Bright Era

Chapter 1318: Troubled times, this is troubled times

Let Diogo add fire to the western continent! Here comes a group of people who grab money, food, women, and even men to get hot pot back!

Well, I was thinking how to make these guys toss a little bit more!

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In the World of the First Abyss, dozens of thin-blooded half-orcs were riding the jumping tarantula in embarrassment.

A team of slave hunters from the world on the ground rode red spot wolf lizards in close pursuit. A high-ranking slave hunter soldier yelled presumptuously and kept bowing his head to avoid the huge mushroom pile at the beginning. Holding a special crossbow in his hand, he popped out thumb-sized steel **** from time to time, making the rocks in front of him jingle and the flames flashed.

This is the first abyss, and the human forces on the ground world have engulfed about half of the territory here. Greedy humans are more ferocious and cruel than these abyssal creatures. They looted all the resources here crazily, which naturally includes a very good candidate for slaves like half-orcs.

After chasing and fleeing, the two sides unknowingly escaped for dozens of miles. Suddenly a half-orc let out a miserable cry, a steel ball hit the back of his neck, and the multi-ribbed steel ball sank into his flesh. It cracked his bones, and the pain caused him to fall off the jumping tarantula, his body was rolling on the ground again and again, the rough skin was rubbed with blood on the rougher ground.

The half-orcs stopped the jumping tarantulas under their seats one after another, they turned and raised the crude weapon in their hands with a grinning desperate smile. They looked at the slave hunters who were chasing from behind, several times more than them, and they roared in anger.

The members of the slave hunting team slowed down the lupus lizard, slowly leaned in, and surrounded the half-orcs.

"Hey, choppy, put down your weapons, you can still stay away in the mine for a few years. If you dare to resist, I just need a few unlucky ghosts to feed our mounts!" The leader of the slave hunter patted and sat down. The turbulent wolf lizard sneered a few times.

The orcs were close together, staring at these savage hunting team members with hideous faces and intricate patterns embroidered on their skins. Although they are only half-orcs with thin blood, they still uphold some traditions of orcs. They are absolutely unwilling to be slaves. They are absolutely unwilling to fight to death like a warrior. This is a better choice.

At this moment, in a lush mushroom forest next to them, a faint blue halo a few miles in diameter flickered. All the mushroom forests and all the rocks in the area covered by the halo shattered at the same time, and a circular clearing a few miles in diameter appeared out of thin air. The smoke rose into the sky, Ruoyouruowu's magical power fluctuations spread in all directions, and a palpitating dragon power spread out from the halo.

Whether jumping tarantulas or red spotted wolf lizards, all of these animals lay on the ground softly, not daring to move at all. The half-orcs and the humans of the slave hunter also knelt on the spot in horror. They tremblingly looked at the blurred blue halo, and saw the indistinct tall figures suddenly emerging from there.

The first group of half-dragons who came out of the teleportation array that had been set up so many years ago were a group of half-dragons riding on a sabertodon. These half-dragons are two meters tall, and the outlines of dragon scales are faintly visible under the dark skin. Their dimly yellow eyes are erected like a reptile, and they are in the shape of a vertical shuttle. They are tall and sturdy, with a pair on their foreheads. The little dragon's horn is so striking.

And the Hammertail Sabertooth they rode, this is a terrifying abyssal dragon beast.

This kind of terrestrial dragon is ten meters long and has an unusually heavy body. It has a strong defense against physical and magical attacks. Although they can't use magic, their powerful body is their most powerful weapon.

This kind of terrestrial dragon has teeth full of sharp swords, and their full bite can even threaten the dragon. As for the end of their long tails, the size of the water tank, densely packed with sharp protruding bone hammers condensed by the bone layer, is even more a weapon for their killing.

Even an ordinary city wall could not withstand the full blow of these fierce beasts moving their feet and shaking their tails. With this powerful blow, even a flying dragon would smash its head.

This is a super-order monster born of a hybrid between a dragon and a certain abyssal rhinoceros. Once it reaches adulthood, it can possess the high-order strength of a saint. In this teleportation formation, a whole thousand half-dragons, known for their brutality, emerged, all riding this terrifying dragon beast.

"God!" They exclaimed at the same time, whether they were the humans from the slave hunters or the captured half-orcs.

There is no need for urging or calling. The humans and the orcs, who have just returned to their swords, are neatly united, trembling and forming an inverted arrow formation with the main escape and the auxiliary defense. They looked in horror at the half-dragons with gloomy faces and endless evil spirits all over them, each of them almost urinated their pants in fright.

Half-dragons, and looking at the color of their skin and the color of the dragon's horns on their foreheads, they are all half-dragons that bred from the most notorious dragons in the half-dragons clan. There is a cruel joke in the western continent, to the effect that if you encounter a half-dragon, you can pray for them to leave you a whole corpse, so that your family can at least recognize your corpse; when you meet a half-dragon from the dragon clan Well, you can only pray that he won't swallow all your toenails.

"Oh, a bunch of unlucky guys!" a half-dragon yelled excitedly, pointing here.

"Unfortunately, there are no women!" Another half-dragon drew a heavy scimitar.

"Nonsense, just a human! Give me two hearts, I'm going to swallow their hearts!" The third half-dragon had already urged his mount, and rushed over here like a gust of wind. As soon as he moved, the other half-dragons screamed and rushed towards him at the same time, bringing a terrible whirlwind and roaring to completely submerge this temporary set of countermeasures.

After just a few breaths, there was nothing left but a puddle of blood on the spot.

The half-dragons carefully cleaned the battlefield, and they shaved the last bit of wealth that the slave hunters had fallen. Even the half catty of natural sand they collected was dropped from the ground. Shaved. For half-dragons, they inherited the nature of dragons to collect wealth and plunder treasures. These golden sands are infinitely attractive to them.

The huge teleportation magic circle lights up again, and several bald-headed men wearing black armor teleported over with a group of flying dragons. Afterwards, the magic circle continued to flash with dazzling light, and the dragon army under Diogo seemed to flood into the world of the first abyss like a black torrent.

When the half-dragons pouring into the world of the first abyss exceeded one hundred thousand, Diogo grabbed Arthur with a swollen nose and strode out of the teleportation formation. He squinted his eyes and looked around, and then nodded contentedly: "Very well, our efforts were not in vain back then. It was easy to return to the surface world from the world of the first abyss, especially if Arthur was here, even more so. There is a problem."

Three hours later, Diogo took a guard team composed of three hundred abyssal dragons to protect Arthur to a human settlement in the world of the first abyss. It is full of cult believers in the church, aristocrats who want to take a risk and revitalize the family, bandits whose nests have been overturned and forced to exile, cruel slave traders, and other evil spirits of every kind.

Seventy percent of the permanent population here are humans, but another thirty percent are orcs, half-orcs, barbarians, and various other weird races. Lawlessness here, violence is supreme, here you can get everything if you have enough force, you will lose everything if you don't have enough power to protect yourself.

And Diogo undoubtedly has the terrifying power to make the more than ten thousand humanoid creatures in this settlement lose everything, so after he'guarded' Arthur into this settlement, several powerful figures in this settlement immediately kneeled respectfully. In front of them.

Arthur, who had been ravaged by Diogo for so many days, finally found a chance to vent his anger and manifest his power. Looking at the middle-aged men kneeling in front of the humans and orcs, he slapped his teeth with a slap in the face and looked He took one of the ugliest-looking werewolves and grabbed his neck.

A trace of black mist sprayed out from Arthur's fingertips. The werewolf whose neck was held by Arthur became stiff, and his body suddenly became a mass of black. Then the big werewolf man who was nearly two meters high turned into a pool of fishy pus, and even all the wolf hair melted into black juice. Seeing such a horrible scene, the group of little people who were huddling in the world of the First Abyss hurriedly pressed their foreheads to the ground, thereby expressing their submission to Arthur.

Arthur looked at these people coldly, and asked pretentiously: "A war broke out on the ground world? How is the battle now? Especially, how about the five provinces of the North Sea of ​​the Gaul Empire?"

The few people who were kneeling on the ground exchanged glances, and then spoke out the latest information they had received.

The orc army is like a broken bamboo, and the Black Crow Gorge defense line is at stake.

However, the young general of the Gaul Empire, Ente Marte, was born in the Battle of Black Raven Gap and wiped out 100,000 orcs and achieved a record that shocked the mainland. Now he has been canonized as a Marquis of the Empire. But it was precisely because of his victory that the orc army was completely angered, and more than two dozen orc army groups were rushing towards the Black Raven Gorge defense line.

The main aliens on the front of the Norman Fort have begun to launch a tentative attack on the Norman Fort. In just a few days, the aliens have invested in five orc elite legions, three barbarian legions, one dwarf legion, and an integrated Titan division. . However, the Norman Fort Human Defense Army is also a gathering of elites, and this tentative attack does not pose much threat to the defense.

As for the five major provinces of the North Sea.

A strong orc man said in a low voice: "As soon as the war broke out, most of the people in the five major provinces of the North Sea fled, and the remaining half were killed or looted. Now the five major provinces are empty, and, I just received the news that someone set a big fire over there, and all the small-scale mountain forests in the five provinces were burned out!"

Arthur opened his mouth, and then spouted a mouthful of blood three meters away.

And Diogo and the Dragon Warriors around him were so excited that their scalps were glowing!

Troubled times, this is troubled times! What a troubled world this is! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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