Bright Era

Chapter 1517: The shock caused by the Longshan Empire (2)

That wealthy neighboring country finally changed from a loose federal state to a centralized empire. It has been a neighbor for hundreds of years. How could the courtiers of the Haran Empire not understand the neighbour’s bad personality? They always like to use money to clear their way. No matter what they do, whether it is legal or illegal business, they habitually drop a bunch of gold coins.

In the past, the act of smashing gold coins was only the spontaneous behavior of local nobles.

However, with the establishment of the Longshan Empire, it is conceivable that this behavior of smashing gold coins will evolve from the personal behavior of the local small and medium-sized nobles into the behavior of the state. When this rich country is enthusiastic about a lot of things. When the gold coin of smashed down, the frontier generals of the Haran Empire, can they really withstand the terror of the temptation?

If you don't keep a close eye on these generals from now on, maybe the army of the Longshan Empire will be able to easily enter the heart of the Haran Empire like an outing. At that time, the Harran Empire is really going to stage a tragedy.

Therefore, Shenghui I's command could not be more wise!

But raising the military salary of frontier soldiers by a factor of two can really put an end to the money offensive of the Longshan Empire?

Especially the Patriarch of the Longshan Family was still that famous dude asshole, when he fluttered down one after another gold tickets worth hundreds of millions of dollars. . . The civil and military ministers in the Tulip Palace trembled at the same time. If the Longshan Empire really smashed such a golden ticket in front of him, I guess he would not hesitate to sell Shenghui I with his bones and soul, right?

The Gaul Empire was very excited, the Great Yan Dynasty had a weird atmosphere, and the Haran Empire was worried. Other large and small countries on the mainland, especially those small countries that unfortunately bordered the Longshan Empire, sent envoys one by one at the fastest speed. Tuan, eagerly carrying various precious gifts, rushed to Vias.

What is particularly surprising is that the special envoys sent by these small countries are all female aristocrats with the highest titles and the most famous names in the country. Earl Longshan's lascivious signs resounded across the entire continent, and these small countries could be considered to be in their favor.

On the sacred mountain of the church, the three popes are now gathered together, with a large group of high-ranking clergy standing in a huge secret room built in the middle of the mountain. This secret room is just like Mr. Mo's laboratory. The walls, ceiling, and floor are all made of mithril boards. There is no trace of dust in the air, and the circulating air has been filtered hundreds of times with magic.

Everyone stood there quietly and motionless, only more than a hundred men who wore black robes and whose faces were pale and obviously did not see the sky all year round were busy there. A large number of transparent cabins, transparent pipes of various colors, and dozens of magic furnaces made of powerful magic crystals are placed in the secret rooms. Liquids of various colors are rushing rapidly in these cabins and pipes.

In the middle of one of the largest cabins, the thick green juice soaked a gray figure slightly taller than ordinary people. Lin Qi made the fake gray knight created by the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse, being placed in this cabin very carefully by the church.

Dozens of thin pipes connected this gray knight, and from time to time various liquids were exchanged with the gray knight's body fluids.

In several oval-shaped cabins lined up in the distance, a few faintly human-shaped thick embryos are beating from time to time, and a few old men in black robes are observing these meat **** intently. From time to time, he ordered some strange medicines to be injected into the capsule.

After a long time, Grisgau Chenxi finally touched his beard: "These heretics of the enlightenment of the gods are still useful."

The scepter pope smiled. He waved his stout arm and nodded slowly: "Yes, any heresy who is willing to dedicate his wisdom and knowledge to the gods is a good heresy! If they can To create real gray knights, what can't you forgive them?"

The Seal Pope clicked his lips, and he said solemnly: "It's just that they have consumed a lot of magic materials recently, especially mithril, adamantine, and various powerful monster flesh and blood. I can’t hold it any longer. I think that the worship of the church headquarters by the major temples must be strengthened!"

Grisgau Chenxi pursed his mouth and nodded to the contemporary host church of the Goddess of Fortune Temple beside him: "I heard that the Temple of Fortune Goddess has just received 200 million gold coins from the Longshan family! I personally think that it will allocate 180 million. Tens of millions of gold coins are used as special funds for the Grey Knights of the Apocalypse, that is reasonable."

The contemporary host of the Temple of Fortune, Gouden Cohen, widened his eyes angrily: "What? Your Majesty the Pope, I'm sorry, I didn't hear clearly! 180 million gold coins? The great gold coins are on top. This is Longshan. The family’s worship of the goddess of wealth! We have already awarded the titles of Earl Longshan and Wanen Longshan as the two saints. Isn’t that enough?"

Grisgau Chenxi and the other two popes looked at each other. When they were about to use the power of the pope to force the Temple of Fortune to take out gold coins, a bishop of Chenxi in a white robe rushed in. , Panting and waved a roll of official documents.

"Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Vias has changed dramatically! The Longshan Family received the oath of allegiance from all the nobles at the Vias Aristocratic Conference, and received the support of all representatives of the people. The Longshan family's army controls the entire Vias, and they have announced the establishment. Longshan Empire! They will hold their enthronement ceremony on the first day of next month. The Earl of Longshan Turing Andelm Longshan will become the first emperor of the empire!"

The bodies of the three popes shook slightly, and Grisgau Chenxi's face suddenly burst into anger. He grabbed Gordon Cohen and roared angrily: "You still think that there are only two saints The title of "Godden Cohen", Earl Longshan, no, Emperor Longshan and Lord Wanen Longshan are the saints of our Temple of Dawn!"

Goden Cohen yelled hoarsely: "I sell too cheap!"

Grisgau Chenxi threw this great temple in Qian’s eyes aside, and he said solemnly, “Longshan Empire? Very beautiful, very noble, very ancient and noble empire title! I thought, I will go to Vias personally to crown our Longshan Emperor personally!"

The other two popes took a deep breath at the same time!

Damn it, is the loose federation of Vias Commercial Federation about to become a unified empire?

The great gods are here. This vast southern country with a long coastline. When it was a loose federal state, it monopolized 70% of the western continent’s ocean trade. Its annual cargo throughput was one Astronomical figures, its annual tax revenue makes the popes of the church jealous.

But because this is a loose federal state, even if the church wants to do something about this country, they can't find a person who can actually be responsible for dialogue. The major temples of the church can only collude with the nobles in the place and get a little benefit from them.

The only thing that can get a relatively large return in Vias is the Temple of Fortune!

Because these merchants are better than the Vias nobles who are like aristocrats. They crazily worship gold coins and wealth. They can pursue wealth at all costs! So the Temple of the Goddess of Wealth came into being, and it almost became the only faith in that country.

But now it's different, the Longshan Empire is established!

A unified, centralized empire, regardless of other aspects, the taxes he can collect will be an astronomical number! And an empire is bound to have a huge army! The Longshan Empire will become the richest empire on the Western Continent. If it develops well, it will only be a matter of time before it becomes the most powerful empire on the Western Continent!

Such a country must be firmly in its hands!

Pope Seal and Pope Scepter coughed at the same time: "Griggau, maybe we should all take a trip!"

"However, three sires, the Vias Commercial Federation is the place of faith for the goddess of wealth!" Gordon Cohen looked at the three popes pitifully.

However, the opinions of this hapless Great Church were completely ignored. The eyes of the three popes made a silent exchange, and then they were too lazy to take up the research on the Grey Knights of the Apocalypse, and quickly left this with their entourage. The secret room in the hillside.

The place of faith for the goddess of wealth? The place of faith of the goddess of wealth is the Vias Commercial Federation, but now that country has been renamed Longshan Empire, then, dear Goden Cohen Great Church, who owns the future faith in that land, this question is really true It's hard to say.

Grisgau Chenxi hurriedly rushed into his own papal hall.

He was already irritated to the extreme. Three days ago, what was he doing so that the idiots in the Temple of Fortune gave the Longshan family the title of saint? Without this rat shit, wouldn't the Temple of Morning Light be able to monopolize all the interests of the Longshan Empire?

Think about it, His Majesty, the first emperor of the Longshan Empire, was actually a saint of the Temple of Dawn. Even the God of Dawn would be pleased with such a glorious performance? What a great achievement it is to make such a big empire a place of faith for Dawn!

But now it's all ruined, everything is ruined, just because of one of my own negligence, it's all ruined!

Grisgow Chenxi hated himself for being too negligent lately, he should know that those **** of the Longshan family can make troubles if nothing happens. Hasn't the Longshan family been making trouble everywhere? They never stopped!

If you think about it with your ass, you should think that the Longshan family actually went to the Temple of Fortune and donated a huge amount of gold coins. This is completely different from their style. Go to the Temple of the Goddess of Fortune to donate gold coins, the only purpose is to let the group of gods who believe in gold coins come forward to comfort people! The group that appeased Vias also got into the hearts of the petty citizens and nobles in the eyes of money! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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