Bright Era

Chapter 1845: Terrible Masters (4)

Without the slightest hesitation, the man slowly nodded: "Not only that, but I am also a member of the Tiger tribe with the purest blood line. Other leaders and elders who can have a place in this power hall We, they must all be members of the pure blood of the Twelve Ancient Races. Other people, such as some mixed-race children born out of accidents, do not even have the qualifications to know that the ruler will exist."

With a sneered sneer, the man said lightly: "For example, the Dunerker Black Tiger family, in history, due to some mistakes, there have been some hybrids who should not exist, and they are hybrids with strong ambitions. They are. The end of the game was that their ashes were spilled into the North Sea of ​​the Western Continent. Dear Xiaolin Qi, do you understand?"

Lin Qi only felt a burst of cold sweat oozing out of his heart. He stared at the man, gritted his teeth and asked, "So, in the Black Tiger family..."

The man’s laughter was gentle: "Yes, Xiao Lin Qi, my child, within the Black Tiger family, that is, among your immediate elders, there are also members of our ruling association. And some of them are qualified to sit here. In the hall of power, because they have made a lot of credit for the master."

After a long silence, Lin Qi asked his second question: "What can I get after joining the Dominion Council? For example, my main territory is in the Western Continent and the Black Spirit Continent. If I want to develop my own power, What can I get?"

The man patted Lin Qi on the shoulder lightly and nodded approvingly: "Yes, if you don't ask this question, I would think you are too stupid. The dominance will be an organization that pays attention to practical interests. If not, If there are enough benefits and not enough help for our members, who will join the dominion?"

After pondering for a moment, the man said calmly: "Do you have a territory in the Western mainland? That is the best. We are in the Western mainland churches and belong to our staff. Now there are twelve active church elders, and the cardinals with real power are red. Twenty-seven Archbishops of Yishenguan, 82 Cardinals, other low- and middle-level clergy, we don’t bother to pay attention to so many, there are too many."

"These people can be your help, you can get their contact information, and you can mobilize them to get some convenience for you without revealing their existence."

"In addition to the church, in the Shenyin Clan in the Western Continent, we have our own power among the 17 clans. If converted into absolute strength, our total strength within the Shenyin Clan in the Western Continent is about seven. All the belongings of a Shenyin family."

"In the Gaul Empire, the Longshan Empire, the Great Yan Dynasty, and those nobles who were forced to go into exile recently, we still have a large number of people. They don't even know that they are serving us, but they were thousands of years ago. His ancestors are actually our servants. These insignificant little nobles can be handed over to you."

"On the outside of the Western Continent, if you need to have some influence on the Western Continent from the outside, we have placed 28 great witches and 17 great witches in the Odin Temple, large and small priests. The total number of personnel and temple guards is more than 100,000. Our power in the Odin Temple is much stronger than that in the church, because the orcs have cruel temperaments and simple minds. It is easier to buy and control them."

"Even now among the three great royal families of the orcs, an incumbent orc emperor owns it... Well, although I don’t want to expose such unglamorous things, the orc emperor was supported by us, his Within the body, there is a trace of blood from the tiger, lion and fox tribes. We have infiltrated the orc royal family for 8,000 years before allowing this young and promising child to ascend the orc throne."

Lin Qi only felt that his heart was chilling, Wannian's penetration, and Wannian's management. Is this the potential power to dominate the club?

Compared with the Domination Society, the Hermit Society of Queshan which Mr. Mo once had was a joke. The Fallen Temple that is also making waves in the dark world of the Western Continent? Perhaps Fallen Temple can compete with the Domination Society in the Western Continent, but outside the Western Continent, the strength of the Fallen Temple is not at all an opponent of the Dominion Society.

‘June’, the terrorist force he possesses is worthy of his arrogant name.

"In Odin Icefield, we still have a lot of hidden powers, but these powers are unconventional forces, even we will not easily use them, you have no right to summon them, so I will not explain to you Who owns."

"On the mainland bridge, in the desert temple and grassland temple, nearly half of the clergy are ours!"

With a soft smile, the man said gently: "In other words, the actual power of the desert temple and the steppe temple is in our hands. Although the steppe hyena Haran Galdi seems to have discovered some strange signs ——After all, our power in these two temples is too large, so there are some things, it is inevitable to leave a little clue."

Shrugging his shoulders, the man continued: "Although Haran Galdi tried his best to use the power of the two temple elders to purify the clergy of the two temples, more than a fifth of their elders The three elders came from the Shahu family, the Shenli family and the Flying Snake family. Haran Galdi can be regarded as a generation of heroes, but it's a pity that he can't sing alone!"

Lin Qi only felt chills all over his body. In this way, the two major temples of the Continental Bridge were completely controlled by the Master. No wonder Sha Xinyue could easily become a leftover girl in the desert temple and become a temple. The Lord’s most favored disciple--or, simply, that the hall master was a member of the Lord’s Council, and Sha Xinyue didn’t even know the truth.

"By the way!" The man put his hands in his sleeves, and said faintly: "Recently, the Blood Qin Empire attacked the mainland bridge, and the desert temple and the grassland temple were losing streak, not because of their lack of strength, but we are intentionally facing The two great temples are being cleaned. Haran Galdi wants to cleanse our people, so we use the power of the Blood Qin Empire to cleanse the most pious followers of the two hapless gods."

"After the Blood Qin Empire completely occupy the mainland bridge, it is estimated that there will be only our people in the two great temples. At that time, the two gods who don't know life and death, and their sub-gods, no matter what we say, They will believe in anything. At that time, we will have two major gods and a group of upper gods, middle gods and lower gods as thugs."

Lin Qi only felt the gloom on her knees. Sha Xinyue's amazing experience of ascension in the desert temple made Lin Qi marvel at the terrible invasion of the desert temple by the Shahu family. But now it seems that it is not just a family behavior of the Shahu clan, but a collective action that dominates the club.

Among the twelve ancient tribes, the three major families known for their powerful magic power have joined forces to infiltrate thousands of years, even tens of thousands of years, it is strange that the desert temple and the grassland temple do not fall!

In addition, in the Blood Qin Empire, the important officials around Ying Zheng are also members of the Domination Council. In other words, the current war on the Continental Bridge that kills tens of thousands of people every day is basically dominating A good show that will be self-directed and acted!

It's just a big purge for devout followers of the gods of desert and steppe!

Maybe it won’t take long for Lin Qi to hear the news that Haran Galdi, the first disciple of the God of the Steppe, died in battle, right? And Lin Qi dared to swear with his **** that once Haran Galdi died in battle, the two temples would fall into the hands of the dominion society, and the elders of the two temples would immediately make peace with the Blood Qin Empire. The Prairie Temple will become the guardian deity of the Blood Qin Empire in the future? Who said it was impossible?

With the huge national power of the Xueqin Empire, coupled with the power of the two great temples, it might be as powerful as the Tianmiao, and it would be difficult to sleep and eat.

Although wearing a strange mask of ghosts and gods, Lin Qi could still feel the gentle smile of the man behind the mask. The man put his hands on his back and looked at Lin Qi quietly. After a long time, he said gently: "Join the Domination Club, as long as you are willing to use your power to help other members of the Domination Club, then you can get me. The full help of those forces just mentioned."

Opening his mouth, Lin Qi looked at the head of the meeting who had just ignited the flames: "I apologize deeply for the conflict with the king."

The head of the conference nodded slowly: "You killed the king, killed 100,000 elite black centaurs, and killed so many people from the Nangong family, the Yin family, and the Wang family. You must dominate in the future. It will replenish considerable power... Well, according to the rules of the dominator, three years as a period, every three years, the interest will be increased by 30%. In other words, if you dominate after three years, you will replenish this loss if..."

Lin Qi nodded: "An army equivalent to the elite black centaur, I need to add 130,000 people! Others and so on!"

The eleven heads of the meeting nodded at the same time, and they said in unison: "This is the rule that governs the meeting. Benefits are paramount and mutual benefit!"

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi laughed: "Then, I desperately hope to join the Domination Council! Well, what ceremony should be held?"

The meeting leaders who ruled the meeting stood up one after another. The man who was standing in front of Lin Qi stepped back a few steps, and the three meeting leaders with powerful magical fluctuations all walked towards Lin Qi slowly. One of them said indifferently: "Relax your spirits and don't have any resistance. This is just a small restriction so that you will not harm the interests of the governing society. Besides, we will not do you any harm."

Lin Qi was silent for a while, and said in a low voice, "Soul restriction?"

The head of the meeting patiently explained to Lin Qi: "It is not a unilateral ban on your soul, but a fair soul contract. You become a member of the governing society, you have not divulged the secrets of the governing society, and you have not destroyed the interests of the governing society. , Without maliciously killing the companions of the Dominion Council, we cannot cause any harm to you, otherwise our soul will be wiped out before you."

"But if you violate the rules of the Domination Council, then you must be severely punished!"

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi said cautiously: "Then, please swear by the three of you for the first time that you will not use that kind of mandatory slave contract against me!"

The three leaders laughed at the same time, and they simultaneously issued extremely serious and terrifying soul oaths.

Lin Qi nodded in relief. He let go of his mind, and a powerful soul that was thousands of times stronger than ordinary people rose from the top of his head. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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