The white light disappears.

You will see a clearing and a few dilapidated wooden houses.

Surrounded by trees, it is lush and you can hear the chirping of birds from time to time.

Zhou Mu looked around only to find that he was at the top of a mountain, and behind him there was a stone staircase road leading to the bottom of the mountain.

At this time, the system prompt sounds.

[Ding, the detection host has arrived in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, and now it is starting to bind the farm. 【

Binding target: Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts】【Binding


】【Do you want to view the personal panel?】"

View. "

[Name] Zhou Mu

[Age] 20 [Gender] Male [Xiuwei

] No [Race Name] Terran

[Race Potential] Unlimited

[Talent] No [Skill] No [Spiritual Technique

] Beast Seal [Weapon] No

[Farm] Ten Thousand Beast Forest


] 200

Zhou Mu looked at his large number of "nothing", and the corners of his mouth twitched.

It's better not to look at it, engage in mentality.

What was even more uncomfortable was that he had just remembered that the task of unlocking the Spirit Palace required the use of the Beast Seal.

And he doesn't have aura, how to use the beast seal.

Why is this system so unreliable?

"Huh? Points?" Zhou Mu's gaze fell on the last column.

Points should work, right?

"System, I want to use points." "

[Ding, the host has not opened the system store, and the points cannot be used for the time being.]

Then how do you let me open the Spirit Palace? That egg counts as one, so where can I find the other one? Wait for you to send the task?

At this moment, a green bull stepped on the stone steps and walked up.


[Ding, the farm guardian beast Yuanshi Qingniu has arrived]

Zhou Mu was first startled, and then he was full of question marks and asked.

"Guardian Beast... Does it belong to me?" [


is so cool!

Zhou Mu was excited.

In this way, you only need to hatch that egg to unlock the Spirit Palace.

The green bull glanced up, then lay down under a broken shed with his own care, used his aura to transform into some mosquitoes around him, and then fanned his tail to drive them away.

The corners of Zhou Mu's mouth twitched, this old cow can really play.

"System, what strength is this old cow?" [

Currently Xuan Ling Realm]

Zhou Mu's eyes widened, and then he quickly calmed down.

Normally, guarding a farm, Xuanling Realm is very reasonable.

He is also a backer of many city lords.

Zhou Mu smiled and quickly ran under the greenhouse, which happened to have some hay in it.

Hold some and put them in front of the old cow.

"Brother Niu, take care of you in the future,"

the old cow mooed, as if agreed, and began to eat the hay.

[Heaven and earth transformation is ready, whether to start transformation]

Before Zhou Mu could contact Qingniu, the system appeared again.

[After the transformation, the concentration of spiritual energy in the farm will increase, and there is a greater probability of giving birth to spirit beasts and spiritual plants.

"Makeover. Zhou Mu made his choice without saying a word.

【Transformation Begin

】【System-level Heavenly Machine Shielding Array Arrangement Completed】【System-level Vision Shielding Array Arrangement Completed】【System-level Reiki Anti-Overflow Array Arrangement Completed




than 20 formations were arranged in a row.

[Begin to shield biological consciousness]

Zhou Mu's head was stunned and fainted.

The bird that was flying in the sky suddenly fell.

The tiger and leopard that ran halfway suddenly fell to the ground.

The wolf dog, which was mating, suddenly stopped moving.

There was silence between heaven and earth.

【Start to improve aura

】【Start resting the terrain


the system prompt continues to sound, this forest is also changing.

During this period, some spirit beasts broke through the realm in a coma.

This process continues until the next morning.

Zhou Mu gradually regained consciousness.

When I opened my eyes, I saw the big face of the green bull.

Seeing that Zhou Mu was awake, Qingniu lay down quietly again.

At this time, the shed has been renewed, and even several other broken wooden houses have changed their appearance.

Although it is still a wooden house, it is more delicate and beautiful.

Looking at those different wooden houses, Zhou Mu didn't know why.

[Ding, the transformation of heaven and earth has been completed, and the formation is being recycled

] [Recycling successful]

"System, how does that egg hatch?" asked Zhou Mu quickly.

[The host can hatch on its own or go to the incubation room.] 【

An incubation room and warehouse have been built for the host, please explore by yourself.】

Just listen to two clicks.

The doors of two wooden houses suddenly opened.

Zhou Mu quickly found the incubation room and walked in.

The sight of entering made Zhou Mu a little disappointed.

It was rudimentary inside, with only five hatching positions and nothing else.

[The host can use points to upgrade the building]

"What are the upgrade conditions?" asked Zhou Mu.

[Breeding level reaches level 1, spending five hundred points can upgrade the incubation room to level 1]

Seeing this, Zhou Mu was too lazy to continue to understand, the priority was hatching, and the upgrade had to wait for later.

Zhou Mu took out the [System Compensated Egg] from the system backpack and placed the egg in an incubation tank.

A virtual box suddenly popped up in front of Zhou Mu's eyes.

[Whether to hatch]

[Incubation time: one day

] "Yes"

[Incubation begins

] [Collecting host breath

] [Instilling breath

] [Instilling successfully, after successful hatching, the Lord will be automatically recognized]

The aura from nowhere is constantly pouring towards the egg, and suddenly the white light soars.

Zhou Mu looked at it for a while and came out.

After coming out, I found that the scene indoors, and the outdoors did not change at all.

[Ding, open the main

quest] [Main quest 1] Conquer the forest of ten thousand beasts.

【Mission content】Kill or mark all creatures with a volume of 0.25 volume units in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts (one volume unit is one cubic meter)

【Mission Reward】Exquisite eggs*2, the farm is marked with a growth rate of +50% and 2,000 points.

【Mission Suggestion】In the face of an enemy who cannot communicate, force is the best solution. Oh yes, I heard that there are five particularly strong spirit beasts in the forest.

Zhou Mutou instantly grew bigger.

One task has not been completed, and here comes another one, and it seems that it is not easy to do.

Moo! The green cow barked.

Zhou Mu patted his head.

He has a Xuanling Realm backer, and he doesn't believe that this broken forest is higher than the Xuanling Realm.

But now he can't mark it with the Beast Seal.

Although you can kill them all, you definitely can't.

So Zhou Mu began to walk around the top of the mountain, and even ran to the foot of the mountain without fear of death.

Fortunately, Qingniu followed, and there were no accidents.

After becoming familiar with the environment, Zhou Mu began to familiarize himself with the system again.

While fiddling with the virtual panel, I found something interesting.

The system monitoring can even see the distribution of all organisms in the farm, but on the panel are red dots, only green cattle are green dots.

Not only that, but he can also observe any corner of the farm through the system.

Just now, he also saw two majestic white wolves fighting in the den, one on the top and the other on the top.

Zhou Mu still wanted to continue to look to see if he would find the five spirit beasts mentioned by the system, but his stomach rang without contending.

Zhou Mu walked straight to the house where people could live, and Yu Guang inadvertently swept into a clearing.

An idea quietly buried in his heart.

Zhou Mu went into the house to look for something to eat, so he had to take the green ox down the mountain to find food.

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