Bright Era

Chapter 1852: The Peep of Goddess (2)

After pondering for a while, Lin Qi shook his head: "You will make the remaining rules and regulations of the empire! The real power of the empire is also in our hands as much as possible. Then, form a standing army and select a group from each tribe. The elite formed a standing army. Armed, bathed in dragon blood, signed a soul contract, and then held it in our hands."

After squinting his eyes, Lin Qi said coldly: "I will return to the Longshan Empire with the body of'Wan En Longshan'. There is still a good show waiting for me to arrange it. Make it cleaner here. Create a situation where the Black Spirits suddenly unite, defeat the Longshan Empire to aid the army, and take away all the church troops and the Black Spirit slaves."

Mr. Mo looked at Lin Qi in amazement: "All the church troops are thrown into the Black Spirit Continent."

Lin Qi nodded slowly: "This group of rascals of the church army, I don't have such a kind heart to treat them well. Use potions and dragon blood to strengthen them as much as possible, even if they suffer a bit. Wait for them. When the strength is improved, it will be secretly sent back to the Western Continent through the Abyss World, and I will keep them useful."

Alsa and Mr. Mo nodded slowly, and remembered all the things Lin Qi had ordered.

The King Scorpion on the side is still yelling about the importance of establishing the Black Spirit Empire, and all the Black Spirit chiefs, elders and wizards are worshipping King Scorpion religiously. There were even some bold wizards cautiously approaching King Jin Scorpion, collecting the saliva and the ‘tears’ he ticked down.

This is the body fluid secreted from the gods, maybe it can have the magical effect of the flesh and bones of the dead. Any wizard who was courageous enough to get to the King Scorpion's side, and successfully got the juice, couldn't close his mouth with a smile.

In a poisonous quagmire more than a thousand miles away, a huge green toad and a hundred-meter-long silver centipede lay lazily in the mud, tilting their heads from time to time to listen to the yelling of King Scorpion .

"The King Scorpion doesn't know what weird things are doing. A while ago, didn't he have a fight with those white-skinned monkeys?"

"Ah, it doesn't matter to us? The mother of spiders rushed away, but it seems that the white-skinned monkeys have not been killed! The mother of spiders said nothing. In this case, this matter is nothing to care about! Well, last night I It tastes good to eat a one-horned rhinoceros!"

"I have no feeling for that kind of thick-skinned beasts. I like to eat the flame bee, the size of a water tank, one with one tongue rolled, it is delicious!"

The two big guys joked in the mud, and they were asleep for so many years that they didn’t know how to calculate. They finally recovered a little bit of vitality. They rolled in the mud and moved around with the old guy they knew. How happy is this? But don't be like the big idiot of King Scorpion, running there and yelling at a group of black-skinned monkeys, that would be really embarrassing and home.

This guy really doesn't know, are there so many old men who have just recovered from their sleep, all staring at his weird actions? This guy, his head was really broken in the battle of God, what is it doing so yelling?

With a ‘click’, a docked baboon with a height of nearly 100 meters and a golden retriever swayed in the huge tropical jungle. From time to time, he turned his ears to the place where King Scorpion yelled and listened for a while, then he spit on the ground fiercely.

"This guy, his brain is really broken! Now that he is awake, he doesn't hurry up to eat and drink, find a female baboon for a few nights, give birth to a group of baboon cubs, what is he tossing about there? Oh, wrong, He doesn’t like female baboons, female scorpions? It’s so pitiful, there is only one scorpion among us, there are two spiders, but, ah, mother of spiders?"

The big baboon smiled very strangely, and then he looked around carefully for a while, lest the spider mother in his mouth would suddenly jump out from somewhere.

At the same time, everywhere in the Black Spirit Continent, there were such huge poisonous insects, beasts, and birds whispering to blame the King Scorpion's roar and disturbing dreams. And in more incomparably secret nests, some of the Primordial creatures with broken bodies were completely awakened from the half-drowsy state by the roar of the King Scorpion King.

The huge Black Spirit Continent, when the King Scorpion yelled like this, it actually gave people the illusion that the entire continent had suddenly come to life.

A few young men and women who wore ordinary Western mainland aristocratic robes and were speeding toward the Black Spirit Continent with a magic frisbee suddenly stopped the magic frisbee under their feet. They looked at the Black Spirit Continent thousands of miles ahead with great dread, and then turned away without saying a word.

"It's terrible! How can so many mindless things suddenly wake up?"

"Really, it's too scary. I felt at least Sandao and Master Chenxi's breath."

"I, I also felt a more terrifying aura than Master Chen Xi! What the **** is that? It seems that this aura is a little familiar, very terrifying, very terrifying! Maybe the few adults now can't deal with him, only, only. ..."

"Shut up! It's all your fault! We should have come to the Black Spirit Continent a month ago to find out what happened here! But what about you? One by one just focused on eating, drinking and having fun, and it took so long! Let's go back, how can we deal with each other?"

The group of people were silent, they kept looking back at the Black Spirit Continent, which was gradually enveloped in dense fog, in a panic, then bowed their heads and fled back to the Western Continent with the fastest speed. The magic frisbee under their feet was continuously injected with too strong divine power, and this magic frisbee continued to emit dazzling fire, and it was about to be completely destroyed.

Lin Qi, who was explaining these things to Mr. Mo and Alsa, suddenly turned his head, frowning and looking at the northern sky.

There are several low-strength gods approaching, the lower level, and it seems that the aura is not very stable, and their bodies have more human characteristics. Putting it all together, they might be able to show the strength of a true lower-level lower-level **** at 60%, right?

Of course, this strength is enough to run wild in the world, and ordinary demigods can only be massacred when they encounter them.

But what are these guys doing in the Black Spirit Continent? And when there was more than a thousand miles away from the Black Spirit Continent, they suddenly fled back as if they had seen the undead. What did they mean? However, it seems that the aura of the Black Spirit Continent has indeed undergone a strange change?

Lin Qi frowned, carefully spreading his spiritual power to the depths of the Black Spirit Continent. Then his face suddenly changed. The Black Spirit Continent was already covered by a thick mist that gushed from deep underground. This layer of mist does not exist in the naked eyes of ordinary people, and even the mental power of ordinary wizards cannot perceive it. it.

But in the spiritual power released by the spirit, this layer of fog is like a city wall, clearly circled a block of land, dividing the entire Black Spirit Continent into tens of thousands of different areas, large and small.

Among these areas, the largest area is the Spider Mother Ze where the Spider Mother is located and other areas. These areas surrounded by smoke are at least 100,000 miles away, which is much larger than the other small areas. Up.

After swallowing dryly, Lin Qi also felt this strange breath of life suddenly emerging from the Black Spirit Continent. The whole continent seems to come alive suddenly, as if a dry old tree trunk suddenly gave birth to buds, as if a zombie suddenly had a soul, the whole continent was cheering, even the magical elements in the flowing wind around them gradually It's rich.

King Scorpion stopped his yelling, he raised his head in a dream, and looked into the depths of the Black Spirit Continent.

"Yeah? How come those sleepiest guys seem to be waking up too? Haha, a few guys haven't seen each other for a long time. They are still alive. When they wake up, I'm going to get them to fight."

Lin Qi slapped King Golden Scorpion on the tail fiercely, and after a few words, quickly walked towards the gate of Black Pearl Harbor. He wants to return to the Longshan Empire as quickly as possible, and some things that have been brewing must be resolved as soon as possible.

Now that it has been decided to abandon the identity of'Wan En Longshan' and let Lin Qi step onto the front desk as the spokesperson of the dominating club, this is a crucial step for Lin Qi to get rid of the role of the black hand behind the scenes and officially embark on this world stage. Now that several continents are showing signs of great turmoil, if Lin Qi doesn't take this opportunity to make trouble, is he still Lin Qi?

"Great gods, have you thought about buying my bargaining chip?" With a wicked smile, with a monstrous stubbornness, and a trace of the violent and fierce tiger clan warriors, Lin Qida Stepped into the magic teleportation array leading to Longshan Imperial City.

After changing a set of Longshan Empire's court dress, Lin Qi fiddled with his face in the full-length mirror, pretending to be a weird expression of solemnity, sadness, sadness, and anger, and then walked towards with a small golden box. North Korea Hall.

This golden box is the last thing left in the world by the "Wan En Dragon Mountain" made by the Temple of Doomsday Apocalypse for Lin Qi. Dawn's Fury Amulele blew his **** body, and the imitation body that was not very strong was also blown out. Lin Qi could only put two magic rings with good capacity in this small gold box. Serve as the last relic of'Wanen Longshan'. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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