Bright Era

Chapter 1371: Minor Laws (3)

One of the ancestors of the Bronze Shield family had a little causal entanglement with that strong man. Therefore, every hundred years, the Bronze Shield family can get some value or value or humanity from the intermittently sleeping old undead. Things that are not used at all.

And these thirteen cursed runes for breaking armor and breaking defenses were the gifts that the old undead made his disciples secretly give to the Bronze Shield family twelve years ago. Twelve years ago, the Marquis of Belin, who showed great talent in the family, became the owner of these 13 cursed runes. She simply attached these 13 cursed runes to her commissioned golden dwarf. On a pair of leggings carefully forged by the great master.

At this moment, these thirteen cursing runes have exerted an extremely terrifying effect.

A gray cold light flashed, and the Marquis Bellin’s dress was suddenly shattered, and the horns shining with cold light plunged deeply into the lower body of the **** of law, and the body of the **** of law flashed with golden light. , But under the gray cold light, the golden light continued to shatter, and the nobles onlookers even heard the loud noise of the solid wall being pierced by the stone bombs thrown by the catapult.


All the male nobles who witnessed this scene, including Lin Qi, Arda, and Bilibili, clamped their legs tightly.

Long Cheng looked at the pair of leggings that wrapped her slender and perfect long legs in the shattered dress of Marquis Beilin with a green face. This pair of exquisite shapes, the whole body seems to be inlaid with countless hexagonal scales, and the whole body is light silver, and the light golden pattern is inlaid at the edge of the leggings, which outlines extremely charming ancient patterns.

The two and a half-inch high sharp collision angles on the knees, and the fast-flowing gray-white runes on them exudes a cold and cold atmosphere. Just a glance makes people feel that their body has been knocked away. A deep hole of blood.

"The thirteen broken star combo nesting curse rune extracted from the horn of destruction of the mad holy dragon Akarust!"

The voices of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree, Lingwen and the God of Law and Order sounded simultaneously.

The sweet-scented osmanthus tree smiled lightly: "This guy has become the so-called castration, right? Of course, for the gods, even the descending gods, this injury can be repaired with a little effort, but the pain is inevitable. Yes, and..."

With the joy of gloating, the sweet-scented osmanthus tree gently hummed a song: "This set of runes is very difficult to entangle, and it will take a year or two to repair the injury, even if he is a god, but the crazy holy dragon Aka Rust, that is the dragon **** who masters the law of destruction of the dragon clan! Although it is just a rune nest simulated by a cursed runeman, it is not something this body can easily bear."

Lingwen exclaimed with deep emotion: "Akarust’s 13-strike curse rune of the broken star of the Horn of Destruction, there really is such a rune! Well, if this beautiful lady can Lend her leggings to me to study it. What a great thing!"

All the nobles looked at the Marquis Bellin in horror, at the **** of law that had been knocked out of a half-foot deep cavity between their legs.

Those nobles who had fought against the Marquis Belle's idea hardly swallowed and spit. They had never dreamed that this enchanting and beautiful marquise would actually hide such a terrible hand. If any hapless noble is treated like this by her, I am afraid that the heart will be directly pushed out of his throat, right?

They even admired the powerful vitality of the **** of law, their lower body was smashed into a mess, the pubis, pelvis, etc. must have been smashed, and the bladder was probably not able to be saved. Such a heavy injury, he could actually be gassed. A full roar! The vitality of this guy is really no different from that of a cockroach.

The God of Laws looked at Marquis Belin incredulously: "Why do you have such a thing? After Akarust died in battle, his body has been kept in the secret cave of the holy mountain, and it is impossible for outsiders to see it. It is impossible to comprehend the law rune of Destroying Star Break from his Destruction Horn. How is this done?"

The Marquis of Belin took a few steps back in horror. She staggered back and forth again and again, not daring to talk to the God of Law.

One blow hit the **** of law and order, and Marquis Belin suddenly realized-what a desperate thing she had done, she actually dared to attack such a powerful man! Feeling the mighty pressure of the mountain whirring and tsunami exuding from the **** of law, Marquis Belin didn't even have the courage to speak.

Longcheng ignored the injury on his back, he grabbed Marquis Bellin's waist, and then stopped in front of her with grinning teeth.

"Hey, don't be fierce at the woman, come to me if you have the ability! Ha, ha, ha, I hurt you just now, it's very enjoyable!"

Longcheng is a dude, but he is even more of a different kind among dudes. Hu Xinzhu is this type of dude, the fox is fake, and it is his natural instinct to look out for the wind, but Dragon City is a piece of hob meat that dared to work hard. His prestigious name in Shuangyang Red Dragon City is all with fists. from.

Therefore, knowing that the God of Laws was a powerful existence he could not contend with, Longcheng still stood in front of Marquis Belin without fear.

Knowing that he was not an opponent, Dragon City still did not regard the God of Laws as a thing. Anyway, it was just a beating. Even if he was not an opponent, wouldn't there be Lin Qi behind? If Lin Qi is not an opponent, then return to the blood of the Qin Empire to send troops and generals, and find his own master to greet a group of masters of the temple to attack, even the iron man must grind him!

Marquis Belin hid behind Longcheng's tall body, and she suddenly breathed a sigh of relief in panic and horror. Although she knew that Dragon City could not be the opponent of the God of Laws, but she didn't know why, Dragon City's disapproving tone gave her great comfort and gave her enough courage.

"Duke Sanin, I must testify to you that all the turbulence is caused by this gentleman who is almost shameless!"

Hidden in Longcheng’s tall body, Marquis Belin looked at the **** God of Laws and scolded: "He was the first to harass me. When Duke Green Forest came forward to preside over justice for me like a real noble gentleman. , This gentleman used some unknown... sorcery to injure the Duke of Green Forest!"

The face of Marquis Bellin was very calm. Although she was still terrified by the mighty power exuding from the **** of law, the strict etiquette training she had received since childhood allowed her to maintain the unhappy calm. She is very wise to refer to the small law and order technique used by the God of Law and Order as a'witchcraft', anyway she doesn't know what kind of power it is.

And ‘witchcraft’, any ‘witchcraft’ in the Western Continent can only be associated with heresy.

Lin Qi stood beside Dragon City with a sullen face, and a faint flame flickering in his palm: "Here, give your name, let me know your name before giving you judgment and sanctions on behalf of the Temple of Dawn, Then spread your evil deeds to the mainland!"

Arda stood calmly on the other side of the Dragon City. He swayed a small cane in his hand and slowly took out a thick stack of gold tickets: "I hate the appearance of this little white face, this Guy, I feel annoyed when I see him. So I'm going to spend a lot of money to kill this guy! Well, Wanen, old Wanen, the family's daily expenses are okay recently? If I spend 10 billion gold coins to buy this guy Head... Is there still enough food at home next month?"

Including Duke Sanin and Marshal Octavian, the surrounding nobles of the Great Yan Dynasty almost vomited blood!

The 10 billion gold coins were spent just to buy a person's life, and they also asked whether the family food expenses for next month were enough!

Does your Longshan family eat gold every meal? Ten billion gold coins are just used as food for one month? Although everyone knows that your Longshan family is very rich, very rich, but you don't have to be so outrageous, right? It was too high-profile, and it was so high-profile that the nobles who were present could not wait to give Arda all the young and beautiful daughters and granddaughters in their family.

Lin Qi smiled gloomily: "Your Excellency, I think this gentleman's life is not worth so much money. If we can be sure that he is a heresy, then the Temple of Dawn will not let him go! No need for us to waste anymore. The gold coins are on this worthless guy."

Lin Qi's words were very mean, the **** of law and order, he has recognized the identity of the other party, but it is a great insult to the **** of law and order to have to say that the other party is a worthless little person. But Lin Qi believed that he would never reveal his identity by borrowing the **** of the law that came from the body of the law.

A descending god, a true god!

This news spreads. Perhaps it is not the creatures in the abyss but certain people in the church who most want to make the God of Law disappear forever?

Lin Qi clearly remembered that when the Fourth Abyss was fighting for the legacy of the Mother of Deep Blue, Kars Chenxi and other gods had weird attitudes towards the gods—the gods of the Temple of Dawn, they didn’t seem to want to see A real **** appeared!

The God of Law Ling seemed to have not heard the words of Lin Qi and the others. He just looked down at his lower body, which had been knocked and collapsed, feeling an extremely important male-specific function that he had suddenly lost.

His body gradually shivered, and his face gradually turned red!

He has cultivated and lived in that dark little space fragment for countless years. His loyal followers have massacred countless heretics and dedicated countless souls. The church has waged countless religious wars, and there are dozens of them every 100 years. Hundreds of millions or even tens of billions of souls were swallowed by them. Relying on such a huge sacrifice, the God of Law and Order was the first to repair his soul so that he could barely leave his body to travel. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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