"Roar! The

demon beasts surrounding everyone roared in unison, and the aura of the Lingchuan Realm was undisguised, vast, and shocking everyone.

The demon beasts' eyes were full of wildness and violent, no matter what species they showed their teeth, stared at them deadly, and slowly stepped forward.

Most of the more than thirty people were in the Spirit Rain Realm, and they had never seen so many Lingchuan Realm demon beasts gather in their lives, and their legs were so frightened on the spot that they fell to the ground.

And although those group of Lingchuan Realms had never seen this battle, fortunately, they were in the same realm, and they could barely stand firm, but there was still fear in their hearts.

"What to do, we're going to die!" A young man from the Spirit Rain Realm roared loudly, his voice trembling and full of fear.

"Who knows why this group of brainless demon beasts gathered!"

"His mother's, I finally reaped one more time, and I actually want to plant my life here!"

"It's all you thief-eyed liar, saying that what follows you is foolproof, it must be that you are too greedy to provoke the monsters!"

At this time, I don't know who blamed the military master in Tang Chao's team, and the resentment of the thirty people was instantly transferred to them.

In an instant, the spit stars flew wildly, all of them were cursing Tang Chao and them, and they didn't put the monster beasts around them in their eyes at all.

They don't dare to do it, they will die, if they don't do it, they can still talk for a while, maybe there will be a turnaround?

In their opinion, unless someone breaks through the Spirit Sea Realm now, once the demon beast attacks, they will definitely die.

Just take advantage of the fact that the demon beast has not attacked and scold the person first.

Anyway, even if you die, you have to put all the responsibility on others.


Some demon beasts couldn't stand the howl of this group of people and roared angrily.

And everyone saw that the demon beast was just besieging but not attacking, so they then scolded.

Tang Chao looked at this group of people with a livid face, and he wanted to raise his hand to kill them many times, but he was afraid of this group of monster beasts, and finally restrained.

As long as this group of demon beasts does not make a move, he still has the possibility of living.

Moreover, the scene is chaotic like this, this group of monster beasts still do not attack, many people have seen the abnormality, and they are constantly thinking in their hearts.

And the group of brainless ones are still spraying each other.


Just listening to a roar, a wind blade flew out from a demon beast, picked a lucky one at random, and cut off his legs.

In an instant, everyone fell silent, only the man fell to the ground and wailed, and the severed limb was bleeding, but no one came forward to help.

With this warning, everyone became honest, but their expressions were different, and the fear on their faces became a minority.

In a certain direction, the demon beast in a certain direction suddenly became noisy.

Some immediately became alert and stared in that direction, while others gave up the struggle and prepared to enjoy it again before they died.

So the group took advantage of the vigilance of others to quietly move to the side of the woman in the group.

At this time, the demon beast suddenly gave way to a passage.

Everyone's eyes lit up, and a certain clever Lingchuan Realm cultivator ran out towards the gap with all his strength.

Also in the Lingchuan Realm, I became famous for my speed, and now if I don't run, there is no way to live!

The man had madness in his eyes, and he had already run to the gap before everyone could return to their senses.

"Oh? Killed my beast, snatched my cub, and still want to run? The

voice came in through the gap, and then he felt a surging aura fluctuation.

The man's pupils shrank sharply, and a fist carrying the power of mountains and seas was reflected in his eyes.

He wanted to hide, but he couldn't get faster than Zhou Mu's fist.

"Get out of here!"

With a roar, the person who rushed towards the gap flew out backwards, and a fist mark chased him, and the fist mark was followed by a trail of rolling rivers.

The man flew upside down among the crowd, motionless.

Everyone looked nervously at the gap, and no one cared if he was dead or alive.

Zhou Mu, who was dressed in black, slowly walked out from the gap, carrying his hands behind his back, and looked at everyone indifferently.

After glancing at everyone, Qingniu lost interest and silently followed behind Zhou Mu.

And the little beasts were in a high mood.

Everyone also saw Bai Feng, only felt that it looked like the rumored phoenix, but did not think much, after all, they are all dying now, how can they think about that thing.

After seeing Zhou Mu, everyone looked surprised, and those who were ready to approach the woman also stopped.

He's too young! He looks like he's in his early twenties.

And these monster beasts seem to be at the behest of this young man.

Seeing this, everyone was actually excited.

The demon beast can't communicate, that person can always communicate!

We just killed a few demon beasts and caught a few cubs.

It's reasonable to apologize to him, give some compensation, and let us go, right?

And this boy is so young, he definitely doesn't have so much heart and eye as they do, it's a big deal to turn to him, as long as he survives.

No matter how good the monster beast is, can someone be good?

Some people thought of a lot of unrealistic thoughts in their minds, but they didn't know that they had already pronounced their death from the time they killed hundreds of demon beasts.

I saw a Spirit Rain Realm cultivator kneeling in front of Zhou Mu first, looking terrified and excited, "Lord! I am willing to turn to you, as long as you don't kill me, I will do whatever you ask me to do!" The

rest of the people were also eager to move when they saw this, but they had to wait for Zhou Mu's next response before making a decision.

Looking at the surrounding monster beasts looking at Zhou Mu with reverence in their eyes, they had already determined that Zhou Mu was the leader of this group of monster beasts.

As long as Zhou Mu accepted their trust, they could live, and if they did not, then so many people could attack Zhou Mu together.

As long as you kill him, this group of demon beasts will naturally collapse, and it will be simple to rush out when the time comes.

Thinking of this, they looked at each other, and whether this group of temporary team members could understand it was another matter.

Zhou Mu's eyes looked at the man calmly, and a teasing intent flashed under his eyes: "Surrender to me? All right! Hearing

this, the man and everyone behind him looked overjoyed, feeling that there was hope of living.

"Thank you, my lord!" The man quickly kowtowed in thanks.

Zhou Mu said with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Don't worry, I have a request."

"Please, my lord!" The man said while kowtowing.

At this time, several people ran over, also saying that they wanted to join Zhou Mu.

Zhou Mu sneered in his heart, but he was silent on the surface, pointing at the group of imprisoned cubs: "Who will imprison cubs?"

Everyone was stunned when they heard this, and they didn't understand what Zhou Mu meant, and no one dared to say anything for a while.

"Nobody will? Then you are worthless. Saying

that, Zhou Mu raised his hand and prepared to signal the demon beasts to kill this group of people.

Seeing this, Tang Chao suddenly threw the big knife in his hand and stepped forward and said, "I will!" With

him at the beginning, everyone also responded.

In the end, everyone will be imprisoned!

Zhou Mu was ecstatic in his heart, so that he could imprison more cubs.

"Good." Zhou Mu said softly.

Someone hurriedly ran to those cubs who were imprisoned by the confinement technique, and stretched out their hands to lift the ban to show goodwill to Zhou Mu.

"Stop, I don't need you to lift the confinement technique."

Saying that, Zhou Mu clapped his hands twice.


In an instant, ten Spirit Sea Realms and one Spirit Abyss Realm demon beast flew around.

They all carry hundreds of cubs around them.

Most of these cubs are mortal beasts and alien beasts, and the spirit beasts are only a handful.

I don't know if it's those young of the new Spirit Sea.

Seeing that the cubs were brought, Zhou Mu said, "Within four hours, all these cubs were imprisoned." "

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