Bright Era

Chapter 1586: Buy a city (4)

Looking at Lin Qi blankly, Diogo's face suddenly turned gloomy: "After talking for a long time, do you want to take people from my hand? Impossible! I absolutely cannot give these people to you. !"

Lin Qi raised his hands, and he shouted: "Pious believers, are you willing to follow me and leave here with the servants of the **** of dawn? Tell me what you think! As long as you are willing to follow me, you will definitely get it. Redemption!"

Countless people roared frantically, even if they were dying of hunger, but after so long of the blessing of the dawn of light, their physical strength somewhat recovered. They straightened their throats, exhausted all their strength, and roared in the loudest voice: "Get out of here! Get out of here! Get out of here!"

An old woman who had fallen into a hysterical frenzy suddenly grabbed a stone and smashed it at Diogo: "This **** thing, he killed five of my children, he took my seven daughters, and he deceived me. The last copper!"

Diogo never dreamed that, even in the most comical nightmare, he never thought that there would be an old woman who was defenseless and powerless to attack him! In the abyss of the dragon, this kind of thing where the weak provoke the strong is simply impossible!

So the stone hit Diogo's forehead fiercely, and with a ‘clam,’ the stone was bounced away, but Diogo’s face suddenly became extremely ugly.

And more people from all directions roared, they screamed hysterically, roared loudly, and exhausted all their emotions and strength to vent their anger. They accused Diogo and Arthur of various crimes. They grabbed everything that could be moved around them, and smashed Diogo and the half-dragon fighters with all their strength.

Diogo and the half-dragon warriors he brought were instantly overwhelmed by rubbish, dung and all kinds of debris.

Diogo let out an angry growl, and he stretched out his hand and grabbed the old woman who took the first shot.

The white wings behind Lin Qi flickered slightly, and he teleported to Diogo's front. Lin Qi's right hand was slightly raised, and a violent force blasted into his fingers, and he was about to grab Diogo's palm. But when Lin Qi's hand moved, he could not fully control the power rushing into his palm. The magical elements around him suddenly rolled over, and the void of kilometers in diameter was almost collapsed by his palm.

If this palm is really caught, all civilians within a kilometer of Lin Qi will be crushed into meatloaf.

Lin Qi hurriedly dissipated the power from his palm, but dozens of civilians closest to him had been vomited blood by the violent shaking magic element. Lin Qi quickly gave up his plan to use his own power, but with a light wave of his finger in front of him, he quickly wrote the name of a **** of dawn, and then a white arrow shot out from Lin Qi's fingers. , Quickly pierced Diogo's heart.

Diogo felt the coldness on the white lightsaber, and he suddenly stepped back, naturally unable to catch the old woman.

"Dang Cang", a tattered crock was smashed to pieces on Diogo's head. An old man who didn't know the specific age threw on Diogo's body, stretched out his thin fingers and grabbed it **** Diogo's. Face.

"Damn heresy, return my granddaughter! My three granddaughters! They are so smart and so cute, how can you be willing to hurt them!"

Diogo roared and punched the old man, but Lin Qi suddenly snorted, and he shouted in a low voice: "Diogo, if you dare to kill someone, I will kill you! Don't doubt my determination!"

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Lin Qi suddenly had a huge mental fluctuation that made Diogo fearful. Diogo's fists suddenly froze in the air, and he turned his head angrily to look at Lin Qi: "Damn, this human being dares to attack the great dragon king!"

"You deserve it!" Lin Qi said coldly, "You and Arthur deserve it! If Arthur is here, I believe he has been beaten to death!"

There was a commotion behind, and the thousands of half-dragon soldiers that Diogo had brought here were roared by the civilians. They drew out their weapons and slashed and killed hundreds of civilians near them. How hungry civilians who can't walk are the opponents of these half-dragons, and when a long knife is swung by them, a dozen people are often cut off!

Blood was spilled all over the floor, and the smell of blood rose to the sky.

The corner of Lin Qi's mouth twitched. He stared at Diogo who was grim-faced and sternly shouted: "If you want to die, I will let you die here!"

The gate of dawn in the high sky suddenly shone brightly. Lin Qi sent the power of faith and soul origin extracted from a large number of dragon soul fragments into the sky. Lin Qi pointed to the thousands of hideous faces. The half-dragon man shouted sharply: "Great Lord of Dawn, punish these evil abyssal creatures! I testify that they are all half-dragons, and they are all evil heretics!"

"Harvest their lives and purify their souls! Their dirty lives and souls are my gift to you!"

Following Lin Qi's prayer, Diogo's face became extremely ugly, and he roared hoarsely: "Wan En Longshan, dare you..."

Without waiting for Diogo's words to finish, a hazy white figure has appeared in the sky. This figure exudes indifferent and ruthless divine power fluctuations, but there is no aura of wisdom. Obviously this is a projection clone of the **** of dawn. But there is no trace of the soul.

This projection clone hovered in the air, coldly glanced at the thousands of half-dragons wielding long knives, and then gently pressed his five fingers downward.

A horrible coercion that made people desperate and could not afford the slightest resistance was blasted from high above. Thousands of thin white lights accurately hit the heads of the half-dragon soldiers, melting their heads instantly. It became a plume of black smoke. Thousands of half-dragon souls were dragged out in the lingering black smoke, and quickly grabbed into the hand by the projection clone.

Lin Qi continued to roar: "In the name of Dawn, I testify that all the blind soldiers in this city are heretics!"

The projection avatar of the **** of dawn hovering in the sky moved slightly, and his eyes suddenly moved humanely, and a low thunder came from the sky. The shadow of this projection avatar suddenly became clearer, and he raised his hands. With a swipe downward, nearly half a million white lights, as thin as spider silk, sprinkled densely from high above.

The heads of all the half-dragon soldiers who were blind and exposed at the same time turned into blue smoke, and hundreds of thousands of half-dragon souls rose up into the sky with an evil aura, and then were caught in the hands of the projection clone.

The sound of'chi chi' is endless, and a large amount of black smoke is gushing out from the projection clone of the **** of dawn. The souls of these half-dragons are being dispelled from all evil forces, dispelling all memories, and turning into the purest souls. The power of the source was sucked away by the **** of dawn.

Suddenly, a dazzling white divine light descended from the sky. This white beam of light exuding awe-inspiring might suddenly poured into Lin Qi’s head, and finally settled in Lin Qi’s sea of ​​spirits and evolved into a glowing white light. , There are several ready-made divine magic patterns looming huge **** of light inside.

Lin Qi looked up at the sky dullly. He suddenly realized how the clergy of the church and the gods he believed in divided the spoils!

This is equivalent to using the souls of half a million half-dragons to make sacrifices. After the **** of dawn collected the soul power of these half-dragons, he generously gave back one-tenth of the power. Benefit to Lin Qi. The divine power of the dawn condensed in this white ball of light is probably equivalent to the full power of the ordinary lower peak demigod!

Lin Qi suddenly understood why the Knights of Punishment in the Temple of Punishment roamed the mainland like mad dogs. Every year, not burning millions of heretics to death is as uncomfortable as a mother! He also understood why the Caesar Empire always habitually went to war with its neighbors, and it was uncomfortable not to fight a large-scale war with its neighbors with millions of casualties after ten years.

He even understood why the foreign races of Wudalian Island and Oding Ice Field always like to expedition across the sea!

For the soldiers in the lower ranks, they are dead. But for those high-ranking clergymen, every soldier who died is not a life, that is a panacea that can immediately improve their strength!

What is power? Power represents longer and longer life span, status, power, wealth, and prosperity!

And the dead soldier can increase his strength! So why not start a war?

Lin Qi only sacrificed half a million dragons. Of course, these half-dragons are much stronger than ordinary humans, and their soul origin power is more than ten times stronger than ordinary humans. But this is only equivalent to the sacrifice of five million ordinary humans, and an ordinary priest can immediately have the power of the demigod's pinnacle!

Those high priests, how can they not be crazy?

Controlling the religious forces of various continents, how many semi-god powerhouses do they have?

Lin Qi looked at the projection clone still floating in the sky, gritted his teeth and roared: "I testify that all soldiers in the city whose skin was burnt to fester are heretics! Great Lord of Morning Light, take their lives!"

Diogo screamed furiously: "You are looking for death! Wann Longshan!"

Countless white lights spilt down, and another half-dragon 500,000 away was slaughtered by the **** of dawn! Facing the power of the gods, what semi-god powerhouse, what saint master, what saint priest, are all scum!

Lin Qi looked at Diogo coldly: "Any more nonsense, I will testify against you!"

Diogo closed his mouth tightly, he knew he was not the opponent of the gods!

Lin Qi looked at Diogo, whose face was blue with anger, and lightly took out a boiled egg and placed it gently in his hand.

"How is it possible? We are old friends. How could I kill you in such a shameless way?"

"So, rest assured, I won't let the great Lord of Dawn hurt your hair!"

"But, we have paid off both, and I will use this boiled egg to buy this chaotic city!"

Diogo opened his mouth to shout, but Lin Qi immediately sneered: "If you don't sell it, I will kill you!"

Diogo was stunned, and then he closed his mouth obediently, and two lines of grievance tears came out of his eyes. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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