Bright Era

Chapter 1058: Este

The southwest border of the Gaul Empire is a peninsula almost close to the border of the Harran Empire. The peninsula nearly a thousand miles long penetrates into the sea like a dagger. The dense jungle is lush and lovely. Here is the Silver Iris family in the Gaul Empire. One of the strongholds-Green Bay Peninsula.

The entire peninsula is the traditional territory of the Silver Iris family. On the border of the peninsula, there is even a 10,000-strong army of the Silver Iris family stationed. And inside the peninsula, there are a lot of monsters. If outsiders accidentally invade here, they are likely to die in countless magic traps and monsters.

At the tip of the peninsula, on a silver cliff, an exquisite palace is attached to the cliff like a miracle. Below is an abyss more than two thousand meters high, with the roaring sea breeze and white clouds above, and in front of the palace, The endless blue sea.

Esther sat upright on the corridor outside the palace, holding an ancient book with a thick cover of warcraft skin in both hands, frowning and scanning the records in the ancient book. She flipped the pages of the book quickly, and quickly read this ancient book carefully from beginning to end.

With a clear snort, Esther threw the ancient book out. A little demon with wings on his back and a single horn on his neck, with a pet dog collar around his neck, quickly rushed out from the side, took the ancient book, ran into the palace, and quickly moved next. The ancient book was brought out and handed to Este's hands respectfully.

Flicking his fingers, a blast of cold air shot out, and the little demon wailed. He was blown away more than ten meters by the piercing cold air, covered with a thin layer of frost, and fell to the ground with a trembling twitch. The demon's physique is strong, and there is demon flame power in his body. The little demon twitches on the ground for a while, and then he jumps up with tears in his eyes and continues to wait on him obediently.

A silver-white giant python slowly crawled out from the corner of the corridor. The giant python with a bucket of more than 30 meters thick had double horns on its head and occasionally spit out silver-white letter pieces. The original branched letter pieces have been combined. This is a giant python that can follow the weather as long as it gets the chance. He exudes a huge frosty breath, and lazily came to Este's side, forming a huge snake formation and guarding it.

Esther lightly patted the cold and slippery body of the boa constrictor, and snorted.

"Found it!" She said calmly: "This is the record of an ancestor three thousand years ago. During an expedition to the Fourth Abyss, he was chased and killed by dozens of powerful strange creatures and strayed into an abyss altar. , I found the broken palace-shaped pendant from above!"

"The family used countless methods, but they couldn't figure out the material and purpose of this pendant." Este narrowed her eyes, and a silver glow flashed in her slender eyes: "But one person should have been extinct long ago. The gray knight of the apocalypse actually attacked me, he wanted to **** the pendant! A strong man who was still able to escape after being hit by a demigod attacked and snatched the pendant!"

Throwing away the ancient books, and knocking the hapless little demon to the ground, Esther sternly shouted: "A group of incompetent waste, what is the use of the family to support so many sages and polymaths? The treasure, but treated it as a waste and left it in the unidentified object display room at will!"

With a sullen face, Esther turned her head and said to the silver python: "If it wasn't for me to be naughty when I was a child, I would almost choke to death when I swallowed it. In order to warn myself to be vigilant, I hung it around my neck. I don’t understand, its background is so big!"

A slender figure, her hair and skin are magnificent silver, and her eyes emit a sharp silver light, and a beautiful female elf walked over quietly. She knelt down in front of Este, and whispered back: "Master Este, the family's intelligence network in Berrily has been fully opened, and all the hands of the family in the Gaul Empire are gathering in Berrily. Today, 17,000 capable members of the family have gathered in Berleigh!"

Este looked at the beautiful and mysterious silver elf, and asked faintly: "Is there any news?"

The female elf shook her head gently: "The grey knight of the apocalypse disappeared without a trace. He used thirty-two types of tracking magic and mobilized seven of the most sensitive tracking beasts. We could not find any trace of him. As for the mysterious man who snatched your pendant, we only found the traces he intentionally left on certain streets, and then he disappeared in the west of Berrely."

Esther squinted her eyes, she gently patted the python's body, and said word by word: "Then, they must still be in Berrily. They can't know that the pendant is on my hand. It was they who discovered the pendant on my neck temporarily, and then they took the initiative to **** it. They should be among the nobles attending the Victory Palace!"

Standing up abruptly, Este's eyes flashed with dangerous and fanatical fierce light.

"Is the Grey Knight going to **** my pendant that day? Or is that person going to **** my pendant?"

"If it is the Grey Knight of the Apocalypse, then, is the pendant related to the legendary Knights of Apocalypse that can fight against the gods? If it is that person, then, what is the precious thing about this item, it is worth his risk to offend the Silver Iris family risk?"

The silver elf said solemnly: "Master Este, maybe he doesn't know the strength of the Silver Iris family!"

"Impossible!" Este said decisively: "It is impossible for him not to know the strength of the Silver Iris family! Because that pendant is an item that the family supports so many sages and polymaths that cannot be identified, but he actually snatched it. , Proving that he understands the origin of this item! This shows that the power behind him is at least the same as the Silver Iris family, a hidden family inherited from the ancient times!"

Taking a deep breath, Esther sneered a few times: "The Jinbei family, the Arcanist family, and the secret demon family, do you think they don’t understand the strength of the Silver Iris family? They must know, but that person is still I did it! That is to say, in his mind, the value of that pendant is far greater than the threat that the Silver Iris family might give him!"

Taking a deep breath, Este lifted his hands and strode deep into the palace.

"A magical item that is more valuable than the Silver Iris family! What is it? Sacred artifact? No, the family also has an artifact! So what would it be? More valuable than an artifact? Is it a god? Or is it someone who can fight against the gods? "Este roared loudly: "It can't be a god! If it's useful to gods, there won't be a gray knight of the apocalypse! It can only be..."

Este returned to her senses and looked at the stunned silver elf gritted her teeth and said: "An important item of the Knights of the Apocalypse! For example, it can greatly enhance their strength or awaken some sleeping ancient existence... Guide!"

"Your wisdom makes the goddess of knowledge ashamed!" The silver elf strode to catch up with Este, and praised Este without concealment.

"Don't compare me with that old bitch!" Este glanced at her mouth and said coldly, "Goddess of knowledge? Stupid old bitch, if it hadn't been for her to trigger the jealousy between the goddess of war and the **** of war. , It detonated the infighting of the war gods, and I don’t know the result of the ancient **** wars. Stupid old bitch! I can only say that!"

The silver elf opened his mouth, then helplessly spread his hands.

In front of the people is such a cold-hearted Este, only her true confidant knows her true face behind the people-that is a demon even more devil than a demon! If she can enter the deepest eighteenth abyss world, that is, the most primitive sin abyss, she will surely grow into a great devil even more terrifying than the ancient evil spirits!

Stride to the depths of the palace, which has penetrated into the cliffs attached to the palace.

After walking for nearly ten kilometers along a sloping tunnel, Esther finally brought the silver elves and silver boa constrictors to a huge underground palace. This is an underground palace with a length and width of more than ten kilometers. Thousands of huge stone pillars support a heavy mountain, and a silver armor is standing here silently.

Esther walked to the front of the silver armor. She slammed on the three-meter-high silver armor. The armor immediately opened, revealing a humanoid space, and absorbed Esther in. The armor quickly closed.

"The first brigade of the Mithril Legion will leave with me! Destination, Gaul Empire Bereli! Target, the sinner who snatched my pendant, capture him alive, **** the pendant, and torture the pendant's usefulness!" Sword, Esther yelled coldly: "I firmly believe that if I can get that pendant, the current Patriarch can retire, and the Silver Iris family should have been handed over to me long ago!"

Walking rumblingly outside, a thousand three-meter-high silver puppets also strode closely to follow Este.

"When I was seven, I was a hundred times smarter than those old guys. The plans I designed with my feet were a hundred times stronger than their painstaking plans! But because of my age, I can only watch these old guys. Immortal makes the Silver Iris family lifeless, and even I have to endure the harassment of Arthur's **** to me. Do you know how many times I want to castrate him?"

After a few crazy laughs, Esther exclaimed: "Amy, this time castrate Arthur for me. He really thinks that I can’t see through his thoughts? Want to get it through me A family artifact, dispelling the poison in his body? Am I such a stupid, so easy-to-use stupid woman?"

A huge teleportation magic circle rose slowly from the ground, and Este stepped onto the teleportation magic circle. The silver female elves took the thousand magic puppets forged from pure mithril and walked into the teleportation circle quickly. .

After a silver light passed, everyone disappeared without a trace. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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