled up to the sky.

The aura of the Lingchuan Realm was revealed, and the monster beasts around were terrified.

Ordinary demon beasts are protected behind them by demon beasts with cultivation, but there is nothing like this, this is the periphery of the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and there are not many Lingchuan Realms at all.

There is almost nothing that can fight it.

Most of the demon beasts around the hyena are in the Aura Realm.

They didn't retreat, and looked at the hyena with a low growl.

Then the hyena burst out and rushed towards Zhou Mu's field of vision.

Zhou Mu's vision suddenly disappeared, and his face was gloomy.

"A Lingchuan Realm demon beast, who gave you arrogant capital?"

With a cold snort, Zhou Mu found twenty Lingchuan Realm demon beasts.

They are relatively close to hyenas and it won't take long to arrive.

"Go, there is a Lingchuan Realm invading demon beast in the northwest of the forest, it is best to bring it back alive, and it doesn't hurt to die."

Zhou Mu's voice echoed in their minds, like a god whispering.

"I don't want you to be injured in twenty to one, go up and attack directly with all your strength, don't leave your hands." Zhou Mu reminded.

At this time, twenty demon beasts in different positions roared in unison, and the beast seals in their bodies fluctuated, and there was even induction between them.

Twenty demon beasts rushed with all their strength, and in a short time they all converged, and then roared and rushed to the northwest.

Twenty Lingchuan Realm demon beasts released their breath, and the surrounding demon beasts all gave way.

At this time, the hyena suddenly raised its head, spit out the flesh and blood in its mouth, jumped off the pile of corpses, and looked southeast.

Although it had already felt that breath, it did not panic, it did not believe that this group of soft eggs in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest dared to kill it.

It is the first beast under the king of Silver Peak Valley, and it is an existence of one dozen and ten of the same rank!

Killing it is to blow the face of the Silver Peak Valley Beast King, and they bulldoze this broken forest.

While thinking, twenty demon beasts arrived.

Looking at the corpses piled up in a hill, for some reason they were angry, but they were obviously not a race.

Perhaps because the beast seal connects them.

Twenty demon beasts surrounded the hyena and roared, "Come with us to the owner, so as not to suffer from flesh and skin."

Hearing this, the hyena laughed and roared: "There are many tricks of soft eggs, which soft egg did you choose this time?" "

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