Bright Era

Chapter 1456: Este’s client (4)

On both sides are two auxiliary buildings, and a circle of half-person-height bunkers is built on the roof. If there are more than two dozen sniper crossbowmen, the defense here is not weak. If there are still a few magicians sitting in town, the ordinary army of a thousand men will not even want to attack.

These defensive facilities are useless to masters above the holy realm, but if Lin Qi’s inhuman spiritual power swept around, he would find that a familiar eighteen-pointed star nested with five five-pointed star magic arrays was placed under the house The ancient Summoning Array! Once this magic circle is turned on, it will be able to summon the terrifying Fallen God. Lin Qi calculated it, and it is estimated that the current Red Fury will not be the opponent of the Fallen God!

Lin Qi couldn't help but grinned. The person Esther hired to attack the stronghold of the Silver Iris family was actually a subordinate of the Fallen Temple? Is this because Lin Qi and the Temple of the Fallen God are too close to each other, or the hands of the Temple of the Fallen God are really stretched too long?

Esther's faint voice sounded: "Everyone thinks that the mainland Killing Hand Association and the Assassin's Guild are the top killer groups. But only the core members of our hidden family know that the'Killing Temple' is the strongest in the mainland. Killer organization."

"They only have business dealings with a very small number of customers, and they charge huge fees for each shot. But they have always done things safely. As long as the deposit is placed, there is no one they can't kill. According to the information of the Silver Iris family, there were three A pope was successfully killed by them!"

Lin Qi nodded calmly, killing the temple? Branch of the Fallen Temple?

The Great Yan Dynasty replaced the Caesar Empire, and the family elders of the Caesar family hidden in the depths of the holy mountain were almost extinct. This matter must be the work of the Fallen Temple. The Temple of the Fallen has such a powerful potential in the Holy Mountain, so what is it to kill a few popes?

After all, the pope is only in charge of the administrative power of the church and is the representative of the so-called gods in the world. But to be honest, the personal strength of these popes does not necessarily mean that everyone is a master. Some fanatics can also become popes, but the strength of some fanatics may only be the level of status.

So as long as people are placed in the church, it is not difficult to kill the pope.

A beautiful young woman wearing a light green dress and holding a little golden wool monkey in her arms walked out slowly. When she saw Este, she smiled brilliantly: "It's really fast, I I'm really afraid that you are out of town and won't come to me, then I will be sad!"

With a light sigh, the beautiful young woman said gently: "You can understand that our rules are like this. The fee you pay at that point has the right to commission at any point, but I was talking to you at the beginning of this business. Well, if you don't come to me when you pay the second fee, I won't have to cry!"

This woman's gestures and smiles are filled with a smell that makes Lin Qi uncomfortable, as if she is wearing a low-quality human skin mask, but desperately trying to behave naturally. This hypocritical enthusiasm, The hypocritical enthusiasm made Lin Qi feel bored.

Esther got out of the carriage, and she hugged the two black rabbits in her arms.

The three-lobed mouths of the two black-haired rabbits opened weirdly, revealing an almost imperceptible smile, and then their heads rubbed against Este’s chest a few times, and the black hairs all over their bodies were so comfortable. One by one is straight.

The donkey snapped off the cowl with a click, and looked at the two rabbits who were taking the opportunity to wipe the oil with jealousy: "Well, you two stupid things, this girl has flat breasts! Do you like flat breasts? I still love me. Big breasts! Beautiful breasts!"

Esther walked slowly to the woman and stood three meters away from her: "I'm not here to give money, Bessie!"

Bessie, the woman in green dress, pretended to be surprised and yelled: "What? Dear Miss Este, in such a good weather, it is rare that there is such a sunny weather in this cold winter. You actually didn't come to pay me? This makes me sad! Do you know what a heavy price we paid to complete your commission?"

Esther looked at Bessie coldly: "Did you really complete my commission?"

Bessie tilted her head and squinted at Este with a pair of gray eyes: "Of course, I'm sure! Our reputation for killing the temple is famous in the mainland."

Este sneered sneerly: "Then, why can the Patriarch of the Silver Iris family, Elost, take people to trouble me? My commission is for you to attack the stronghold of the Silver Iris family. I even provided you with all important The distribution map of the strongholds is just to let you involve Arost and not let him trouble me!"

Taking a deep breath, Bessie said in a deep voice: "Perhaps we have different understandings of this commission, which is understandable, but I firmly believe that we have performed our mission perfectly."

"We attacked all the strongholds you provided. We defeated the guards of the Silver Iris family. We intercepted and killed 153 demigod elders of the Silver Iris family. For this we paid the price of 37 elders seriously injured. Until today, there are still four elders unconscious!"

"According to your request, we killed the damned elder who could be transformed into a silver flying dragon. In order to kill him, we dispatched forty demi-god elders to besiege him alone, and the hateful and powerful silver iris The law enforcement elder of the family, he fought back desperately. Thirteen of our elders were severely injured by him, and two of the elders almost fell."

"You should know, dear Miss Este, you should know how dangerous the battle between demigods is! And we have completed your commission meticulously, and we have completed your commission at any cost!"

"Even when we discovered that there are thirteen important strongholds in the Silver Iris family that you did not provide on the Western Continent, and there is a secret that can change the situation and cause a great hindrance to your actions. In order to maintain the reputation of the Killing Temple, we urgently mobilized a large number of masters from the higher-level organization of the Killing Temple, and captured the 13 strongholds that you either intentionally or unintentionally ignored, and helped you intercept and kill a group A powerful enemy that we didn't need to face!"

Bessie took a deep breath: "For this reason, the 29 demigod elders urgently mobilized by our superior organization were seriously injured!"

Esther looked at Bessie coldly: "You didn't intercept Arost. According to my commission agreement, you must compensate me ten times the remuneration paid in advance."

Bessie shook her head. She put the little golden marmoset on her shoulders, and took out a magic contract from her sleeve: "No, no, Miss Este, look at the detailed terms. You must provide us with information about all the important magic devices in Patriarch Arostus, but you did not tell us that Patriarch Arostus has a scroll that can release a curse!"

With a light sigh, Bessie shook her head: "The curse, a complete form of the curse! According to your information, we dispatched a hundred semi-god powerhouses to rush to the core stronghold of the Silver Iris family in the Third Abyss to besiege Ayros. Special Patriarch, and as a result, a hundred semi-god powerhouses were wiped out!

Esther closed her mouth.

Lin Qi raised his eyebrows in surprise, Fallen Temple suffered such a big loss? One hundred demi-god powerhouses were killed by Arost's curse scroll? It is reasonable to think about it. Este, this cruel girl, has an incomplete curse outside Berrily, can easily kill several demigods, let alone a complete curse scroll?

Presumably, this curse scroll should come from the ancestors of the Silver Iris family, or simply made by the deep blue devil himself.

The loss of a hundred demigods, this loss will cause tears in any force. For this reason, the Killing Temple seeks high compensation from Este. If you look at it from a fairer point of view, this It's quite reasonable, because Esther didn't tell the Killing Temple that Alost had this thing on him!

But from Lin Qi's point of view, this killing temple shouldn't be!

Now Este is Yun's servant, and Yun is Lin Qi's unmarried wife, so Este is Lin Qi's servant. According to the rules of the Western Continent, all the slaves belong to their masters. If Bessie insists on making Este pay a huge amount of money, this will be the meat from Lin Qi's pocket.

As far as Lin Qi is concerned, even if he has a lot of wealth right now, it is absolutely impossible to take advantage of him for an unwarranted reason. So Lin Qi stepped forward and coughed softly, "Can I see this contract?"

Bessie looked at Lin Qi curiously: "Miss Este, who is this gentleman?"

Lin Qi put on a rough face. He looked like the most common drunkard on the streets of Berriley, who would go home and beat up his wife when he got so drunk. He even had a pungent lees smell on his body, and the stench of not taking a bath all the time.

Bessie frowned and took a step backwards and shook her head gently: "My god, Miss Este, what a delicate character you are, why do you mix with such a rascal?"

Este laughed weirdly, what about the rascal?

She stroked the two black-haired rabbits in her arms that kept shaking their heads, and said faintly: "He is my master, and everything about me is controlled by him. So, Bessie, let him see our contract. Can you follow me? The compensation here depends on what my master means!"

Bessie looked at Lin Qi in amazement, and then looked at Este in disbelief: "Are you crazy?"

Esther shrugged, turned to look at Lin Qi and laughed: "My lord, she said I was crazy."

Lin Qi snatched the contract made from the beast skin, glanced at the terms above, and then he sprayed out a breath of dragon with a touch of dragon power, burning the contract clean. He looked at the stunned Bessie and said calmly: "Well, things are very clear, because of your incompetence, Arost rushed to embarrass Esther, which caused her to lose a huge opportunity and suffered an extremely heavy loss. "

"Este paid you 10,000 catties of Mithril in advance as a deposit, **** it, 10,000 catties of Mithril, you have a big appetite for killing the temple!"

"You did not complete Esther's entrustment, but caused a huge loss for her. According to the terms of the contract, you must compensate Esther 100,000 catties for killing the temple... No, one million gold refined magic mithril silver As compensation. If you can't do it, then Esther has the right to spread this news to all the big hidden families, so that you will be discredited by killing the temple!"

Stretching out his right hand, Lin Qi stared at Bessie with an angry face: "Pay the money, old woman!"

A sneer appeared at the corner of Esther's mouth. She looked at Bessie coldly, and said coldly: "One million catties of magic mithril, I suggest you still obey your orders. Bessie, don't bring disaster to the temple of killing , You can't afford such consequences!"

Este witnessed Lin Qi destroying a core stronghold of the Temple of the Fallen with her own eyes. She knew exactly how terrifying power Lin Qi mastered.

Bessie looked at Lin Qi coldly, and then laughed mockingly: "Taking money from the Temple of Killing? How interesting!"

The shadows flickered around, and the twelve demi swordsmen leapt out lightly with long swords in their hands. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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