Bright Era

Chapter 1454: Este’s client (2)

Lin Qi laughed secretly in his stomach. It was nothing if a goddess died, but if he died as a god, that would be very interesting. Of course, according to Lin Qi's judgment, the goddess of pleasure would have swallowed this bitter fruit. She did not have the guts to claim that fraternity and pleasure were the incarnation of the **** of lust, she did not have the guts!

Yan Chimei led the team into the woods. This mountain forest has been messed up, with collapsed rocks and shattered tree trunks everywhere. The corpses of Boai Huanyu and others were piled up in all directions, and there was still a very obvious magical enchantment around them, and a strong breath of the abyssal dragon remained.

"This is the breath of the Abyss Demon Dragon, and it is the breath of a very powerful Abyss Demon Dragon!"

Mu Wei squatted next to the body of Bo'ai Joy and smiled and grabbed a ray of dark dragon energy from his body.

Longya's current functions haven't recovered much. He can't even create a giant dragon out of thin air. He can only rely on Lin Qi to recycle materials from the dragon and reassemble the original dragon warrior. But just to create some dragon energy, it is as easy and common for Longya as ordinary people to have a few hiccups. He easily created a large amount of dragon energy of the abyssal dragon and gave it to Lin Qi to spread it. Fraternity•Joy on the body.

"Abyss Demon Dragon?" Yan Chimei's face was ugly: "Where is the Abyss Demon Dragon in the Great Yan Dynasty?"

Karls Chenxi frowned thoughtfully, and he suddenly sneered: "There is no in the Great Yan Dynasty, but on the Eastern Great Plains, our former Prince Arthur of the North Sea, his mount is a three-headed demon. Where's the Dragon King."

The Temple of Dawn controls the Holy Light I and the power of the Gaul Empire. But in the process of controlling the Gaul Empire, the Temple of Dawn received the help of the Temple of Punishment, and then was blackmailed by the Temple of Punishment. Of course, those old and stable churches in the Temple of Dawn will not use the word ‘blackmail’, but for young gods like Karls Dawn, this is ‘blackmail’.

The Temple of Retribution helped Arthur by blackmailing the territory of the five major provinces of the North Sea of ​​the Gaul Empire from the territory of the Temple of Dawn.

Naturally, Arthur was also remembered by Karls Dawn’s descendants of Dawn. Now such a pure aura of the abyssal dragon appeared in front of everyone. Of course, Karls Dawn had to clearly point out this-Diogo was A three-headed dragon king!

"Arthur?" Mu Wei blinked: "I have heard of his name, but I haven't seen it in these years."

Shaking her head, Mu Wei frowned: "Speaking of which, the biggest suspect is Arthur's mount? Well, let's take care of this matter in the Temple of War, no matter who dares to be in the place of faith in the Temple of War Anyone who kills must be punished! Even if they are those who punish the temple, they must be punished!"

He patted his chest vigorously, and Mu Wei promised to Yan Chimei: "Things will not involve you, we know that you can't do such a thing! Her Majesty the Queen is my chosen candidate for the goddess of war. How could you commit this kind of murder!"

Lin Qi walked around the pile of corpses a few times, and then he broke off the hand of a pleasure knight and tore a small piece of black cloth from his palm. The outer layer of this small piece of clothing is black, and the inner layer is bloody. The two colors of black and red have a clear contrast. It is the favorite color of the high-ranking clergy of the temple of punishment.

Quietly, he handed this piece of clothing to Mu Wei. Lin Qi saluted Mu Wei: "Master Mu Wei, this seems to involve some internal affairs of the temple, so we worldly mortals will not interfere! Longshan There are many family affairs, our three legions in the Gaul Empire need to be well restrained, so we will leave!"

Mu Wei looked at the piece of clothing in her hand that was obviously torn from a certain priest of the Temple of Retribution, her face turned red with excitement. She waved her arms excitedly: "Go, go, you can't get involved in this matter! Hahaha, the people who punish the temple killed the people from the pleasure temple? It couldn't be more reasonable!"

With a weird inexplicable smile, Mu Wei was trembling with joy: "I knew something like this would happen! I knew it!"

The eyes of the old gods and shepherds standing next to Mu Wei flickered sharply. They looked at Boai·Yuyuyu’s body from time to time, and then at the piece of clothing. Their eyes gradually became enlightened and meaningful. Gazed at each other, then nodded gently.

"Master Mu Wei, I am afraid that Diogo will not do this thing. I think the person who does this thing will not be so stupid."

Lin Qi raised his brows, he smiled to Yan Chimei and Mu Wei to say goodbye, and then quickly left with the Longshan family and the Gaul Empire. As Lin Qi said, this matter has become an internal affair of the temple, and these worldly mortals are not qualified to intervene.

Although Lin Qi personally killed Boai Huanyu, if Mu Wei can track down the other hapless guys wisely, then Lin Qi's affairs will be ignored. Anyway, Lin Qi spent a lot of time setting up the scene after committing the crime last night, leaving behind all kinds of weird clues waiting for Mu Wei to find out. It depends on whose head she can follow these traces to track down.

"Isn't the IQ of the goddess of war very high?" Lin Qi sat on the unicorn's back and happily.

"It's really not very high, and I often act impulsively!" Osmanthus said in a serious manner: "I also lost this, so she was sent to the best war strategy **** in the past because of her impulse and disobedience. Dead end."

"Ah, I hope Arthur can survive from her hands!" Lin Qi shrugged indifferently: "Now I am not in the mood to entangle with Arthur. I hope Arthur can survive from her hands. I will find Time to recover Diogo."

Long Ya's old voice sounded slowly: "Very good!"

The brigade Ma Ranran forward, all the way to the western border of the Great Yan Dynasty. Gawu has cooperated with the frontier army of the Great Yan Dynasty to prepare a large number of giant ships on Shengen Lake, enough to send Lin Qi and more than 10,000 people directly to the Berri pier to land.

In the grove, Mu Wei was tossing the body of Boai·Joy up and down. At first, she had a cheerful smile on her face, but gradually her face became more and more ugly. In the end, she made a A jaw-dropping thing.

Her white tender hand penetrated into the cranial cavity that Boai Huanyu was pierced, and a little red, white and white brain was stained with it and put it in her mouth to taste it carefully. With her movements, Yan Chimei and Kars Chenxi and the others retreated several steps at the same time, but several old evil spirits leaned forward curiously.

Mu Wei sighed deeply, she spit out several mouthfuls, then took out a hip flask and rinsed her mouth with spirits.

She stood up and said with a gloomy face in the ancient gods' words: "Sure enough, he is the reincarnation of the **** of lust. He was killed by someone. What about his soul? Go to the temple of pleasure, whether the **** of **** Has returned to the place of sleep."

Several old gods, shepherds, and Kars Chenxi, and other gods, trembled and almost didn't scream. This ancient **** language is only circulated in certain high-level circles of the church, and ordinary clergy cannot be taught at all. Therefore, except for the old evil spirits, old demons, and a very small number of clergy, no one is present. Understand Mu Wei's words.

But everyone who understood Mu Wei's words was astonished as a duck in a thunderstorm.

The reincarnated body of the **** of **** was killed? His divine soul, if his divine soul escaped back to the place of divine sleep, it would be fine. If his divine soul did not escape back, wouldn't it mean that the **** of **** has completely fallen?

The **** of **** is one of the few gods under the seat of the goddess of pleasure, and the goddess of pleasure is well known that she is the impunity of the **** of punishment, so the **** of **** can also be regarded as one of the minions of the **** of punishment , And the temple of punishment is now one of the most powerful temples in the church!

This will be an uproar!

What is even more frightening is that the scene here left the dragon energy of the abyss dragon, and the known abyss dragon, there is only one on the ground, and that is Arthur's mount Diogo! However, Arthur is the father of Gerdas, and Gerdas is the reincarnation of the first generation of goddess, the king of the broken army. If Diogo really killed the **** of eroticism, how complicated it is. What about the conspiracy?

Mu Wei slapped her head angrily, her huge soul moved slightly, wanting to think carefully about the complicated implications.

But after all, it was a human body and couldn't bear the power of the soul at all. She only used a little bit of the power of the soul, and she almost cooked her brain. Mu Wei groaned in pain, and screamed helplessly: "Notify the punishment temple of the matter here, I am too lazy to manage, and I can't control it, headache! Let the people of the punishment temple investigate by themselves!"

"Warning them, this is the place of faith in the Temple of War, and they are not allowed to mess around here."

"If those doglegs of the punishment knights dare to mess around in our place of faith, I will kill them all!"

Mu Wei sighed with a cracking headache, she shook her head helplessly, and did not say a word to other people, so she took the people from the Temple of War and left. Before leaving, she looked a little strangely at the several guards with amazing strength beside Yan Chimei, but she only glanced at it.

Mu Wei, who was unable to exert all the power of the soul, could not tell who was hiding under the two magical magic devices of Illusory God Puppet and Lost Sky Pendant. Mu Wei couldn't think of it, and in front of her stood a group of abyss demons and evil spirits. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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