Bright Era

Chapter 1331: Caesar changes

Alien invasion, as the most famous Western Continent, the Caesar Empire, which was founded by force, naturally carried out general mobilization like the Gaul Empire. Today, the imperial army gathered around the capital of Caesar, in addition to the royal guards responsible for the daily defense of the imperial capital, there are also an integrated army composed of ten veterans recruited from the major provinces of the imperial capital Kinki.

Said to be a reorganized legion, but in fact, these soldiers are all brave soldiers who once served in the elite legions of the Caesar Empire. Although they have been out of the army for a while, they still maintain their full combat effectiveness. As long as they put on armor, pick up weapons, and slightly train and cooperate, they are a tyrannical elite force.

And the commander-in-chief of these ten elite legions is naturally the most trusted military minister of Emperor Caesar Ulysses III. His best friend since childhood is Octavian known as the blood guillotine.

Early in the morning, the royal guards guarding the imperial capital were distributed in several military camps in the four sides of the imperial capital. The sentry on duty had just handed over positions with their successors. A ray of red light from the east had just dyed a large area of ​​morning glow red, and the surrounding air was fresh and quiet. In the peaceful morning, even if they are the top elites of the Caesar Empire like the Royal Guards, they can't help but relax.

The consequence of slack is that the thousands of sentinels who changed guards in several barracks were cut off their necks with daggers almost simultaneously by the black assassins who suddenly appeared behind them. These black-clothed assassins cut off the target's neck cleanly, grabbed a piece of super absorbent cotton and pressed it firmly on the wound on the sentry's neck, then dragged their bodies into a hidden place near the barracks. .

The same thing happened one after another in the barracks. The middle and lower-level officers in the Royal Guards who came from civilians and the middle- and high-level generals from the royal side have just got up, and they have not fully awakened from the wings of Dream God. They were harvested by the assassins who appeared suddenly.

Especially the commander of the Royal Guards, the prince of the Caesar Empire, who has the strength of the lower tier of the saints, is also a famous generation of famous generals in the Caesar Empire, and was assassinated by six assassins with demigod power. Prince Caesar and his side All of his adjutants and guards lost their lives in just one click.

But in half a cup of tea, this sudden assassination was completely over.

At the same time, Ulysses III in the Caesar Palace was also killed. All the high-ranking civil servants and a handful of military aristocrats who were loyal to him were also **** cleansed, even the maids, servants, etc. in the palace. Was completely killed.

The dull footsteps came from all directions, the twelve gates of the Imperial Capital of Caesar were opened, and soldiers from the brigade reorganized army swarmed into the Imperial Capital and quickly controlled all the vital departments in the Imperial Capital. In particular, the treasury of the Ministry of Finance of the Caesar Empire, the database of the Ministry of Interior, the data room of the Ministry of Intelligence, etc., these goals were completely controlled in a very short time.

The elite soldiers of the three legions were enough to control the entire imperial capital so that no flies could get in or out.

Along with the elite soldiers of the three legions, there were more than a hundred strange men and women who were wearing black cloaks and their faces hidden under the cloaks. Their auras are so cryptic that ordinary people can't detect their aura at all, but each of them has a large number of saints, saint-level warriors and magicians at their disposal. It can be seen that they are absolutely demigod-level existences.

With more than a hundred demigods, they didn't need to take action at all. With their breath, they completely suppressed several demigods who were loyal to the royal family in the capital of Caesar. Facing the pressure of so many enemies of the same rank, these demigods who had been practicing in retreat all year long had no choice but to give in.

All the royal properties in Caesar’s capital were surrounded, and all people related to Caesar’s royal family were forcibly dragged into a secret small valley outside the city. Large groups of nobles and civilians were collectively executed here, and all the bodies were put to death. The fire burned clean.

Including the relatives of these people, and even their neighbors, everyone was collectively put to death, and then burned to ashes. Even all their records in the corresponding departments such as the Imperial Court, Heraldry Court, and the Ministry of Interior, and some corresponding records left by their family in the Imperial History Books were completely erased in the following seven days.

The military strength of the seven reorganized regiments firmly surrounded the command level by the completely annihilated Royal Guards. Facing more than seven times the strength, facing the suppression of a large group of terrifying holy masters, the most elite royal of the Caesar Empire The Guards didn't even shoot an arrow, and put down their weapons after a few demigod-level powerhouses surrendered.

The elite of the Royal Guards were completely disrupted, and several reorganized regiments were randomly incorporated. Since then, the Royal Guards of the Caesar Empire has completely become a historical term, and the army of this number will never be rebuilt in the future.

When these sophisticated and rigorous cleanings were carried out in an orderly manner, a girl with black hair and dark eyes, with obvious Oriental characteristics, but white skin, tall and healthy body, but with Western characteristics. He had already put on a set of luxurious scarlet emperor robe, with a heavy triple crown, holding a scepter and sitting on the throne that originally belonged to Ulysses III.

She had a beautiful face, but her face was cold and frosty. The girl with a chill and murderous air all over her body was condescending to overlook the many civil and military officials standing in the Chaoyi Hall, and nodded slowly: "Very well done. Family Caesar Stealed the entire empire, but what belongs to me ultimately belongs to me. This empire should have been inherited by me with red eyebrows."

A shuddering light flashed in his eyes, Yan Chibrow looked at Sanin who was standing at the forefront of the civil and military officials.

"Duke Sanin, as we have agreed, you will become the prince of the Great Yan Dynasty. When my brother reaches adulthood, he will marry your granddaughter as his wife. Among the sons they gave birth to, I will choose the best one. Inherit this empire."

Duke Sanin. . . No, Prince Sanin bowed respectfully to Yan Chibrow: "It is our honor to be loyal to you as you wish. But now we still face a problem."

Yan Chimei's powerful phoenix eyes narrowed slightly, and a chill that made people tremble all over his face: "Are you the remnants of the Caesar family? Don't worry, even if they are inside the holy mountain. The family elders will also be thoroughly cleansed. You don’t have to worry about this. Starting today, there will be no more Caesar family blood in the Western Continent."

Prince Sanin was silent for a while, then he raised his head to look at Yan Chimei: "Of course, no one doubts that your Majesty has such strength. But the biggest problem you face is the church's consent."

Yan Chimei twitched the corners of her mouth easily and motioned to her to smile: "The church's consent? Then, they will agree! Those who sent the envoy to tell the church that I respect all the interests of the church in the empire, And I will consolidate the legitimacy of these interests."

The heavy scepter tapped the ground slightly, and Yan Browsed and said coldly: "If the church refuses to recognize the legitimacy of this empire, then recall all the troops we sent to the Gaul Empire, recall the Dragon Horn Legion, and conscript All men in the empire who can fight will also send special envoys to meet with the high-level officials of the desert temple and the steppe temple."

The uncomfortable and frightening cold light flashing in his eyes, Yan Brows shook his head indifferently, "Believing in this kind of thing is sometimes a very valuable bargaining chip. I think the church must know what is the most correct. select."

Sanin bowed deeply to Yan Chi's eyebrows, and then he backed up a few steps and returned to the ranks of ministers.

For Yan Chimei, the young woman sitting on the throne, Sanin was full of deep fear, even a trace of fear. Of course, Sanin would not admit the existence of this fear, but he knew that he was full of fear for this young woman who was so cruel.

But many things will be hidden in the dark curtain of history. Sanin will never tell anyone how this great change in the Caesar Empire happened, and he will never mention the representative of the family behind Yan Chimei. , How did you find yourself. He would never mention to anyone how, for the benefit of his own family, for the collective benefit of the military aristocracy, how these aristocrats who had sworn allegiance to Ulysses III betrayed him.

Just like when the empire was founded, their ancestors betrayed Yan Chimei's ancestors, this time, Sanin and the others betrayed the Caesar royal family.

But back then, the Caesars' pursuit of Yan Chimei's ancestors did not achieve their full success, and Yan Chimei's ancestors left their blood to reproduce. And this time, perhaps the blood of the Caesar family will be completely cut off?

Looking at the cold light in Yan Chi's eyebrows, Saning took a deep breath, and his disordered mood gradually became calm.

He was even in the mood to reach into his sleeve and grasp the potion bottle that was no more than a baby's fist but exuded a touch of warmth. He knows how valuable the potion in this bottle is, it can restore his youth to the old, can extend his life for thousands of years, and can give him a hundred times stronger power than his peak state when he was young.

Youth, strength, and longevity, is there a more appropriate price for betrayal?

The Great Yan Dynasty, an empire name with a unique oriental charm, a powerful empire destined to rise.

In this powerful empire, which is destined to become extremely powerful, enjoy a thousand years of glory and wealth. Just thinking about it, Sanin feels that his blood is boiling. He suddenly thought of something. Since his wife died of an illness forty years ago, his bedroom seems to have been missing some delicate and fragrant young bodies.

The civil and military officials in the main hall knelt down to Yan Chimei on one knee, expressing their loyalty with the most pious oath. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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