Bright Era

Chapter 1484: Strong Army (1)

"bloody battle!"

Octavian screamed, his feet slammed on the ground, and he heard a loud noise, and a large red light pattern spread from his feet. Six layers of war patterns hovered around his feet, and the internal triple war patterns were all thorny war patterns inherited from his family's bloodline. They have strong physical defenses and can also reflect physical damage from melee combat.

And the triple war pattern on the outside is the iron-blooded battle flag with eighteen sides constantly waving.

These battle flags collided and rubbed against each other in pairs. Each battle flag was pieced together with dozens of small sword-shaped lights and shadows. Each small sword was inscribed with a large number of runes that looked like blood flow. These battle flags and war patterns quickly spread to kilometers away with a monstrous killing intent.

A dozen young people standing next to Octavian's body shook. They were entangled with the blood halo on the battle flag war pattern. Their bodies were suddenly raised by a foot, and their bodies became much stronger. The thick **** light bulged out, and they screamed sharply, and at the same time sprayed **** grudges several meters high.

"Blood battle!" These young people roared at the same time. Their vindictiveness was connected by Octavian's war patterns. Their strengths merged into one, their breath merged into one, their eyes were red and turned into one. A beast that is not afraid of life or death but only knows how to fight wildly.

"Wonderful, wonderful!" Duke Sanin applauded at the same time with several other great nobles who had also restored their youth.

It was really wonderful. Octavian had a demigod's lower-tier combat power. That's all, his war pattern was so outstanding, his war pattern could actually be blessed on the soldiers beside him. With the area covered by his war pattern covering a radius of one kilometer, he can bless nearly 10,000 warriors at the same time. Even the most ordinary warrior can resist the heavenly warrior even after receiving the blessing of Octavian.

This kind of all-round auxiliary war pattern is used on the battlefield, it is really unprofitable, it is really a weapon for siege.

The young children of several other great noble families glanced at each other, and they all looked at Octavian with a little jealousy. They also enjoyed the Dragon Blood Bath, and their strengths have been improved, but Octavian's strength has increased the most, and he is also one of the few lucky ones who has condensed war patterns.

War patterns or magic rings, this kind of thing only a few lucky holy realms can condense, and although demigods have a high probability of condensing their own war patterns or magic rings, this proportion is not too high.

But there is no doubt that every battle pattern and every magic circle can greatly enhance one's strength. Whether it has a war pattern and a magic ring, for the power above the holy realm, these are completely two different meanings.

A war pattern, a magic ring, this value is comparable to a high-grade holy artifact, and even more valuable than the holy artifact in many cases. Because the sacred artifacts are only foreign objects, but the war pattern and magic ring are their own power!

After putting away the war pattern triumphantly, Octavian bowed his head straight to Yan Chibrows: "Your Majesty, let me lead the army to fight those **** alien races! Even if I don’t take action, just my war pattern. In the shrouded place, I can make the soldiers of the Empire invincible!"

Yan Chi eyebrows glanced at Octavian coldly, and then slowly nodded: "A month later, the second batch of reinforcements to the Gaul Empire is about to set off. Marshal Octavian will lead the army! Go! Norman Fort, don't lose the face of the Great Yan Dynasty."

Arda smiled and flicked his fingers, and a blood-colored rose appeared in his hand. He coquettishly pinned the rose to his collar, and then smiled and nodded: "Then, your majesty the queen, everyone Sir, are you satisfied with the service provided by the Longshan family this time?"

Even if it was as cold as smoke with red eyebrows, smiles appeared on everyone's faces.

Satisfied, how can you be dissatisfied? The families of these great nobles brought a few young people who were only fifteen or sixteen years old. Although these little guys were fully cultivated by the family, they barely reached the strength of the lower rank. But after the dragon blood bath, they all soared to the level of the peak of the Saint Master!

There are even a few talented little guys who have stepped into the realm of demigods with one foot!

The soaring strength of course will bring a little trouble to their daily life, but as long as it takes a few months to adapt, this is not a big problem. The soaring strength is the most important thing, especially the peak of the fifteen or sixteen-year-old Saint Master. In the history of the mainland, in addition to the legendary first generation gods, the kind of abnormal existence that is called the closest to the gods, how ever Ever had such a young Saint Master pinnacle master?

Moreover, it is invulnerable to swords and guns, and it is not invaded by poisons, and the vitality of life has been greatly improved. Such a service, you really can't say that it is ‘bad’!

Especially Yan Chimei, because of Dragon City's love for her, Lin Qi added some good things to the dragon blood used for her. Yan Chi Mei's power has been raised to the level of a demi-god intermediate, and his physical strength has also been strengthened twice as much as the others.

Yan Chimei can clearly perceive the earth-shaking changes in her power, how can she say that one is bad?

So Duke Sanin and the others happily handed over piles of gold coins to Arda! The Longshan family is not good at this point. They provide dragon blood bath services and only accept cash, not gold tickets! Okay, okay, this is a quirk of the Longshan family, but for Duke Sanin and the others, withdrawing cash is not a big problem.

What is troublesome now is that the cash in several large bank family vaults in the Great Yan Dynasty has been withdrawn by them. Next time they want to enjoy the dragon blood bath service, is it possible for them to go to the banks in the Gaul Empire to withdraw cash? ?

Arda smiled and counted the piles of gold coins. He warmly invited Yan Chimei and others to enjoy an exquisite and luxurious meal made with materials from the dragon. The wealthy nobles took the teleportation array to leave.

Waiting for the magic halo on the teleportation array to dissipate, Arda immediately took down the most important pieces of void magic crystals from the magic array, cutting off the possibility of anyone teleporting over, and then carrying a lot of them. The gold coins reported to Lin Qi.

The small gold coins were immediately transported out of the cave and along a wide road to the volcanoes thousands of miles away.

In the depths of the Fifth Abyss, there are dozens of active volcanoes standing here. The tumbling magma is hundreds of meters high, and thick smoke is spraying everywhere with a pungent sulfur smell. Ordinary human beings will suffocate and die if they stay here for a while, but for evil spirits and demons, the air here is so rich and fragrant. Standing on this volcanic crater and breathing a few thick smoke, they are all over It is strength.

A large group of evil spirit warriors stood naked by the lava lake in the crater, yelling and raising the huge long-handled container, carefully scooping out the hot gold solution from the magma lake. Large tracts of flat land were excavated in the mountain next to the crater, and huge smelting workshops were built inside.

These ghost warriors will scoop out the gold solution sprayed from the ground and pour them into special molds. Large groups of black goblin slaves are busy moving these molds that emit high temperatures into the smelting workshop. After the gold juice in these molds has cooled, they pour the molds to the ground, and the newly-baked abyss gold coins will be dinged. Ding Dong Dong's spilled all over the floor.

The purity of these abyssal gold coins is very high. These lava lakes in the crater covered by a special magic circle have refined the gold solution sprayed from the ground dozens of times. The quality of these gold coins is even stronger than the most powerful ones in the world on the ground. The official gold coins made by the empire are a bit better.

Lin Qi shamelessly obtained dozens of master plates from the gold coin foundry of the Vias Commercial Federation. The ingenious piracy craftsmanship of the abyss dwarves helped Lin Qi a lot. They carved hundreds of thousands of gold coins, the goddess of wealth. The template, the goddess of wealth big gold coin exuding a touch of abyssal breath is cast day and night.

Every 10,000 shiny gold coins are packed into a metal box and sent to the finished product warehouse on the wheelbarrow. Hundreds of demons in black robes muttered to themselves to hypnotize themselves, using the secret method of the sand fox clan to hypnotize themselves into the mad believers of the **** of dawn, and the light of dawn continued to fall from high above the gold coins. Go on, thoroughly cleans all the abyssal breath away.

For the first time in countless years, the divine light of Dawn shines in the core area of ​​the Fifth Abyss. From this point of view, Lin Qi deserves to be a saint of Dawn Temple. He is proclaiming the glory of Dawn God and spreading the doctrine of Dawn God. Lin Qi has accomplished a glorious cause that has not been accomplished by the popes in the past.

Of course, this glorious deed is a bit shameful! However, in later generations, some boring "historians" still secretly wrote Lin Qi’s note, calling him the greatest and true saint of the dawn in history, and he is praised as a man from body to soul. Saints full of light!

Being able to let the devil recite the sacred words of praise to the **** of dawn, and let the devil use the light of dawn to purify the breath of the abyss, Lin Qi's accomplishment is nothing short of trivial. It's just that these demons use the secret arts of the Shahu family, and sometimes they overhypnotize themselves. There are always people who really feel that they are fanatics of the **** of dawn, and they will subconsciously shine a light of dawn on themselves.

Therefore, in this workshop used to purify the abyss gold coins and turn them into real wealth goddess big gold coins, there will be earth-shattering howls from time to time, and then there will be a group of little evil spirits happily running in, turning a whole body The scorched demon was carried out for first aid.

The rays of dawn and the divine light continued to fall, boxes of gold coins were constantly being carried out, the abyss slaves of the brigade were busy with sweat, and occasionally a few black goblin feet were soft, and the wheelbarrow fell to the ground with a bang. The gold coin box carried by the car would spread out, and the whole ground suddenly rolled up with golden gold coins. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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