Bright Era

Chapter 1293: Arda's March

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Another chapter is updated in the afternoon!


Tannin Castle is a famous town in the southern part of the Gaul Empire, famous for its high-quality wines.

The tannin family is the lord here, and the patriarch of the tannin family is just a hereditary baron, who is not prominent in the imperial nobility pedigree. But because of the annual production of 25,000 barrels of high-quality wine from the Tannin Castle, and the outflow of dozens of bottles of aged wine every three to five, the tannin family is extremely popular among the Western aristocratic circles.

After all, the nobles pay attention to the spectrum of eating and drinking costs, and the high-end wines of the tannin family are a must for all nobles, and the aged tannin wines are absolute luxury items. Relying on the family's ancestral winemaking techniques and the fine vineyards of the five river valleys under the rule of the tannin castle, the tannin family can live a happy life and be rich.

But these days, the mood of this generation of Baron Tannins is very heavy. He climbed up to the highest tower of the castle every morning and stared blankly at the huge army that was rolling by slowly by his castle like a flood.

A team of heavy armored infantry, a team of heavy crossbowmen, a team of light cavalry, a team of heavy armored pikemen, a team of heavy armored infantry, and then a team of light cavalry.

Group after group of soldiers, in units of thousands, walked by the Tannin Castle in neat rows. They exhaled like thunder, and their footsteps were like the wind. Their feet were on the ground, and the dust was flying high. The dust floated high in the sky, slowly flying out with the wind, covering the vines on the grape racks in the nearby river valley with a thick layer. Thick dust.

Along the way, there were no ghost shadows in the villages and towns in the Tannin family territory. All the people hid in their homes in horror, watching the movement of the army from the cracks in the door. The most arrogant domestic dogs in the past also hid in the firewood with their tails between their tails, not daring to emerge.

If there is a necromancer who is proficient in necromantic spells, he will definitely be able to see a dark cloud of evil spirits floating above this huge army-pigs, dogs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese, and the dead souls of various poultry and livestock are here. The army is floating above the head, and I don't know how many dogs have been killed by them.

Which dog who is not afraid of death, dare to stand up in front of such an army?

After stepping out of the mountains and setting foot on the territory of the Gaul Empire, the army of the Longshan family moved forward. It’s not like a locust crossing the border, but it’s not much worse. Eat all the chickens and ducks, all the cattle and sheep, and all the wine. If any dog ​​dared to yell next to the team, at least twenty heavy crossbows would be activated at the same time, so that the brave lackey would understand what military violence is!

The slogan of the soldiers of the Longshan family is-the uncles are here to rescue your Gaul Empire, what is it to eat your chicken and duck? The girl who didn't molest your family is already a man with strict military discipline. Do you still care about livestock and poultry?

It must be admitted that Lin Qi is not in the leader of Longshan. It is almost impossible for you to expect Arda, the second generation of the demon, to make up his private army. For a demon hybrid like Arda, military discipline is not important at all, as long as these soldiers dare to kill on the battlefield.

So the mercenary instructors hired by Arda taught these soldiers how to march, how to line up, how to fight, how to kill, but they didn't teach them what military discipline is!

Everyone knows its practical ass. The mercenaries themselves are a mixture of dragons and snakes, and they don't understand what military discipline is called. This private soldier of the Longshan family, the soldiers of the three legions are all recruits, mixed with tens of thousands of mercenaries of the type of soldier oil, plus a group of domineering and arrogant mercenaries, you can count on how good they are military discipline?

As for the 50,000 abandoned people who just joined. . . Military discipline didn’t say anything, they didn’t even know what the law was. We must know that in the Xidi Duhu Mansion, these abandoned people were always part-time horse thieves and bandits in the desert!

Therefore, it has only been three or four days for the Longshan family's army to set foot on the Gaul Empire, and a large black cloud of livestock and poultry has formed above their heads. The resentment that rises in the sky exudes a deep chill, dogs dare not bark wherever they go, chickens and ducks dare not jump, cattle trembling in the shed, even the fish in the fish pond are sinking to the bottom of the water and dare not rise. .

If it weren’t for the looting of civilian girls, too much time would be wasted, the marching speed would be greatly delayed, resulting in Alda’s severe punishment, this messed up new militia army would surely reduce the big girls in those villages and towns. The daughter-in-law has done a lot!

Rao is that they did not forcefully rob civilian girls, but the girls and wine girls who opened their homes to do professional business along the way were not let off by these rich private soldiers. A lot of gold coins were smashed out. Where these uncles passed, all the girls in the brothel did not open their doors for half a month-they really hurt their vitality!

The Longshan family’s military pay is extraordinarily rich, so the soldiers are very rich. They ate too much livestock and poultry. Their physical strength is also very strong and their energy is extraordinarily vigorous. So these girls who are willing to open the door to make money are down. ! Even if they could easily defeat three or five or even twenty or thirty strong men, when three or five hundred men fluttered with gold coins and lined up outside their doors, things were out of control.

Anyway, where the Longshan family’s army passed, some people were happy and sad, and even more sorrowful and joyous. The Gaul Empire finally learned the power of the Longshan family private army for the first time. One sentence that needs to be mentioned is that this is definitely not the last time.

Baron Tannin naturally heard about the good things done by the Longshan family’s army on this road. His family has a small ranch in a valley a hundred miles away, which has a large number of carnivorous livestock and poultry for family use. . But last night, all the livestock and poultry in the valley were wiped out, and a large number of chicken feathers, duck feathers, cow hooves, horns and other discarded items appeared outside the Longshan family barracks.

When Baron Tannin heard the news, he decided to swallow his breath. The Tannin family is wealthy, but the family force is extremely weak. After all, he is only a baronial family of the Gaul Empire, and is different from the lawless country of the Vias Commercial Federation. As long as the nobles of Vias have money, you can theoretically arm countless troops. However, the nobles of the Gaul Empire were restricted by the nobles' armed laws.

The Tannin family has only 30 guardian knights and a private army of 300 people. Compared with the huge army of the Longshan family crossing the border, what can this be done? Is it just that the more than 300 private soldiers and hundreds of thousands of others make sense? Baron Tannin felt that he would never do such a thing unless his head was broken.

Looking gloomy at the crossing army, Baron Tanin just prayed that the soldiers of the Longshan family-the ruffian could leave his territory quickly, hurry up and harm others, and then be destroyed by those damned aliens in the northern border. , This is his greatest hope.

At this moment, a chariot dragged by twenty-four unicorns stopped at the gate of the castle, guarded by a large group of dragon knights and heavy cavalry. One of the green dragon brains that the Tannin family bought at a huge price to show off rushed out of the castle, and uttered an angry roar at the dragon compatriots who had invaded their territory!

Flying dragons are creatures with extremely strong territorial consciousness, and they absolutely do not allow any of their clan to easily enter their territory.

Arda was walking out of the chariot in a splendid manner like a peacock. A tall green flying dragon sprang out of the castle suddenly, roaring at him, and spewing a strong rotting flesh. Fishy smell!

Arda was startled, and subconsciously hit it.

Now Alda also has the strength of the pinnacle of the saint master. He hit the green flying dragon with this fist heavily. The green flying dragon with a body length of more than ten meters did not even have time to cry, and was shocked by the strength of Alda's fist. The group shattered.

Baron Tannin’s eyes were dark, he covered his heart in his hands and almost fell to the ground-this green flying dragon was a young dragon bought by Baron Tannin’s grandfather who spent millions of gold coins to support the facade. He worked so hard. It took decades to grow up gradually. But Arda killed the green flying dragon with the strength of the heavenly rank with a single punch. How could this make Baron Tanning feel so embarrassed?

Arda roared angrily: "I just want to buy some high-end wine along the way. Is this wrong?"

"Who is it? Who dares to release the murderous beast to attack the great and noble Earl Longshan? Who dares to attack me with the beast? Do you want to rebel? You are...Aha, I see, you must be Those foreign spies on Wudalian Island! Come here!"

Arda was trembling with excitement. When he was young, his father had told him countless times about the wonderful scene of disciplinary knights ransacking the family, taking the heresy wealth for himself, and burning the heretical castle to ashes.

At this moment, Arda felt that his childhood dreams were about to come true. He was going to treat himself as a powerful arbitrator, and then ordered these guys under him to act as disciplinary knights and completely razed the castle of Baron Tannin. !

Baron Tannin heard Arda's scream, he screamed in despair, and then ran to Arda at the fastest speed.

A crying begging for mercy, and after a close conversation, Arda satisfied his logistics team to emptied the wine cellar of the Tannin family, and brought along the military expenses of 10 million gold coins “voluntarily donated” by the Baron Tannin. With two beautiful maids presented by Baron Tannin, Shi Shiran was on the road.

The locust-like Arda Legion left the territory of the Baron Tannin, leaving behind the floor full of chicken feathers, duck feathers, goose feathers, dog hair, pig hair, cow hair and other things that cannot be eaten, and then stepped into the Baron Tannin happily The earl collar of an old castle in the north.

It is worth mentioning that the loyalty of all the nobles to Latus has soared more than ten times in those noble territories where Arda led his army. Compared with Arda, Latus is a kind and compassionate saint like the savior!

In this way, all the way through the city, a month later, Arda's army arrived at the most urgent moment of operations on the northern line of Berrily. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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