Bright Era

Chapter 1265: Elf's Revenge

The third chapter is sent.

These days, the tap water is frightening.

So many pigs!


After Lin Qi beheaded the moon elf, the messaging magic circle he built himself lit up.

A faint dim light lit up, and Alda, eagerly gearing up, appeared in the transmission magic circle.

"Great and terrifying master, those aliens and nomads, they have joined forces." Arda was trembling with excitement: "We must blend this matter, we must blend this matter! I have already followed Your order a few days ago ordered the transfer of our people."

After taking a deep breath, Arda replied respectfully: “But here is the latest news. The former high priest of the Temple of Odin, Asen Beers and the second master of the Prairie Temple, Hamimi Galdi, they rushed Entering the sacred mountain and making a big noise."

Lin Qi looked at Arda in astonishment: "Are they preparing for a full-scale war? Not just a secular country, even a religious war?"

Mr. Mo suddenly raised his head from the side, and a flash of horror flashed in his eyes.

Arda smiled'hee', that smile must be as scornful as it is: "Great and wise master, yes, it is a religious war, the temple of Odin, the temple of the desert and the temple of the steppe, at the same time The church has written a war book. But you would never expect that it was Miss Sha Xinyue who drove Ason Bills and Hamimi Galdi away."

Lin Qi's face turned into a ball, Sha Xinyue, the little fox, didn't she mean to hook up with Mrs. Lufen through other channels? Why did she get into the church after only a few months? The corners of his mouth twitched, and Lin Qi shook his head. When he first met Sha Xinyue, she was the saint of the Desert Temple, and she was the lord of the Desert Temple.

This woman seems to be quite good at posing as a **** stick, but Lin Qi is not worried about her at all.

Being able to drive away the two powers of Odin Temple and Prairie Temple, it can be seen that Sha Xinyue has already received a lot of benefits from the church, and her strength must have also improved a lot. So, let her go to church to toss, maybe she will give Lin Qi a surprise in the future?

After a few chuckles, Lin Qi exhorted Alda a few words, and then closed the magic circle of transmission.

And Mr. Mo sighed faintly: "Religious wars? It seems that Temple of Fallen Temple will definitely take action. This time the Western Continent is facing more than just the threats of Odin Temple, Desert Temple, and Prairie Temple. Falling into the temple, their strength is even more terrifying."

Lin Qi frowned. He looked at Mr. Mo and nodded: "Then, tell me in detail about the Fallen Temple. I think, now we are their enemies, aren't we?"

In the northwestern territory of the Vias Commercial Federation, in a forest on the edge of Dragon Mountain, more than two hundred moon elves and more than a thousand elves are hiding in the dense jungle. Although the time is short, these elves have used natural magic to make the thick tree vines weave between the trunks into exquisite small buildings. The exterior of the building is also decorated with a large number of blooming flowers. It is like a beautiful wheel. A beautiful elf residence.

The moon elves that were beheaded by Lin Qi were struggling deep into the Fourth Abyss. When tracking Lin Qi's whereabouts, more moon elves and ordinary elves who were active in the Western Continent were gathering towards Longshan. When Lin Qi was attacked by the Green Moon Empress and killed all the captured moon elves in a rage, more than a thousand elves had gathered here.

Apart from more than two hundred moon elves, the elves who came here in response to the call of the Queen of Green Moon were all rangers from the three great elven kingdoms.

Perhaps the rangers are not very accurate. They are different from those in Sequoia Island who can’t be quiet for a lifetime, and like to walk around and do justice. These rangers of the elves are more like professional spies and scouts. .

They relied on their powerful personal strength to walk on various continents, collect information from the major forces, and cultivate forces close to the elves. They have a potential that cannot be underestimated on every continent. Even on some continents, such as the Western Continent, there are several human kingdoms that can be successfully established under the support of the elves.

It's as if now, near the residence of these elves, there is a human barracks.

Ten thousand elite fighters are hiding in the barracks. They are from the Duchy of Flame Stone, a small country sandwiched between the Gaul Empire and the Haran Empire. The area of ​​this principality is only equivalent to a province of the Gaul Empire, but the sturdy folk style is rich in mercenaries. It was the power of the elves who supported the establishment of the Yanshi Principality two hundred years ago.

Therefore, when the Moon Elf was about to attack the Longshan Family Headquarters, the Rock Principality directly sent 10,000 elite soldiers stationed at the border, across the vast mountains, and invaded the territory of the Vias Commercial Federation.

At the core of the elf’s residence, a messaging magic circle suddenly lit up. The green-eyed Empress appeared in the halo within the magic circle. Her tone was gloomy and coldly and gave the order to completely punish all the members of the Longshan family in the Longshan collar. Especially the Earl of Longshan, Empress Luyue wanted to see his cut off head with her own eyes.

The Green Moon Queen’s order was executed as quickly as possible, and the moon elves quickly issued the order. A long-distance teleportation magic array that had been arranged for a long time was activated, and the moon elves led an army of tens of thousands of people into the teleportation array. .

In a small forest outside the Dragon Fort, two shepherds who seemed to lie lazily in the grass suddenly jumped up, and with a wave of their hands, the magical fluctuations of the Saint Master level roared out of them. Suddenly complex magic patterns appeared on the grass in front of them, a large-scale teleportation magic array spewed out a flame of tens of meters high, and a group of moon elves wearing sacred wooden armor had walked out of the gloom.

For a month, the elf dropped fifty fist-sized green seeds. As soon as these seeds touched the ground, they immediately got in. Then the seeds quickly took root and sprouted. In just a few breaths, the ground burst apart. Five Ten sacred oaks with a height of 100 meters drilled out of the ground.

Each of these oaks who were born with natural aura had the strength of the peak of the sage master, they rushed to the surroundings in large strides, and soon dispersed and surrounded the entire dragon fort. They raised their huge arms, and the leaves on their bodies emitted a dazzling green light, and a green magic enchantment wrapped the entire Dragon Fort firmly.

‘Nature’s Protection’, this is an extremely powerful magic enchantment that the elves have mastered. It is not only a powerful defensive enchantment, but at the same time it can isolate the spread of magic fluctuations. The natural protection barrier formed by fifty oak tree people can completely isolate the aura below the mid-level demigod and prevent the Void Eye from sensing anything that happens in this barrier.

If you want to destroy the Longshan family, naturally you can't let people from the church interfere.

After all, in the eyes of some clergymen in the church, the elves from the elven continent are also the best heretics who can be sent to the torture frame. According to the elves' intelligence, the relationship between Earl Longshan and the Temple of Dawn was a little unclear, and they naturally refused to risk letting the church people know what happened here.

More than a thousand elves walked out of the teleportation magic circle, followed by 10,000 elite warriors from the Flamestone Principality.

Ten moon elves holy wizards raised their wands at the same time. They chanted a simple single-syllable mantra in a low voice, and they heard a rapid wind howl on the spot, ten cyan dragons 100 meters high. Roll up to the ground. Under the control of these holy wizards, the tornadoes quickly merged together and turned into a giant black tornado, rushing straight towards the gate of the dragon castle with a harsh ‘crunch’ sound.

The unfinished city wall of the Dragon Fort did not have any defensive barriers. Hundreds of craftsmen and civil servants who were working on the city wall stared blankly at the overwhelming tornado, and then they were more than two hundred meters long. A section of the city wall was engulfed by a tornado.

The city walls were shattered, and the bodies of craftsmen and civil servants were directly reduced to ashes.

The black tornado tore a ditch several meters deep on the ground, broke through the walls of the Dragon Fort, and went all the way into the Dragon Fort. Bricks and tiles flew around where the tornado passed, and many of the buildings that were about to be completed were smashed. Nearby craftsmen and civilians were sucked in by the black tornado, and the flesh and blood were ground to the black tornado. Plated with a faint blush.

In the end, the tornado was shot on the inner city wall of the Longshan family that had been completed. With the exclamation of those alpine dwarves and alpine Titans, countless large and small defensive magic arrays on the inner city wall lit up, an eggshell The entire inner city was protected by the same magic enchantment as thick as 100 meters.

A moon elf saint mage frowned: "A demi-god magic enchantment, where did the Longshan family get this powerful enchantment?"

A moon elf demigod mage sneered: "According to our information, the Longshan family has ample financial resources to obtain any magic enchantment they want, and the wizards’ guilds in the western continent have also mastered the establishment of a very strong enchantment magic circle. Technology, as long as you pay enough rewards, the human magicians who are lustful will sell noble magic products to those mortals!"

With a few sneers, the moon elf demigod mage shook his head mockingly: "But the Queen’s will is doomed to the destruction of the Longshan family, they must be destroyed! Although there are still some companions who have not come, but we destroy the Longshan family. These people are enough."

According to the plan of these moon elves, they should launch an attack on the Longshan family seven days later, because there are still some moon elves operating in the Black Spirit Continent that have not arrived in time.

But the Empress Green Moon fell into anger because of Lin Qi's aggressive killing of the captured Moon Elf, and the stinky mouth of the donkey made Empress Green Moon so angry that everyone forgot her name and name. Therefore, she directly issued the order to obliterate the Longshan family, and these moon elves didn't care that there were still a few of the most powerful moon elves who hadn't arrived at the scene and directly launched an attack.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and the soldiers of the Flamestone Principality rushed into the Dragon Fort along the gap in the city wall. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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