Bright Era

Chapter 1503: Farce and conditions (2)

The soldiers on the hillside looked at Lin Qi and others at a loss.

They certainly don't want to believe that Zeppelin and his son are heretics, but so many noble lords have come forward to testify, it seems that the words of noble lords should be trusted! However, there are nobles on both sides. Zeppelin seems to be the largest among the nobles, and he still has the military pay from Zeppelin’s purse. Then, it seems that, in terms of professional conduct, they should listen to Zeppelin. of?

The black armored knight roared angrily: "Don't listen to their nonsense, offensive, offensive! Capture all these nobles who plot to betray the Confederation and subvert Vias. I will send them to court, I will let them They are severely punished by the law!"

With the sound of horseshoes, Zeppelin led a large group of nobles and guards to the scene at the fastest speed.

With the promise and guarantee from Empress Baolian, Zeppelin arrived triumphantly. He glanced at the masters of the patron saint's palace hidden in the crowd, and his confidence suddenly increased. Looking at the hundreds of strange warships on the sea, Zeppelin's mood became even more assured.

The patron saint came to Vias this time, but brought a considerable army.

In addition to the hundreds of odd-shaped warships, the elite soldiers of the three legions recruited from the Eastern Subcontinent by the Guardian Palace are also hiding in hundreds of large and small aristocratic manors around Vias with the help of Zeppelin. Inside.

Zeppelin has seen their combat effectiveness, those sturdy warriors with a little black and red skin, they can easily kill seven or eight Vias warriors alone. Although the combat effectiveness of Vias' soldiers is a bit poor, one can imagine how sharp these soldiers are.

Nowadays, Eastern soldiers of a legion are gathering at Vias at the fastest speed, and there is not much distance from Vias. Zeppelin has enough confidence to deal with the Longshan family to the end.

Riding a high-headed steed and bringing a large number of nobles to the scene, Zeppelin looked at the towering walls of the Golden Dragon City majesticly. This is the first time Zeppelin has seen Golden Dragon City with his own eyes. Although he has heard reports from his subordinates a few days ago that the Longshan family is building a family castle in Bailure Bay, Zeppelin has never taken it seriously.

No matter how ups and downs his subordinates described the castle, Zeppelin never took a small castle seriously.

Until today he saw this golden castle with a length of about five miles long and a width of fifty meters high. Zeppelin’s heart was pumping, and his face turned black. The Longshan family was overlooking the entire Viasport city. What does he want to do with such a castle built on the hillside?

Moreover, the castle is so magnificent and magnificent that Zeppelin's eyes are bleeding from jealousy.

"When the empire is established, it would be great if it becomes the imperial palace here." Zeppelin flattened his mouth and muttered to his son Qi Aran beside him. Qi Aran's eyes flickered, and he nodded repeatedly, agreeing with his father's opinion.

After taking a deep breath, Zeppelin didn’t even bother to talk with Lin Zi. He just pointed to the castle and said majesticly: “The nobles in the castle have betrayed their ancestors’ vows when they became nobles. A traitor to the Federation, an enemy of the Federation!"

"I order you to break the castle and capture them all alive!"

"Kill an ordinary soldier, ten gold coins!"

"Kill a low-level officer, twenty gold coins!"

"Kill a middle-level officer, a hundred gold coins!"

"Kill a senior officer, five hundred gold coins!"

"If you can capture any nobleman, if you are a knight, you will get a reward of one thousand gold coins; if it is a baron, then two thousand gold coins; a viscount, five thousand gold coins! If it is the leader of the traitors like Heroine, you Will get a reward of 10,000 gold coins!"

After a slight pause, Zeppelin smiled at the soldiers whose eyeballs were emitting golden light: "As for the members of the Longshan family, I don't want to see them become prisoners. All members of this evil family must be killed. Kill any nobleman wearing the Longshan family emblem on his chest, one hundred thousand gold coins!"

Zeppelin knew what the soldiers of Vias needed, and he knew what their greatest desire was!

Gold coins, golden coins, gold coins that represent wealth, as long as there are enough gold coins to provide, the soldiers of Vias can actually explode with a strong fighting power that is no weaker than any elite country in the Western Continent. As long as there are enough gold coins, as long as they feed them with gold coins, these guys who are born in small towns and small merchants, they even dare to slay dragons!

With a big wave of his hand, Qi Aran yelled a few times, and suddenly a group of family knights dropped dozens of heavy metal boxes from the carriage that followed. The metal box fell to the ground, and the large pieces of gold coins rolled out ‘crashing’. Suddenly a golden light gleamed on the ground, which made the eyes of the Vyas soldiers turn golden.

"Fight bravely and destroy all the enemies in front of you!" Zeppelin waved his arm imposingly: "As long as you dare to fight, these gold coins are yours!"

No more mobilization, no confuse, and even the threat of arrows on the two dozen heavy warships in the rear has been forgotten. All the private soldiers of the nobles and the soldiers of the Vias city defense army are at the same time There was an earth-shattering shout, and the eyes turned red and rushed towards the castle.

Although the hillside is steep, these soldiers who are not in the mood to detour along the flat road are like a group of black ants covering half of the hillside in an instant. They bit their swords in their mouths and climbed up the hillside on all fours. They exploded with a morale that was a hundred times higher than usual training, and didn't care about climbing up the hillside dangerously.

"The miracle brought by the gold coin!" Lin Qi exclaimed loudly: "Praise the cute oh oh call, praise the supreme goddess of wealth...Ah, ha, of course, long live the Lord of Dawn! Haha, gold coins are really good thing!"

Smiling at the soldiers who were climbing up desperately, Lin Qi nodded to Alda: "I think, as a real Vias, we should not let our brothers bleed for no reason on the battlefield, especially It is when we have the strength to guard against such things."

"There are about one hundred thousand soldiers down here!" Count Herodion frowned, "If we really kill them all, this pension will be a headache! Especially, these hundred thousand soldiers, I think we have Great hope for them to become our people! If, of course, this will be more expensive!"

Alda laughed wildly, with more expenses? He likes this sentence!

With a big wave of his hand, a large group of dwarves who did not know where they came from rushed onto the city wall carrying a heavy metal box.

Arda howled hoarsely: "Warriors of Vias, why do you work for a heresy? Can so many nobles' pledges fail to convince you that Zeppelin is a heresy?"

Zeppelin also shouted loudly: "The brave children of Vias, believe me, how could I be a heresy? The oath of the nobles? This group of nobles who have betrayed Vias, they are still a qualified noble. Huh? Fight bravely and kill these traitors, and you will get rich rewards!"

Arda clicked his lips, and he shouted: "Listen to me, you guys with gold coins in your head, listen to me! You should know that the Longshan family is the richest family on this continent! The Longshan family , Is the family with the most gold coins on this continent!"

The soldiers who were climbing frantically on the hill suddenly stopped all their movements. They raised their heads and stared blankly at the row of dwarf warriors carrying metal boxes standing on the wall. The soldiers' expressions changed significantly, and they seemed to suddenly realize something.

In the history of Vias’ aristocratic warfare, such things seem to be not uncommon!

When two nobles are at war, gold coins can often instantly reverse the strength of the two nobles. Except for a handful of **** henchmen, ordinary aristocratic private soldiers can easily exchange money for their loyalty!

In other countries, this kind of thing can't happen, and any soldier with a little temperament will not easily betray his master. But in Vias, in this country where the nation believes in the goddess of wealth, the golden light has penetrated their souls. For them, even their biological parents can sell them at will, don’t say that they are not. Valuable solar terms.

Alda tilted his head: "I know what you are thinking now! Trust me, your choice is correct!"

The dwarf warriors opened the metal box and poured the gold coins in it under the wall.

At the moment when the gold coin was about to fall to the ground, several ice and snow mages shot at the same time. They chanted the spell and pointed their staff downward. The river water in the moat suddenly formed a layer of ice that was several inches thick, and it was smooth. The ice covered a small half of the hillside. The gold coins that fell from the city wall collided with the ice surface, making a clear and pleasant jingle sound, and rolled down the hillside along the ice surface.

Box after box of gold coins kept pouring down, and a golden waterfall rolled down the hillside.

‘Wow, wow, wow,’ each time the sound of ‘wow’ means that a box of 10,000 gold coins has been dropped off the city wall. The dwarf warriors kept raising boxes of gold coins from the storeroom and kept falling down the city wall, and soon the entire hillside was stained golden by the gold coins.

The soldiers dropped their weapons, they lay on the ground, crazily hugging the torrent of gold coins that dripped down from above, and the soldiers present were going crazy.

Zeppelin's face suddenly turned dark, he suddenly woke up, Earl Longshan is a famous prodigal son in the entire continent. In order to sleep with Mrs. Lufen, he can easily smash 100 million gold coins to invest in the Silver Clam Chamber of Commerce! And I heard that a few days ago, the Longshan family had also smashed billions of gold coins in a secret auction house of the Great Yan Dynasty. They didn't know what weird things they bought.

Competing with such a family for financial resources, isn't this self-infuriating? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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