The words of the Bishui Snake King were like thunder on a sunny day, shocking Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu looked at the big long worm and said in disbelief: "You still have a wife?" Hearing

this, the blue water snake king's eyes gradually moistened: "That wolf has a wife, why don't I!"

Seeing this, Zhou Mu patted its head and comforted: "It's okay, I'll just help you get it back." The

Bishui Snake King collected the tears under his eyes, lowered his eyes and said, "No... No need to look for it. Hearing

this, Zhou Mu was stunned.

You don't look for your wife if you lose it? You really deserve it!

If you don't look for a wife, then what about my task?

Zhou Mu looked at it seriously and said, "Must find!" Even if I turn the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest upside down, I will find it back. The

blue water snake king's eyes flashed with tears again: "Thank you very much for your kindness, but you really don't need to look for it!"

Looking at the appearance of the Bishui Snake King, Zhou Mu frowned and said, "You have something to hide from me." "


Zhou Mu turned his back to it and snorted coldly, "Since you don't say, then I'll turn over the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest and get it back."

Zhou Mu was also speechless, who is his wife!

For the task, he is more active than the Bishui Snake King.

Suddenly, Zhou Mu turned back and asked, "Your wife is not of another race, right?" Isn't it something weird, is it? The

Bishui Snake King replied with a puzzled eye: "It must be a Bishui Snake like me!" "

Oh, that's good."

After saying that, Zhou Mu was about to turn around and leave.

The Bishui Snake King gritted his teeth and lowered his head sharply, and then raised it again: "Don't go to the farmer, it's not in the Ten Thousand Beasts Forest, it's in the Silver Peak Valley." "

Huh?" Zhou Mu was puzzled.

"You know it's there, why don't you look for it?" Zhou Mu turned to face it and asked.

Suddenly, the Bishui Snake King raised his eyes melancholy and looked into the distance: "Look for it, it won't see me, give me a letter, and then let me roll." Saying

that, the Bishui Snake King turned around, revealing a large bite mark behind him.

Zhou Mu looked at the wound with a frown and asked, "Did it bite this injury?" Didn't it see you?

Hearing this, the Bishui Snake King's face was angry and sad, and he wailed: "This is its new bite!"

"It's not a snake yet, it's an ape!" The Bishui Snake King roared towards the sky, and tears flowed down.

"Ahem!" Zhou Mu felt a pain in his liver when he heard this.

The co-author is wearing a hat.

No wonder dead or alive are not allowed to find it.

It's shameful enough.

"Why didn't you kill the past?" Zhou Mu said in a flat tone.

Hearing this, the Bishui Snake King lowered his head and whispered, "I can't beat that monkey." "

The Bishui Snake King was only in the middle of the Spirit Sea Realm a few days ago, and this injury is obviously new.

Then that monkey's cultivation was the lowest, and it was also the middle of the Spirit Sea Realm.

I have to say that his wife is quite good at finding it.

You can find a beast king in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, and you can find a beast king when you run to Silver Peak Valley.

Zhou Mu's eyes were slightly cold: "It's okay, our Ten Thousand Beast Forest can afford to provoke Yinfeng Valley."

"Tomorrow I will take the beast to find you a field."

Looking at Zhou Mu, the Bishui Snake King was excited, but he was embarrassed to say, "I don't want to influence the owner's decision because of myself."

Zhou Mu waved his hand, signaling it to say more, and then asked, "What is written in that letter?"

"No, how did it write the letter?" Does it have hands? When

Zhou Mu saw the Bishui Snake King, he suddenly remembered that snakes have no hands, how to write letters.

Hearing this, the Bishui Snake King turned around and walked to the lair.

When it came out, it held a piece of animal skin in its mouth, and there were several lines of traces on the animal skin, although I couldn't see what it meant, but the traces were mixed with aura, as long as you touch it, you can sense the content.

The Bishui Snake King spit out the animal skin to the ground and spit out the snake letter: "I don't know why this letter smells strange." Seeing

this, Zhou Mu glanced at it from a distance, and then stretched out his hand to touch the scratches on the animal skin.

"You're too weak hiss..., you can't give me... I feel safe, hiss..., I want you all... Can't give it to me. I have... Have decided to be with the Spirit Ape King in... Together, it's strong hiss..., everywhere is stronger than you..., don't... Don't bother me anymore. A

piece of text inexplicably came to mind, looking at those intermittent words, Zhou Mu frowned.

Then he saw some thin and hard white patches on the animal skin, and asked, "You got this?" The

Bishui Snake King shook his head.

"I don't even know what it is, it was there when I gave it to me, and it smelled strange."

Hearing this, Zhou Mu quickly took two steps back and opened the distance between him and the Bishui Snake King, disgusted and with some pity at the same time.

Why didn't I find this guy so stupid before!

It seems that he can catch up with the Flame Lion King.

After adjusting his mood, Zhou Mu said coldly: "Burn it." "


The Bishui Snake King was unexpectedly obedient, and Zhou Mu thought that it was going to be kept.

It seems that it has not reached the point of incurability.

After the animal skin was burned, Zhou Mu patted the Bishui Snake King and said, "Prepare, come with me to Yinfeng Valley tomorrow." "

Let's not care about other monster beasts, Lao Tzu's monster beasts can't be wronged.

What's more, he is a pure love god of war, and he actually encountered this kind of thing!

Be sure to look for a venue!

Slap it in the face!

Hearing this, the Bishui Snake King looked at Zhou Mu with gratitude on his face.

Zhou Mu turned and left, returning to the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

He was going to plan how many beasts he would bring tomorrow.

After seeing Zhou Mu's figure disappear, the Bishui Snake King turned around and entered the lair, muttering in his mouth: "I want to become stronger, I must not disgrace the owner again, next time, next time it must be me who helps the owner find a field!" "

In the ground, the spiritual energy near the Bishui Snake King's lair surged, and the spiritual energy from all directions gathered, pouring into its body, and its strength increased sharply.

Returning to the top of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, Zhou Mu cursed lowly.

"Lao Tzu has crossed over, and can still encounter this kind of broken thing."

"The system you don't want to be too outrageous, what tasks are sent, it's better to kill and kill."


After scolding, Zhou Mu collapsed and lay in front of the wooden house, thinking with his eyes open.

Still too weak, too weak!

If it is stronger, there are still these broken things, if the Bishui Snake King is stronger, he has already killed both of them, and he will let himself eat melons.


Zhou Mu let out a long sigh and replaced all the rations in the five feeders with intermediate rations.

Points are completely emptied.

"Let's fight for some gas!"

Then Zhou Mu got up and asked Qingniu about his fighting skills.

Practice from dusk to moonrise, and then from moonrise to mid-moon.

On the top of the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain, thunder flickered for a while, and the fist resounded for several miles.

The noisy beasts couldn't sleep, so they had to cultivate.

Cat Linger looked at Zhou Mu on the side, her eyes constantly flickering.

Whenever Zhou Mu was tired, it would burrow into Zhou Mu's arms.

It wasn't until Zhou Mu threw it out nine times that it stopped.

In the blink of an eye, the moon rises and the moon sets.

Zhou Mu stood up refreshed and put on a black robe.

Cat Linger stared at him with a look of resentment, and finally pinned her head arrogantly.

Zhou Mu didn't look at it, compared to its serious appearance before, it was still better like this.

Subsequently, Zhou Mu urged the beast seal.

"Gather under the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain and follow me to the Silver Peak Valley."

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