Bright Era

Chapter 1881: Unexpectedly (1)

In the dense black pine forest, each tree is surrounded by several people. The dense pine branches are entangled with each other, and no snow in the sky falls to the ground. Only occasionally, there was a loud ‘click’. After the pine branches were crushed by the snow, a large pile of snow fell heavily on the ground.

A cloud of bitter wind roared through the black pine forest, and a thin layer of black ice formed on the trunk wherever it passed. The self-talk of the Dragon Witch King kept coming from the gust of wind: "Unfortunately, it is inevitable that those undead gods will know my whereabouts. Someone must have colluded with outsiders in the Abyss of Undead. But where are those three guys Came out?"

"Kul Kulun, the dead skeleton, I remember this guy, a very weak, undead servant with a bad character, but he is a **** after all, and the two guys took him away easily. I haven't been to the ground world for too long, so have the strong here already grab a lot of them casually?"

"Damn it, when I come out, I should use divination to calculate the best itinerary for myself."

The Dragon Witch King grumbled, the speed of the gale flying by him was getting faster and faster, that is, within a quarter of an hour, he had passed through this black pine forest that stretched for thousands of miles, from the land of the Longshan Empire, directly to Territory of the Great Yan Dynasty.

Then the wind stopped abruptly, and the Dragon Witch King wearing a black cloak fell heavily into the thick snow.

Lin Qi held a big cigar in his chest, looking at the Dragon Witch King maliciously. After inheriting the priesthood of Scarlet Fury Anuta, Lin Qi mastered the laws of the aurora. He turned into an aurora and flew much faster than the cold wind of the Dragon Witch King. He had been waiting here for a full quarter of an hour, and a big cigar was almost smoked, only to see the Dragon Witch King rushing out of the dense forest.

"Hey, you guys can run really fast!" Hu Xinzhu was holding the unconscious Kurkulun in one hand, gently waving the folding fan, and slowly walked out of the dense forest: "I have a good match, you can run well. It's like a wild dog with its tail on fire, how can it run so fast?"

Lin Qi's face turned black for a while, he glared at Hu Xinzhu fiercely, and then shook his fist threateningly.

Hu Xinzhu immediately closed his mouth. He threw Kul Kulun on the snow, then he did not know where he took out a heavy fine gold ingot, and hit the back of Kur Kulun a dozen times. After the hit, Kurkulun's head almost sank in, and then he stopped his hands in peace. "Let this guy sleep a little longer, don't delay us making good friends!"

A bright moonlight suddenly illuminated most of the black pine forest, and the clear moonlight with a faint mist flowed out of the dense forest like flowing water. Sha Xinyue walked out slowly in this moonlight mist, behind a beautifully shaped long sword with a crescent-shaped hilt exuding gleaming light. She walked to the side of the Dragon Witch King, then touched the hilt of the sword exposed from her shoulder, and smiled gently.

"My sword is just a natal artifact left by my predecessor. In fact, I prefer to use magic, so if you do it with me, be careful of my magic. This sword is just used as a facade."

The Dragon Witch King mumbled depressed: "Little woman, are you confused as I am? A high-grade artifact-level divine sword, you just use it as a facade? Even an ordinary human, he holds a high-grade artifact Slashing on a **** will also hurt that god, not to mention a powerful existence like you."

With a bang, the black cloak of the Dragon Witch King suddenly ignited a black blaze, and his cloak disappeared without a trace in the flame, revealing the original face of the Dragon Witch King. This is a middle-aged man with a tall, straight waist and a strong military spirit in every move.

Perhaps it was because he hadn't seen the sun for too long, and the face of the Dragon Witch King was very pale, but from his long black hair and black eyes, it can be seen that he should have an oriental blood. The only thing that proves that he is different from ordinary people is the two twisted black dragon horns growing on top of his head. The dragon horns densely densely attached with countless divine texts are deep and dark, like a black hole. Lin Qi just glanced at the pair of erlong horns, and felt his eyes swallowed in.

Moving his eyes away, Lin Qi nodded to the Dragon Witch King: "It's a great honor to see you, the Dragon Witch King of the Abyss of the Undead? Your name is even circulated in the Abyss of the Dragon and the Abyss of the Giant. Giant Dragon Chiyan, I heard your name from him!"

The Dragon Witch King squinted his eyes: "Chi Yan? That greedy flame dragon? Well, he has infested the Abyss of the Undead twice, but he didn't take advantage of it twice. Then he fell into a deep sleep. Not coming to the Abyss of Undead."

Putting the cigarette **** in his mouth on the ground, Lin Qi drew a new cigar and held it in his mouth: "So, do you know him? I heard that you built the abyss of the undead with one hand. Still a very weak family of undead, they drove and killed those monsters in the abyss of undead, and then established a huge undead empire there!"

"No!" The Dragon Witch King shook his head again and again: "The Abyss of the Undead has never been an empire, not even a city. It is a completely free and free country belonging to the undead. The Abyss of the Undead is just that we aliens preserve ourselves and survive. The place."

Save yourself, linger? Lin Qi squinted at the Dragon Witch King, his soul swept, two golden lights shot out from his eyes, and instantly enveloped the Dragon Witch King's body. The face of the Dragon Witch King changed, and a white necromantic aura around him spewed out, turning into dozens of distorted undead faces flying around him, blocking Lin Qi's gaze firmly.

Like water and fire, the golden light in Lin Qi's eyes and the white necromantic aura of the Dragon Witch King collided with each other, making a piercing sound of "chichichi". The Dragon Witch King's body trembled for a while, and then he staggered back a step, an abnormal black halo appeared on his face.

"Superior, advanced!" The Dragon Witch King's face became extremely ugly. Although he was already an undead and had no need to breathe at all, he still took a deep breath. With the sound of his inhalation, a terrifying tornado suddenly threw up on the surrounding snowfields, dozens of huge snow tornadoes whizzed up into the sky, and then sealed the void here firmly.

The Void Eye flickered in the high air, and then he didn't feel any strange breath, and he disappeared silently in the air.

"God of the Axor Protoss?" The Dragon Witch King looked at Lin Qi with gloomy eyes. Black dragon scales gradually appeared on his skin, but the nail-sized dragon scales were as crystal clear as crystals. The dragon scales are inlaid with a simple and long-distance divine rune. Soon the dragon witch king's body was completely covered by dragon scales, and his figure gradually swelled to several meters high.

Lin Qi spread his hands, he looked at the Dragon Witch King calmly and said: "It surprised me, too surprised me, the master of the abyss of the undead, the powerful Dragon Witch King, actually possesses the strength of a high-ranking middle-level god? It seems that your power is not complete?"

The Dragon Witch King touched his chest, and then he tore off a piece of his own clothes, revealing a transparent sword mark on his chest: "If it weren't for the Blazing God Lord to injure me, now my strength should be stronger. . You should know the name of God Lord Blazing?"

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu glanced at each other, and they both shook their heads at the same time. Lord Blazing, they had never heard of this name. Perhaps, he was a certain tyrannical existence who fell in the Primordial Gods War, and is a pivotal figure in the Axul protoss, but this name has no meaning to Lin Qi and the others. They have never heard of this person. Any deeds.

With a light cough, Hu Xinzhu kicked Kurkulun's head, who was lying next to him: "It's so pitiful, this guy has infiltrated the Western Continent with all his hardships, and wants to stay here and wait for a rabbit. I didn't expect him to be a giant. Dragon, it's so pathetic!"

The Dragon Witch King coughed a few times, his left hand flickered, and a dragon-head skeleton the size of a bucket appeared in his palm. The dragon head skeleton entangled in the flames exudes a powerful pressure that makes people breathless. This is a strange weapon that is equivalent to a high-grade artifact. His right hand slowly drew a few weird runes in front of him, and the Dragon Witch King muttered in a deep voice: "Death bone Kurkulun, this greedy and stupid fellow, maybe he thinks he can deal with me alone. !"

Shrugging his shoulders, the Dragon Witch King smiled easily: "Because during the Primordial God War, I was hit hard shortly after joining the war, and the strength I showed afterwards was probably only the level of the lower lower gods. So this guy mistook it for me. , I’m just a little bit of strength. But after so many years, I have regained a lot of strength."

Lin Qi nodded, this statement is more reasonable. After all, the death skeleton came a little too abruptly. As a lower god, he went to that remote town and wanted to ambush the Dragon Witch King with upper middle-level strength. Isn't it boring for him to find him? It can only be this explanation of the Dragon Witch King that is reasonable.

"It's really unfortunate!" The Dragon Witch King sighed: "I just left the Abyss of the Undead, and I want to find that person. In the end, I was first betrayed by the scum of the Abyss of the Undead, and then I encountered you three of the Axul protoss. Asshole, it's so unfortunate!"

A **** tiger soul armor emerged from Lin Qi's body, and a roar of a tiger roar inside the simple and murderous blood-colored armor shattered the surrounding snow and turned into tiny water particles that penetrated into the soil. Tu Junaxe turned into a black tiger that was no more than three feet long, slowly crawling out of Lin Qi's palm, and then circled the Dragon Witch King. (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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