Bright Era

Chapter 1850: Welcome to join (4)

Look at Da Hei Diao’s simple face, look at his unpretentious thick lips, look at his big bald head with a straightforward air from his scalp, Lin Qi suddenly showed a bright smile. . "Young man, really a strong young man! And a very blessed young man! Big Black Eagle, what weapon do you like to use?"

Lin Qi enthusiastically looked at the **** eagle who was three heads higher than himself, his eyes narrowed with a smile.

The **** eagle looked at Lin Qi, stepped back a little instinctively, and then said with an urn sound: "Daggers, javelins, and impact shields. The heavier the better, especially for impact shields. I like to have curved horns and horns. , At least two thousand catties."

Lin Qi smiled more brilliantly. In front of so many old Lei Peng sons, Lin Qi drew out a heavy sacrificial dagger. A set of six swords is no more than one meter long, but each one is heavy. A magic javelin with a size of 100 jin, and a side of less than three feet in diameter, with a cone-shaped spiral collision angle in the center. The sharp collision angle is inscribed with 36 curses, including weakness, paralysis, tearing, bleeding, A round heavy shield with powerful runes such as poison.

This shield is only half an inch thick, but weighs a full eight thousand catties, and is a solid medium-grade sacrificial artifact-level holy shield.

Old Lei Peng knew the goods, and as a great chief in the north-central part of the Black Spirit Continent, he naturally recognized the value of this shield. Taking a deep look at this round shield, Old Lei Peng grinned open. Before Lin Qi could speak, he grabbed the **** eagle's hand: "Dear **** eagle, hurry up and thank Master Lin Qi. Ah, what a gift, Master Lin Qi is a generous person, you must remember his friendship."

Before Lin Qi could speak, Old Lei Peng smiled and snatched the shield, javelin and dagger from Lin Qi's hand, and put them into the hands of the **** eagle. Lin Qi shrugged his shoulders and smiled at the **** eagle, "Well, **** eagle, good boy, this is yours! This is Lin Qi... a gift from Uncle!"

Speaking of the word "uncle", Lin Qi felt a little bored, but seeing the jealous eyes of the other sons around Old Lei Peng and the bulging veins on their foreheads, Lin Qi felt extremely happy.

Enthusiastically said something to the shameful **** eagle, and contacted the feelings, Lin Qi gently patted the **** eagle's arm, and let the excited little guy go and play with his new equipment. Up. With the strength of the pinnacle of the Great Black Eagle Heaven, these three pieces of equipment can at least increase his combat effectiveness by at least ten times.

Old Lei Peng drove his sons far away, then smiled and nodded to Lin Qi: "My elder, too generous!"

Lin Qi squinted at old Lei Peng. This tall and thin old guy smiled like a fox who just stole an old hen. Seeing his proud smile, Lin Qi couldn't help but want to hit him. "I am very generous. As long as I am willing to be my friend, I will let him get countless benefits and benefits. Well, your son, the **** eagle, is interested in being the emperor of the Black Spirit Empire?"

The old Lei Peng with a nice smile suddenly twitched his body and almost fell to the ground unsteadily. He looked at Lin Qi almost in horror, as if he didn't understand what Lin Qi was talking about for a while.

In the final analysis, although the old Lei Peng is a great chief, he is always only a rich man in the Black Spirit Continent. You said that he is planning to annex the neighbor’s property, occupy the neighbor’s land, and forcibly plunder the neighbor’s precious daughter. These things He is very familiar with it. But if he wants to revolt, this is far beyond the psychological endurance of this rich native.

Old Lei Peng knew in his heart that although he was considered powerful in the north-central part of the Black Spirit Continent, the Black Spirit Continent was vast, not to mention the core of the Black Spirit Continent, near the spider swamp, the venomous swamp, the spider mother Ze, the serpent hills, etc. Those powerful and ancient tribes in the core area, in the middle part of the Black Spirit Continent, are not without large tribes with a population of hundreds of millions.

The inheritance of that kind of big tribe is more than ten thousand years, a big tribe is divided into dozens of dozens of branch tribes living on the verge, but when something happens, the big chief of the big tribe gives an order, and hundreds of millions of people gather to attack. Compared with such a big tribe, his Lei Peng tribe is just a junior.

To be the emperor? To be the emperor of the Black Spirit Empire? It sounds wonderful, but the reality is terrifying.

"Are you kidding me?" Old Lei Peng was crying.

Lin Qi looked at Old Lei Peng in surprise. He said solemnly: "The three pieces of equipment are what I am going to give to the new emperor of the Black Spirit Empire. You hurriedly snatched these three pieces of equipment, of course the Big Black Eagle , Must, must be the emperor of the Black Spirit Empire!"

He patted the old Lei Peng **** the shoulder, and Lin Qi smiled and said, "Don’t worry, I’ll do something, don’t worry! The **** eagle must be the Black Spirit Empire, the emperor of the newly born Black Spirit Empire, no one can grab it. Take his throne!"

Old Lei Peng opened his mouth. He suddenly wanted to kneel on the ground and hold Lin Qi's leg to beg him for mercy, begging Lin Qi to let him go to Lei Peng tribe. But he quickly remembered Lin Qi's identity as a whole larger class higher than himself in the Domination Council, and remembered the terrorist power and power represented by this identity. Old Lei Peng closed his mouth with a frown, his head drooping and he dared not say anything.

Soon, old Lei Peng felt a bit of luck again in his heart. Maybe, maybe, it can really happen?

Dominating the club, behind Lin Qi is the mysterious and powerful dominating club! If you can get the support of the Lord's Association, then the **** eagle, his favorite young son, and the youngest son blessed by King Flame Leopard, should be able to become the emperor?

If the son becomes the emperor, it will be easier to embezzle the possessions of several nearby tribes!

Thinking of this, the old Lei Peng laughed again. He looked at Lin Qi enthusiastically, followed behind Lin Qi step by step, thinking about how to cooperate with Lin Qi in order to truly make his son. The plan to become the emperor of the Black Spirit Empire.

Lin Qi pretended not to see Old Lei Peng's twisted and tangled face, and walked forward with a smile. In the distance, a few more flagpoles came slowly towards this side, and the chiefs of the other large tribes of black spirits that would be supported by the ruler also brought people over in person.

In the next ten days, more and more black spirit chiefs, elders and wizards came to Black Pearl Harbor with teams. The courageous chiefs came in person, and the timid also sent the elders and wizards of their tribe as representatives. With the oracle of the spider demon Ji Xie Lisi, some tribes hesitating about whether to send people to come, including those in the core of the Black Spirit Continent, which inherited the ancients and are called the "Beginning Tribe". , And there are representatives who came to Black Pearl Harbor from all the way.

Lin Qi also saw the strength of the Black Spirit Continent again.

The representatives of these black spirit tribes are all demi-gods. The guarding demigods and holy realms around them are not a few, and the weakest fighters accompanying them all have the strength close to the heavens. It can be seen that the free and unrestrained Black Spirit Continent is different from the Western Continent. There is no unified religious force to restrain the secular power. It is not like the church, which persecutes most of the holy realms and demigods to enter the church for meditation.

Moreover, for countless years, the Western Continent has often broken out foreign wars, and wars with Odin Ice Field and Continental Bridge have always occurred every ten years. Therefore, the Celestial Warriors in the Western Continent suffered heavy casualties, but there is too much peace here in the Black Spirit Continent. There has not been a major conflict between the tribes in so many years, so the number of demigods and holy realms here is of course large, the middle and lower levels The power of heaven and status is even more amazing.

Lin Qi once estimated that the number of celestial warriors in the entire Western Continent would definitely not exceed 100,000, but in the Black Spirit Continent, this number far exceeds the number of Western Continents. Otherwise, the Black Spirit Empire has been tossing in the Black Spirit Continent for so many years, and it would not be easily defeated by the indigenous coalition forces gathered by Wang Zong. It is true that the personal combat power of these Black Spirits is too strong, Wang Zong’s command It's too abnormal.

Without further ado, in short, on a bright sunny noon, Lin Qi finally summoned all the representatives of the tens of thousands of black spirit tribes who came to Black Pearl Harbor in an assembly hall built with earth magic. A big gathering was held that could determine the future direction of the Black Spirit Continent.

For countless years, the large and small tribes of the Black Spirit Continent have never been as complete as this time. Except for some of the roads are really far away, or the strength is too poor, the tribe in the clan does not even have a small tribe that accepts the oracle. All the tribes with faces and faces sent representatives.

Standing on the high platform in the middle of the venue, Lin Qi saluted the countless Black Spirit representatives who were wearing various animal skins, straw skirts, and strange costumes.

"Today is a good weather, so I won't talk about gossip, everyone's time is precious!"

"First, I came with friendship and I brought peace to everyone! I hereby declare that the Black Spirit Empire that once invaded the Black Spirit Continent, that is, the Black Spirit Empire represented by the Black Pearl Harbor around you, It is a completely illegal and evil country. From the moment I said this, the Black Spirit Empire ceased to exist! He is finished!"

Most of the representatives of the Black Spirits didn't say anything, what the Black Spirit Empire, many of them had not even heard of this name.

The Black Spirit Empire is only making waves on the northern frontier of the Black Spirit Continent. Their power does not even extend to the north-central area where Old Lei Peng is located, let alone those more southern and distant tribes. Although the Black Spirit Empire does a lot of evil in the Black Spirit Continent, to be honest, their influence is really limited.

Lin Qi looked at the indifferent Black Spirit representatives in a bit of embarrassment, spread his hands helplessly, and then sighed deeply.

After grabbing King Scorpion King, Lin Qi snarled in a low voice, "If you want to have a meal at night, just make these guys more obedient for me!"

King Jin Xie jumped off Lin Qi's palm, screamed to the sky, and then quickly expanded to hundreds of meters in length. The golden scorpion king, who was full of gold and blue light, screamed: "People of the Black Spirit Continent, I am the noble king of the golden scorpion, your god! Aha, dear children, you must have received the **** of Xie Lisi Encyclical!"

"This little guy standing next to me is very reliable. You can trust him because he is our own!"

"Okay, listen to him now, what he wants you to do, do what you do!" (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations, monthly tickets, and your support Is my biggest motivation.)

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