Zhou Mu pinned a bundle of hemp rope to his waist, and his temperament came up at once.

More and more like farm owners.

The next time there is a disobedient monster, a rope will go over and trap it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu took off the rope again and injected spiritual energy.

When the mind moves, the end of the rope forms a living circle by itself.

Zhou Mu flicked it twice, and then threw the living circle out, just around the neck of the cat Linger.

With Zhou Mu's fierce pull, the living circle tightened.

Then Cat Linger was pulled to Zhou Mu's body with a blank face, and his tongue was spit out.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu untied the rope with an apologetic face, and pinned it to his waist after coiling it.

Picked up the cat Linger and rubbed it twice, and his heart couldn't help but think again.

The weapons sent by the system seem to be related to the management of the farm!

The bow can hunt demon beasts, and the rope can lead demon beasts.

Will there be a steel fork, shovel or something after that.

If that were the case, it would really be like a farmer.

Then Zhou Mu opened the system store.

As the breeding level increases, the merchandise should also unlock new ones.

【Premium Universal Ration】Increase the growth rate by 200% and be valid for 10 days. Price: 40 points / copy

[Random Intermediate Beast Soul] 70% opens spirit beast beast soul, 30% opens fairy beast beast soul. Price: 2000 points

[random bloodline] 55% open the bloodline of the alien beast, 30% open the bloodline of the spirit beast, 10% open the bloodline of the fairy beast, 4.5% open the bloodline of the divine beast, and 0.5% open the bloodline of the ancestral beast. Price: 5,000 points

[Intermediate automatic feeding device] Disassembles a ration into 1,000 servings, and the effect is 40% of the original. Upgrade price: 1W points

When Zhou Mu is viewing, the system prompt sounds.

[Ding, detected that there are unlisted species within the area where the host's current ability can reach, and issue a task.] 【

Mission Name】Bring back unincluded

species 【Mission content】Go to Sakura City to find new species, do whatever it takes to bring them back to the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, and complete the inclusion.

【Mission Reward】The beast soul of this species *1, the bloodline of the species *1, the species is absolutely loyal to the host, the growth rate of the marked creature is +50%, and the points are 30,000.

【Mission time】Five days

【Warning】This mission is related to species inclusion and cannot be refused! No refusal! No refusal!

"So what happens if I refuse?"

The system will unbind.

"You have nothing to lose?"

[Yes, but this loss is insignificant compared to binding a host with different ideas.] The

corner of Zhou Mu's mouth twitched twice, and he caressed the white cat in his arms.

This system is really ruthless, which task he has refused.

Besides, I love small animals too.

Zhou Mu threw the cat Linger aside, turned around and went back to the room to clean up.

Going out again, this time to the city.

The city lords are at least all Xuanling Realms, and if there is an accident, the green bull should be able to block it.

As for the remaining Lingyuan Spirit Sea Realm, just bring a few of them, anyway, now there are a lot more Spirit Sea Realm monster beasts in the forest, leave a few guards, and the rest will follow.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu shook his head and patted his head: "I'm just going to find a demon beast, how can there be so many accidents." Saying

that, Zhou Mu upgraded the five feeding devices in the Ten Thousand Beast Forest, and then added some high-grade rations.

Then the Beast Seal sent a message to call the Bishui Snake King, the Wind Wolf King, the King Kong Ape King, the Flame Lion King, and the Red Spirit Eagle King.

Then another hundred Lingchuan Realm demon beasts were called.

Looking at the demon beasts in front of him, Zhou Mu thought to himself, "This should be enough. "

If it's not for the fear that they are too big and inconvenient to hide, or Zhou Mu will have to bring more."

And even if you bring it, you can't take it to the city, you can only lurk outside the city.

Otherwise, it would definitely have started a fight without even entering the city.

How nice it would be to have a space to store demon beasts!

Stopping his illusions, Zhou Mu took the green ox and led the beasts to set off.

Before leaving, he also told Bai Feng to let it fly in the forest if it was fine.

Bai Feng screamed weakly.

Seeing this, Cat Linger quickly followed: "I am also in the Lingchuan Realm, take me with you."

Zhou Mu glanced at it and said, "Then come along, don't blame me when you die." When

Cat Linger heard this, she gritted her teeth and followed.

Zhou Mu sat on the back of the green ox, and the green ox advanced at full speed.

The other demon beasts were behind, and they were quickly thrown away.

Zhou Mu didn't care either, and he couldn't use them for the time being.

They are just an extra layer of security.

Moreover, Zhou Mu did not believe that there would be a conflict as soon as he entered the city gate.

At this rate, you can reach Sakura City at night.

And this group of monster beasts will not reach the vicinity of Sakura City until the next day.

Little impact.

In this way, Zhou Mu and Qingniu galloped all the way.

Along the way, there were people who did not have long eyes to block the way and threaten, and they were all killed by Zhou Mu's arrow.

He also wondered, this group of people is really stupid, the speed is so fast, and he still doesn't understand what kind of strength Qingniu is?

He even dared to use the three-legged cat to block the road, and threatened to kill himself.

Aren't you looking for death?

The sun sinks into the horizon and the moon hangs high.

Zhou Mu and Qingniu came to the vicinity of Sakura City, and Zhou Mu got down from Qingniu and led Qingniu to the city gate.

Looking at the majestic city gate, Zhou Mu couldn't help but sigh.

This was the third time he had come to the city gates.

The city gates were closed, and dozens of people were waiting in front of the city gates with their luggage, they did not dare to sleep.

After hearing the movement, they all looked towards Zhou Mu.

"I miscalculated, I forgot that the city is generally not open at night."

Zhou Mu found an open space far away from people and sat down, waiting for dawn.

He didn't want to look for something to do, anyway, just wait one night, it's not a big problem.

Moreover, the Qingniu Spiritual Thought has covered the entire Cherry Blossom City, and the appearance of a special species will definitely not be able to escape its spiritual thought.

And when the monsters are coming, let them surround Sakura City to monitor the people entering and leaving.

Qingniu Lingnian transmitted: "I found it, there is a special demon beast in an auction house storage room, at least I haven't seen it." Hearing

this, Zhou Mu nodded and thought.

Auction house!

Do you still have to go and shoot it?

But he doesn't even have money, at most, he can store ten spirit stones in the ring, can this be bought?

The hateful system, do not say it in advance, and prepare money yourself.

It's good now.

You can only kill people and cross goods.


Zhou Mu let out a long sigh, and everyone nearby heard this helpless sigh.

They were extremely happy in their hearts, thinking that Zhou Mu was not doing well, and they seemed to be better than Zhou Mu.

That's where the superiority came.

At this time, two Spirit Rain Realm demon beasts pulled a car and rampaged through the crowd.

"Oh, a swarm of ants." A pleasant female voice came from the car, with a hint of coquettishness.

In the blink of an eye, the demon beast injured several people and came to the city gate.

The white and tender slender hand stretched out from the car, holding a token engraved with the word "Ice Cloud" in his hand.

The guards on the city gate quickly ran down after seeing it.

A few people pushed the city gate open a little, stood respectfully on both sides, and let the car in.

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