Zhou Mu didn't even think about it, and directly deposited all the existing bloodlines into the bloodline pool.

After all, the bloodline pool seems to understand demon beasts better than himself.

It can analyze demon beasts to distribute bloodlines, and Zhou Mu gives bloodlines to see if they are of the same kind, and whether the bloodline potential is high or not.

I didn't think about whether it was suitable for a demon beast at all.

Therefore, he happily stored his bloodline.

After that, some of the bloodlines recovered from the recycled demon beasts were also put in.

At this point, Zhou Mu began to call some demon beasts to come to Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

At the same time, he didn't waste time either, spending another 150,000 points to purchase thirty bloodlines.

Leave 60,000 points to buy rations for the monsters.

However, after Zhou Mu bought it, he found that Bai Feng was still in a coma.

Suddenly, the heartbeat missed a beat, so many points will not be lost!

In an instant, the two feathers in Zhou Mu's hand disintegrated together.

[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the bloodline of the Divine Beast Flame Fire Dragon. 【

Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Immortal Beast Silver Moon Wolf Bloodline. 】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the fairy beast purple pupil cloud wing tiger bloodline. 【



[Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Immortal Beast Ice Heart Poison Demon Silkworm Bloodline. ] 】


After the prompt ended, Zhou Mu looked at the dissipated feather in his hand and looked stunned.

It turned out to be out of the bloodline of the divine beast!

It's just a dragon, as if there are no demon beasts to use here.

Thinking of this, Zhou Mu sighed.

No problem, there's always a useful day.

At this point, this brushing of the bloodline is over.

Although the harvest was higher than Zhou Mu expected, the bloodline that Zhou Mu expected was not used.

It seems that there is a prison dog bloodline egg that can be used, but I don't know if it is suitable for it.

Thinking of this, Zhou Murang looked at the diligent egg.

The egg grows very fast, the spiritual energy of Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain is rich, coupled with the growth rate bonus and ration bonus, the egg is now one meter tall.

It's no longer the little dog who rubs his trouser legs in circles around Zhou Mu.

Feeling Zhou Mu's gaze, Eggman turned his head to look at Zhou Mu, his eyes were resolute, and he had the will not to admit defeat.

Alas, the egg has grown!

Seeing Eggman's eyes, Zhou Mu sighed in his heart.

Beckoning to Eggman, Eggman immediately put down his cultivation and ran over, and the group of chicken cubs also turned to look at Zhou Mu.

The rest of the immortal beasts also stopped their current activities and looked at Zhou Mu.

I saw Zhou Mu touch the head of the egg, and then let it enter the bloodline pool.

Eggman was very obedient, and soon stepped on the suspended steps and ran towards the floating platform.

Seeing this, the rest of the immortal beasts also ran over one after another.

They don't know what that portal is, but if the egg can have it, they should have it.

In this regard, Zhou Mu made a difficulty.

There is no bloodline in the bloodline pool that can improve their bloodline yet, but those chicken cubs can go in and try it, maybe get a spirit beast bloodline.

At least it has greater potential than the current mortal beasts.

In the end, Zhou Mu let the seven chicken cubs enter the bloodline pool.

The rest of the demon beasts didn't think much about it, after all, the owner's decision must have his deep meaning.

They only need to eat, drink, cultivate, and strive to become stronger as soon as possible to fight for the main player.

As the eggs and chicken cubs entered the bloodline pool one after another, those demon beasts gathered by Zhou Mu also arrived one after another and gathered under the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain.

Zhou Mu didn't summon a lot, after all, there were only more than a hundred bloodlines.

Zhou Mu slowly walked down the Ten Thousand Beasts Mountain and came to the front of the beasts.

Looking at these more than two hundred demon beasts, there are strange beasts, spirit beasts, and mortal beasts.

These are the demon beasts that Zhou Mu screened out according to the system.

Not necessarily in those bloodlines, but the contribution to the forest must be great.

It's like the five beast kings at the head.

That was really his opening general, and the demon beasts were all organized by them.

In this regard, Zhou Mu has never skipped his bloodline.

Just like the bloodline of the Bishui Snake King last time, I gave it directly without thinking about it.

The bloodline extracted this time also had several immortal beast bloodlines that matched their race, and Zhou Mu gave them directly before.

But now that there is a bloodline pool, it is better to let the bloodline pool analyze, after all, the right one is the best.

After explaining the role of the bloodline pool to this group of demon beasts, this group of demon beasts looked excited, and they were extremely impressed by Zhou Mu, and those spirit beast kings were also very moved.

The Immortal Beast Bloodline finally had their turn!

Without saying more, Zhou Mu directly let them enter the bloodline pool.

The five beast kings were the first to step up the steps and rushed towards the portal, followed by the rest of the demon beasts.

Except for the Bishui Snake King, the Beast King was very excited.

Zhou Mu had already told them about the bloodline of the immortal beast in the bloodline pool.

It's about the same race.

The Bishui Snake King didn't have much hope, after all, he was already an immortal beast bloodline, and no matter how high he was, he only had that divine beast bloodline.

But that divine beast is a dragon, and it is a little in conflict with his own kind.

While thinking, all the beasts stepped into the bloodline pool portal one after another.

In the eye, it is scarlet.

This is a huge pool of blood, where all kinds of blood are intertwined but can be separated at any time without interfering with each other.

Immortal beasts, divine beasts and other bloodlines exuded aura one after another, deterring demon beasts while tempting them.

But the demon beasts didn't know where these bloodlines were.

Endless qi and blood filled this space, and after some demon beasts came in, their pupils turned scarlet, and they couldn't help but roar in a low voice.

Gradually, the water level of the blood pool continued to rise, and in the blink of an eye it flooded their necks.

The group of demon beasts were frightened at first, and then they were relieved to think that the owner had never hurt them.

After all, there is indeed a bloodline here, and there is nothing worth punting in this group of mortal beasts.

Gradually, pools of blood overflowed over the heads of the beasts.

The bodies of the beasts trembled, followed by endless warmth.

Blood pools are feeding their bodies with this blood.

At this time, some demon beasts saw a dog and seven chicken cubs under the blood pool.

At this time, the aura of immortal beasts suddenly erupted from the dog's side.

I saw a blood mass separated from the blood pool, glowing red into the egg's body.

Then the egg was in a sharp pain, churning back and forth in the pool of blood.

At the same time, one bloodline after another separated from the blood pool, came to the demon beasts separately, and then submerged into their bodies.

In an instant, there was a wail.

Blood fusion is equivalent to exchange blood, and pain is inevitable.

At this time, the aura of the four immortal beasts erupted together, and the four bloodlines came to the beast kings and submerged into their bodies one after another.

They first rejoice, and then severe pain distorts their faces.

The bloodline was constantly absorbed, and the Bishui Snake King never had a suitable bloodline.

After seeing that its group of old friends had also obtained the bloodline of immortal beasts, it was extremely relieved, and if it weren't for the fact that its whole body was submerged in the pool of blood, the corners of its eyes might have tears in it.

Since it entered the Spirit Abyss Realm, this group of old friends has not visited its house for a long time.

The Bishui Snake King couldn't resist looking for them several times, and as a result, they all nestled at home and buried their heads in cultivation.

Now that their accumulation is enough, and their bloodlines have also improved, I am afraid that they will not be able to step into the Spirit Abyss Realm when they go out.

Then they will be able to visit the door together again.

The Bishui Snake King looked at these gradually stronger demon beasts with longing in his eyes, and his heart was inexplicably happy.

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