Bright Era

Chapter 1727: Ancient people Seiki (3)

The intensive sound of horse hooves tore open the dull and suffocating rain curtain, and the rangers from the two squadrons rushed in. These rangers are the "Quick Response Cavalry" newly formed after Blackbeard came to power. Although they are under the control of the Longshan Empire Security Department, like the Berrily Dragoons, their equipment and mounts are all reloaded. The specifications of the field cavalry are prepared.

The rangers of the two squadrons are riding unicorn wild horses from the northernmost part of the mainland with Warcraft blood. They are wearing alloy plate armor weighing two hundred jin, and they are allotted heavy horse-cutting swords and three-meter long spears. The daily security of the district is the mobile force, but each of their soldiers has the power of a status knight, and their two squadron captains have stepped into the sky with one foot.

Such a powerful force rode to the dock area, and the faces of the church soldiers on the merchant ship immediately became extremely ugly.

They had just joined the church army, and Thames didn't have a copper in his hands. The large and small churches of the Longshan Empire did their best to make each of these newly formed soldiers have a sword. The uniforms on them are only used to distinguish their identities, but they have no actual defense.

Faced with heavy cavalry wearing heavy armor and armed with sophisticated rune epees and rune spears, two squadrons of more than two hundred heavy cavalry will be able to wipe out the church army of land rogues led by Matt. .

"Hey, you can figure it out, we are the clergy of the Temple of Dawn!" Matt watched the storm, standing motionless on the pier, staring at his heavy cavalry with sullen eyes, his body subconsciously. Shivered. After all, he is just a rogue who lives in the dock area, and his strength barely reaches the lower rank!

Just seven days ago, he saw that the copper hats on patrol had to pretend to be grandchildren, and the feet holding these copper hats would slap their horses to survive. Even if he went to the church's Gao Zhi'er seven days later, he was still full of fear for the bronze hat and the rangers who represented the official power of the Longshan Empire.

The leader of a Ranger squadron who led his troops to aid his troops said in a loud voice: "Shut up, leave the merchant ship, and hand over the murder weapon! Otherwise, we will launch an attack, and all losses caused will be compensated by you in full!"

These heavy-armored and powerful Rangers are all elites who have entered the Fifth Abyss and have been in a dragon blood bath. They signed the magic contract, they were loyal to Lin Qi, and they were fearless to anyone except Lin Qi. They were ordered by Blackbeard to maintain law and order in Vias Port, so they would not have any fear or hesitation.

Ordinary copper hats and rangers may still dare not really play heavy hands because of these rogue identities, but these heavy armored rangers have nothing to fear. As long as they launch an offense, they dare to really kill Matt these **** on the spot.

Standing under the shelter of a closed fish shop on the dock, Lin Qi quietly watched the scene before her. He glanced emphatically at the church soldiers who were struggling and wailing under the merchant ship gangway, with strangely twisted arms on their arms. Obviously before Lin Qi arrived, these church soldiers and the bronze hats had already clashed, which is why a large number of bronze hats and rangers kept coming.

"These guys who lead the team are not bad. They stand firm. When they go back, they will be promoted to their officials!" Lin Qi nodded in satisfaction: "But these church guys are really a headache! A group of rogues, suddenly With unrestricted power and a backing that the secular imperial power can't resist, these guys must give a good lesson!"

Slowly raising his right hand, a scorching breath began to condense in the palm of Lin Qi's palm. The raindrops within a few feet of Lin Qi's palm evaporated, and the heat flow caused the falling rain to evaporate into white steam at the same time. At this moment, the towering lighthouse in Vias Harbor suddenly flashed an urgent signal representing the state of emergency, and at the same time a white light that was a hundred times stronger than usual lased from the lighthouse and directed towards the far sea.

Covered by a rain curtain, a few huge fireballs suddenly rose into the air on the already turbulent sea, and then burst into the air thousands of meters above the ground. Lin Qi's eyes widened in astonishment, and his body suddenly floated up into the air hundreds of meters above the ground.

"It's so kind! In this kind of hurricane, there are ships on the way? Even a demigod would not dare to compete with hurricanes on the ocean! Who knows what monsters from the deep sea will be attracted by hurricanes? They are simply too Seed!"

The beam of light on the lighthouse became more dazzling, and the magic array pattern on the surface of the lighthouse exuded a dazzling brilliance. Obviously, a large number of magic elements were constantly being injected into the glowing magic array in the lighthouse. The beam of light that has been enhanced a hundred times, even in such a harsh climate, is enough to allow ships hundreds of miles away to see the existence of Vias Port and guide them in the right direction.

A rude voice came from the lighthouse: "Damn it! I don't care if you are from the church or from the city hall! This is the port, and he-mother-have to follow the rules of the port! There are boats at sea, look. Go up and they got into big trouble! Who dares to violate the rules of the sea and make trouble in the port area at this time, just wait for it to look good!"

The predecessor of the Longshan Empire, the Vias Commercial Federation was founded on commerce, and shipping has accumulated countless wealth for the entire country.

Therefore, the port's position in this country is very important, and maritime rules are often enough to replace the laws of the secular world! When a ship enters the port, even if it is an enemy with bloodstains and annihilation, it will not cause trouble in the port area at this terrible time!

Otherwise these troublemakers will become the enemy of the entire country, because they destroy the source of the country's economy!

Matt stayed for a while, then he roared angrily: "The great dawn is here!"

The violent voice roared angrily: "Damn Matt, if you dare to say a word of nonsense, I will interrupt your father's dog legs! That **** old drunkard, why didn't he treat you when you were just born? Suffocated in the pit!"

Matt opened his mouth wide, and then he spread his hands helplessly. The church soldiers next to him bowed their heads and walked down the gangway in despair. The copper hats and the rangers on the pier showed sneer smiles, and the ‘joking’ smile watched these guys leave the quay area dingy.

The sound of ‘ta-ta’ hooves came, and the donkey carried two black rabbits on its back, penetrating the rain screen like a ghost and came to Lin Qi.

"I'm ready to have a full meal!" The donkey complained helplessly: "But why don't these guys fight?"

Lin Qi looked at the rolling sea in the distance, muttering in a deep voice: "This is the port's rules, donkeys, not only in Vias, but also in Dunelker! When the hurricane hits, When there is a ship just entering the port for refuge, no one is allowed to make trouble at this time!"

Lin Qi took a deep breath of the strong wind with a strong smell of sea, and sighed deeply: "I like this kind of rules, because I grew up in this kind of rules! The rules belong to the sea! Even if I already have them. With enough power to crush all the rules, I still feel that these good rules must be followed!"

"I fully agree with this sentence!" The urn of the Temple of the Doomsday Apocalypse said with an anguish: "Many rules must be followed, such as the highest standards we abide by and other prohibitions! But there are **** special cases, such as two despicable Shameless, dirty rabbit!"

"It has nothing to do with me!" The sweet-scented osmanthus tree waved its long rhizome lightly: "I am also a person who obeys the rules! But those two rabbits! I always think that their brains should be broken by others, otherwise , As my subordinates, they shouldn't be like this!"

At this moment, Lin Qi heard a strange noise.

Several huge waves nearly a hundred meters high on the sea were smashed by violent forces. A giant sea boat was made of huge animal bones, showing a terrible blue-white color. The huge sea ship surrounded by evil wind and evil spirits'staggered. ''S rushed through the huge waves and appeared on the sea off Vias Port.

This sea ship has a hideous and mighty shape. There are seven huge monsters hanging on the bow. These giant skulls have been refined with powerful necromantic magic. The eye holes and big mouth of the skulls are constantly spraying. A series of ghost fires and winds rushed away from the waves in front of them.

And on each of the bones that were pieced together, there were dense necromantic spells shining, and these spells made the already bruised ship still barely floating on the surface. Just what Lin Qi saw was that the hull of this huge sea ship, which was nearly 800 meters long, was pierced with more than 20 huge holes. Some scales of unknown origin were stuck in the vicinity of the holes, and a large amount of sea water was constantly flowing. Pour into the cabin.

Fortunately, this sea ship was built with hollow monster bones. Fortunately, this sea ship was densely covered with countless magic runes. This caused this ship to be severely damaged. All the masts were broken, and the stern ship continued to be shattered. Floating on the sea.

A row of horizontal waves roared in, pushing the hull of the ship heavily against the first breakwater outside the port.

Lin Qi's eyes widened, and he said in a deep voice, "Aha, if they don't have a good captain at the helm, this boat will be over!"

The donkey turned to look at Lin Qi: "Why can't the breakwater be finished? This boat is big and strong, but the breakwater..."

The donkey suddenly closed his mouth and didn't say a word again, because while he was talking, Vias Port stretched for hundreds of miles, and the first breakwater tens of meters high was suddenly coated with a faint yellow halo. The breakwater built with black boulders suddenly became radiant, like a golden mountain lying in front of the port.

The huge sea ship slammed into the breakwater, and the magic enchantment on the breakwater shook slightly. The body of the heavily damaged sea ship made a terrible cracking sound. The ship's keel made of three giant sea dragon vertebrae split at the same time. One of the ships broke into three pieces at the same time. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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