Bright Era

Chapter 1424: Bilibili Yijin Homecoming (4)

It’s the weekend, everyone has fun!


The old demon waved his paw and said lightly: "As your ancestor before the fiftieth generation, I am disappointed in the power you have, in your wisdom, in all aspects of you. You are a bunch of idiots, a bunch of trash. , A bunch of rubbish, a lot of smelly feces. If it weren't for you to give me a little sacrifice from time to time, I really wouldn't bother to take care of you anymore!"

Bilibili coughed.

The old demon blinked his eyes, and he was seeing the Bilibili standing in front of the round mirror. He cried out in surprise: "Oh my God, is your bloodline degraded to this degree? What do you see? A half-blooded little evil spirit? Great Demon God, I curse you to cut off children and grandchildren. Why do all my descendants become little evil spirits? Have you been persevering in marrying little evil spirits all these years?"

"Your aesthetics have deteriorated to such a degree? Are you greedy for the'beauty' of the little evil demon wholeheartedly? Why are such inferior children born?" The old devil slapped the corner of his forehead angrily: "You disappointed me too much, and made me angry too much. If you want to calm my anger, you can offer a hundred human virgins from the ground world and let me enjoy their blood!"

Lin Qi coughed, and nodded to the old demon: "This... Your devil!"

The old demon squinted his eyes. He looked at Lin Qi curiously: "Humans? Appeared in the conference hall of the Yizam family? It's really interesting. Did the church conquer the sixth abyss? Why can a human appear in mine? In the conference hall of those trash children?"

Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders: "I am a guest of the Iszamm family."

"Guest?" The old devil spit out the sticky flame to show his disdain: "Humans are either used for blood sacrifices, or have a stronger taste. Chop your old humans and mix them with rock salt powder as snacks. Guest. Humans become guests of demons? Are you fooling me?"

Lin Qi clicked his mouth, and with a wave of his hand, a jar of dragon blood appeared in his hand.

The viscous, high-temperature dragon blood continued to boil in the jar, and a large number of blood bubbles emerged. The peculiar smell of the rich dragon blood made the people of Bilibili and the old demon in the round mirror stare at the same time. Eyes: "Great ancestor of the devil, the blood of the dragon? There is also the soul fragment of the dragon in it, what a delicious blood!"

Demons are evil, no matter what demons, they can rely on devouring souls to rapidly strengthen their bodies. At the same time, they can also strengthen their bodies by devouring the blood of powerful creatures! Just like Arda, Arda swallowed the souls of tens of thousands of soldiers in New Dunkirk and was able to quickly break through to the Holy Rank!

But the dragon is so powerful, a dragon is much stronger than tens of thousands of soldiers, and the attraction of the blood and soul of a dragon to demons is fatal!

"Human! I ordered you to donate that jar of dragon blood to me, so that I can be your protector!" The old demon greedily licked his lips: "You must know that I am Arta, the great demon Alsa, once Arta, who has rejected the call of the Demon Royal Family of the Greedy Abyss nine times in a row, has the same strength as the Demon King."

"Give me that dragon blood, I can satisfy your requirements for whatever you want. Wealth, power, beauty, and even becoming a demon!"

Artha made a random wish. Anyway, for their demons, all oaths can be torn up, and any promise can be turned into a blank check. As long as their goals can be achieved in the end, treachery and other things are normal for them. Of it.

Lin Qi put the jar of dragon blood on the ground, and then continuously took out jars of dragon blood from the world ring.

In the abyss of the dragon, Lin Qi swept five dragon collars. The dragons in these dragon collars totaled more than 20,000. One can imagine how many dragon blood he collected. The blood of these flame dragons is full of powerful flame elements. For these flame demons, the blood of the flame dragon is a temptation they absolutely cannot resist!

"You really saw the undead, did you sneak attack on the dragon abyss?" Arta exclaimed in horror, and then the round mirror waved violently, ripples like water waves, a thin arm wrapped in black flames from The round mirror came out and grabbed the dragon blood jar on the ground: "No matter what you do, these dragon blood and soul fragments are mine!"

Lin Qi snorted and rushed up at the same time during the day and in the dark. They grabbed Alsa's arm and violently tugged, and they heard a cry of exclamation. Alsa was pulled out of the round mirror embarrassedly. . Dahei and Xiaohei jumped out with cheers. They didn't know where they found two huge stone pillars condensed by volcanic lava, and they slammed Arda's head severely.

Artha wanted to struggle, but he held his arms and legs at the same time during the day and in the dark, and it was impossible for the poor Arta to beat the brothers in brute force. He wanted to chant a curse to curse the enemies around him, but Da Hei and Xiao Hei cheered and smashed his head with a stick, and the heavy stone pillars made him fly in the sky. In this case, he is considered a god. It is impossible to pronounce a spell.

Alsa let out a mournful cry, his body shook and wanted to incarnate into a flame to escape, but Etrex on the side suddenly got into trouble, her long hair was like countless flexible black snakes that brought black flames around Alsa’s. Body. Arta only felt that a large, sturdy net was holding his soul tightly, no matter how hard he struggled, he couldn't get rid of it.

The body and soul were controlled at the same time, and Arta let out a desperate cry.

Where did such a group of terrifying humans come from? Arta consciously felt that his strength was a top player in the entire Sixth Abyss. How could he be beaten so much that he didn't even have the strength to fight back?

Just as Alsa hissed and roared, Mr. Mo took out a bottle of Falling God Elixir, and put the bottle into Alsa's open mouth.

With a ‘grumbling’, Alsa swallowed the bottle together with the potion. He looked at Mr. Mo in horror, and asked tremblingly, "What is this?"

Mr. Mo's eyes were gentle like a kind father. He smiled and said, "You have heard of the medicine for the fallen gods, haven't you? Well, this is the'spiritual medicine' that I prepared with the prescription provided by our boss. In other words, After taking this medicine, the soul will continue to disintegrate and disperse. It takes about half a year for a peak demigod to completely become an idiot, because his soul no longer exists!"

"Half a year!" Alsa looked at Mr. Mo in horror: "You lie to me, how can there be such a medicine in the world?"

At this moment, the insidious and treacherous Arta looked at Mr. Mo with pure eyes like a pure and innocent girl.

"Ah, you can feel your soul for yourself!" Mr. Mo has the spirit of preaching and teaching karma, and he nodded to Alsa with a smile. Artha immediately focused on his soul, and what made him frightened was that his soul was like a castle made of sand, and countless soul particles were slowly drifting away.

Maybe it won't take half a year, as long as three months his soul will completely disperse.

"No, what do you want from me?" Alsa screamed hoarsely: "What do you want? Do you want to control the Iszamm family? I can sell all my children and grandchildren to you Do you want wealth? All the wealth of the family, all my personal savings can be given to you! Do you want power? I can help you get everything!"

Lin Qi smiled gently. He patted Alsa's shoulder gently, and smiled very gently: "We don't want anything, we want you! If you don't want your soul to completely burst into an idiot, just behave. Open your soul and let Bilibili be your master!"

Arta's eyes flickered, and he squinted at Lin Qi, not knowing what he was thinking about.

Etreis suddenly whispered: "Father, he still has a part of his soul stored in a box, which is buried in the secret room below this castle. I can feel the existence of that part of his soul! But it doesn't matter, Spirit Elixir He has already infected another part of his soul, he cannot escape, and that part of his soul has also been infected!"

Alsa’s face changed suddenly. He spread his hands cleanly, and smiled flatteringly at Bilibili, "Bili Bili, so, no matter what trouble you have in the future, just order me to do it. I am willing to let you control my soul! An excellent family elite like you, the Izamm family can only develop and grow under your control!"

"Look at your father and these rubbish. They have been busy for so many years. The Yizam family is still just a small family. It's really useless!"

With a smug smile, Bilibili cautiously infiltrated a strand of soul into the soul flame that Artha opened. He left one of the most vicious demon restraints at the core of Artha’s soul, and then with the help of Etreis, he checked dozens of times inside and out, and after he confirmed that Artha could not do any hands or feet, this He took his soul back.

Lin Qi enthusiastically embraced the crying Alsa: "Then, my dear Alsa, now we are our own people! As your own welfare, you will get unlimited dragon blood and a limited amount of dragons every month. Supply of Soul Shards!"

Artha's face became a little better, he bit his lip for a while, and then he smiled flatteringly at Bilibili.

"Then, Bilibili, my dearest child, I still have several sons, dozens of grandchildren, hundreds of great-grandchildren, and a large number of descendants who are hiding in the Sixth Abyss. , Of course, some of them may have entered the abyss of greed, and I don’t know where they died, but some of them are sleeping and eating outside. I feel sorry for them!"

"Let them be your servants just like me!"

"I think, you definitely don't mind having a few more people for you to expel, so that I don't have to go out and run around all day with my old bones!"

Arta smiled brilliantly, while Lin Qi and others shook their heads speechlessly.

Able to change hands and betray all of his descendants for his own benefit, the devil is indeed a devil!

Humans really can't understand what these demons think!

Only Bilibili smiled brilliantly, he smiled so proudly, like a nouveau riche. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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