Bright Era

Chapter 1626: Money, moving (4)

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Lin Qi nodded earnestly: "It won't be a lot. I can probably provide the potions in these five rings once a month!"

Lin Zhentian and Lin Zhenhai almost squirted out a mouthful of old blood. They stared at Lin Qi angrily, and then grabbed his shoulder: "Can you provide so many potions every month? Are you kidding us playing? One month to provide this. More potions? Every month?"

Lin Qi spread his hands and looked at the two ancestors, and nodded seriously: "I also considered that I would supply all the potion needs of the 15 strongholds of the other families in Odin and the Black Spirit Continent. The supply of that amount has doubled. Then I am in the Western Continent, and I also need a large supply of medicines. I have to consider this part of the quantity."

"Finally, in the material warehouses in the western continent, there must always be some medicines in stock, right? So no matter where a large amount of medicine is suddenly needed, I can dispense medicines from the stock medicines and deliver them."

With a weird smile, Lin Qi said faintly: "So, there can only be so much for my family here every month! But rest assured, give me a few more years, and I will let me supply the herbs and other raw materials. Doubled, I can provide more potions in the future!"

He waved his hand disapprovingly, and Lin Qi smiled relaxedly: "I have money to do things well. Now I have collected a lot of pharmacists and alchemists. As long as there are enough raw materials, they can make more than 100,000 bottles every day. Potion."

Lin Zhentian, Lin Zhenhai, and Lin Zhenshan who had just walked out all looked at Lin Qi with a numb look.

When they first heard that Lin Qi could not provide too many medicines, but only a little, they thought that the medicines Lin Qi took out were all the quantity he had accumulated over the past two years. But even with this amount, it was a huge surprise!

Tiger tribe warriors have thick skin, ordinary skin wounds and fractures, which are not too much damage at all. They basically don't take any medicine, and can heal quickly by relying on their own resilience.

Only those who are severely injured and who are severely wounded and dying have the right to enjoy the medicine.

So when Lin Zhentian and Lin Zhenhai saw the amazing potion storage in these five rings, they were so happy that they almost didn't jump up. So many potions, with the consumption of the Tigers and several other ancient tribes, are enough to be used by each family for more than one year.

But what did this fellow Lin Qi say?

He can provide so many potions every month!

It is not ten years or a year, but so many medicines can be provided every month!

Bastard boy, Lin Zhentian, Lin Zhenhai, and Lin Zhenshan couldn't wait to grab Lin Qi at this time and give his **** fiercely. Gasping for words, you are here to scare the elderly! If there are so many potions every month, with the powerful combat power of the ancient warriors, they can hardly leave the front line and fight those extremist monsters for a long time.

Those severely injured soldiers can heal easily, those severely injured and dying soldiers can be effectively treated, and the number of family casualties can be rapidly reduced. The casualty rate of high-ranking fighters is reduced, and the number of high-ranking fighters will increase, and there will be more and more high-ranking fighters, facing the attack of extremist monsters, their defense power will become stronger and stronger.

As long as this situation lasts for thirty to fifty years, the Twelve Ancient Clan can easily deal with the attacks of those extremis monsters.

What Lin Qi took out was not medicine, but life! It's the lives of a living, the lives of the people of the tribe, the lives of the direct descendants of Lin Zhentian and their ancestors!

Think about the pile of identity tokens in the Tiger Temple. If there were descendants like Lin Qi who could enshrine so many potions from the family, how could they die so easily? If there were so many potions in the family at that time, why did so many people die in battle?

"If my father could have a bottle of god-level at that time, no, if he could have a bottle of saint-level antidote at that time, he wouldn't die under the venom of that nine poisonous scorpion!" Lin Zhentian's eyes became The corners of his eyes suddenly cracked red, and two rows of hot blood and tears shed from him.

"But at that time, I can't find it, I can't find it, I can't find it! Only a quarter of an hour, only a quarter of an hour can save him! But at that time, the entire Tiger Clan couldn't find a bottle of Saint Grade Antidote!"

'Wow~~~', a tiger roar filled with madness and tyranny rose into the sky. Lin Zhentian’s small building was shattered by the roar, and two waterfalls with a width of one thousand meters suddenly stopped flowing and flew endlessly. The waterfall rolled upside down, like two mad dragons rushing into the sky. The huge amount of water rushed up to the height of tens of thousands of meters, then suddenly stopped, and then fell down at the same time.

There was a torrential rain on the entire Tiger Island. Human head-sized drops of water fell from the sky, breaking countless old trees on Tiger Island, and even some beasts in the mountains were beaten to death by this sudden man-made disaster. .

"Lin Punan! Incompetent!" Lin Zhentian said coldly: "This matter must be made known to the Sect Master. Even if it goes up to the ancestors' meeting, whoever dares to touch Lin Qi's hair, don't care about me regardless of the clan rules and prohibitions. Hit him up and down!"

Lin Zhentian went wild, and Lin Zhenhai and Lin Zhenshan were breathing red eyes again and again.

Not only Lin Zhentian, how many elder relatives did they have who died tragically on the battlefield because they did not receive timely treatment during the war with Jeju? Those injuries caused by severed hands and legs are fine. Faced with the weird poison of extremist monsters, all kinds of terrible curses, all kinds of evil and poisonous parasites, etc., there is no powerful potion. How can people of flesh and blood bear it?

Even if they are powerful demigods, they are only demigods, they are still mortal flesh, they are not gods!

What about gods? The gods will still fall, the gods will still be hurt, and the gods will die!

The potion, the potion that Lin Qi brought out, what he brought out was not only some herbs and potions formulated with medicines, but also a chance for all the fighters of the entire Tiger clan to survive on the battlefield! If Lin Qi can really provide so many medicines to the family every month, whoever dares to embarrass Lin Qi, who dares to bully the young and has no foundation, will attack him, he will surely become all the ancients. Common enemy!

At this moment, an indifferent and ruthless voice came from a distance: "That Huangkou boy named Lin Qi, is that you?"

Lin Zhentian and the three frowned at the same time, and at the same time they turned to look in the direction of the sound.

The sky flooded with water, only a few meters in diameter in the air from a hundred meters away was clean, and there was not even a trace of water vapor. An old man with a swollen body and a smooth head, only the sideburns and a circle of silver-white hair on the back of his head, is sitting on a jade dwarf, watching this side quietly.

The old man sat cross-legged on the stone pier, half a head taller than ordinary people. If he stands straight, he is at least nearly four meters tall. But Lin Qi felt that his breath did not smell like a giant or a dwarf. Obviously, his body had become so tall, there must be other reasons.

Lin Zhentian casually put five space rings into his sleeves, and then bowed his hand to the chubby old man: "Sect Master Haiyuan!"

On the swollen face of the chubby old man, the eyes that were squeezed by the fat with only a gap opened slightly, and a very fine glow was swept away, and Lin Qi had a kind of being blocked by a lump of fat. Face, the illusion of being unable to breathe and unable to move.

With a soft cough, Lin Haiyuan, one of the thirteen sect masters of the Tiger Clan’s main clan elders, waved his hand and said faintly: “It’s no need to be polite. I’m here this time and I have something to ask. Lin Qi child , Who gave you the courage to beat up your parents in public?"

Lin Qi sighed helplessly in his heart, this Lin Haiyuan was much better than Nalin Punan.

As soon as Lin Punan showed up, a lot of high hats were put on Lin Qi's head, and he wanted to put Lin Qi to death immediately. But Lin Haiyuan was different. He ignored whether Lin Qi had killed Lin Buhuan, he just pursued Lin Qi for the fault that Lin Bule was electrocuted in public.

Started from an early age, first grabbed Lin Qi's braid, and then slowly weaving Lin Qi Luo other charges, step by step forced Lin Qi to submit, and finally forced Lin Qi, a young Shiqian who has never seen anything in the world. People fall into their control, and then use all kinds of pressure to force Lin Qi into a mental breakdown, and finally torture them step by step to find out what they want. What a perfect plan?

It's a pity that Lin Qi is not such a helpless and innocent young man on the surface!

In the Western Continent, Lin Qi is a hungry wolf who swallows arrogantly. He has accumulated white bones and a sea of ​​blood under his hands. He is not a soft-hearted character. When Lin Qi used this trick, it was a wrong idea.

Showing a trace of jealousy, Lin Qi liedly hid half of his body behind Lin Zhentian, and then sternly shouted at Lin Haiyuan: "What nonsense? When did I hurt the elders of the family? Don't talk nonsense!"

After a slight pause, Lin Qi shouted loudly: "The three ancestors are here, even if you want to detain me, you have to ask the three ancestors if they agree!"

"The charge of buckling indiscriminately?" Lin Haiyuan laughed. He mockingly looked at Lin Qi, who was trembling under the wings of a hen like a little chicken, and shook his head gently: "There is no real evidence, why should I? Will you come here in person? Lin Zhentian, Lin Zhenhai, and Lin Zhenshan, as the family elders, are in charge of the daily affairs of the family, you should know what is the crime of assaulting the same clan?"

"Sect Master Haiyuan, there are other things to care about in this matter!" Lin Zhentian touched the five space rings in his sleeves, and said lightly: "Did Lin Qi hurt that so-called family elder? I can’t listen to you!"

"Oh?" Lin Haiyuan owed his body with great interest, and looked at Lin Qi carefully: "Why do you want to protect this kid like this? Even for him, against the elders and the law enforcement hall? "

Lin Qi coughed slightly, his sleeves shook intentionally or unintentionally, and a dozen fist-sized demigod dragon dragon crystals fell out of his sleeves. As soon as the fiery red dragon crystals fell out, Lin Zhenhai put them in his sleeves.

Lin Haiyuan's face suddenly changed, the dragon dragon crystal, which exudes a high-level half-god aura, is too valuable! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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