The screen comes to the location of the shadow beast.

When you enter the eye, you will see a majestic black humanoid shadow.

Some parts of the body are covered with black scales.

Zhou Mu, who was watching, was stunned for a moment.

But then after feeling the strange aura on its body, he couldn't help but frown.

It's not a very annoying smell, but it just feels a little uncomfortable.

It is also very familiar, similar to the atmosphere encountered in Sakura City before.

Lao Tzu's spirit beast won't be wasted, right?

How did I become a little disliked by the owner.

The picture in front of Zhou Mu was still stuck on a shadow beast who didn't know what to do, and he hadn't moved the picture to see Zhou Li.

Zhou Mu urged the beast seal, feeling how this changeable, murderous and violent shadow beast was doing now.

"What's going on with you?" Zhou Mu Beast Yin transmitted the sound.

The beast mark in the shadow beast's body emitted a faint imperceptible light, which quietly spread throughout its body.

In an instant, the shadow beast was refreshed, and he only felt that the messy emotions in his mind were calmed.

The voice that Zhou Mu transmitted through the beast seal was like a heavenly god descending a mantra, cleansing its anxious heart.

"I don't know, somebody put a finger in my head, and then I passed out and woke up like this." The Shadow Beast responded.

Remembering what happened before, I couldn't help but tremble.

Looking at the two people in front of him again, there was some fear in my heart.

Zhou Li and Chen Ruoxi looked at the shadow beast with a smile, and they were very satisfied with its reaction.

"Hmph, send my brother a Spirit Sea Realm demon beast."

"But it doesn't seem to be of any use! There are quite a few Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts here.

"If it weren't for the poor physique of this demon beast, I would have piled it up to the Xuanling Realm."

Thinking of the tens of thousands of demon beasts containing Zhou Mu's aura in the Forest of Ten Thousand Beasts, Zhou Li muttered.

He was also suddenly dissatisfied with his gift, and looked at the shadow beast with hatred, feeling that it was too uncompetitive.

But there was nothing to do, although this shadow beast was a failure, she couldn't kill it.

After all, it is my brother's demon beast, so I can't move around.

Seeing Zhou Li's gaze, the shadow beast shrunk its head and did not dare to move.

After all, the person in front of you is much stronger than it.

And she also injected something unknown into her body to make herself stronger.

Although the body does not feel too good after becoming stronger, after the means of the owner, it is now much better.

For this, the shadow beast also has to thank the person in front of him.

Otherwise, it would have to wait another dozen days to reach the Spirit Sea Realm.

At this time, Zhou Mu also noticed the movement of the shadow beast, and his brows wrinkled slightly.

The next moment, a familiar figure walked into the picture and kept looking around the shadow beast.

Zhou Mu hurriedly pulled the picture onto Zhou Li's face.

After seeing it clearly, Zhou Mu opened his mouth wide, looking shocked.

How did Zhou Li get here?

At first, Zhou Mu didn't dare to admit it.

It wasn't until that eccentric look coincided with the figure in his mind that he was sure that this was Zhou Li.

Just because Zhou Li had been unkempt with him before, wearing plain clothes.

But now he is dressed in a brocade robe, his long hair is like a waterfall, and his face is delicate, which is extremely beautiful.

Compared to this simple black robe on his body, Zhou Mu smiled bitterly.

It is worthy of being a holy place, and it has reached this point in just a few months inside.

Zhou Li can now make the Spirit Sea Realm demon beasts fearful, I am afraid that he must have the Spirit Abyss Realm cultivation.

However, Zhou Mu did not expect to meet in this way.

Originally, I wanted to wait for the trial to be over, and I went to the Hehuan Holy Sect to find her.

But now he can't go out, he can only look at Zhou Li through the system.

Zhou Mu kept thinking in his heart, and the more he thought about it, the more wrong it became.

"Old Niu, is there a kind of person who can go from the Awakening Spirit Palace to the Spirit Abyss Realm in two months?" Zhou Mu was a little uncertain and began to ask Qingniu.

Zhou Mu didn't know how fast the disciples in the holy land were cultivating, but referring to that genius Chen Ruoxi, he always felt that even if Zhou Li was a genius, it was impossible to reach the Spirit Abyss Realm in two months!


Hearing this, Zhou Mu was stunned.


"Dreamers." Qingniu gave Zhou Mu a roll of his eyes.

In two months, even if you are taken away and inherited, it is impossible to reach the Spirit Abyss Realm in two months.

Looking at its Niu Sheng, he had never seen one who reached the Spirit Abyss Realm in two months.

Zhou Mu was a little choked by Qingniu's words.

However, even Qingniu had never seen this situation, and that Zhou Mu couldn't help but be a little suspicious.

Looking at the Spirit Sea Realm Shadow Beast in the picture who was trembling with Zhou Li in fear, although Zhou Mu couldn't believe it, he still frowned and said in a deep voice: "Zhou Li, what's going on with you?" "

He has a system, and he can only reach the Baichuan Lingchuan realm in two months.

Could it be....

Zhou Mu muttered in his heart, and for a while there was no conclusion.

The next moment, Zhou Mu moved his gaze and saw Chen Ruoxi behind Zhou Li.

In an instant, the doubts in Zhou Mu's heart were solved.

Oh! No wonder the shadow beast was so afraid, it turned out that it was not afraid of Zhou Li, but afraid of Chen Ruoxi!

Chen Ruoxi knew that the last time I saw her, she was in the Xuan Spirit Realm, and it was very reasonable to scare a Spirit Sea Realm.

No, why did Zhou Li mix with her!

This lady is not a good person!

Immediately afterwards, in addition to the shock in Zhou Mu's heart, an even more shocking scene appeared.

Chen Ruoxi actually lowered his head and asked Zhou Li, like a servant treating his master!

At this moment, Zhou Mu's brows furrowed.

What happened to Chen Ruoxi, he knew that

if the scene in front of him was true, then Zhou Li must have something to hide from him.

Moreover, if she has such strength, then has she come to accompany her family in the past ten years?

Memories of the past play back in my mind like a marquee.

To be honest, Zhou Mu was a little angry in his heart.

But he doesn't know the ins and outs, and he can't jump to conclusions.

So he inquired about Zhou Li through the screen.

Zhou Mu knew that the introduction of the system would almost always introduce the origin, just like the introduction of Mao Linger and Chen Ruoxi at the beginning.

[Name] Zhou Li

[Gender] Female [Xiuwei] Heavenly Spirit Realm

[Race] Terran / Evil Race

[Racial Potential] Unlimited

[Talent] None

[Introduction] # System Error #

I saw that in the information panel that appeared in the system, the words race and evil alternated back and forth, constantly flashing.

Eventually stuck in the word "people".

Terrans? Evil race?

What does this mean?

What kind of race is the evil race?

Zhou Mu was a little nervous in his heart, and he found that Zhou Li seemed to be very difficult.

I don't know if it was like this earlier, or after entering the Hehuan Holy Sect.

After all, this information panel is from the Book of All Beasts.

The Ten Thousand Beasts Collection contains all the previous living information.

When he could obtain the Ten Thousand Beasts Book, Zhou Li had already entered the Hehuan Saint Sect, and there was no way to calculate this.

Then the introduction of the system made Zhou Mu even more shocked.

The system reported an error?

Why is this?

Doesn't the system know about Zhou Li's experience?

Zhou Mu's understanding of the system is not deep enough.

He only thought that the system knew everything and the means were heavenly.

But this situation now made Zhou Mu ponder.

A bold idea came to mind.

I really don't know.

Still don't dare to say?

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