Bright Era

Chapter 1272: Open the door

The demi-god elders of the church, the superior arbitrator of the correctional institution, and countless powers under his blood, when he led the Knights of Retribution to sweep the heresy in the world, often there was a heresy in a city, and he ordered a city to be killed. How can such a character take the lives of mere mortals in mind?

Even if the number of ordinary soldiers in Arthur’s army was too much, the young men from the five major provinces were all taken away, and the elites of the five major provinces in the northern Gaul Empire were exhausted, but even if they all died here, they would have trouble with the church. What loss?

Only mortals, with the fertility of mortals and the current population base of the Gaul Empire, only three to five years, this gap will be filled.

So the arbitrator of the church grabbed Arthur and told him to stop talking.

Arthur closed his mouth too, his eyes flashed with annoyed fierce light, staring at ‘Este’ steadily, constantly churning out some vicious thoughts. He didn't feel sorry for the death of those soldiers, it was nothing more than some humble civilians, and it would not do him any harm to die.

What Arthur is worried about is the tax revenue of the five major provinces. Without these young and strong soldiers, how would he collect taxes in the five major provinces? Without tax revenue, how can he guarantee the cost of food and drink for his Prince Beihai? That extravagant enjoyment, this is all about piles of gold coins.

If ‘Este’ sacrificed all the soldiers here, and the productivity of the five major provinces was wiped out, Prince Arthur would be completely poor!

Staring at ‘Este’, Arthur exhaled heavily. Well, if the five major provinces really cannot collect any taxes in the next ten years, then they can only start with the Silver Iris family. With the background of the Silver Iris family, it is easy to maintain Arthur's enjoyment ten times the previous!

Arthur, who sneered again and again, left the life and death of these soldiers behind his head, and his entire attention was focused on ‘Este’. He always felt that the expression of ‘Este’ today was a bit wrong, and it was very different in the weekdays, as if he had changed himself. The "Este" on weekdays is like an iceberg, where is such a charming and moving appearance?

‘Este’ glanced at the church with a smile, and then sighed quietly.

She stood in the magic circle and gently recited the spell. With the sound of the curse, a wicked magical power that made everyone in the church frightened and moved spewed out. This is not the magical power of frost attribute that ‘Este’ usually shows, but a pure demon power.

"Bold, who are you?" The people in the punishment temple roared at the same time.

The gods behind the three arbitrators shook at the same time, and the mighty divine might gushed down, turning into a huge mountain and firmly suppressing the ‘Este’. The huge divine power condensed into the shape of a big mountain visible to the naked eye, shaking the void with countless ripples, and in the blink of an eye, it reached the top of'Este'.

Regardless of how "Este" uses demons to sacrifice, no matter how many civilians she kills at once, these methods are tolerable by the church. But now it is clear that Este possesses the power of a demon. She may even be a pure demon. How can everyone here tolerate this?

The believers of the gods see the devil, they are even more jealous than seeing the father and the enemy!

Regardless of the fact that the ice gate hadn't been opened, the three arbitrators of the punishment temple took the lead.

If you really let'Este' open the door and obtain some of the demon's legacy from the ancient times, once this matter is spread, then the church will really have no face to see people again-so many church powers, She was actually deceived by a small demon, and she worked so hard to help her go deep into the Fourth Abyss, find the ancient demon ruins, and help her gain benefits!

Not to mention the verbal criticism and ridicule of other forces, the great abilities of the Temple of Punishment present, including the hapless Arthur, will definitely be thrown on the torture frame by the angry core high-level leaders of the Temple of Punishment! Arthur had a good son as a backer, which might save him from death, but the six arbitrators and countless knights of disciplinary action would punish the temple to kill them like ants.

Haohao's divine prestige fell, but'Este' chanted the mantra indifferently.

Circles of silver-blue cold light diffused from her body, and the deep blue heart, an artifact, emerged from the eyebrows of'Este'. A terrible cold air swept all over the area, and the divine might that fell on her head was shattered and frozen by the cold air. The supernatural power of the ice was exploded into countless golden ice crystals, floating around embarrassingly.

The projections of the avatars of the three gods shook, and their bodies suddenly dimmed a lot.

After all, it is just the projection of the avatar of the gods. Facing the deep blue heart, this artifact of not low grade, the distinguishing body projection cannot resist the power of the deep blue heart. Three angry shouts faintly came from the void, and then three golden torrents visible to the naked eye tore apart the void and directly injected into the bodies of the three arbitrators. The avatars of the gods behind them suddenly became bright and clear.

The faces of the three arbitrators became red, and their bodies were raised several feet high, the blue veins under their skin were jumping, and blood spurted out all over their bodies. Their souls were like a pile of dry wood, and they were suddenly thrown on a torch, their souls blazing, releasing extremely huge energy.

The terrifying energy was enough to turn the energy exploded by their bodies into a bridge, drawing the blessings of the three gods in the void. The huge divine power swallowed the power generated by the burning of their souls, and the power of the projection of the three gods clones was increased nearly ten times.

"All demons should be eliminated!" A arbitrator screamed hoarsely, his mouth spouted blood with golden flames, and his body was plunged into a twisted flame. The body was burned almost transparent: "Evil should not appear in the world, the devil should be completely destroyed."

‘Este’ was just chanting the spell quickly, and at the same time, a thin trace of blood spurted from her fingertips, quickly sketching out a large complex of magic characters in front of her. Those characters are all demon characters from the ancient times. Each character on the first day of the new year looks upright and full of sacred majesty, but when you look closely, the strokes of those characters appear so strange and evil, exuding a strong evil.

A low, cold snort came from the three gods clones.

A big axe, a long spear, and a sharp sword, the three-color magic soldier rolled up the golden frenzy and cut down with a huge whistling sound, just about to fall on the head of ‘Este’. The deep blue heart flickered violently, and the cold air froze the void, forming a crystal clear polyhedral frost shield beside'Este'.

With a crisp sound of ‘click’, the light of the Deep Blue Heart suddenly dimmed, and then suddenly brightened.

The Frost Shield was blown to shreds by one blow, but the three magic soldiers were also bounced hundreds of meters high. After all, it was a weapon condensed by divine power, not a real divine weapon. Although these three divine weapons caused a slight shock to Deep Blue Heart, they could not really break through Deep Blue Heart's defense.

The avatars of the three gods roared in anger, their figures suddenly lit up, and the three arbitrators screamed at the same time. Their souls were instantly burned clean, and the huge power gained in their bodies for thousands of years of hard work was simultaneously destroyed. The three gods cloned into it. Even their originally powerful bodies were instantly shriveled, all the essence of life was drawn away by the gods, and their bodies turned into a plume of ashes.

Having sacrificed three demi-god arbitrators as sacrifices, the projection of the three gods clones has become the same as a living person. A gleam of light flashed in their indifferent and ruthless eyes, and the three divine soldiers made a harsh screaming sound, suddenly emitting light like the blazing sun, and then slammed their heads fiercely.

The silver-blue strong light inside the Deep Blue Heart suddenly spread, and a silver-blue ice dragon several meters thick spouted from the Deep Blue Heart. The ice dragon, which was completely condensed by the frost elite, rushed to the sky and slammed into the sky. On the three magic soldiers.

Loud noises, strong lights, and knife-like winds blasted everywhere. Lin Qi and others at the top of the cliff were safe, but were suppressed by the huge divine might to vomit blood. And the temple knights in the canyon were **** mildew. At least thousands of disciplinary knights and knights of the dawn were picked up by the hurricane and fell heavily on the cliff, each of them broke bones and muscles, and even some people were necks. Broken and died on the spot.

But ‘Este’ has finished singing, and her blood sacrifice ceremony has been completed.

In the Arthur’s barracks scattered throughout the Fourth Abyss, the scattered ice talisman exploded silently, and the bloodstain swelled violently. In the blink of an eye, a dense cloud of blood exploded, just to A hundred soldiers nearby were wrapped.

The blood mist was just a whirl, and the souls of all the soldiers were suddenly drawn out of the body. Their flesh and blood turned into plasma and sprayed, their bones were broken, and the bone marrow in the bones also turned into blood and sprayed out. Masses of blood mist engulfed the flesh, spirit and soul of countless soldiers, and suddenly made a sharp howling sound, turning into **** long arrows, shooting towards the direction of the canyon.

These blood-colored long arrows flew like the wind, flying out more than 20,000 miles in just a quarter of an hour, and quickly shot into the canyon.

The three avatars of the gods continued to attack ‘Est’ during this period, but each attack was intercepted by the Deep Blue Heart.

In the end, when the three **** clones consumed all their power and dissipated out of thin air, countless blood arrows made of flesh and blood flew over and were quickly absorbed by the ice portal. The viscous plasma adhered to the huge portal, the original blue crystal clear portal instantly turned into a blood red, countless meat sauce flowed down the door.

There was a contented groan inside the gate, and the plasma attached to the gate quickly disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of ‘Ka Ka Ka Ka’, this huge portal slowly opened.

A terrible cold air that would freeze the soul of the door floated from the crack in the door, and those white cold air actually condensed into life-size soldiers, waving weapons and rushing towards all the creatures outside the door. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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