Bright Era

Chapter 1487: Strong Army (4)

"Brave warriors, jump in!" Lin Qi said slowly: "This is the divine water blessed with the divine power of the **** of war. You will get tremendous power from it, far beyond your imagination!"

The soldiers neatly saluted Lin Qi, and then jumped into the lake with laughter.

A hundred thousand people jumped into the Dragon Blood Lake with black and red blood blisters at the same time. The hot dragon blood mixed with huge medicinal power poured into their bodies, but the soldiers who were hypnotized by the environment felt no pain at all. They felt warm all over, and a wonderful feeling of ecstasy made them almost shed tears.

Praise the great Earl of Longshan, praise the great Longshan family, what a wonderful enjoyment!

The soldiers sat in the lake one after another. No matter the lake water submerged the top of their heads, they fully energized their vindictive qi, running the vindictive qi again and again, continuously sucking the essence of dragon blood and the huge medicinal power into their bodies. Their muscles, bones, and meridians have been rapidly strengthened, and their fighting energy has also grown rapidly under the stimulation of dragon blood.

"I hope one day!" Lin Qi suddenly whispered, "One day, all the races under my command will be able to live together peacefully! Since the devil and the evil spirit can live together harmoniously, since the giant and the evil spirit and the evil spirit are also Being able to work together by my side, since blood elves and blood goblins can work together with the dwarves around me, why can't humans succeed?"

The voice of the sweet-scented osmanthus tree faintly sounded: "Because human beings are the most complex life form! Because human beings are so complicated!"

Lin Qi looked at the 100,000 soldiers who were frantically running their grievances in the dragon blood. He slowly nodded: "Let all the dwarf tribes we control speed up, let the barrel go to that tribe one by one overseer, let them use the most Quickly produce all the armor and weapons we need!"

"With sufficient raw materials, I hope that our soldiers can wear magic armor and use magic weapons! Even the lowest grade magic weapons and magic armor are enough for them to defeat several orc warriors alone!"

"Since I control their souls, then I must be responsible for their bodies!" Lin Qi looked at Arda: "Maybe you can't understand my contradiction, but then I have an explanation for my heart! "

Arda stretched out his hands, indicating that he really could not understand Lin Qi's actions: "Great and contradictory master, you did not hesitate to control the souls of those guys in the Silver Iris family! Why are you so merciful to these ordinary soldiers? What?"

Lin Qi didn't say a word, did the Silver Iris family?

That's because Lin Qi and the Silver Iris family are enemies. What kind of polite is he with the enemy? The Silver Iris family inherited the blood of the Dark Blue Devil, can they still be regarded as humans? They are all descendants of gods, and descendants of gods, why should Lin Qi be polite to them?

One hundred thousand soldiers soaked in the dragon blood for a whole day and night, and then they could no longer withstand the huge power contained in the dragon blood and crawled out of the dragon blood lake.

They wiped off the blood on their bodies, put on neat uniforms, and were ecstatic to discover how powerful they were. Some warriors who were already famous for their brute force carried the boulders and ran around the ground. Originally, they could only lift a thousand catties, but now they can carry tens of thousands of catties and run wildly without panting.

Some fighters who are good at speed are running like the wind. They run faster than a steed, faster than a cheetah. When they run wildly, they can wave their weapons. Ordinary steel forged weapons can split a strong one. Stakes! Their speed is so fast that the lethality of their swords has increased several times.

The soldiers who are good at bows and arrows screamed frantically. When did their eyesight become so good? They were separated by a distance of one kilometer, and they could see a pebble the size of a soybean in the distance! When Lin Qi ordered them to give them a few strengthened bows and arrows, they were able to pull the longbow and hit the bullseye with great precision a thousand meters away!

Such archers are undoubtedly terrifying, and each of them possesses the lethality of a sniper crossbow.

Those soldiers with no special skills and balanced development were surprised and delighted to discover that their strength, speed, reaction, eyesight and their own defense have all undergone earth-shaking changes! Their fighting spirit has increased rapidly, and the fighting spirit of most of the soldiers has risen to the peak of their status, and about one-tenth of their fighting spirit has risen to heaven!

Ten thousand heavenly soldiers! 90,000 people at the pinnacle of status!

If such 100,000 soldiers appeared on the battlefield, and then put on the magic armor and magic weapons that Lin Qi was madly forging, they would be a fearless and invincible torrent.

Several soldiers took off their clothes happily, and let their colleagues hack and slash themselves with steel knives! The steel knife slashed on them, just like using a wooden knife to slash a low-level monster mane boar. The blades were cut and rolled, but the skins of these soldiers were not broken!

Some fighters let their companions beat their bodies with huge rocks. The huge rocks made their bodies bang. At most, they just fell to the ground with an unstable footing, but they were not really hurt!

No damage to the steel knife, no damage to the boulder! If they step onto the battlefield, foreign weapons will basically have no lethality on them. After all, alien races are so poor, only high-ranking officers can use rune weapons, and only rune weapons can pose a certain threat to these fighters now.

Several Dragon Mountain family wizards walked out, and they casually released a few fireballs and hit these soldiers.

The soldiers screamed in horror at the same time, but a few soldiers who had been blown up by the fireball technique climbed up from the ground with gray heads and gray faces. As a result, except for the skin being burnt and yellowing, he did not suffer any substantial damage!

Immune to low-level magic, intermediate-level magic can only cause certain damage to them. If you want to completely kill the flesh of these warriors, you must use high-level magic that can only be used by the heavenly wizard! But this is only for the physical bodies of these fighters, just to destroy their physical bodies, high-level magic must be used.

If these fighters use vindictive energy to protect themselves, if they wear magic armor, the high-level magic will have minimal damage to them. Unless the magicians who encounter the holy realm use super-level magic, they are simply human-shaped fortresses that cannot be broken or broken.

The soldiers witnessed the changes in their companions, personally felt the upside-down changes in their bodies, and they cheered wildly at the same time. They know that with their current physical fitness, they don't need any training in battle formations and queues at all. They are the first strongest army in the Western Continent!

They knelt to the ground with cheers, and bowed to Lin Qi in prayer.

Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction, he waved his hand, the surrounding phantom array was cancelled, and the group of abyss slaves pushed the wheelbarrow over.

The officers issued urgent and powerful orders, and the soldiers quickly straightened the queue. Looking at the sets of weapons and armors shining with magic light placed on the wheelbarrow, they drooled with excitement!

Magic weapon, magic armor! The great Longshan family, in the Western Continent, can have the confidence to distribute a full set of magical equipment to the armies they belong to. In addition to a few extremely powerful temples in the church, the other empires have only a handful of the most elite. The Janissaries have such treatment! Even in the Gaul Empire, the army that can allot magic equipment will definitely not exceed 20,000, and these troops are all stationed in the Norman Fort, and only a few people are guarding the emperor!

But there are one hundred thousand sets of magic equipment obviously from the hands of dwarves!

"Long live the Longshan Family!" All the soldiers shouted at the same time!

Afterwards, they bypassed the Earl of Longshan, Arda, and howled hoarsely: "Long live the great Wann Longshan!"

Lin Qi smiled and waved to these soldiers, the magic equipment was distributed in an orderly manner, and all the soldiers put all their equipment neatly in the first time. After that, they didn't waste time. One hundred thousand soldiers lined up into the magic teleportation array, and teleported back to the ground world.

When they came, they were just a new recruit team who had just been enlisted in the army, but when they left, they were already a complete tiger and wolf division. After these 100,000 soldiers left the abyss world, the huge phantom array flashed again, and the new 100,000 soldiers walked out of the magic array.

This time, Lin Qi didn't waste time talking about these soldiers, nor did he test the loyalty of these soldiers and their acceptance of the Abyssal World and the evil spirits. He gave up this futile effort.

With the magical array and soul magic, Lin Qi obtained the highest control of these soldiers.

The soldiers walked into the lake of dragon blood and absorbed the essence of dragon blood to strengthen themselves. With the help of the powerful potions mixed in the dragon blood, their strength has been rapidly improved. Just one day and one night, at most one day and two nights of dragon blood soaking, made these soldiers who joined the Dragon Mountain Legion and the Green Forest Legion undergo a fundamental change.

The dragon blood has transformed their will, filling their souls with the tyrannical and fierceness of dragons, transforming them from ordinary humans into predators who like to kill like warcraft!

They changed from ordinary soldiers to top soldiers!

Lin Qi's transformation of the army under his command continued uninterruptedly. Batches of unreliable recruits entered the magic circle, and batches of loyal and fearless elite soldiers walked out. Except for the supply of weapons and armor, there was a slight problem. The controlled dwarven tribes had no time to build so many weapons and armor, everything else went smoothly!

After a month of busy work, a news came that made Lin Qi frown.

The Vias Commercial Federation convened a meeting of all the nobles in the territory to discuss countermeasures against the current war with aliens and nomads.

It is said that certain high-level officials of the Vias Commercial Federation intend to use this opportunity to form a standing army directly controlled by the ruling government. The size of this army will be on par with the standing army of the Gaul Empire and the Great Yan Dynasty. , And all the expenses of such an army will be shared by all the nobles!

Upon hearing this news, Lin Qi smiled disapprovingly.

Since some people are unwilling to be lonely, then he just took the opportunity to attack.

Longshan Empire? This name is already so vivid and clear in Lin Qi's plan! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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