Time passed quietly, and the Wind Wolf King outside stopped howling and waited quietly.

More than an hour later, with a childish scream.

A little life is born.

Zhou Mu put the little wolf beside the she-wolf, his eyes full of love.

The Wind Wolf King outside also began to make a fuss, and he couldn't wait to see his child.

Zhou Mu looked at Qingniu.

The green bull's hooves stepped lightly, and the rocks on the body of the Wind Wolf King began to crack.

Quickly ran back to its lair, saw the mother and son two wolves lying there, and immediately quietly walked over.

Passing by Zhou Mu and Qingniu, the Wind Wolf King bowed his head slightly.

For Zhou Mu, it is gratitude; for Qingniu, it is respect.

There is no more hostility either.

No matter how hostile they are, they are afraid that they will not be cold.

Zhou Mu looked at the three wolves staying together, and couldn't help but feel emotional.

He hadn't seen his mother in ten years.

My sister, who had been with her for ten years, was also gone.

Such a scene may not happen to me in my life.


At this moment, Bai Feng, who had been honest, flew from the back of the green bull to the little wolf.

The two wolves were only wary.

I saw Bai Feng "cooing" and rubbing his head against the face of the little wolf.

【Ding, task accomplished

】【Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Swift Wind Wolf Bloodline *1, proficient postpartum care, points 500】In

an instant, countless knowledge and skills of postpartum care flooded into his mind.

After digesting and absorbing, Zhou Mu knew how bad his delivery method was just now.

It was a miracle that the little wolf was still alive.

Zhou Mu was embarrassed.

It turns out that this outrageous postpartum care is so useful.

Think of yourself as the owner of this farm.

Then this skill is even more useful.

After all, future newborns are all their own.

Zhou Mu inquired about the information of the Swift Wind Heavenly Wolf again.


this time, the white phoenix had already flown back.

Zhou Mu looked at the little wolf thoughtfully.

Then he walked towards the family of three.

Looking at the two giant wolves in front of him, he was afraid that it was fake, after all, he had never seen this occasion before.

Zhou Mu took out the Swift Wind Heavenly Wolf bloodline.

A cloud of blood cells appeared in his hand, and there was a red mist wrapped around the blood cells.

The moment the two wolves felt the breath of Dao, they actually lowered their heads in unison.

Bloodline suppression.

When he found that it was just a ball of blood, Qi Qi showed a longing look.

That is the bloodline of immortal beasts, and with this bloodline, they will become stronger.

The two wolves looked at each other, and finally reason prevailed over impulse.

The green bull fighting the Wind Wolf King is like playing, and adding another one will not change anything.

Seeing this, Zhou Mu collected the bloodline and chuckled.

"Your children are related to me, and this bloodline is suitable for your people. When

the Wind Wolf King heard this, he instantly understood what he meant, got up and came to Zhou Mu, and crouched there with a posture of submission.

Seeing this, the she-wolf also understood, and lay there with the Wind Wolf King.

Zhou Mu was stunned.

Why don't you follow the routine

? Didn't you say that the beast was stupid?

Isn't it useless to think about it for a while?

Zhou Mu condensed three beast seals.

Seeing this, the two wolves looked at Zhou Mu and seemed to say, "Let's come first."

After Zhou Mu marked the two beast seals on them, he did not go directly to the little wolf.

Wait there quietly.

[Successfully marked the Lingchuan Realm Wind Wolf, the Linghai Realm Wind Wolf King, get 60 points]

After a while, the two wolves gave way to a road.

Zhou Mu then marked the little wolf.

By the way, through the system, the little wolf fused the bloodline of the Wind Sky Wolf.

100% secure integration.

It cost him two hundred points, which is more expensive than learning ten thousand beast techniques.

Zhou Mu sighed lightly.

"I'm really weak now, but I'm not going to be weak all the time. Be loyal to me and I will not fail you in the future. Zhou Mu wore a torn linen robe and left a back for them.

And he threw three rations to them and told them how to use them and how to use them.

Zhou Mu left their nest under the grateful and respectful gazes of the two wolves.

Walking on the road.


Zhou Mu let out a long breath, and then asked Qingniu.

"Did you say that I gave that bloodline too early.

"I always feel that the Wolf King has not been a father for a long time, and the child's bloodline is not pure."

Qingniu was stunned, and then mooed, as if laughing again.

Bai Feng had just been born and didn't understand anything, so he tilted his head to look at Zhou Mu and Qingniu.

The urgent mission is completed and the daily mission continues.

Take a look at the surveillance map.

The first two days were densely packed with red dots, and now there are some green dots, although very few.

Zhou Mu's current location is very close to the fourth task.

This time did not let Qingniu run with himself.

It's for the convenience of grabbing something you can use along the way.

Herbs, wild fruits, bird eggs and whatever.

Take it, Zhou Mu has no place to put it.

I thought that the bloodlines sent by the system could come out and be collected again, so these things can also be collected, right?

[Ding, the system space can only access system products.

After getting this answer, Zhou Mu had to give up something.

After arriving at the place, Zhou Mu did not go directly.

The grasses with names are mostly spirit grasses.

Most of the spirit grass must be guarded by demon beasts, right?

Sure enough, a demon beast flew past Zhou Mu, broke a few trees and fell to the ground.

Zhou Mu hid with Qingniu and Bai Feng, not wanting them to find out.

"Wow, Senior Brother Qin, you are so good.

"It's still Senior Brother Qin, this black-striped tiger is not Senior Brother's opponent at all. "

Our sect mission can finally be completed this time,"

came a flattering voice from the jungle not far away, both male and female.

Then the four people came out of the jungle, dressed in blue-gray uniform clothing.

"Senior Brother Qin, look, that is Lingyun Grass, and if you eat it, you can replenish your aura. A woman with a beautiful face and a slightly straight chest said.

"We can go back when we get it. An ordinary-looking man said.

After that, the man was going to pick the spirit grass.

The man they called Senior Brother Qin stopped him and walked towards the black-striped tiger not far away.

Seeing that it was still panting, he decisively drew his sword and killed it.

After taking the useful parts of the black-striped tiger, they signaled that they could remove them.

Several people ran towards Lingyun Grass with great interest.

After they plucked the Lingyun Grass, Zhou Mu's system had a hint.

[Detected that the Lingyun Grass was obtained by others, and re-searched the Lingyun Grass.] 】

【The new location has been marked, please go to the host to get the Lingyun grass.】 Zhou

Mu thought that the system would let him grab it, but he didn't expect the system to be so humane.

It just so happened that Zhou Mu didn't want to get into trouble.

He hasn't developed yet, if these are important figures of which sect, then the Ten Thousand Beast Forest won't want to give birth.

So he left quietly.

However, the vegetation of this forest is too dense, and the size of the green ox is too large, and it is inevitable to touch the leaves and branches and make a sound.

Senior Brother Qin, who had just come together with the three, suddenly drew his sword and pointed in the direction where Zhou Mu was.

"Who's there?"

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