Bright Era

Chapter 1884: Unexpectedly (4)

Hu Xinzhu waved his folding fan triumphantly, and raised his head proudly: "Although this sounds like I am eating soft rice, I must say that some people are not even qualified to eat soft rice. Hu Xinzhu was born with a talent, suave, unrestrained and handsome, both civil and military, and a goddess of war. Isn't it a handy one?"

Obviously, the Dragon Witch King's body shook, he patted his head vigorously, and sighed.

After sighing for several times, the spirit of the Dragon Witch King was obviously lowered. He shook his head speechlessly, and then slowly said in an extremely strange tone: "I knew that the goddess of war could be killed by beautiful men. We What did you do so hard to do back then? This is really exactly what I thought I was a handsome man in Yushu and Fengliu. What you kid can do, can't I still do it?"

Hu Xinzhu coughed slightly. He looked at the Dragon Witch King with weird eyes and smiled faintly: "But, you are not as thick as I am!"

Lin Qi was silent, Sha Xinyue was already reddened by the shame of her unreliable brother. The Dragon Witch King looked at Hu Xinzhu blankly for a long time, and then threw Kul Kulun on the ground and gestured with both hands. With two thumbs out, he shook Hu Xinzhu fiercely.

"You, really enough! Hu Xinzhu! I remember you shameless little white face! It's a pity that I don't have that function anymore, but if there is a shameless scum like you in my descendants... After dealing with those goddesses, I will strangle them one by one!"

The Dragon Witch King, who was severely stimulated by Hu Xinzhu's words, was already a bit incoherent. He murmured for a long time, then stomped fiercely, grabbed Kurkulun and left: "Well, Majesty Lin Qi of the Longshan Empire, I am not here to do damage, I am Those who come to find people, find the future leader of our undead abyss, the true leader!"

"So, I will not cause harm to your interests, but you are also the best..."

Before the Dragon Witch King's words were finished, thick blue trees and vines suddenly rushed into the sky in all directions. These cyan tree vines, which are twisted like a giant python, did not emit any power fluctuations. They twisted and grew to a height of nearly a kilometer, and then quickly bent downwards to gather together, weaving them into a diameter of dozens of diameters around Lin Qi and others. Inside, there is a huge tree cage nearly 100 meters high.

A huge divine force pressed down from the top of everyone's heads out of thin air, Lin Qi only felt his body sank, and an extremely complicated grass-green divine formation appeared at the same time under his and other people's feet. Numerous grass stalks thinner than hair sprang out of the sacred formation, entangled Lin Qi and the others like lightning, and immediately tied them like rice dumplings.

Lin Qi tried to struggle. These grass stems looked extremely slender, but the flexibility of each one was amazingly strong. Even though Lin Qi struggled with all his strength, none of these stems broke. Not only that, every time Lin Qi struggles, part of his strength will be sucked away by these thin grass stems, which instead makes these grass stems stronger and stronger.

A series of rapid ‘swish’ shots came from a distance, and countless paths seemed to be only a foot long, about the thickness of little fingers, bright-colored green arrows shot all over Lin Qi and the others. More than 90% of the arrows were shot at the Dragon Witch King, and the remaining 10% was shared by the three of Lin Qi.

Lin Qi's eyes widened in astonishment, and then he stomped his foot fiercely. Suddenly dozens of tornadoes with a fist thickness of several meters high around his body roared out. These tornadoes composed of countless small wind blades surrounded Lin Qi. Rotating rapidly, those arrow shadows rushed in, but they were all swallowed by the tornado, torn apart into a large mess of green light spots.

However, several tornadoes triggered by Lin Qi were also defeated by arrow shadows. One arrow shadow lost its block and shot directly in front of Lin Qi. His body was **** by the grass stalks, and Lin Qi, who had no time to dodge, opened his mouth and bit at the arrow shadow. With a ‘click’, Lin Qi bit the arrow shadow firmly between the two rows of teeth. A sudden surge of pain caused several of Lin Qi’s teeth to be shattered and a lot of blood spurted out of his gums.

The green arrow tore open Lin Qi's big teeth to block it, and shot straight at his throat.

Lin Qi was helpless, he could only shake his body with a wry smile, and suddenly turned into a large aurora and fluttered out, freeing himself from the **** of the grass stem. The green arrow shot through a hazy aurora, and shot backward with a harsh howling sound.

Lin Qi has this kind of response speed and resilience, but Hu Xinzhu and Sha Xinyue are typical magicians. They are delicate and expensive, and they have never encountered such a dangerous attack. Faced with the sudden appearance of the bound **** array and the intensive rain of arrows, the brother and sister were a little dumbfounded.

Before Lin Qi rushed to rescue him, he heard screams constantly. Hu Xinzhu shot out dozens of thin blood flowers at the same time, and he was shot out dozens of miles by a large green arrow. Far away, and then simply nailed by those arrow shadows to the densely lined tree vines.

Sha Xinyue reluctantly recalled her saber, and a moonlight dangled a few arrow shadows, but her fragile defense was quickly defeated by the arrow shadows. Only Sha Xinyue groaned a few times on her body. There were also dozens of points of blood spurting out, just like Hu Xinzhu, she was also shot for dozens of miles, nailed to the vines like a painting.

The siblings turned blue with pain, their bodies convulsed violently, and a lot of blood was constantly flowing out of their bodies. Seeing that their injuries were extremely serious, if they were not rescued in time, they might have fallen. .

Of course, they are now the identity of the upper-level gods, even if the divine body is destroyed, but their divine soul still has a chance to escape back to the realm. But Lin Qi couldn't imagine the expressions of Lu Sijia and Mu Wei, the goddess of war, when they saw that their two goddesses had just left the realm of God, and only the expressions of the gods and souls were left behind.

Not to mention that Hu Xinzhu and Mu Wei are still the kind of male-female relationship that hooks up. Mu Wei, who has a bad temper, will go crazy, right?

Shaking his head, Lin Qi didn't bother to pay attention to the life and death of the Dragon Witch King, but ran directly to Hu Xinzhu and Sha Xinyue. He quickly ‘pulled’ the two of them from the vines, and then poured quiet Yuchan’s blood into their mouths. The sweet-scented osmanthus tree let out a glimmer of light through Lin Qi’s palm and covered their wounds. A drop of quiet Yuchan’s blood dripped into each wound. Soon the injuries of the two stabilized and they started slowly. Recovery.

It must have been a powerful **** who wounded the two of them, otherwise these sword shadows would not have such a strong wave of divine power, and the brothers and sisters would not recover so slowly from their injuries. But Lin Qi couldn't think of who was behind them suddenly.

The Dragon Witch King let out a roar, and his body exploded again. Just like Lin Qi's encounter just now, he also didn't see exactly how the Dragon Witch King did it. After his body exploded, his body suddenly appeared. Hundreds of meters away. A flaming black dragon-head skeleton hovered above the dragon witch king's head, and his voice exploded like thunder.

"Despicable and shameless Elf Protoss, which upper **** has arrived? Why, do you only sneak attacks from behind?"

"Hehe! It really disappoints me, why didn't anyone kill it?" It was crisp and sweet, and it was 10,000 times more beautiful than the voice of any woman that Lin Qi had heard. A silver moonlight slowly drifted down from the sky, and a silver tight-fitting armor was worn to the extreme, with a waist that was about the thickness of Lin Qi's thighs, but a female elf similar in height to Lin Qi walked out of the moonlight slowly.

Lin Qi and Hu Xinzhu gasped at the same time, and Hu Xinzhu subconsciously swallowed and spit: "If she goes to Shuangyang Chilong City to be a prostitute, I guarantee that her threshold will be broken! "

Sha Xinyue grabbed Hu Xinzhu's ear fiercely, while Lin Qi nodded in agreement: "It's really beautiful, but it's the most poisonous than a woman's heart!"

This female elf walked out of the moonlight, her figure is very slender, but such a slender figure does not look weird, but reveals a fatal temptation. Every step she took, it was as if a wicker was floating in the waves, and the soft and soft smell was something Lin Qi had never seen in other women.

The female elves of the elves are always beautiful, and the female elves’ features are several times more refined and softer than ordinary female elves. Every strand of her hair reveals a young girl’s appearance. Pure and at the same time full of grace of a mature woman. Two wonderfully opposed but extremely harmonious auras merged together, and that femininity really made Hu Xinzhu start to drool.

The most surprising thing is that with such a slim and thin body, this female elf's **** are very different from ordinary female elf. Her **** are very expected, and even more plump than many Western women.

Such a pair of beautiful **** standing upright, without a trace of sagging, are tightly wrapped in a silver-white breastplate hollowed out with countless intricate patterns. Through the gorgeous patterns of the breastplate, you can see that the large pieces are as smooth as sheep. Fat white skin is really a crazy temptation.

Holding a silver-blue longbow and carrying a quiver on her back, there are dense green feather arrows inserted in it, and a colorful reindeer is next to her. This female elf walks over slowly with graceful and smart steps.

"The moon goddess enshrined by the elves!" Sha Xinyue's face became extremely ugly: "The upper-level moon goddess, but it is said that she should have the power of the main god. She is the dead enemy of the moon **** Lu Sijia, the moon **** Lu Scarlett would not have fallen, because she was forced to fall asleep."

Lin Qi twitched the corners of his mouth, exhaling heavily.

The moon goddess of the elves family, the moon goddess who is extremely high in the elves family, one third of the elves are the moon goddess of her devout disciples, she ran to the Western Continent without problems, is she not afraid of being attacked by other gods ? (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to the starting point ( to vote for recommendations and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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