Bright Era

Chapter 1365: Monthly ticket! Shall we continue?

Monthly tickets continue to exceed one hundred in a single day, do you want to play?

Zhutou is still the update volume of four chapters, the update volume of 12,400 words.

The excitement is yet to come! Who is the master of the founding emperor of our great Blood Qin Empire!

What is Penglai? Is he the Penglai we imagined?

What do your Majesty Ying Zheng and Penglai want to do?

God war, is it really just a ‘demi-god’ war?

Pighead try to make everyone cool, let everyone go heartily!

So, please continue to give Zhutou a monthly pass!

Because Zhutou's codewords feel really good these days! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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